Google cloud click to deploy hadoop - hadoop

Why does google cloud click to deploy hadoop workflow requires picking size for local persistent disk even if you plan to use the hadoop connector for cloud storage? The default size is 500 GB .. I was thinking if it does need some disk it should be much smaller in size. Is there a recommended persistent disk size when using cloud storage connector with hadoop in google cloud?
"Deploying Apache Hadoop on Google Cloud Platform
The Apache Hadoop framework supports distributed processing of large data sets across a clusters of computers.
Hadoop will be deployed in a single cluster. The default deployment creates 1 master VM instance and 2 worker VMs, each having 4 vCPUs, 15 GB of memory, and a 500-GB disk. A temporary deployment-coordinator VM instance is created to manage cluster setup.
The Hadoop cluster uses a Cloud Storage bucket as its default file system, accessed through Google Cloud Storage Connector. Visit Cloud Storage browser to find or create a bucket that you can use in your Hadoop deployment.
Apache Hadoop on Google Compute Engine
Click to Deploy Apache Hadoop
Apache Hadoop
Select a bucket
Standard Persistent Disk
Standard Persistent Disk

The three big uses of persistent disks (PDs) are:
Logs, both daemon and job (or container in YARN)
These can get quite large with debug logging turned on and can result in many writes per second
MapReduce shuffle
These can be large, but benefit more from higher IOPS and throughput
HDFS (image and data)
Due to the layout of directories, persistent disks will also be used for other items like job data (JARs, auxiliary data distributed with the application, etc), but those could just as easily use the boot PD.
Bigger persistent disks are almost always better due to the way GCE scales IOPS and throughput with disk size [1]. 500G is probably a good starting point to start profiling your applications and uses. If you don't use HDFS, find that your applications don't log much, and don't spill to disk when shuffling, then a smaller disk can probably work well.
If you find that you actually don't want or need any persistent disk, then bdutil [2] also exists as a command line script that can create clusters with more configurability and customizability.


What is the recommended DefaultFS (File system) for Hadoop on ephemeral Dataproc clusters?

What is the recommended DefaultFS (File system) for Hadoop on Dataproc. Are there any benchmarks, considerations available around using GCS vs HDFS as the default file system?
I was also trying to test things out and discovered that when I set the DefaultFS to a gs:// path, the Hive scratch files are getting created - both on HDFS as well as the GCS paths. Is this happening synchronously and adding to latency or does the write to GCS happen after the fact?
Would appreciate any guidance, reference around this.
Thank you
PS: These are ephemeral Dataproc clusters that are going to be using GCS for all persistent data.
HDFS is faster. There should already be public benchmarks for that, or just taken as a fact because GCS is networked storage where HDFS is directly mounted in the Dataproc VMs.
"Recommended" would be persistent storage, though, so GCS, but maybe only after finalizing the data in the applications. For example, you might not want Hive scratch files in GCS since they'll never be used outside of the current query session, but you would want Spark checkpoints if you're running periodic batch jobs that scale down the HDFS cluster in between executions
I would say the default (HDFS) is the recommended. Typically, the input and output data of Dataproc jobs are persisted outside of the cluster in GCS or BigQuery, the cluster is used for compute and intermediate data. These intermediate data are stored on local disks directly or through HDFS which eventually also goes to local disks. After the job is done, you can safely delete the cluster, only pay for the storage of input and output data to save cost.
Also HDFS usually has lower latency for intermediate data, especially for lots of small files and metadata operations, e.g. dir rename. GCS is better at throughput for large files.
But when using HDFS, you need to provision sufficient disk space (at least 1TB each node) and consider using local SSDs. See for more details.

Kubernetes distributed filesystem

Well, my company is considering to move from Hadoop to Kubernetes. We can find solutions in Kubernetes for tools such as cassandra, sparks, etc. So the last problem for us is how to store massive amount of files in Kubernetes, saying 1 PB. FYI, we DO NOT want to use online storage services such as S3.
As far as I know, HDFS is merely used in Kubernetes and there are a few replacement products such as Torus and Quobyte. So my question is, any recommendation for the filesystem on Kubernetes? Or any better solution?
Many thanks.
You can use a Hadoop Compatible FileSystem such as Ceph or Minio. Both of which offer S3-compatible REST APIs for reading and writing. In Kubernetes, Ceph can be deployed using the Rook project.
But overall, running HDFS in Kubernetes would require stateful services like the NameNode, and DataNodes with proper affinity and network rules in place. The Hadoop Ozone project is a realization that object storage is more common for microservice workloads than HDFS block storage as reasonably trying to analyze PB of data using distributed microservices wasn't feasible. (I'm only speculating)
The alternative is to use Docker support in Hadoop & YARN 3.x

Migrating Hadoop Clusters from Big Insights to Cloudera

What are the best approaches to migrate clusters of size 1 TB from Big Insights to Cloudera.
Cloudera being a kerborized cluster.
The current approach which we are following is through batches:
a. Take the cluster and move it to Unix filesystem
b. SCP to Cloudera filesystem
c. Dump from cloudera file system to cloudera HDFS
This is not an effective approach
Distcp does work with a kerberized cluster
However it's not clear if you actually have 333GB x3 replicas = 1TB or actually 1TB of raw data.
In either case, you're more than welcome to purchase an external 4TB (or more) drive and copyToLocal every file on your cluster, then upload it anywhere else.

Why is the Hadoop job slower in cloud (with multi-node clustering) than on normal pc?

I am using cloud Dataproc as a cloud service for my research. Running Hadoop and spark job on this platform(cloud) is a bit slower than that of running the same job on a lower capacity virtual machine. I am running my Hadoop job on 3-node cluster(each with 7.5gb RAM and 50GB disk) on the cloud which took 4min49sec, while the same job took 3min20sec on the single node virtual machine(my pc) having 3gb RAM and 27GB disk. Why is the result slower in the cloud with multi-node clustering than on normal pc?
First of all:
not easy to answer without knowing the complete configuration and the type of job your running.
possible reasons are:
open ressourcemanager webapp and compare available vcores and memory
job type
Job adds more overhead when running parallelized so that it is slower
Selected virtual Hardware is slower than the local one. Thourgh low disk io and network overhead
I would say it is something like 1. and 2.
For more detailed answer let me know:
size and type of the job and how you run it.
hadoop configuration
cloud architecture
to be a bit more detailed here the numbers/facts which are interesting to find out the reason for the "slower" cloud environment:
job type &size:
size of data 1mb or 1TB
xml , parquet ....
what kind of process (e.g wordcount, format change, ml,....)
and of course the options (executors and drivers ) for your spark-submit or spark-shell
Hadoop Configuration:
do you use a distribution (hortonworks or cloudera?)
spark standalone or in yarn mode
how are nodemangers configured

Should the HBase region server and Hadoop data node on the same machine?

Sorry that I don't have the resource to set up a cluster to test it, I'm just wondering to know:
Can I deploy hbase region server on a separated machine other than the hadoop data node machine? I guess the answer is yes, but I'm not sure.
Is it good or bad to deploy hbase region server and hadoop data node on different machines?
When putting some data into hbase, where is this data eventually stored in, data node or region server? I guess it's data node, but what is the StoreFile and HFile in region server, isn't it the physical file to store our data?
Thank you!
RegionServers should always run alongside DataNodes in distributed clusters if you want decent performance.
Very bad, that will work against the data locality principle (If you want to know a little more about data locality check this:
Actual data will be stored in the HDFS (DataNode), RegionServers are responsible of serving and managing regions.
For more information about HBase architecture please check this excelent post from Lars' blog:
BTW, as long as you have a PC with decent RAM you can set up a demo cluster with virtual machines. Do not ever try to set up a production environment without properly test the platform first in a development environment.
To go in more detail about this answer:
RegionServers should always run alongside? DataNodes in distributed clusters if you want decent performance."
I'm not sure how anyone would interpet the term alongside, so let's try to be even more precise:
What makes any physical server an "XYZ" server is that it's running a program called a daemon (think "eternally-running background event-handling" program);
What makes a "file" server is that it's running a file-serving daemon;
What makes a "web" server is that it's running a web-serving daemon;
What makes a "data node" server is that it's running the HDFS data-serving daemon;
What makes a "region" server then is that it's running the HBase region-serving daemon (program);
So, in all Hadoop Distributions (eg Cloudera, MAPR, Hortonworks, others), the general best practice is that for HBase, the "RegionServers" are "co-located" with the "DataNodeServers".
This means that the actual slave (datanode) servers which form the HDFS cluster are each running the HDFS data-serving daemon (program)
and they're also running the HBase region-serving daemon (program) as well!
This way we ensure locality - the concurrent processing and storing of data on all the individual nodes in an HDFS cluster, with no "movement" of gigantic loads of big data from "storage" locations to "processing" locations. Locality is vital to the success of a Hadoop cluster, such that HBase region servers (data nodes running the HBase daemon as well) must also do all their processing (putting/getting/scanning) on each data node containing the HFiles which make up HRegions which make up HTables which make up HBases (Hadoop-dataBases) ... .
So, servers (VMs or physical on Windows, Linux, ..) can run multiple daemons concurrently, often, they run dozens of them regularly.
