How do I reference a field name that contains a dot in underscore template? - underscore.js-templating

I have the data object like this:
var data = {};
data['T.Name'] = 'World';
I would like to execute this template:
_.template('Hello <%= T.Name %>!', data)
ReferenceError: T is not defined
I understand that underscore tries to take T object with the Name property. But I need to make it work with 'T.Name', because I have no chance to change the data format. Please help me!

You can try this:
_.template('Hello <%= data["T.Name"] %>!', data)


how to access a node when path contains space using node.xpath?

I need to use node.xpath to access a JSON node, but the property name contains space, like "First Name":
empDesc = cts.doc('/employee/employee1.json').xpath('//First Name');
How can I make this work?
Something like this:
empDesc = cts.doc('/employee/employee1.json').xpath('//*[name(.)="First Name"]')
But you are probably better off converting this to a JSON object and using normal access methods.
You can use node() with an argument inside MarkLogic XPath:
empDesc = cts.doc('/employee/employee1.json').xpath('//node("First Name")');
If you need to grab multiple properties, you could also convert to a JSON object first, and access that the regular way, like Mary suggested. Something like this:
let doc = cts.doc('/employee/employee1.json').toObject();
let empDesc = doc.employee['First Name'] + ' ' + doc.employee['Last Name'];

How to get XPages and JSON to not put variable names in Uppercase

I'm trying to do the following update using XPages Extension Library.
#{javascript:var mydata = {
product: getComponent("inputProduct").getValue()
var params = [1, 2];,
#JdbcUpdate("mssql","table_name",mydata,"order_no=? AND order_line_no=?",params)};
I get the error:
Error while executing JavaScript action expression
Script interpreter error, line=6, col=1: Error while executing function '#JdbcUpdate'
Invalid column name 'PRODUCT'.
The problem is that XPages when it converts the JSON it puts product to PRODUCT.
Can you set the extension library to respect the case of the JSON and not convert to Uppercase? Or can anyone point to where this setting could be set if not the extension library?
The problem is
public static void appendColumnName(StringBuilder b, String colName) {
colName = colName.toUpperCase();
This just needs changing to not upper case the variable.
There may be other methods that need changing if other variables are getting upper cased.

How to create XML object from string using xml-mapping in Ruby

I'm using xml-mapping in Ruby (on Sinatra) for some XML stuff. Generally I follow this tutorial: I can create objects and write them to XML strings using
But when I try
login = Login.load_from_xml(xml_string)
I get the following error:
XML::MappingError - no value, and no default value: Attribute username not set (XXPathError: path not found: username):
Here is the XML string I receive:
This is what the class looks like:
class Login
include XML::Mapping
text_node :username, "username"
text_node :password, "password"
So the class name is the same, the nodes are named the same. I actually get the exact same string when I create an instance of my object and fill it with ali/baba:
test =
test.username = "ali"
test.password = "baba"
p test.save_to_xml.to_s
What am I missing?
When I do
test = login.save_to_xml
And then
login = Login.load_from_xml(test)
it works. So the problem seems to be that I'm passing a string, while the method is expecting.. well, something else. There is definitely a load_from_xml(string) method in the rubydocs, so not sure what to pass here. I guess I need some kind of reverse to_s?
It looks like you save_to_xml creates a REXML::Element. Since that works, you may want to try:
See the section on "choice_node" for a more detailed example

Iterate over Umbraco getAllTagsInGroup result

I'm trying to get a list of tags from a particular tag group in Umbraco (v4.0.2.1) using the following code:
var tags = umbraco.editorControls.tags.library.getAllTagsInGroup("document downloads");
What I want to do is just output a list of those tags. However, if I output the variable 'tags' it just outputs a list of all tags in a string. I want to split each tag onto a new line.
When I check the datatype of the 'tags' variable:
string tagType = tags.GetType().ToString(); outputs MS.Internal.Xml.XPath.XPathSelectionIterator.
So question is, how do I get the individual tags out of the 'tags' variable? How do I work with a variable of this data type? I can find examples of how to do it by loading an actual XML file, but I don't have an actual XML file - just the 'tags' variable to work with.
Thanks very much for any help!
EDIT1: I guess what I'm asking is, how do I loop through the nodes returned by an XPathSelectionIterator data type?
EDIT2: I've found this code, which almost does what I need:
XPathDocument document = new XPathDocument("file.xml");
XPathNavigator navigator = document.CreateNavigator();
XPathNodeIterator nodes = navigator.Select("/tags/tag");
XPathNavigator nodesNavigator = nodes.Current;
XPathNodeIterator nodesText = nodesNavigator.SelectDescendants(XPathNodeType.Text, false);
while (nodesText.MoveNext())
debugString += nodesText.Current.Value.ToString();
...but it expects the URL of an actual XML file to load into the first line. My XML file is essentially the 'tags' variable, not an actual XML file. So when I replace:
XPathDocument document = new XPathDocument("file.xml");
XPathDocument document = new XPathDocument(tags); just errors.
Since it is an Iterator, I would suggest you iterate it. ;-)
var tags = umbraco.editorControls.tags.library.getAllTagsInGroup("document downloads");
foreach (XPathNavigator tag in tags) {
// handle current tag
I think this does the trick a little better.
The problem is that getAllTagsInGroup returns the container for all tags, you need to get its children.
foreach( var tag in umbraco.editorControls.tags.library.getAllTagsInGroup("category").Current.Select("/tags/tag") )
/// Your Code

How to get attribute names of element in xml by LINQ in C#

I have xml element:
<.SECTION ID ="1" NAME="System Health" CONTROL-TYPE="Button" LINK="">
I want to get the all attribute names of SECTION Element. as ID,NAME,CONTROL-TYPE,LINK at server side using LINQ to XML in C# language. What query I have to write there?
As #Giu mentions, your XML is technically malformed with the . preceding each element name.
To get the names of the attributes available in SECTION:
string xmlData = "<SECTIONS> <SECTION ID =\"1\" NAME=\"System Health\" CONTROL-TYPE=\"Button\" LINK=\"\"> <DATAITEMS> </DATAITEMS> </SECTION> </SECTIONS>";
XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse( xmlData );
//The above line could also be XDocument.Load( fileName ) if you wanted a file
IEnumerable<string> strings = doc.Descendants("SECTIONS")
.Select( a => a.Name.LocalName );
This will give you an enumerable containing ID, NAME, CONTROL-TYPE, and LINK.
However, if you want the values contained in them, I would use #Giu's answer.
Your XML looks a little bit malformed due to the . before each tag name; I therefore sanitized your XML code by removing the .s, and made a solution based on the following XML code:
<SECTION ID ="1" NAME="System Health" CONTROL-TYPE="Button" LINK="">
Thanks to the sanitized XML code, you now can use the following code snippet to achieve what you want (don't forget the using directive using System.Xml.Linq;):
XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse("<SECTIONS><SECTION ID =\"1\" NAME=\"System Health\" CONTROL-TYPE=\"Button\" LINK=\"\"><DATAITEMS></DATAITEMS></SECTION></SECTIONS>");
var query = from item in doc.Descendants("SECTIONS").Descendants("SECTION")
select new {
Name = (string)item.Attribute("NAME"),
Id = (string)item.Attribute("ID"),
ControlType = (string)item.Attribute("CONTROL-TYPE"),
Link = (string)item.Attribute("LINK")
(Sidenote: You can load your XML code directly from a file (e.g. file.xml), too, by defining the doc variable as follows:
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(#"C:\Path\To\file.xml");
The following code will print the value of each attribute:
foreach (var elem in query)
System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", elem.Id, elem.Name, elem.ControlType, elem.Link));
Console output:
1, System Health, Button,
