EventToCommand using Mvvmlight and xamarin forms - xamarin

When developing for all three mobile platforms using MvvmLight with Xamarin forms, what is the recommended way of binding an event in the view to a command in the viewmodel for events that do not support the command pattern? Is it possible to use EventToCommand?

Not sure about MVVMLight but what you could do is define the Events in an Interface (IPageLifeCycleEvents) which are implemented in the relevant ViewModel. Within the View you would then set the BindingContext as an instance of type IPageLifeCycleEvents and pass the events from the View to the ViewModel through the interface. E.G.
public interface IPageLifeCycleEvents
void OnAppearing ();
void OnDisappearing();
void OnLayoutChanged();
public class SampleView : ContentPage
public BaseView () {
var lifecycleHandler = (IPageLifeCycleEvents) this.BindingContext;
base.Appearing += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
base.Disappearing += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
lifecycleHandler.OnDisappearing ();
base.LayoutChanged += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
public class SampleViewModel : IPageLifeCycleEvents
#region IPageLifeCycleEvents Methods
public void OnAppearing ()
//Do something here
public void OnDisappearing ()
//Do something here
public void OnLayoutChanged ()
//Do something here
in my actual implementations I use a slightly different setup because of the utilisation of IOC and Base models.
Good luck


Is there a way to recognize a short or long press on a screen with Xamarin.Forms?

I have an application that responds to a short tap on the screen. I do this by adding a gesture recognizer.
Is there a way that I can make it respond to either a short or a long press and have these call different methods?
You will have implement renderers for that. In case of iOS you can use UILongPressGestureRecognizer to detect a long-press action, while in case of Android, you can use GestureDetector to do the same.
Forms control
public class CustomView : ContentView
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> LongPressEvent;
public void RaiseLongPressEvent()
if (IsEnabled)
LongPressEvent?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
iOS renderer
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(CustomView), typeof(CustomViewRenderer))]
namespace AppNamespace.iOS
public class CustomViewRenderer : ViewRenderer<CustomView, UIView>
UILongPressGestureRecognizer longPressGestureRecognizer;
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<CustomView> e)
longPressGestureRecognizer = longPressGestureRecognizer ??
new UILongPressGestureRecognizer(() =>
if (longPressGestureRecognizer != null)
if (e.NewElement == null)
else if (e.OldElement == null)
Android renderer
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(CustomView), typeof(CustomViewRenderer))]
namespace AppNamespace.Droid
public class CustomViewRenderer : ViewRenderer<CustomView, Android.Views.View>
private CustomViewListener _listener;
private GestureDetector _detector;
public CustomViewListener Listener
return _listener;
public GestureDetector Detector
return _detector;
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<CustomView> e)
if (e.OldElement == null)
GenericMotion += HandleGenericMotion;
Touch += HandleTouch;
_listener = new CustomViewListener(Element);
_detector = new GestureDetector(_listener);
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
GenericMotion -= HandleGenericMotion;
Touch -= HandleTouch;
_listener = null;
_detector = null;
void HandleTouch(object sender, TouchEventArgs e)
void HandleGenericMotion(object sender, GenericMotionEventArgs e)
public class CustomViewListener : GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener
readonly CustomView _target;
public CustomViewListener(CustomView s)
_target = s;
public override void OnLongPress(MotionEvent e)
Sample Usage
<local:CustomView LongPressEvent="Handle_LongPress" />
void Handle_LongPressEvent(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//handle long press event here
You can also customize above to add a command to make it more MVVM friendly.
You can refer this link for more details regarding gesture recognizers.
You will have implement renderers for that. In case ios and android
best way for do that!

Close ModalView on back button.(Xamarin)

I am showing a ModalView(Navigation page) on button click.
Its working well. I want to close Modalview on Back button.
If you have any idea guide me.
My code as follows.
Button click event
protected void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var navigation = new NavigationPage(new Settings());
UIViewController navc = navigation.CreateViewController();
navc.ModalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.FullScreen;
this.PresentViewController(navc, true, null);
Setting Form code
public partial class Settings : ContentPage
public Settings()
var backItem = new ToolbarItem
Text = "Back"
backItem .SetBinding(MenuItem.CommandProperty, "BackClicked");
backItem .Clicked += (object sender, System.EventArgs e) =>
**// This code Not working**
You appear to be mixing native iOS code with Xamarin.Forms code, as #Jason mentions in the comment. To open a modal view from XamForms, you can call Navigation.PushModal():
protected async void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var navigation = new NavigationPage(new Settings());
await Navigation.PushModalAsync(navigation);
Update based on comment
public class MyTabbarPage : TabbarPage
public void ButtonClicked()
var navigation = new NavigationPage(new Settings());
await Navigation.PushModalAsync(navigation);
// Inside renderer
protected async void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
(Element as MyTabbarPage).ButtonClicked();
I did as below code to call XamForms class function an its worked.
protected void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Maintabpage obj =(Maintabpage)Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current.MainPage;

GTK# - PropertyNotifyEvent doesn't seem to work

I try to make my app to react on property change of a widget, but the signal PropertyNotifyEvent is never invoke.
For test purpose i make a very simple application containing a label and a button. Pressing the button change text property of label but the PropertyNotifyEvent isn't responding.
using System;
using Gtk;
public partial class MainWindow : Gtk.Window
public MainWindow() : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
protected void OnDeleteEvent(object sender, DeleteEventArgs a)
a.RetVal = true;
protected void OnButton1Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
label1.Text = "new text";
protected void OnLabel1PropertyNotifyEvent(object o, PropertyNotifyEventArgs args)
Console.WriteLine("label property change");
I have no idea what I do wrong, do I missing something?
Found a solution:
label1.AddNotification("label", (o, args) => {Console.WriteLine("label property change");});

OnElementPropertyChanged is not triggered in iOS custom renderer

OnElementPropertyChanged is not triggered in iOS custom renderer.
I have created a class library. In my Customer Renderer class i have override a OnElementPropertyChanged and this should be called whenever the Property of my View gets changed.
public class CustomControl : View
public int PageNumber
get { return (int)GetValue(PageNumberProperty); }
set { SetValue(PageNumberProperty, value); }
public static readonly BindableProperty PageNumberProperty =
BindableProperty.Create<CustomControl, int>(p => p.PageNumber, 0, BindingMode.Default, null, null);
CustomRenderer Class iOS:
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(CustomControl), typeof(CustomRenderer))]
namespace XForms.iOS
internal class CustomRenderer : ViewRenderer<CustomControl, UIScrollView>
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<CustomControl> e)
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
Can anyone tell what i am doing wrong?
Please double check that it is really using the custom renderer by putting a breakpoint into it.
Next make sure that you change proper (PageNumber) after creation of the UI element. During the creation process, property change notifications will not be sent. A similar case is described in the Xamarin forums.

How to create command menu item with checkbox?

I'm writing a VSPackage and I need to have menu item with checkbox, just like on this sample image below:
I went through this msdn reference regarding .vsct files, bud didn't fine any information explaining how to do it. What I have now is standard menu item with icon and text (code sample from MyPackage.vsct file):
<Button guid="guidMyPackageCmdSet" id="cmdidMyPackage" type="Button">
<Icon guid="guidImages" id="myPackageBitmap" />
I need this additional checkbox. How to do it?
The properties like Checked, Visible, Enabled or Supported can´t be defined via the VSCT file. You need a command handler that controls the command´s state. I´ve created a base class that wraps the creation of the OleMenuCommand instance and handles the command´s BeforeQueryStatus event. This is a slimmed version of my implementation, but it will give you an idea how to solve it...
internal abstract class CommandHandler : IDisposable
private readonly OleMenuCommand command;
protected CommandHandler(Guid group, int id)
var commandid = CommandID(group, id);
this.command = new OleMenuCommand(this.Invoke, commandId);
this.command.BeforeQueryStatus += this.OnBeforeQueryStatus;
protected virtual void OnExecute() { }
protected virtual void OnQueryStatus(QueryStatusEventArgs e) { }
private void Invoke(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void OnBeforeQueryStatus(object sender, EventArgs e)
OleMenuCommand command;
if ((command = sender as OleMenuCommand) != null)
var e = new QueryCommandEventArgs
Checked = command.Checked,
command.Checked = e.Checked;
public void Dispose()
this.command.BeforeQueryStatus -= this.OnBeforeQueryStatus;
public class QueryCommandEventArgs : EventArgs
public bool Checked { get; set; }
The CommandHandler class allows to control the state of any menu command. Just derive new handler implementations from it and override the OnExecute and OnQueryStatus methods, like...
internal sealed class MyCommand : CommandHandler
private bool checked;
public MyCommand() : base(GuidCmdSet, MyCommandId) { }
protected override void OnExecute()
this.checked = !this.checked; // toggle checked state
protected override void OnQueryStatus(QueryStatusEventArgs e)
e.Checked = this.checked;
