Model View Controller (MVC) info - spring

If i use the MVC pattern to create my Spring project, is it wrong to call the Controller from the View?
Is this schema right?:
View calls the Controller
Controller performs operations and put data result into the Model
View reads data from the Model
In my index jsp there is a menu with several categories of articles. I want to pass the name of the category to the controller. The controller calls the method of a beans which executes a query and returns the list of articles presents into the database.The Controller puts this list into the model and the View read this list from the Model.

What you say (in your comments) is not specially wrong, but it does not make sense.
Either the categories are known when you build the view, and then it is the controller role to collate all information and put it into the model before calling the view with the model.
Or the category is chosen through a user interaction. But at this moment, the JSP is over for a long time : the response has been committed and transmitted to the browser. The only possibility is to prepare a new request (with a form or with ajax), send this new request to the server, where it will be handled by a controller, which will collate data into a (new) model and pass it all to a view

Depends what you mean by calling. But yes, View doesn't know anything about the controllers. It sends HttpRequests, and than the mechanism doing what you describe kicks in. There's the famous schema from spring docs, basically your bullets described via diagram. The point with respect to your question is that the view doesn't call the controller rather sends the request

I think you will find your answers in article mentioned below :


In a "classical" web MVC, how is the view created?

In a "classical" web MVC - please correct me if I'm wrong:
the controller passes the request data received from the "user" (be it browser, console, etc) to the model layer (consisting of domain objects, mappers, repositories, services, etc),
the model layer processes it and returns some result data,
the view - as specialized class(es) - processes the result data and sends/displays it to the "user".
I would like to ask:
Does the controller create the view?
Or does the controller receive the view as a dependency?
Or are the controller and the view created completely separately, on the front controller level (let's say in index.php)?
Thank you.
Your definitions of MVC in generally is right, here is answer for your ask:
Controllers are not responsible for rendering the interface, nor for
presentation logic. Controllers do not display anything. Instead, each
controller's method deals with different user's request. It extracts
the data from said request and passes it to model layer and the
associated view.
Decisions about what and how to display are in purview of views. Views
contain the presentation logic in MVC pattern. In the context of web
applications, views create the response. They can compose a from from
multiple templates or just send a single HTTP header.
Controllers can signal the associated view by passing some specific
values of the request to that view, but most of the decisions in the
view are based on information that the view requested from different
services in the model layer.
A Controller's methods are based on what type of requests a user can
send. For example in a authentication form it might be: GET /login
and/or POST /login.
Source: Controllers, tereško
Classic correct MVC class structure:
Easy definition:
Model. The model manages the behavior and data of the application domain, responds to requests for information about its state (usually from the view), and responds to instructions to change state (usually from the controller).
View. The view manages the display of information.
Controller. The controller interprets the mouse and keyboard inputs from the user, informing the model and/or the view to change as appropriate.
Source: Microsoft Docs
Additional resourses: (only useful ones)
MVC Explanatory [computer science design patterns]
Creating a Custom Controller and View in CodeIgniter [a visual example]
Codeproject's definitions MVC: easy | extended
The relationship between Model, View and Controller
MVS in a conversation form
The controllers are entry point of MVC, controllers call to model , and model check wich view display , example, magento (mvc)

How should the MVC pattern work?

I have searched and searched but got no answers: How should the MVC pattern work?
So long I got two examples out of many similar ones: one of them suggests that the view should be updated by the controller, but the model is directly updated by the view, and another one suggests that the model should be updated by the controller, but the view should be updated by the model.
I have learned that the view should display content from the model fetched by the controller, and the model content would be altered by the view and updated by the controller.
It's been a year, and I got no answers. Maybe because the question is kinda opinion-based, or maybe because it didn't get much attention.
But ever since then I searched and studied more and more about best practices and design patterns, and now I feel confident enough to answer my own question.
Q: So, how should the MVC pattern work?
A: It should work the way you design it.
The MVC pattern defines three vital types of components: the Model, the View and the Controller:
The Model is what holds and manipulates the data you're working with: it handles persistence methods (writing/reading or CRUD) and has all the properties that your file/database table has;
The View is what displays the Model in a human readable way: it binds his visual components' values to properties of the Model;
Finally, the Controller is what notifies the View of changes on the Model, or notifies the Model of changes on the View: basically it's a sort of messenger, notifying two parts of each others' actions.
Now, how's the usual data flow of a MVC application?
The user changes a component value on the view;
The View queries the Controller about the value that the user passed;
The Controller then notifies the Model that it wants data about the value that the View passed;
The Model interacts with the database and gets the corresponding values (if they exist). After that, it notifies the Controller that it finished whatever it was doing;
The Controller notifies the View that the Model has been updated;
The View updates its' components accordingly, changing whatever values that may have changed.
That was only the reading flow, the writing flow is similar but a bit different:
The user changes values on the View;
The View sends those values to the Controller, saying that data changed and it should be persisted;
The Controller notifies the Model about the data changes, and passes the message along;
The Model then updates the database with the new/updated data, and notifies the Controller;
The Controller notifies the View that the Model has been updated;
The View displays a message to the user, saying that the operation was sucessful.
Now, when I first asked this question, I was with a Java-heavy mindset, so I wanted to know how would I go about implementing this in Java:
DAOs and Java Beans. You write the views and the controllers, but the models are split between data objects (Beans) and persistence objects (DAOs);
Java Beans with embedded persistence methods. You write the views, the controllers and the models. The models are Java Beans that have whichever persistence methods you need (the most basic ones being insert, select, list, update and delete).
So, my final answer is: There's a lot of correct ways of implementing the MVC pattern. But there's a series of guidelines you should follow if you want your implementation to be correct.

On MVC, clarification on object responsibility needed

Suppose, as part of an iphone application, I need to show user a list of some of some objects.
The model
Represents actual objects to be shown
Brainless data, collection of getters and setters
The view
Displays the list, passes received actions to a controller
Presentation layer
The Controller
Interprets actions received from the view and takes actions on data
Sits between the view and data
In this picture, would be be controller's responsibility to persist model to disk, or, should it be a part of Model's logic? Request to do this will come from a controller, but, should the controller know how to save data to disk, or should data know how to save itself to disk?
This is wrong.
Model is responsible for all the business logic. Additionally model is not directly aware of database or any other data storage medium. When model is initialized it receives factory for creating DAOs or DataMappers which are the ones responsible for storing and retrieving the informations.
Controller interprets the received information from view , and changes the state of model and view.
View either receives information from a persistent model via observer pattern ( classical MVC ) or request data from models ( Model2 MVC ).
I can see this going both ways. I would think that this logic goes into the model this way the controller is a little cleaner. Also, if you're using this functionality across models and it's mostly consistent e.g $person->saveData(), $user->saveData() then you could possible extend the base model so it would be inherited by other models and save you from duplicate code.
If this logic is incorporated into the model it would probably be a good idea to make it flexible enough so that the controller can override the persisting of data. So maybe, pass an argument into the model function $person->save( false ) This false would prevent the model from persisting the data but on default would be true.

MVC question: direct modell <-> view communication - why?

can anybody tell me, why communicates the model direct with the view in the MVC pattern, and why not just throught the controller?
Sometimes it is too costly to use Controller for simple View/Model communication.
If your view just shows raw data without any operation (filtration, visualization, modification ...) it is easy to forget about Controller.
But this behavior is so abuse-able sometimes it kills all of the advantages of MVC.
And this where MVP comes in:
MVP (Model-View-Presenter) cuts the connection between model and view and every thing pass through man-in-the-middle (Presenter).
The views know of the model and will interact with the model.
If a button is clicked an action message might be sent to a model object in order to get
something done.
If a new value is typed into an entry field an update message might be sent to a model
object in order to give it its new value.
If a value is needed for a display an enquiry message might be sent to a model object in
order to get a value.

Where does user input come from in a MVC architecture?

I'd like to know where the controller gets the user input from (to feed the model with). Because input media is strongly related to the user shouldn't the view be aware of the concrete way to get the user's data? But how can I separate the controller from the view then? Is it possible to make both completely independent of each other as their purposes suggest?
When I have an application which uses the curses library for the view it implies that the it's only accessible through the terminal. Using curses methods to read user data in the controller would break encapsulation but calling methods on the view would have nothing to do with displaying the model.
IN MVC, the controller gets its user input from the View.
Consider having the View and Controller communicate through the Observer pattern. The Controller registers itself as an Observer with the View. When the user inputs data into the View and presses Enter, then the View interprets the data and notifies its observers that there is data available. The Controller can then get the data from the View through a public method.
I dont think that the view really has much to do with inputting data actually. I find MVC much easier to visualise if you see the user as communicating with the controller directly. A controller receives data from the user and sends views back. In many systems the view engine has some limited way of updating itself (ie text inputs display what is typed before it is sent to the controller). But for any MVC type architecture you can replace any view with any other view provided they are both capable of handling the same data.
For example. Entering a username can be done on any system that supports entering strings. The controller accepts a string, and so can be used in a web application, a terminal application, or a GUI application.
I think the view should have a callback on the controller to send over user input. In web architecture, the callback is provided through the ability to send the user input back to the server through http requests.
In your case, your ncurse front should probably have some kind of callback method to the controller component to send back user input.
I'll try to be more specific for you. Giving vague/abstract answers for ppl that you can see, doesn't master the subject, doesnt help.
MVC -> Model View Controler
There are many implementation of MVC, I don't know your case, but I'll give you one.
The most common MVC implementation acts like this..
view <-> Controler <-> Model
In a web scenario..
The view would be your HTML pages and data input would happen in a form.
<form action=/home/createuser method=post>
...code goes here...
Home would be your controller (a class named home), and createuser a method in home.
public class Home extends Controller {
public void createUser(Userform f){
...create user...
This form would submit data into the method as parameters. Createuser would them processed to talk to the model and later persist the data if thats the case.
