SCSI Write Buffer command "Download microcode with offset and save" vs "Download microcode with save" mode - scsi

I want to use Write Buffer SCSI command to upload a firmware of a tape drive (LTO-6).
As described in IBM LTO SCSI Reference section " MODE[07h] – Download microcode with offsets, save, and activate", microcode is transferred to the device using one or more WRITE BUFFER commands, saved to nonvolatile storage (Page 180).
According to the CDB (Page 132), the Buffer Offset can be expressed in 3 bytes so does the Parameter List Length.
As I understand you may want to use more than one Write Buffer command in case the firmware size can't be expressed in 3 bytes (more than about 16M), and if so you can use the offset for that. But if the offset itself can't be expressed in more than 3 bytes, that means one can't write at offset 17M for example (therefor can't use this command more than twice in a row).
Does anybody know if this is the real use of "offset and save" mode?

You can use the mode 07h (Section where the write buffer uses a shifted offset and thus you can express offsets larger than 16MB.

Looks like one can't upload more than 32MB in the firmware buffer, and what was meant by 2 or more Write Buffer commands is to issue them with smaller value than the maximum(16MB) if you have a DMA(Direct Memory Access) limitation.
One can use the interpretation mentioned by Baruch Even with Read Buffer command with mode 07h (It's not supported by all Buffer IDs, one can check by issuing Read Buffer with mode 07h and it will return illegal request if it's not supported).
On the other hand, Write Buffer commands sections shows no such interpretation to any of the modes.


Using SetFilePointer to change the location to write in the sector doesn't work?

I'm using SetFilePointer to rewrite the second half of the MBR with something, its a user-mode application and i opened a handle to PhysicalDrive
At first i tried to set the size parameter in WriteFile to 256 but the writefile gave the INVALID_PARAMETER error, as it turns out based on some search on other questions here it seems like this is because we are forced to write in multiplicand of the sector size when the handle is PhysicalDrive for some reason
then i tried to set the filePointer to 256, and Write 512 bytes, both of them return no error, but for some unknown reason it writes from the beginning of the sector! as if the SetFilePointer didn't work even tho the return value of SetFilePointer is OK and it returns 256
So my questions is :
Why the write size have to be multiplicand of sector size when the handle is PhysicalDrive? which other device handles are like this?
Why is this happening and when I set the file pointer to 256, WriteFile still writes from the start?
isn't this really redundant, considering that even if I want to change 1 byte then I have to read the entire sector, change the one byte and then write it back, instead of just writing 1 byte, it seems like 10 times more overhead! isn't there a faster way to write a few bytes in a sector?
I think you are mixing the file system and the storage (block device). File system stays above storage device stack. If your code obtains a handle to a file system device, you can write byte by byte. But if you are accessing storage device stack, you can only write sector by sector (or block size).
Directly writing to block device is definitely slow as you discovered. However, in most cases, people just talk to file systems. Most file system drivers maintain cache and use algorithms for both read and write to improve performance.
Can't comment on file pointer based offset before seeing the actual code. But I guess it might be not sector aligned or it's not used at all.

Intel Pin Tool: Get instruction from address

I'm using Intel's Pin Tool to do some binary instrumentation, and was wondering if there an API to get the instruction byte code at a given address.
Something like:
instruction = getInstructionatAddr(addr);
where addr is the desired address.
I know the function Instruction (used in many of the simple/manual examples) given by Pin gets the instruction, but I need to know the instructions at other addresses. I perused the web with no avail. Any help would be appreciated!
wondering if there an API to get the instruction byte code at a given
Yes, it's possible but in a somewhat contrived way: with PIN you are usually interested in what is executed (or manipulated through the executed instructions), so everything outside the code / data flow is not of any interest for PIN.
PIN is using (and thus ships with) Intel XED which is an instruction encoder / decoder.
In your PIN installation you should have and \extra folder with two sub-directories: xed-ia32 and xed-intel64 (choose the one that suits your architecture). The main include file for XED is xed-interface.h located in the \include folder of the aforementioned directories.
In your Pintool, given any address in the virtual space of your pintooled program, use the PIN_SafeCopy function to read the program memory (and thus bytes at the given address). The advantage of PIN_SafeCopy is that it fails graciously even if it can't read the memory, and can read "shadowed" parts of the memory.
Use XED to decode the instruction bytes for you.
For an example of how to decode an instruction with XED, see the first example program.
As the small example uses an hardcoded buffer (namely itext in the example program), replace this hardcoded buffer with the destination buffer you used in PIN_SafeCopy.
Obviously, you should make sure that the memory you are reading really contains code.
AFAIK, it is not possible to get an INS type (the usual type describing an instruction in PIN) from an arbitrary address as only addresses in the code flow will "generate" an INS type.
As a side note:
I know the function Instruction (used in many of the simple/manual
examples) given by Pin gets the instruction
The Instruction routine used in many PIN example is called an "Instrumentation routine": its name is not relevant in itself.
Pin_SafeCopy may help you. This API could copy memory content from the address space of target process to one specified buffer.

x86 segmentation, DOS, MZ file format, and disassembling

I'm disassembling "Test Drive III". It's a 1990 DOS game. The *.EXE has MZ format.
I've never dealt with segmentation or DOS, so I would be grateful if you answered some of my questions.
1) The game's system requirements mention 286 CPU, which has protected mode. As far as I know, DOS was 90% real mode software, yet some applications could enter protected mode. Can I be sure that the app uses the CPU in real mode only? IOW, is it guaranteed that the segment registers contain actual offset of the segment instead of an index to segment descriptor?
2) Said system requirements mention 1 MB of RAM. How is this amount of RAM even meant to be accessed if the uppermost 384 KB of the address space are reserved for stuff like MMIO and ROM? I've heard about UMBs (using holes in UMA to access RAM) and about HMA, but it still doesn't allow to access the whole 1 MB of physical RAM. So, was precious RAM just wasted because its physical address happened to be reserved for UMA? Or maybe the game uses some crutches like LIM EMS or XMS?
3) Is CS incremented automatically when the code crosses segment boundaries? Say, the IP reaches 0xFFFF, and what then? Does CS switch to the next segment before next instruction is executed? Same goes for SS. What happens when SP goes all the way down to 0x0000?
4) The MZ header of the executable looks like this:
signature 23117 "0x5a4d"
bytes_in_last_block 117
blocks_in_file 270
num_relocs 0
header_paragraphs 32
min_extra_paragraphs 3349
max_extra_paragraphs 65535
ss 11422
sp 128
checksum 0
ip 16
cs 8385
reloc_table_offset 30
overlay_number 0
Why does it have no relocation information? How is it even meant to run without address fixups? Or is it built as completely position-independent code consisting from program-counter-relative instructions? The game comes with a cheat utility which is also an MZ executable. Despite being much smaller (8448 bytes - so small that it fits into a single segment), it still has relocation information:
offset 1
segment 0
offset 222
segment 0
offset 272
segment 0
This allows IDA to properly disassemble the cheat's code. But the game EXE has nothing, even though it clearly has lots of far pointers.
5) Is there even such thing as 'sections' in DOS? I mean, data section, code (text) section etc? The MZ header points to the stack section, but it has no information about data section. Is data and code completely mixed in DOS programs?
6) Why even having a stack section in EXE file at all? It has nothing but zeroes. Why wasting disk space instead of just saying, "start stack from here"? Like it is done with BSS section?
7) MZ header contains information about initial values of SS and CS. What about DS? What's its initial value?
8) What does an MZ executable have after the exe data? The cheat utility has whole 3507 bytes in the end of the executable file which look like
Is this some kind of debugging symbol information?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Re. 1. No, you can't be sure until you prove otherwise to yourself. One giveaway would be the presence of MOV CR0, ... in the code.
Re. 2. While marketing materials aren't to be confused with an engineering specification, there's a technical reason for this. A 286 CPU could address more than 1M of physical address space. The RAM was only "wasted" in real mode, and only if an EMM (or EMS) driver wasn't used. On 286 systems, the RAM past 640kb was usually "pushed up" to start at the 1088kb mark. The ISA and on-board peripherals' memory address space was mapped 1:1 into the 640-1024kb window. To use the RAM from the real mode needed an EMM or EMS driver. From protected mode, it was simply "there" as soon as you set up the segment descriptor correctly.
If the game actually needed the extra 384kb of RAM over the 640kb available in the real mode, it's a strong indication that it either switched to protected mode or required the services or an EMM or EMS driver.
Re. 3. I wish I remembered that. On reflection, I wish not :) Someone else please edit or answer separately. Hah, I did know it at some point in time :)
Re. 4. You say "[the code] has lots of instructions like call far ptr 18DCh:78Ch". This implies one of three things:
Protected mode is used and the segment part of the address is a selector into the segment descriptor table.
There is code there that relocates those instructions without DOS having to do it.
There is code there that forcibly relocates the game to a constant position in the address space. If the game doesn't use DOS to access on-disk files, it can remove DOS completely and take over, gaining lots of memory in the process. I don't recall whether you could exit from the game back to the command prompt. Some games where "play until you reboot".
Re. 5. The .EXE header does not "point" to any stack, there is no stack section you imply, the concept of sections doesn't exist as far as the .EXE file is concerned. The SS register value is obtained by adding the segment the executable was loaded at with the SS value from the header.
It's true that the linker can arrange sections contiguously in the .EXE file, but such sections' properties are not included in the .EXE header. They often can be reverse-engineered by inspecting the executable.
Re. 6. The SS and SP values in the .EXE header are not file pointers. The EXE file might have a part that maps to the stack, but that's entirely optional.
Re. 7. This is already asked and answered here.
Re. 8. This looks like a debug symbol list. The cheat utility was linked with the debugging information left in. You can have completely arbitrary data there - often it'd various resources (graphics, music, etc.).

Doing a zero-copy move of data from a Linux kernel buffer to hard disk

am trying to move data from a buffer in kernel space into the hard
disk without having to incur any additional copies from kernel buffer to
user buffers or any other kernel buffers. Any ideas/suggestions would be
most helpful.
The use case is basically a demux driver which collects data into a
demux buffer in kernel space and this buffer has to be emptied
periodically by copying the contents into a FUSE-based partition on the
disk. As the buffer gets full, a user process is signalled which then
determines the sector numbers on the disk the contents need to be copied
I was hoping to mmap the above demux kernel buffer into user address
space and issue a write system call to the raw partition device. But
from what I can see, the this data is being cached by the kernel on its
way to the Hard Disk driver. And so I am assuming that involves
additional copies by the linux kernel.
At this point I am wondering if there is any other mechansim to do this
without involving additional copies by the kernel. I realize this is an
unsual usage scenario for non-embedded environments, but I would
appreciate any feedback on possible options.
BTW - I have tried using O_DIRECT when opening the raw partition, but
the subsequent write call fails if the buffer being passed is the
mmapped buffer.
You need to expose your demux buffer as a file descriptor (presumably, if you're using mmap() then you're already doing this - great!).
On the kernel side, you then need to implement the splice_read member of struct file_operations.
On the userspace side, create a pipe(), then use splice() twice - once to move the data from the demux file descriptor into the pipe, and a second time to move the data from the pipe to the disk file. Use the SPLICE_F_MOVE flag.
As documented in the splice() man page, it will avoid actual copies where it can, by copying references to pages of kernel memory rather than the pages themselves.

How do they read clusters/cylinders/sectors from the disk?

I needed to recover the partition table I deleted accidentally. I used an application named TestDisk. Its simply mind blowing. I reads each cylinder from the disk. I've seen similar such applications which work with MBR & partitioning.
I'm curious.
How do they read
clusters/cylinders/sectors from the
disk? Is there some kind of API for this?
Is it again OS dependent? If so whats the way to for Linux & for windows?
Well, I'm not just curious I want a hands on experience. I want to write a simple application which displays each LBA.
Cylinders and sectors (wiki explanation) are largely obsoleted by the newer LBA (logical block addressing) scheme for addressing drives.
If you're curious about the history, use the Wikipedia article as a starting point. If you're just wondering how it works now, code is expected to simply use the LBA address (which works largely the same way as a file does - a linear array of bytes arranged in blocks)
It's easy due to the magic of *nix special device files. You can open and read /dev/sda the same way you'd read any other file.
Just use open, lseek, read, write (or pread, pwrite). If you want to make sure you're physically fetching data from a drive and not from kernel buffers you can open with the flag O_DIRECT (though you must perform aligned reads/writes of 512 byte chunks for this to work).
For *nix, there have been already answers (/dev directory); for Windows, there are the special objects \\.\PhisicalDriveX, with X as the number of the drive, which can be opened using the normal CreateFile API. To actually perform reads or writes you have then to use the DeviceIoControl function.
More info can be found in "Physical Disks and Volumes" section of the CreateFile API documentation.
I'm the OP. I'm combining Eric Seppanen's & Matteo Italia's answers to make it complete.
*NIX Platforms:
It's easy due to the magic of *nix special device files. You can open and read /dev/sda the same way you'd read any other file.
Just use open, lseek, read, write (or pread, pwrite). If you want to make sure you're physically fetching data from a drive and not from kernel buffers you can open with the flag O_DIRECT (though you must perform aligned reads/writes of 512 byte chunks for this to work).
Windows Platform
For Windows, there are the special objects \\.\PhisicalDriveX, with X as the number of the drive, which can be opened using the normal CreateFile API. To perform reads or writes simply call ReadFile and WriteFile (buffer must be aligned on sector size).
More info can be found in "Physical Disks and Volumes" section of the CreateFile API documentation.
Alternatively you can also you DeviceIoControl function which sends a control code directly to a specified device driver, causing the corresponding device to perform the corresponding operation.
On linux, as root, you can save your MBR like this (Assuming you drive is /dev/sda):
dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr bs=512 count=1
If you wanted to read 1Mb from you drive, starting at the 10th MB:
dd if=/dev/sda of=1Mb bs=1Mb count=1 skip=10
