Injecting to a DX game and make game idle - winapi

I have a DLL that I am injecting to DX games. In the DLL, I am disabling XInput, raw input and also subclass WndProc to filter a bunch of input messages like WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_INPUT etc. Disabling XInput with XInputEnable(FALSE) and register raw devices with RIDEV_REMOVE flag.
While it works great for some games, it doesn't work for all. Certain games still have mouse move/hover input and I can see hover state for some UI when I move over.
My question is what did I miss? Could the game be capturing input some other ways?
Thank you.

I can think of these possible ways the application may still be receiving mouse input:
It re-enables Raw Input notifications
A window other than you one subclassed is receiving the messages
It's polling GetCursorPos
Using the Windows HID API or other user-mode interface to access the mouse device
Hooking mouse events or windows message using SetWindowsHookEx
The are probably others, but these are all I can think of at the moment.


How to distinguish WM_MOUSE*** messages generated by touch pad from generated by mouse device?

I've tried GetMessageExtraInfo() mentioned here:
Detect if WM_MOUSEMOVE is caused by touch/pen
but it does not work - GetMessageExtraInfo() returns 0 for all mouse events generated by touch pad.
Tried it on notebook with integral touchpad and on desktop PC with external touch pad attached.
I also tried to use WM_TOUCH event with RegisterTouchWindow() and WM_GESTURE but they do not work either - I am not receiving neither WM_TOUCH nor WM_GESTURE events on the window.
Essentially what I need is to detect when finger is on and off touch pad. But it seems that WM_TOUCH or WM_GESTURE work only for touch displays but not for touch pads, for unknown reasons.
Any advice?
If you require being able to distinguish the input source, consider using WM_POINTER* messages instead of the older WM_MOUSE* messages. Note that this will require calling EnableMouseInPointer() to receive messages about devices the system considers a mouse (which is true for many basic touch-pads).
Unlike the WM_MOUSE* messages, where the wParam tells you the state of certain virtual keys, the WM_POINTER messages includes enough information to be able to track the input source. It is somewhat more complicated in that pointer messages do not provide separate messages depending on which button was pressed, but that information is at least still available.

Support for up to eleven mouse buttons?

I am writing a small proof of concept for detecting extra inputs across mouses and keyboards on Windows, is it possible and how do I go about detecting input from a large amount of buttons in the Windows API? From what I have read, there is only support for 5 buttons but many mice have more buttons than that, is my question even possible with the Windows API, is it possible at all within the constraints of Windows?
You can use the Raw Input API to receive WM_INPUT messages directly from the mouse/keyboard driver. There are structure fields for the 5 standard mouse buttons (left, middle, right, x1, and x2). Beyond the standard buttons, additional buttons are handled by vendor-specific data that you would have to code for as needed. The API can give you access to the raw values, but you will have to refer to the vendor driver documentation for how to interpret them. Sometimes extra buttons are actually reported as keyboard input instead of mouse input.
Or, try using the DirectInput API to interact with DirectInput devices to receive Mouse Data and Keyboard Data.
Or, you could use the XInput API, which is the successor of DirectInput. However, XInput is more limited than DirectInput, as it is designed primarily for interacting with the Xbox 360 controller, whereas DirectInput is designed to interact with any controller. See XInput and DirectInput for more details.
Very simple: use GetKeyState
_In_ int nVirtKey
Logic is next:
Ask user not to press buttons
Loop GetKeyState for all buttons 0-255
Drop pressed buttons state (some virtual keys can be pressed even it not pressed, not know why)
Now start keys monitor thread for rest keys codes and save them to any structure (pause between loop is 25ms is enough)
Ask user to press button
From keys monitor array you will see the any pressed buttons by user
Direct input and all other is more usable for other user input devices. For keyboard and mouse - GetKeyState is best.

Fool the target app's HWND into thinking mouse moved

I am trying to emulate simple mouse movement in a window belonging to another process. My app uses global hooks to inject DLL into the target process (WH_CBT and WH_GETMESSAGE) and the injection works like a charm. The intention is to fool the target process into thinking the mouse went over a portion of the screen. When I do a movement with the physical mouse, this triggers a certain app behavior (e.g. a tooltip is being shown). I would prefer if the actual mouse pointer remained in its current position when I perform the "trick".
I have established message monitoring with Spy++. Sending (or posting) plain WM_MOUSEMOVE messages to the target HWND is registered by Spy++ but has no desired effect. When the mouse is physically moved, the app does its thing. I have tried sending some other messages in conjunction to WM_MOUSEMOVE (e.g. WM_SETCURSOR) but things didn't improve. I have even hijacked GetCursorPos in the target process to return the same coordinate as posted in WM_MOUSEMOVE (former is screen, latter is client) but this didn't help either.
When I do a simple SetCursorPos, the app does what it's supposed to do. What other magic am I missing that the SetCursorPos is doing? The messages captured by Spy++ look more or less the same in both scenarios.
Any suggestions on how to send mouse movement are welcome. I do not want to use SendInput, mouse_event or other APIs. I need to target a specific HWND for a very brief period of time.
Usually a tooltip is shown as a result of the WM_NOTIFY message, which is sent with the TTN_SHOW notification code. Have you tried it?

Detecting CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition

We're making a user-space device driver for OS X that moves the cursor using Quartz Events, and we ran into a problem when games — especially ones that run in a windowed mode — can't properly capture the mouse pointer (= contain/keep it within the boundaries of their windows). For example, it would go outside the game window and click on the desktop or nearby inactive applications.
We could fix this if only we could detect when an active application calls CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition.
How would you do this? Any ideas are appreciated.
I dont know if this can help you
There is an option called Focus Follows Mouse
Focus Follows Mouse - The Mouse pointer will grab automatically change focus to a new window inisde this one app if you mouse over it, instead of having to click a window to get focus, then clicking to do something.
I have written a few different mouse logical layers (for bridging different input devices, etc.). I have found that hooking into the OS level WM_INPUT event is a sure way of getting very real-time mouse position information. There is also a less rigorous solution of just polling the mouse data you need from one of Windows' very primitive DLLs. They are lightning fast. You could poll on a 10ms timer and never see performance loss on a modern machine.

block ALL keyboard access, mouse access and keyboard shortcut events

In order to block ALL keyboard access, mouse access and keyboard shortcut events in one of my projects, I:
Created a full screen transparent borderless window, in front of other windows, but invisible.
Handle all keyboard and mouse events with simple return; the window itself.
Make the window modal [NSApp runModalForWindow:myWindow] in order to block keyboard shortcuts.
Release window from touchpad's gesture events only.
But this guy made it look simple in a tiny app -MACIFIER:
How did he do it?
not really sure if this would be usable, but you could use the program hotkeynet (generally used for gaming, but I have had success using other methods) and map every single key/mouse action to do nothing. I did something similar by blocking access to a specific program with it in about 20-30 minutes.
not sure if it will help; but it might be the solution you need?
I believe you can use Quartz Event Services. In particular, have a look at CGEventTapCreate, and note the 4th parameter, which allows you to specify what kinds of events you'd like to intercept. The available kinds of events are listed in the CGEventType enum.
If you set your tap to be an active filter, returning NULL from the callback will delete the event.
