Instantiating 4 bit Full Adder - vhdl

I'm having difficulty instantiating the fa0 portion of this code. I'm fairly new to VHDL so maybe more than just an answer would help.
This Logic 4 Module is structural code as a component to an ALU that I'm working on.
Thank you
-- 4-bit adder/subtractor module
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity addsub4 is
port (addl_subh : in std_logic;
X, Y : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
S : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
cout, ovf : out std_logic);
end addsub4;
architecture addsub4_arch of addsub4 is
component fa is
port (cin, x, y : in std_logic;
s, cout : out std_logic);
end component fa;
-- let Yhat denote the signal after Y xor addl_subh
signal Yhat: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-- let carryout denote the cout signal for each fa module
signal carryout: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
Yhat(0) <= Y(0) xor addl_subh;
Yhat(1) <= Y(1) xor addl_subh;
Yhat(2) <= Y(2) xor addl_subh;
Yhat(3) <= Y(3) xor addl_subh;
fa0: fa
port map ( cin => addl_subh, x => X(0), y => Yhat(0),
s => S(0), cout => carryout(0));
fa1: fa
port map ( cin => carryout(0), x => X(1), y => Yhat(1),
s => S(1), cout => carryout(1));
fa2: fa
port map ( cin => carryout(1), x => X(2), y => Yhat(2),
s => S(2), cout => carryout(2));
fa3: fa
port map ( cin => carryout(2), x => X(3), y => Yhat(3),
s => S(3), cout => carryout(3));
cout <= carryout(3);
ovf <= carryout(2) xor carryout(3);
end addsub4_arch;

your code has no errors and you should add a seperate file to your project that contains the fa (full adder) code. for example :
PORT(x,y,cin : IN std_logic;
s,cout : OUT std_logic);
s <= x xor y xor cin;
cout <= ((x xor y) and cin) or (x and y);
end dataflow;


Error with VHDL port mapping an adder with unsigned variables

So i made a 4 bit adder, and I wanted it port mapped to an ALU I am building, yet for some reason the port map is coming up as an error. I have tried everything, changing variable types, changing the logic, and even changing variable names, but nothing works. The error pops up when I try to use the port map (the lines where it says bit0, bit1...), and the error complains about the work 'port' and ';'.
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- Define the input and output signals
A, B : in unsigned(7 downto 0);
CI : in std_logic;
SUM : out unsigned(7 downto 0);
CO : out std_logic);
END bit_FA;
-- Describe the full adder 's behavior
signal tmp: unsigned(8 downto 0);
tmp <= A + B + ("0" & ci); --trick to promote ci to unsigned
SUM <= tmp(7 downto 0);
CO <= tmp(8);
END bit_FA1;
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
use IEEE.numeric_std.ALL;
-- Define the input and output signals
CLK : in BIT;
code : in BIT_VECTOR;
A: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
B : inout STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
C, D : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
CO : out STD_LOGIC);
END FinalLab;
ARCHITECTURE behave_1 OF FinalLab IS
signal cin : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
component bit_FA is
port (
a, b, c : in std_logic;
sum, carry : out std_logic);
end component;
if code = "000" then
bit0 : bit_FA port map( A(0), B(0), '0', C(0), cin(0));
bit1 : bit_FA port map ( A(1), B(1), carry(0), C(1), cin(1) );
bit2 : bit_FA port map ( A(2), B(2), carry(1), C(2), cin(2) );
bit3 : bit_FA port map ( A(3), B(3), carry(2), C(3), cin(3) );
CO <= cin(3);
elsif code = "001" then
C(0) <= A(3);
C(1) <= A(2);
C(2) <= A(1);
C(3) <= A(0);
elsif code = "010" then
B <= std_logic_vector( unsigned(B) - 1 );
elsif code = "011" then
C <= std_logic_vector( unsigned(A) + 1 );
elsif code = "100" then
C(0) <= not(A(0) XOR B(0));
C(1) <= not(A(1) XOR B(1));
C(2) <= not(A(2) XOR B(2));
C(3) <= not(A(3) XOR B(3));
elsif code = "101" then
C(0) <= not A(0);
C(1) <= not A(1);
C(2) <= not A(2);
C(3) <= not A(3);
elsif code = "110" then
C(0) <= A(3);
C(1) <= A(0);
C(2) <= A(1);
C(3) <= A(2);
elsif code = "111" then
C(0) <= A(1);
C(1) <= A(2);
C(2) <= A(3);
C(3) <= A(0);
end if;
end process;
END behave_1;
VHDL stands for VHSIC Hardware Description Language. As it is hardware, you cannot use if-statements and such to make components magically appear and disappear. All components need to be connected all the time.
What you can do is implement switched/multiplexers to select the output of components. However, you need intermediate signals.
I.e., the full adders need to be connected in the architecture scope and the output selected in the if statement
ARCHITECTURE behave_1 OF FinalLab IS
signal FA_out : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
bit0 : bit_FA port map( A(0), B(0), '0', FA_out(0), cin(0));
bit1 : bit_FA port map ( A(1), B(1), cin(0), FA_out(1), cin(1) );
bit2 : bit_FA port map ( A(2), B(2), cin(1), FA_out(2), cin(2) );
bit3 : bit_FA port map ( A(3), B(3), cin(2), FA_out(3), cin(3) );
if code = "000" then
C <= FA_out;
CO <= cin(3);
Note: the CLK input port is there for a reason... use it.

VHDL Waveform Simulation Line/Spikes Anomaly

I'm currently building a n-bit subtractor, and it appears to be working fine, but my waveform has these anomalous lines that instantaneously come and go. I'm not sure what's causing them, and it's been bugging me for days. You can see the spikes happening for the "negative" signal - I suspect it's because of some concurrency issue but I have tried searching all kinds of keywords to find the root of this problem and haven't come up with anything:
One bit full adder
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity one_bit_full_adder is
port (
x, y, cin : in std_logic;
sum, cout: out std_logic);
end one_bit_full_adder;
architecture arch of one_bit_full_adder is
sum <= x xor y xor cin;
cout <= (x and y) or (cin and (x xor y));
end arch;
N-bit subtractor
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity n_bit_subtractor is
generic(constant BIT_LENGTH : integer);
port (
a, b : in std_logic_vector(BIT_LENGTH - 1 downto 0);
negative: out std_logic;
difference: out std_logic_vector(BIT_LENGTH - 1 downto 0));
end n_bit_subtractor;
architecture arch of n_bit_subtractor is
component one_bit_full_adder port (x, y, cin: in std_logic; sum, cout: out std_logic); end component;
signal carry_ins: std_logic_vector(BIT_LENGTH downto 0) := (0 => '1', others => '0');
signal differences: std_logic_vector(BIT_LENGTH - 1 downto 0);
signal b_operand: std_logic_vector(BIT_LENGTH - 1 downto 0);
b_operand <= not b;
difference <= differences;
negative <= differences(BIT_LENGTH - 1) and '1';
adders: for i in 0 to BIT_LENGTH-1 generate
H2: one_bit_full_adder port map(x=>a(i), y=>b_operand(i), cin=>carry_ins(i), sum=>differences(i), cout=>carry_ins(i+1));
end generate;
end arch;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity n_bit_subtractor_test is
end n_bit_subtractor_test;
architecture arch_test of n_bit_subtractor_test is
constant BIT_LEN : integer := 3;
component n_bit_subtractor is
generic(constant BIT_LENGTH : integer);
port (
a, b : in std_logic_vector(BIT_LENGTH - 1 downto 0);
negative: out std_logic;
difference: out std_logic_vector(BIT_LENGTH - 1 downto 0));
end component n_bit_subtractor;
signal p0, p1, difference: std_logic_vector(BIT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal negative: std_logic;
uut: n_bit_subtractor
generic map (BIT_LENGTH => BIT_LEN)
port map (a => p0, b => p1, difference => difference, negative => negative);
variable difference_actual: std_logic_vector(BIT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
for i in 0 to (2**BIT_LEN)-1 loop
for k in 0 to (2**BIT_LEN)-1 loop
wait for 200 ns;
p1 <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(p1) + 1);
end loop;
p0 <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(p0) + 1);
end loop;
report "No errors detected. Simulation successful." severity failure;
end process;
end arch_test;
Any help would be greatly appreciated. The ModelSim version is v10.1d

VHDL 4-bit multiplier based on 4-bit adder

i am a bit new to VHDL and i try to learn by examples. So long story short i began with some basic examples like creating this Full Adder.
entity FA is
Port ( A : in STD_LOGIC;
Cin : in STD_LOGIC;
S : out STD_LOGIC;
Cout : out STD_LOGIC);
end FA;
architecture gate_level of FA is
S <= A XOR B XOR Cin ;
Cout <= (A AND B) OR (Cin AND A) OR (Cin AND B) ;
end gate_level;
After that i tried to implement this 4-bit adder
And this is the code that i wrote.
entity Ripple_Adder is
Port ( A : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
B : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
Cin : in STD_LOGIC;
S : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
Cout : out STD_LOGIC);
end Ripple_Adder;
architecture Behavioral of Ripple_Adder is
-- Full Adder VHDL Code Component Decalaration
component FA
Port ( A : in STD_LOGIC;
Cin : in STD_LOGIC;
S : out STD_LOGIC;
Cout : out STD_LOGIC);
end component;
-- Intermediate Carry declaration
signal c1,c2,c3: STD_LOGIC;
-- Port Mapping Full Adder 4 times
FA1: FA port map( A(0), B(0), Cin, S(0), c1);
FA2: FA port map( A(1), B(1), c1, S(1), c2);
FA3: FA port map( A(2), B(2), c2, S(2), c3);
FA4: FA port map( A(3), B(3), c3, S(3), Cout);
end Behavioral;
Also i used a 4_bit_adder test bench file and i found out that the output is right. Now i am trying to implement a 4 bit multiplier with the usage of the 4 bit adder but i am a bit stuck. Actually this is the multiplier that i am trying to implement.
the code i wrote is this, but i am stuck at the port map
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_textio.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity multy is
port (x: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
y: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
p : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end multy ;
-- architecture
architecture rtl of multy is
component Ripple_Adder
Port ( A : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
B : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
Cin : in std_logic;
S : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
Cout : out std_logic);
end component ;
signal andgate: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal sumout: std_logic_vector( 11 downto 0);
signal carry: std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
andgate(0) <= x(0) and y(0);
andgate(1) <= x(1) and y(0); --b0
andgate(2) <= x(2) and y(0); --b1
andgate(3) <= x(3) and y(0); --b2
andgate(4) <= x(0) and y(1);
andgate(5) <= x(1) and y(1);
andgate(6) <= x(2) and y(1);
andgate(7) <= x(3) and y(1);
andgate(8) <= x(0) and y(2);
andgate(9) <= x(1) and y(2);
andgate(10) <= x(2) and y(2);
andgate(11) <= x(3) and y(2);
andgate(12) <= x(0) and y(3);
andgate(13) <= x(1) and y(3);
andgate(14) <= x(2) and y(3);
andgate(15) <= x(3) and y(3);
cell_1: Ripple_Adder port map();
cell_2: Ripple_Adder port map();
cell_3: Ripple_Adder port map();
--Assigning p values
p(0) <= andgate(0);
p(1) <= sumout(0);
p(2) <= sumout(4);
p(3) <= sumout(8);
p(4) <= sumout(9);
p(5) <= sumout(10);
p(6) <= sumout(11);
p(7) <= carry(11);
end rtl ;
"I am stuck on the port map" isn't a specific problem statement.
With named association members of formal ports in maps could be associated individually as well as in whole as long as all members of the formal are associated - IEEE Std 1076-2008 6.5.7 Association lists:
A formal interface object shall be either an explicitly declared interface object or member (see 5.1) of such an interface object. In the former case, such a formal is said to be associated in whole. In the latter cases, named association shall be used to associate the formal and actual; the subelements of such a formal are said to be associated individually. Furthermore, every scalar subelement of the explicitly declared interface object shall be associated exactly once with an actual (or subelement thereof) in the same association list, and all such associations shall appear in a contiguous sequence within that association list. Each association element that associates a slice or subelement (or slice thereof) of an interface object shall identify the formal with a locally static name.
Note you have too many carry elements (only need two), don't need andgate(0), don't need sumout(0), sumout(4) or sumout(11 downo 8), there's an extraneous character in the multy architecture, you're missing context clauses and have unused use clauses.
Your code using array intermediary signals:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-- use ieee.std_logic_textio.all; -- NOT USED
-- use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; -- NOT USED
entity multy is
port (
x: in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
y: in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
p: out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)
end entity multy;
architecture rtl of multy is
component Ripple_Adder
port (
A: in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
B: in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
Cin: in std_logic;
S: out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
Cout: out std_logic
end component;
-- AND Product terms:
signal G0, G1, G2: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
-- B Inputs (B0 has three bits of AND product)
signal B0, B1, B2: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
-- y(1) thru y (3) AND products, assigned aggregates:
G0 <= (x(3) and y(1), x(2) and y(1), x(1) and y(1), x(0) and y(1));
G1 <= (x(3) and y(2), x(2) and y(2), x(1) and y(2), x(0) and y(2));
G2 <= (x(3) and y(3), x(2) and y(3), x(1) and y(3), x(0) and y(3));
-- y(0) AND products (and y0(3) '0'):
B0 <= ('0', x(3) and y(0), x(2) and y(0), x(1) and y(0));
-- named association:
port map (
a => G0,
b => B0,
cin => '0',
cout => B1(3), -- named association can be in any order
S(3) => B1(2), -- individual elements of S, all are associated
S(2) => B1(1), -- all formal members must be provide contiguously
S(1) => B1(0),
S(0) => p(1)
port map (
a => G1,
b => B1,
cin => '0',
cout => B2(3),
S(3) => B2(2),
S(2) => B2(1),
S(1) => B2(0),
S(0) => p(2)
port map (
a => G2,
b => B2,
cin => '0',
cout => p(7),
S => p(6 downto 3) -- matching elements for formal
p(0) <= x(0) and y(0);
end architecture rtl;
And a borrowed testbench to demonstrate:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity multy_tb is -- testbench
end entity;
architecture foo of multy_tb is
signal x, y: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
signal yp, rp: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
function to_string (inp: std_logic_vector) return string is
variable image_str: string (1 to inp'length);
alias input_str: std_logic_vector (1 to inp'length) is inp;
for i in input_str'range loop
image_str(i) := character'VALUE(std_ulogic'IMAGE(input_str(i)));
end loop;
return image_str;
end function;
entity work.multy
port map (
x => x,
y => y,
p => yp
for i in 0 to 15 loop
x <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, x'length));
for j in 0 to 15 loop
y <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(j, y'length));
wait for 0 ns; -- assignments take effect
rp <= std_logic_vector(unsigned (x) * unsigned(y));
wait for 10 ns;
if yp /= rp then
report "multy error";
report HT & "expected " & to_string (rp);
report HT & "got " & to_string (yp);
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end process;
end architecture;
The to_string function is included for pre -2008 simulators. Context clauses were added to FA and Ripple_Adder.

How to implement a 4 bit ALU in VHDL using an opcode

So I have this lab assignment which carries on from a previous one where I implemented a single bit ALU in VHDL. The single bit ALU module takes an opcode and performs an operation based on this opcode e.g. addition or subtraction.
entity alu_slice is
Port ( a : in STD_LOGIC;
b : in STD_LOGIC;
s : out STD_LOGIC;
opcode : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0);
cin : in STD_LOGIC;
cout : out STD_LOGIC);
end alu_slice;
The opcode vector above is where the 3 bit opcode is placed at the time of simulation to tell the ALU what arithmetic operation to perform. The behavioural of the single bit ALU is given below:
architecture Behavioural of alu_slice is
architecture Behavioural of alu_slice is
multiplex: process(a, b, opcode, cin) is begin
case opcode is
when "000" =>
--cin <= '0';
--s <= (a xor b) xor cin;
s <= (a xor b) xor cin;
cout <= (a and b) xor ((a xor b) and cin);
when "001" =>
s <= (a xor not b) xor cin;
cout <= (a and not b) xor ((a xor not b) and cin);
when "010" =>
s <= a and b;
when "011" =>
s <= a or b;
when "100" =>
s <= a xor b;
when "101" =>
s <= not a;
when "110" =>
--a <= cin;
cout <= a;
when "111" =>
s <= a xor cin;
cout <= a and cin;
when others =>
s <= (a xor b) xor cin;
cout <= (a and b) xor ((a xor b) and cin);
end case;
end process;
end behavioural;
I won't go into detail about what each of the opcodes are because that isn't part of the problem I'm having. I am supposed to use this alu slice as part of the architecture of a 4 bit ALU with four seperate instantiations of the alu_slice entity. The issue I am having is that if the code for the opcode is all inside the beavioural of the alu slice how is it supposed to be changed from the 4 bit module during simulation?
Here is the 4 bit alu entity I have made.
entity alu_pb is
Port ( a : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
b : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
s : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
--op: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0);
overflow : out STD_LOGIC;
compl_overflow : out STD_LOGIC;
zero : out STD_LOGIC);
end alu_pb;
This is using all of the signals I was told to use in my notes. I commented out the op vector because that is something I added trying to solve this problem. And so finally I have four ALU slices in the architecture of the project but I can't compile because I can't seem to figure out a way of updating the opcode logic vector in the alu slice component such that it is replicated across all of the separate slices performing the appropriate operation between each of the four bits.
Here is the rest of the code in the architecture:
architecture Behavioral of alu_pb is
component alu_slice is
Port(a: in STD_LOGIC;
b: in STD_LOGIC;
s: out STD_LOGIC;
opcode: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 down to 0);
cin: in STD_LOGIC;
cout: out STD_LOGIC);
end component;
signal carry: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 down to 0);
signal op_carry: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 down to 0);
signal sum_buffer: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 down to 0);
signal carry_in: STD_LOGIC;
slice_zero: alu_slice
port map(
--opcode(0) => op(0);
--opcode(1) => op(1);
--opcode(2) => op(2);
a => a(0),
b => b(0),
s => s(0),
--s => sum_buffer(0),
cin => carry_in,
slice_one: alu_slice
port map(
--op(0) => opcode(0),
--op(1) => opcode(1),
--op(2) => opcode(2),
a => a(1),
b => b(1),
s => s(1),
--s => sum_buffer(1)
cin => carry(0),
cout => carry(1)
slice_two: alu_slice
port map(
--op(0) => opcode(0),
--op(1) => opcode(1),
--op(2) => opcode(2),
a => a(2),
b => b(2),
s => s(2),
--s => sum_buffer(2)
cin => carry(1),
cout => carry(2)
slice_three: alu_slice
port map(
--op(0) => opcode(0),
--op(1) => opcode(1),
--op(2) => opcode(2),
a => a(3),
b => b(3),
s => s(3),
--s => sum_buffer(3),
cin => carry(2),
cout => carry(3)
--op_carry(0) <= op(0);
--op_carry(1) <= op(1);
--op_carry(2) <= op(2);
end Behavioral;
There is some other commented code at the end before 'end behavioral' but I omitted them because they are irrelevant to the actual problem and are to with the conditions whereby some of the ports of the alu_pb entity are set (compl_overflow, overflow, zero etc.)
If I try to simulate my model as is I get this error message:
"ERROR: [VRFC 10-704] formal opcode has no actual or default value [U:/alu/alu_pb.vhd:63]".
Hopefully one of you experienced VHDL guys will be able to help me track down a solution.
Thanks in advance,

Two's complement VHDL

I am just trying to make a simple two's complement device in VHDL but it is throwing back this really annoying error and I'm unsure what I have done wrong. Probably something very silly...The error is
"Error (10327): VHDL error at twocompliment.vhd(21): can't determine definition of operator ""nand"" -- found 0 possible definitions"
The code is
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity twoscompliment is
Nbits : positive := 8
A : in std_logic_vector (Nbits-1 downto 0);
Y : out std_logic_vector (Nbits downto 0)
end twoscompliment;
architecture twoscompliment_v1 of twoscompliment is
Y <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(A NAND '1') + '1');
end twoscompliment_v1;
Any help would be awesome!
It seems to me you are trying to negate the input number... Maybe I'm missing something vital, but the other answers give a solution which, whilst achieving the goal, appear to be one step more obfuscated than they need to be.
Barring the ugly conversions, what's wrong with
y <= std_logic_vector(-signed(resize(unsigned(A)), y'length));
Of course, I would argue that if A and Y are supposed to be representing signed numbers (or unsigned numbers), they should be expressed as such:
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity twoscomplement is
Nbits : positive := 8
A : in unsigned (Nbits-1 downto 0);
Y : out signed (Nbits downto 0)
end entity twoscomplement;
architecture a1 of twoscomplement is
Y <= -signed(resize(A, Y'length));
end architecture;
Let's check the results:
entity test_twoscomplement is
end entity;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
architecture test of test_twoscomplement is
signal A : unsigned (7 downto 0);
signal Y : signed(8 downto 0);
dut : entity work.twoscomplement port map (A => A, Y=>Y);
for i in 0 to 255 loop
A <= to_unsigned(i, A'length);
wait for 1 ns;
assert to_integer(Y) = -i severity error;
end loop;
report "tests done";
end process;
end architecture;
Running with GHDL:
$ ghdl -a twoscomp.vhd
$ ghdl --elab-run test_twoscomplement
twoscomp.vhd:40:8:#256ns:(report note): tests done
Try this:
architecture twoscompliment_v1 of twoscompliment is
signal temp : std_logic_vector(Nbits-1 downto 0);
temp <= not A;
Y <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(temp + 1));
end twoscompliment_v1;
architecture twoscompliment_v1 of twoscompliment is
constant ONE: UNSIGNED(Y'RANGE) := (0 => '1', others => '0');
Y <= std_logic_vector(unsigned (not A) + ONE);
end twoscompliment_v1;
Hi gentleman basically 2's complement is done by inverting the binary bits of a
given no. i.e changing ones to zeroes and zeroes to ones, after that add the
binary bit '1' to the Least significant bit of the given binary number. Now I
have a program
library IEEE;
entity twoscomplementconversion is Port (
bin : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
twos : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0)
end twoscomplementconversion;
architecture Behavioral of twoscomplementconversion is
component fourbitadder45 Port (
a : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
b : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
cin : in std_logic;
cout : out std_logic;
sum : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0)
end component;
signal onebit : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):="0001";
signal cin1 : std_logic:='0';
signal notbin : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal cout1 : std_logic;
notbin <= not(bin);
twos1: fourbitadder45 port map (
a => notbin,
b => onebit,
cin => cin1,
cout => cout1,
sum => twos
end Behavioral;
The four bit adder program is given below:
library IEEE;
entity fourbitadder45 is Port (
a : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
b : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
cin : in std_logic;
cout : out std_logic;
sum : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0)
end fourbitadder45;
architecture Behavioral of fourbitadder45 is
component fulladder2 Port (
a : in std_logic;
b : in std_logic;
cin : in std_logic;
cout : out std_logic;
sum : out std_logic
end component;
signal c:std_logic_vector (3 downto 1);
fa1 :fulladder2 port map (a => a(0), b => b(0), cin => cin, cout => c(1), sum => sum(0));
fa2 :fulladder2 port map (a => a(1), b => b(1), cin => c(1), cout => c(2), sum => sum(1));
fa3 :fulladder2 port map (a => a(2), b => b(2), cin => c(2), cout => c(3), sum => sum(2));
fa4 :fulladder2 port map (a => a(3), b => b(3), cin => c(3), cout => cout, sum => sum(3));
end Behavioral;
four bit adder contains 4 full adders so the full adder program is given below:
library IEEE;
entity fulladder2 is Port (
a : in std_logic;
b : in std_logic;
cin : in std_logic;
cout : out std_logic;
sum : out std_logic
end fulladder2;
architecture Behavioral of fulladder2 is
sum <= a xor b xor cin;
cout <= ((a and b) or (b and cin) or (cin and a));
end Behavioral;
I hope that answers the question. This is a method there are many different methods
