shell - keep writing to the same file[name] even if externally changed - bash

There's a process, which should not be interrupted, and I need to capture the stdout from it.
prg > debug.log
I can't quite modify the way the process outputs its data, though I'm free to wrap its launch as I see fit. Background, piping the output to other commands, etc, that's all a fair game. The process, once started, must run till the end of times (and can't be blocked, say, waiting for a fifo to be emptied). The writing isn't very fast, and the file can be cut at arbitrary place, if it exceeds predefined size.
Now, the problem is the log would grow to fill all available space, and so it must be rotated, oldest instances deleted/overwritten. And now there's the problem...
If I do
mv debug.log debug.log.1
the file debug.log vanishes forever while debug.log.1 keeps growing.
If I do
cp debug.log debug.log.1
rm debug.log
the file debug.log.1 doesn't grow, but debug.log vanishes forever, and all consecutive output from the program is lost.
Is there some way to make the stdout redirect behave like typical log writing - if the file vanished, got renamed or such, create it again?
(this is all working under busybox, so lightweight solutions are preferred.)

If the application in question holds the log file open all the time and cannot be told to close and re-open the log file (as many applications can) then the only option I can think of is to truncate the file in place.
Something like this:
cp debug.log debug.log.1
: > debug.log

You may use the split command or any other command which reopens a new file
prg | split --numeric-suffixes --lines=100 debug.log.
The reason is, that the redirected file output is sent to a file handle, not the file name.
So the process has to close the file handle and open a new one.
You may use rotatelogs to do it in Apache HTTPD style, if you like:
In bash style, you can use a script:
prg | while IFS='' read in; do
if ...; then # time or number of lines read or filesize or ...
mv "$file" "$fn.$i" # rename the file
> "$file" # make it empty
echo "$in" >> "$file" # fill the file again


Is lockfile necessary for reading and writing the same file of two processes

I'm working with Bash script and meeting such a situation:
one bash script will write things into a file, and the other bash script will read things from the same file.
In this case, is lockfile necessary? I think I don't need to use lockfile because there are only one reading process and only one writing process but I'm not sure.
echo 'success' > tmp.log
while :
line=$(head -n 1 ./tmp.log)
if [[ "$line" == "success" ]]; then
echo 'done'
sleep 3
BTW, the could write several key words, such as success, fail etc.
While many programmers ignore this, you can potentially run into a problem because writing to the file is not atomic. When the writer does
echo success > tmp.log
it could be split into two (or more) parts: first it writes suc, then it writes cess\n.
If the reader executes between those steps, it might get just suc rather than the whole success line. Using a lockfile would prevent this race condition.
This is unlikely to happen with short writes from a shell echo command, which is why most programmers don't worry about it. However, if the writer is a C program using buffered output, the buffer could be flushed at arbitrary times, which would likely end with a partial line.
Also, since the reader is reading the file from the beginning each time, you don't have to worry about starting the read where the previous one left off.
Another way to do this is for the writer to write into a file with a different name, then rename the file to what the reader is looking for. Renaming is atomic, so you're guaranteed to read all of it or nothing.
At least from your example, it doesn't look like really cares about what gets written to tmp.log, only that has created the file. In that case, all needs to check is that the file exists. can simply be
: > tmp.log
and becomes
until [ -e tmp.log ]; do
sleep 3
echo "done"

bash while loop through a file doesn't end when the file is deleted

I have a while loop in a bash script:
while read LINE
echo $LINE >> $log_file
done < ./sample_file
My question is why when I delete the sample_file while the script is running the loop doesn't end and I see that the log_file is updating? How the loop is continuing while there is no input?
In unix, a file isn't truly deleted until the last directory entry for it is removed (e.g. with rm) and the last open file handle for it is closed. See this question (especially MarkR's answer) for more info. In the case of your script, the file is opened as stdin for the while read loop, and until that loop exits (or closes its stdin), rming the file will not actually delete it off disk.
You can see this effect pretty easily if you want. Open three terminal windows. In the first, run the command cat >/tmp/deleteme. In the second, run tail -f /tmp/deleteme. In the third, after running the other two commands, run rm /tmp/deleteme. At this point, the file has been unlinked, but both the cat and tail processes have open file handles for it, so it hasn't actually been deleted. You can prove this by typing into the first terminal window (running cat), and every time your hit return, tail will see the new line added to the file and display it in the second window.
The file will not actually be deleted until you end those two commands (Control-D will end cat, but you need Control-C to kill tail).
See "Why file is accessible after deleting in unix?" for an excellent explanation of what you are observing here.
In short...
Underlying rm and any other command that may appear to delete a file
there is the system call unlink. And it's called unlink, not remove or
deletefile or anything similar, because it doesn't remove a file. It
removes a link (a.k.a. directory entry) which is an association
between a file and a name in a directory.
You can use the function truncate to destroy the actual contents (or shred if you need to be more secure), which would immediately halt the execution of your example loop.
The moment shell executes the while loop, the sample_file contents have been read, and it does not matter whether the file exists or not after that point.
Test script:
$ cat
while read line
echo $line
sleep 1
done < data_file
Test file:
$ seq 1 10 > data_file
Now, in one terminal you run the script, in another terminal, you go and delete the file data_file, you would still see the 1 to 10 numbers printed by the script.

How do I tell tail -f it has finished - cleanly?

I am copying a LOGFILE to a remote server as it is being created.
tail -f LOGILE | gzip -c >> /faraway/log.gz
However, when the original LOGFILE is closed, and moved to a storage directory, my tail -f seems to get some odd data.
How can I ensure that tail -f stops cleanly and that the compressed file /faraway/log.gz is a true copy of LOGFILE?
I did a bit more digging.
/faraway/log.gz terminated badly - halfway through a FIX message. This must be because I ctrlCed the whole piped command above.
IF ignore this last line, then the original LOGFILE and log.gz match EXACTLY! That's for a 40G file transmitted across the atlantic.
I am pretty impressed by that as it does exactly what I want. Does any reader think I was just "lucky" in this case - is this likely NOT to work in future?
Now, I just need to get a clean close of gzip. Perhaps sending a kill -9 to the tail PID as suggested below may do allow GZIP to finish its compression properly.
To get a full copy, use
tail -n +1 -f your file
If your don't use -n +1 option, you only get the tail part of the file.
Yet this does not solve the deleted/moved file problem.. In fact, the deleting/moving file problem is an IPC (inter-process communication) problem, or an inter-process co-operation problem. If you don't have the correct behavior model of the other process(es), you can't resolve the problem.
For example, if the other program COPY the log file to somewhere else, and then delete the current one, and the program then log outputs to that new log file... Apparently your tail can not read those outputs.
A related feature of unix (and unix-like system) worth of mentioning:
When a file is opened for read by process A, but is then deleted by
process B, the physical contents will not be immediately deleted,
since its reference count is not zero (someone is still using it, i.e.
process A). Process A can still access the file, until it closes the
file. Moving file is another question: If Process B, say, moves
file to the same physical file system (Note: you may have many
physical file system attached on your system), process A can still
access the file, even the file is growing. This kind of moving is
just to change name (path name + file name), nothing more. The
identity of the file (a.k.a. "i-node" in unix) does not change. Yet
if the file is moved to another physical file system, local or remote,
it is as if the file is copied and then removed. So the remove rule
mentioned can be applied.
The missing lines problem you mentioned is interesting, and may need more analysis on the behavior of the programs/processes which generate and move/delete the log file.
Happy to see you got some progress. Like I said, a process like tail can still access data after
the file is deleted, in a unix-like system.
You can use
( echo $BASHPID > /tmp/PID_tail; exec tail -n + 1 -f yourLogFile ) | gzip -c - > yourZipFile.gz
to gzip your log file, and kill the tail program by
kill -TERM `cat /tmp/PID_tail`
The gzip should finish by itself without error. Even if you are worried about that gzip will receive a broken
pipe signal, you can use this alternative way to prevent from the broken pipe:
( ( echo $BASHPID > /tmp/PID_tail; exec tail -n + 1 -f yourLogFile ) ; true ) | gzip -c - > yourZipFile.gz
The broken pipe is protected by a true, which prints nothing, but ends itself.
From the tail manpage: Emphasis mine
With --follow (-f), tail defaults to following the file
descriptor, which means that even if a tail'ed file is renamed,
tail will continue to track its end. This default behavior is
not desirable when you really want to track the actual name of
the file, not the file descriptor (e.g., log rotation). Use
--follow=name in that case. That causes tail to track the named
file in a way that accommodates renaming, removal and creation.
Therefore the solution to the problem you proposed is to use:
tail --follow=name LOGILE | gzip -c >> /faraway/log.gz
This way, when the file is deleted, tail stops reading it.

Infinite loop when redirecting file to itself from Unix cat

I'm trying to concatenate a license to the top of my built sources. I'm use GNU Make. In one of my rules, I have:
cat src/license.txt build/3d-tags.js > build/3d-tags.js
But this seems to be causing an infinite loop. When I kill the cat command, I see that build/3d-tags is just the contents of src/license.txt over and over again? What's going on? I would have suspected the two files to be concatenated together, and the resulting ouput from cat to be redirected back into build/3d-tags.js. I'm not looking to append. I'm on OSX, in case the issue is related to GNU cat vs BSD cat.
The shell launches cat as a subprocess. The output redirection (>) is inherited by that subprocess as its stdout (file descriptor 1). Because the subprocess has to inherit the file descriptor at its creation, it follows that the shell has to open the output file before launching the subprocess.
So, the shell opens build/3d-tags.js for writing. Furthermore, since you're not appending (>>), it truncates the file. Remember, this happens before cat has even been launched. At this point, it's impossible to achieve what you wanted because the original contents of build/3d-tags.js is already gone, and cat hasn't even been launched yet.
Then, when cat is launched, it opens the files named in its arguments. The timing and order in which it opens them isn't terribly important. It opens them both for reading, of course. It then reads from src/license.txt and writes to its stdout. This writing goes to build/3d-tags.js. At this point, it's the only content in that file because it was truncated before.
cat then reads from build/3d-tags.js. It finds the content that was just written there, which is what cat previously read from src/license.txt. It writes that content to the end of the file. It then goes back and tries to read some more. It will, of course, find more to read, because it just wrote more data to the end of the file. It reads this remaining data and writes it to the file. And on and on.
In order for cat to work as you hoped (even ignoring the shell redirection obliterating the contents of build/3d-tags.js), it would have to read and keep in memory the entire contents of build/3d-tags.js, no matter how big it was, so that it could write it after it wrote the contents of src/license.txt.
Probably the best way to achieve what you want is something like this:
cat src/license.txt build/3d-tags.js > build/ && mv build/ build/3d-tags.js || rm -f build/
That is: concatenate the two files to a new file; if that succeeds, move the new file to the original file name (replacing the original); if either step fails, remove the temporary "new" file so as to not leave junk around.

How to get error output and store it in a variable or file

I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to get error output and store it in a variable or file in ksh. So in my script I have cp -p source.file destination inside a while loop.
When I get the below error
cp: source.file: The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.
I want to grab it and store it in a variable or file.
You can redirect the error output of the command like so:
cp -p source.file destination 2>> my_log.txt
It will append the error message to the my_log.txt file.
In case you want a variable you can redirect stderr to stdout and assign the command output to a variable:
my_error_var=$(cp -p source.file destination 2>&1)
In ksh (as per Q), as in bash and other sh derivatives, you can get all/just stderr output from cp using redirection, then grabbing in a var (using $(), better than backtick if using a vaguely recent version):
output=$(cp -p source.file destination 2>&1)
cp doesn't normally output anything though this would capture stdout and stderr; to capture just stderr this way, use 1>/dev/null also. The other solutions redirecting to a file could use cat/various other commands to output/process the logfile.
Reason why I don't suggest using outputting to temporary files:
Redirecting to a file then reading that in (via read command or more inefficiently via $(cat file) ), particularly for just a single line, is less efficient and slower; though not so bad if you want to append to it each time for multiple operations before displaying the errors. You'll also leave the temporary file around unless you ALWAYS clear it up, don't forget when people interrupt (ie. Ctrl-C) or kill the script.
Using temporary files also could be a problem if the script is run multiple times at once (eg. could happen via cron if filesystem/other delays cause massive overruns or just from multiple users), unless the temporary filename is unique.
Generating temporary files is also a security risk unless done very carefully, especially if the file data is processed again or the contents could be rewritten before display by something else to confuse/phish the user/break the script. Don't get into a habit of doing it too casually, read up on temporary files (eg. mktemp) first via other questions here/google.
You can do STDERR redirects by doing:
command 2> /path/to/file.txt
