Detecting a cycle given line segments - algorithm

I'm working on an implementation of the Slab Decomposition algorithm, for point location and I'm stuck in one of its final steps.
I have a list of vertexes and also a list of the vertexes' neighbors (for example, neighbor[0] has all vertexes that are connected to the vertex 0).
I can create the slabs described in the algorithm just fine, but after I detect between which line segments a point is, I don't know how to get the whole partition/cycle/face the point is in.
Basically, I have this
And this is what I want
I could just try to detect all cycles, in a brute force manner, but efficiency is important here. Any idea on how I should approach this problem?
All vertexes and line segments come from an input file, so I could order them in a certain way if it helps with the detection.
Thanks in advance

You could store the planar straight-line graph as a doubly connected edge list. The pertinent feature of the DCEL representation is that the base object be a half-edge (each segment gives rise to two oppositely oriented half-edges, with a tail and a head) with two operations:
DNext(HalfEdge e) - returns the next half-edge with the same head as e
in counterclockwise order around the head
Sym(HalfEdge e) - returns the oppositely oriented half-edge
corresponding to the same edge.
Then you can iterate through the half-edges comprising the face with e = Sym(DNext(e)) until e returns to its starting value.
To compute the DCEL representation in the first place is a matter of sorting the half-edges by angle and then linking them together. There's a way to compare the angles of two half-edges using a 2x2 determinant calculation (avoiding an arctangent, if that's relevant to you).


How to add a diagonal to a doubly-connected edge list in constant time?

I'm working through the polygon triangulation algorithm in Computational Geometry:
Algorithms and Applications, 3rd edition, by Mark de Berg and others. The data structure used to represent the polygon is called a "doubly-connected edge list". As the book describes, "[it] contains a record for each face, edge, and vertex". Each edge is actually stored as two "half edges", representing each side of the edge. This makes it easier to walk the half edges around a face. The half edge records look like:
// Pseudocode. No particular language. The properties need to be pointers/references of some kind.
struct HalfEdge {
Vertex origin;
HalfEdge twin;
Face incidentFace;
HalfEdge next;
HalfEdge previous;
Now imagine I'm processing this polygon, with one face (so far) called Face1. I need to add a diagonal at the dotted line. This will create a new face (Face2). It seems like I need to walk all those HalfEdges that now surround Face2 and set their incidentFace property to point to Face2.
But the book says:
The diagonals computed for the split and merge vertices are added to the doubly-connected edge list. To access the doubly-connected edge list we use cross-pointers between the edges in the status structure and the corresponding edges in the doubly-connected edge list. Adding a diagonal can then be done in constant time with some simple pointer manipulations.
I don't see any further explanation. I'm not sure what a "cross pointer" means here. The "status structure" refers to a binary search tree of edges that is used to easily find the edge to the left of a given vertex, as the polygon is processed from top to bottom.
Can anyone explain this further? How are they able to update all the edges in constant time?
The same book (page 33) says:
Even more important is to realize that in
many applications the faces of the subdivision carry no interesting meaning
(think of the network of rivers or roads that we looked at before). If that is the case, we can completely forget about the face records, and the IncidentFace() field of half-edges. As we will see, the algorithm of the next section doesn’t need these fields (and is actually simpler to implement if we don’t need to update them).
So, you don't need to modify the incidentFace field in any half-edges after each diagonal insertion - you will be able to find vertices of all the monotone polygons using the next field of the HalfEdge record after all the necessary diagonals are inserted into the DCEL.
The most intricate job here is to set next and prev fields of newly inserted half-edges, and to modify these fields in existing half-edges. Exactly four existing half-edges need to be updated after each insertion - but it's not easy to find them.
As you already know, each DCEL vertex record contains a field, pointing to any half-edge, originating in this vertex. If you keep this field pointing to an internal half-edge or most recently inserted half-edge, then it'll be a little bit easier to find half-edges, which need updates in their next and prev fields after each insertion.

Is there any algorithm to find overlapping edges in a graph?

I'm solving extended version of knight tour problem, in which program has to return maximum number of cells through which knight can come back to initial position without overlapping its path.
I'm using backtracking approach but got stuck in detecting overlapping.
A graph is defined as a set of vertices plus a set of edges, where an edge is a pair of distinct vertices.
In particular, there is no notion of two edges "intersecting" in the way that you mean, because that's a consequence of how you've chosen to draw the graph — where you've drawn the vertices on the plane — rather than a property of the graph itself. (There is a concept of a "planar graph", meaning a graph that can be embedded in the plane with no edges intersecting; but your graph is a planar graph in that sense, so it's not really what you want.)
So to determine if two line segments intersect, we're outside the area of graph theory. Fortunately, there are some pretty straightforward ways to do this; I see that How can I check if two segments intersect? lists several. The approach that came first to my mind (and is used by a few of the highest-voted answers there) is to observe that line segments AB and CD intersect if and only if ∠CAB and ∠BAD have the same sense (clockwise vs. counterclockwise; this means that C and D are on opposite sites of AB) and ∠ACD and ∠DCB have the same sense (this means that A and B are on opposite sides of CD). You can determine this by taking the cross-products of the various segments CA, AB, etc., and comparing signs (positive vs. negative). If your coordinates are all integers, then this just requires a bit of integer arithmetic.
If this problem is restricted to knight moves, then we can consider that the number of ways that knight moves can intersect is limited (at most 9, not considering direction). For instance, if we have (on a standard chessboard) the move d3-e5, then the only knight moves that intersect are: e2-e4, c3-e4, e3-c4, e3-d5, f3-d4, d4-f5, e4-c5, e4-d6, and f4-d5 -- again, without considering direction. Near the edge of the board there would of course be fewer of those.
This means that you can spend constant time per move to mark those potentially crossing edges as no longer available, and continue the search only along available edges. To allow backtracking, you save on the (recursion) stack which edges you made unavailable at which move.

How to find the covering polygon if I know a point all the lines around it

I have a collection of lines in my diagram and I also have a point. What I want is a collection of lines which will together form a polygon through a ordered traversal. I don't need implementation or anything all I want is someone to direct me towards the algorithm I can use.
Similar problem like this have been asked but won't work for me because
One of the common asked problems is that given a polygon I need to find whether the point lies inside it or not but this won't work for me because I don't have any polygons I only have a collection of lines.
the final polygon can be convex too so simply drawing rays on every side from that point and finding intersections won't work I need something more advanced.
Sorry for all the confusion : See this for clarity
You need to store your collection of segments inside a suitable data structure. Namely, the chosen data structure should support the concept of faces, as you're looking for a way to find the face in which a given point resides. One such data structure is the Doubly Connected Edge List.
The Doubly Connected Edge List is a data structure that holds a subdivision of the plane. In particular, it contains a record for each face, edge, and vertex of the subdivision. It also supports walking around a face counterclockwise, which allows you to know which segments bound a particular face (such as the face containing the point you're searching for).
You can use a Sweep Line Algorithm to construct the Doubly Connected Edge List in O(nlog(n)+klog(n)) where n is the number of segments and k is the complexity of the resulting subdivision (the total number of vertices, edges, and faces). You don't have to code it from scratch as this data structure and its construction algorithm have already been implemented many times (you can use CGAL's DCEL implementation for example).
With the Doubly Connected Edge List data structure you can solve your problem by applying the approach you've suggested in your post: given an input point, solve the Point in Polygon problem for each face in the Doubly Connected Edge List and return the set of segments bounding the face you've found. However, this approach, while might be good enough for somewhat simple subdivisions, is not efficient for complex ones.
A better approach is to transform the Doubly Connected Edge List into a data structure that is specialized in point location queries: The Trapezoidal Map. This data structure can be constructed in O(nlog(n)) expected time and for any query point the expected search time is O(log(n)). As with the Doubly Connected Edge List, you don't have to implement it yourself (again, you can use CGAL's Trapezoidal Map implementation).

planar graph with fixed maximum length of edges

I want to generate random points in a 2D space, this points will be nodes of a planar graph (built using Gabriel graph algorithm or RNG ).
I wrote java code to do this, but I have two hard problem to solve.
1) I need that all edges of the graph are not longer than a given threshold
2) After I want know faces of graph, a face is a collection of nodes connected by edge. A face does not contain within it other nodes. In image below faces are signed by label (F1, F2...)
How to do these two thing ? some algorithms ? There is some way already known?
Below there is an example of the graph that I must to create
If you can tolerate some variance in the number of points, then you could modify your Gabriel graph algorithm to be incremental (most of the effort would be making your Delaunay algorithm incremental) and then whenever an edge is too long, insert a random point in the circle having that edge as a diameter.
The most convenient data structures for plane graphs are edge-centric: for example, the doubly-connected edge list and the quad-edge representations. If you're not already using a data structure of this type for the Delaunay step (and I can't imagine why you wouldn't be), you can sort each vertex's outgoing connections by angle. From there, it's easy to implement a function that takes a half-edge and returns the next half-edge on the same face in counterclockwise order. Now iterate through all of the half-edges, and for each half-edge not already visited, iterate around the face until you return to where you started. Label all of the half-edges in the inner iteration as one face.

How to take (N)-simplex edges?

In quickhull algo, there's need to build a cone upon set of edges.
An edge is thought as subsimplex with one vertex removed.
It is required, that adding a vertex to an edge will form a simplex, as if that vertex was just replaced.
For instance, when storing simplices as lists of vrtices, for triangle defined with vertexen {p0,p1,p2} edges are: {p1,p2},{p2,p0},{p0,p1} - in this index order.
Now, when adding new vertex p at the end of edge vertex list, new triangles are: {p1,p2,p},{p2,p0,p},{p0,p1,p} They have the same orientation as if original triangle was slanted.
For triangle, edge opposite to p1 has reversed order of remaining vertices.
For tetrahedron, it is for p0 and p2.
What is proper way of storing edges, or proper way to find out when to reverse vertices order?
In general, storing vertex set is just not enough to represent a simplex, if its orientation matters. The same set can represent equivalent simplices with different sign of volume. A list can preserve orientation, but it's not trivial to derive it just from order. Thus, neither sets nor lists alone are not good solution (to represent both simplex and their edges).
It is probably best to use a list or tuple of vertices to represent a simplex; the question is how to decide the order of the vertices. (as I am not entirely certain of the exact requirements of an arbitrary-dimentional quickhull, I will speak generally below...)
If you are replacing each vertex v[i] in turn with a new point p, the simplest consistent thing to do is to substitute it for the point it replaces. Thus, for triangle {v0,v1,v2}, you will get new triangles {p,v1,v2}, {v0,p,v1}, and {v0,v1,p}.
If you want to reorder the vertices (e.g., so that p is at the end), then you should remember that swapping any two vertices will reverse the orientation of the simplex. So, to maintain the orientation, you must do an even number of swaps.
In the above example, swapping p with the final vertex will reverse the orientation, unless p is already the final vertex. You can fix this by swapping the first two vertices in that case. (note that this is a unique solution only for 3-vertex simplices -- it is not applicable for 2-simplices, and one of multiple solutions for N>3-simplices).
You could also look at this as a matter of rotating the vertex list of the original 3-simplex. Unfortunately, this only works for odd-vertex simplices. For a vertex list of size N, rotation involves N-1 swaps, so for a simplex with an even number of vertices, a rotation will change the orientation.
And edge of a simplex does not have an orientation by itself.
Only N-simplex in N-dimentions has defined orientation.
It is determined by cross-product of N vectors pi-p0 (signed volume).
For lower dimentional simlices in higher dimentional space such cross-product cannot be built.
For this patricular task (building new simplices with edges of another) an edge can be represented by an (ordered) list of vertices and an index where to add new point to make it on the same side as was removed vertex.
Considering cycling order of list (not sure it is universally valid), it could be rotated so that index is either 0 or 1.
