Spring Data + QueryDSL empty predicate + Predicate chaining - spring

let me get straight to the point.
I am using Spring Data JPA with QueryDSL in a project and I cannot figure out this myself.
I have the QueryDSL predicates in static methods that can take arguments and if the argument is not correct it should return "empty predicate" :
public static BooleanExpression byWhateverId(Long whateverId) {
if(whateverId == null) return [insert magic here];
// if parameter is OK return usual predicate
return QClass.property.whateverId.eq(whateverId);
Now I want to be able to chain these predicates using AND/OR oprators :
The problem here is that at this point I don't know whether 'someParam' is null or not (of course I can check but that's a lot of IFs).
I also know I can use BooleanBuilder class but that seems also like a lot of code that should not be needed.
Does anybody knows what could be inserted instead of "[insert magic here]" ???
Or maybe I am missing something somewhere...

You can return null for non matching predicates in byWhateverId and bySomethingElseId and combine the predicate via ExpressionUtils.allOf()
In your case
Predicate where = ExpressionUtils.allOf(byWhateverId(someParam), bySomethingElseId(1));

4 years old question, but anyway...
You can return sql predicate which is always true, like true=true:
public static BooleanExpression alwaysTrue() {
return Expressions.TRUE.isTrue;
If you have a bunch of these the generated sql won't be super nice, so you might want to limit such usages to a minimum.

Sorry, I completely forgot about this.
The right solution (from my point of view) is to use BooleanBuilder.


Code solution to avoid if else conditions

I am wondering if anyone can suggest me a design pattern or best way to code the below problem.
1) I have an array list of books like the below
list.add(new Book(title, author);
list.add(new Book(title1, author1);
and so on....
2) And now I would like to find all the books from the list by author
findByAuthor(String author) {
for(Book book : list){
return book;
Like wise I have another method called findByTitle(). But, it would be same code except book.getAuthor() will have to be book.getTitle(). Everything will be same.
3) Now i can write a method which is generic to both methods like below;
findByBookProperty (String type, String propertyValue){
for(Book book : list)
if(type.equals("author") && book.getTitle().equals(propertyValue)){
return book;
} //another else if for author
//another else for another property
// if else repeats for all the required finder types...
4) The problem i have here is;
1. I dont want to use the nasty if/else condition for the finder types.
2. I want to know if there is any design pattern or better way to handle this if else or swich method.
Important note: I get the author name as a request parameter value in my spring controller method.
I appreciate your thoughts.
Use Commons-Collections' Predicates framework:
1) Construct a Predicate instance for each type of test.
2) Use CollectionUtils.select(), passing in the predicate you'd like to use for evaluating objects.
Another alternative is to use Commons-Collections' Transformation framework:
1) Write a Transformer for each type of property you'd like extracted/compared against.
2) Write a generic loop, accepting a Transformer instance as a parameter.

How to match a enum value with some enum values using linq

I want to know what could be the shortest linq query instead of following if statement.
public enum ErrorMessage { Error1=1, Error2=2, Error3=3, Error4=4 }
ErrorMessage error = ErrorMessage.Error4;
if (error == ErrorMessage.Error1 || error == ErrorMessage.Error2)
//do something
Linq will make this code complicated,
code you provide is readable, fast and maintainable more than Linq will be
You could use
if (new [] {ErrorMessage.Error1, ErrorMessage.Error2}.Contains(error))
//do something
var bad_errors = new [] {ErrorMessage.Error1, ErrorMessage.Error2};
if (bad_errors.Contains(error))
//do something
if a single call to an extension method is LINQ enough for you.
I guess to most C# developers such a pattern seems strange (and it totally is), but if you're already working on a dynamically created list of errors you want to check against...
Otherwise, stick with if.
It actually works nicer in languages with less boilerplate, e.g. Python, where this pattern is commonly used and looks a lot nicer:
if error in (Error1, Error2):
# do something

How can I intercept the result of an IQueryProvider query (other than single result)

I'm using Entity Framework and I have a custum IQueryProvider. I use the Execute method so that I can modify the result (a POCO) of a query after is has been executed. I want to do the same for collections. The problem is that the Execute method is only called for single result.
As described on MSDN :
The Execute method executes queries that return a single value
(instead of an enumerable sequence of values). Expression trees that
represent queries that return enumerable results are executed when
their associated IQueryable object is enumerated.
Is there another way to accomplish what I want that I missed?
I know I could write a specific method inside a repository or whatever but I want to apply this to all possible queries.
This is true that the actual signature is:
public object Execute(Expression expression)
public TResult Execute<TResult>(Expression expression)
However, that does not mean that the TResult will always be a single element! It is the type expected to be returned from the expression.
Also, note that there are no constraints over the TResult, not even 'class' or 'new()'.
The TResult is a MyObject when your expression is of singular result, like .FirstOrDefault(). However, the TResult can also be a double when you .Avg() over the query, and also it can be IEnumerable<MyObject> when your query is plain .Select.Where.
Proof(*) - I've just set a breakpoint inside my Execute() implementation, and I've inspected it with Watches:
typeof(TResult).FullName "System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[[xxxxxx,xxxxx]]"
expression.Type.FullName "System.Linq.IQueryable`1[[xxxxxx,xxxxx]]"
I admit that three overloads, one object, one TResult and one IEnumerable<TResult> would probably be more readable. I think they did not place three of them as extensibility point for future interfaces. I can imagine that in future they came up with something more robust than IEnumerable, and then they'd need to add another overload and so on. With simple this interface can process any type.
Oh, see, we now also have IQueryable in addition to IEnumerable, so it would need at least four overloads:)
The Proof is marked with (*) because I have had a small bug/feature in my IQueryProvider's code that has is obscuring the real behavior of LINQ.
LINQ indeed calls the generic Execute only for singular cases. This is a shortcut, an optimization.
For all other cases, it ... doesn't call Execute() it at all
For those all other cases, the LINQ calls .GetEnumerator on your custom IQueryable<> implementation, that what happens is dictated by .. simply what you wrote there. I mean, assuming that you actually provided custom implementations of IQueryable. That would be strange if you did not - that's just about 15 lines in total, nothing compared to the length of custom provider.
In the project where I got the "proof" from, my implementation looks like:
public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return Provider.Execute<IEnumerable>( this.Expression ).GetEnumerator();
public IEnumerator<TOut> GetEnumerator()
return Provider.Execute<IEnumerable<TOut>>( this.Expression ).GetEnumerator();
of course, one of them would be explicit due to name collision. Please note that to fetch the enumerator, I actually call the Execute with explicitely stated TResult. This is why in my "proof" those types occurred.
I think that you see the "TResult = Single Element" case, because you wrote i.e. something like this:
public IEnumerator<TOut> GetEnumerator()
return Provider.Execute<TOut>( this.Expression ).GetEnumerator();
Which really renders your Execute implementation without choice, and must return single element. IMHO, this is just a bug in your code. You could have done it like in my example above, or you could simply use the untyped Execute:
public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return ((IEnumerable)Provider.Execute( this.Expression )).GetEnumerator();
public IEnumerator<TOut> GetEnumerator()
return ((IEnumerable<TOut>)Provider.Execute( this.Expression )).GetEnumerator();
Of course, your implementation of Execute must make sure to return proper IEnumerables for such queries!
Expression trees that represent queries that return enumerable results are executed when their associated IQueryable object is enumerated.
I recommend enumerating your query:
foreach(T t in query)
Your IQueryProvider must implement CreateQuery<T>. You get to choose the implemenation of the resulting IQueryable. If you want that IQueryable to do something to each row when enumerated, you get to write that implementation.
The final answer is that it's not possible.

How to avoid Linq chaining to return null?

I have a problem with code contracts and linq. I managed to narrow the issue to the following code sample. And now I am stuck.
public void SomeMethod()
var list = new List<Question>();
if (list.Take(5) == null) { }
// resharper hints that condition can never be true
if (list.ForPerson(12) == null) { }
// resharper does not hint that condition can never be true
public static IQueryable<Question> ForPerson(this IQueryable<Question> source, int personId)
if(source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
return from q in source
where q.PersonId == personId
select q;
What is wrong with my linq chain? Why doesn't resharper 'complain' when analyzing the ForPerson call?
EDIT: return type for ForPerson method changed from string to IQueryable, which I meant. (my bad)
Reshaper is correct that the result of a Take or Skip is never null - if there are no items the result is an IEnumerable<Question> which has no elements. I think to do what you want you should check Any.
var query = list.Take(5);
if (!query.Any())
// Code here executes only if there were no items in the list.
But how does this warning work? Resharper cannot know that the method never returns null from only looking at the method definition, and I assume that it does not reverse engineer the method body to determine that it never returns null. I assume therefore that it has been specially hard-coded with a rule specifying that the .NET methods Skip and Take do not return null.
When you write your own custom methods Reflector can make assumptions about your method behaviour from the interface, but your interface allows it to return null. Therefore it issues no warnings. If it analyzed the method body then it could see that null is impossible and would be able to issue a warning. But analyzing code to determine its possible behaviour is an incredibly difficult task and I doubt that Red Gate are willing to spend the money on solving this problem when they could add more useful features elsewhere with a much lower development cost.
To determine whether a boolean expression can ever return true is called the Boolean satisfiability problem and is an NP-hard problem.
You want Resharper to determine whether general method bodies can ever return null. This is a generalization of the above mentioned NP-hard problem. It's unlikely any tool will ever be able to do this correctly in 100% of cases.
if(source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
That's not the code contract way, do you instead mean:
Contract.Require(source != null);

Why isn't .Except (LINQ) comparing things properly? (using IEquatable)

I have two collections of my own reference-type objects that I wrote my own IEquatable.Equals method for, and I want to be able to use LINQ methods on them.
List<CandyType> candy = dataSource.GetListOfCandy();
List<CandyType> lollyPops = dataSource.GetListOfLollyPops();
var candyOtherThanLollyPops = candy.Except( lollyPops );
According to the documentation of .Except, not passing an IEqualityComparer should result in EqualityComparer.Default being used to compare objects. And the documentation for the Default comparer is this:
"The Default property checks whether type T implements the System.IEquatable generic interface and if so returns an EqualityComparer that uses that implementation. Otherwise it returns an EqualityComparer that uses the overrides of Object.Equals and Object.GetHashCode provided by T."
So, because I implement IEquatable for my object, it should use that and work. But, it doesn't. It doesn't work until I override GetHashCode. In fact, if I set a break point, my IEquatable.Equals method never gets executed. This makes me think that it's going with plan B according to its documentation. I understand that overriding GetHashCode is a good idea, anyway, and I can get this working, but I am upset that it is behaving in a way that isn't in line with what its own documentation stated.
Why isn't it doing what it said it would? Thank you.
After investigation, it turns out things aren't quite as bad as I thought. Basically, when everything is implemented properly (GetHashCode, etc.) the documentation is correct, and the behavior is correct. But, if you try to do something like implement IEquatable all by itself, then your Equals method will never get called (this seems to be due to GetHashCode not being implemented properly). So, while the documentation is technically wrong, it's only wrong in a fringe situation that you'd never ever want to do (if this investigation has taught me anything, it's that IEquatable is part of a whole set of methods you should implement atomically (by convention, not by rule, unfortunately)).
Good sources on this are:
Is there a complete IEquatable implementation reference?
MSDN Documentation: IEquatable<T>.Equals(T) Method
SYSK 158: IComparable<T> vs. IEquatable<T>
The interface IEqualityComparer<T> has these two methods:
bool Equals(T x, T y);
int GetHashCode(T obj);
A good implementation of this interface would thus implement both. The Linq extension method Except relies on the hash code in order to use a dictionary or set lookup internally to figure out which objects to skip, and thus requires that proper GetHashCode implementation.
Unfortunately, when you use EqualityComparer<T>.Default, that class does not provide a good GetHashCode implementation by itself, and relies on the object in question, the type T, to provide that part, when it detects that the object implements IEquatable<T>.
The problem here is that IEquatable<T> does not in fact declare GetHashCode so it's much easier to forget to implement that method properly, contrasted with the Equals method that it does declare.
So you have two choices:
Provide a proper IEqualityComparer<T> implementation that implements both Equals and GetHashCode
Make sure that in addition to implementing IEquatable<T> on your object, implement a proper GetHashCode as well
Hazarding a guess, are these different classes? I think by default IEquatable only works with the same class. So it might by falling back to the Object.Equal method.
I wrote a GenericEqualityComparer to be used on the fly for these types of methods: Distinct, Except, Intersect, etc.
Use as follows:
var results = list1.Except(list2, new GenericEqualityComparer<MYTYPE>((a, b) => a.Id == b.Id // OR SOME OTHER COMPARISON RESOLVING TO BOOLEAN));
Here's the class:
public class GenericEqualityComparer<T> : EqualityComparer<T>
public Func<T, int> HashCodeFunc { get; set; }
public Func<T, T, Boolean> EqualityFunc { get; set; }
public GenericEqualityComparer(Func<T, T, Boolean> equalityFunc)
EqualityFunc = equalityFunc;
HashCodeFunc = null;
public GenericEqualityComparer(Func<T, T, Boolean> equalityFunc, Func<T, int> hashCodeFunc) : this(equalityFunc)
HashCodeFunc = hashCodeFunc;
public override bool Equals(T x, T y)
return EqualityFunc(x, y);
public override int GetHashCode(T obj)
if (HashCodeFunc == null)
return 1;
return HashCodeFunc(obj);
I ran into this same problem, and debugging led me to a different answer than most. Most people point out that GetHashCode() must be implemented.
However, in my case - which was LINQ's SequenceEqual() - GetHashCode() was never called. And, despite the fact that every object involved was typed to a specific type T, the underlying problem was that SequenceEqual() called T.Equals(object other), which I had forgotten to implement, rather than calling the expected T.Equals(T other).
