How to check for bash shell syntax errors in practice? - bash

I need to check whether a set of scripts are syntactically correct. I know there are couple of posts around suggesting to use bash -n <script_name> but I run this and I get nothing out e.g.
echo "hello"
eco "hello"
If I do:
$ bash -n; echo $?
$ bash -n; echo $?
So how do you discriminate between good and bad exactly?

bash -n checks whether Bash can parse the code (that is, the syntax is correct), not whether the code is "correct." "Correct" can have a lot of meanings, most of which programs will never be able to verify:
Can be parsed (bash -n).
Finishes without error (if ./; then [...]; fi).
Prints something which follows a specific format.
Prints something useful.
Any of the above within a specific environment, for example one which has a shell interpreter that lives in /bin1/bash1 and a command eco which shows you the most ecologically friendly beer bottles available within a 5 parsec radius.


Use a variable on a script command line when its value isn't set until after the script starts

How to correctly pass to the script and substitute a variable that is already defined there?
My script
echo $1
When I enter:
bash https://example/$TARGETARCH
I want to see
but I actually see
What am I doing wrong?
The first problem with the original approach is that the $TARGETARCH is removed by your calling shell before your script is ever invoked. To prevent that, you need to use quotes:
./yourscript '$TARGETARCH'
The second problem is that parameter expansions only happen in code, not in data. This is, from a security perspective, a Very Good Thing -- if data were silently treated as code it would be impossible to write secure scripts handling untrusted data -- but it does mean you need to do some more work. The easy thing, in this case, is to export your variable and use GNU envsubst, as long as your operating system provides it:
export TARGETARCH=amd64
substitutedValue=$(envsubst <<<"$1")
echo "Original value was: $1"
echo "Substituted value is: $substitutedValue"
See the above running in an online sandbox at
Note the use of yourscript instead of here -- using .sh file extensions, especially for bash scripts as opposed to sh scripts, is an antipattern; the essay at has been linked by the #bash IRC channel on this topic for over a decade.
For similar reasons, changing bash yourscript to ./yourscript lets the #!/usr/bin/env bash line select an interpreter, so you aren't repeating the "bash" name in multiple places, leading to the risk of those places getting out of sync with each other.

How can I invoke both BASH and CSH shells in a same script

In the same script, I want to use some CSH commands and some BASH commands.
Invoking one after the other giving me problems despite I am following the different syntax for respective shells. I want to know where is mistake in my code
Your suggestions are appreciated!!
I am a beginner to shell, especially so for CSH. but the code I got has been written in CSH entirely. Since I have some familiarity with CSH, I wanted to tweak the existing CSH code by including BASH commands, which I am comfortable using it. When I tried BASH commands after CSH by invoking !#/bin/bash, it is giving some errors. I want to know if I am missing any options!!
filin2 ="ccsm4_0_cfsrr_Fcst.${ENS}.cam2.h1.${yyear[${iimonth}]}-${mmon[${iimonth}]}-${ssday}"
cp $dirin/$filin /nethome/achandra/NCEI/CCSM4_Historical_Forecasts/
ln -s /nethome/achandra/NCEI/CCSM4_Historical/Forecasts/$filin /nethome/achandra/NCEI/CCSM4_Historical_Forecasts/"${$}.nc"
I am getting errors such as
"dirin: Undefined variable."
You are asking here for "embedding one language into another", which, as #Bayou already explained, is not supported directly. Maybe you were spoiled from the HTML-world, where you can squeeze CSS and Javascript in between and maybe use some server side PHP or Ruby stuff too.
The closest to this are HERE-documents. If you write inside your bash script a
csh <<CSH_END
your ...
csh ....
commands ...
go here ...
these commands are executed in a child process driven by csh. It works the other way around with bash in the same way. Make sure that the terminator symbol (CSH_END in my example) starts in column 1.
Whether this will work for your application, I can't say, because things which run in the same process in your original script, now run in different processes.
You can't mix them up like you're suggesting. It's like asking "can I use PHP code in a Python script". However, most of the shells have options to run commands (-c), just as csh does. For using Bash within a sh script:
#! /bin/sh
CONDITION=$(/bin/bash -c "[[ 1 > 2 ]] || echo no")
exit 0
Otherwise you could create separate files and execute them.
#! /bin/sh
exit 0
You, of course, should use csh instead of sh. Both of my scripts will output the following text.
$ ./

Why bash cannot accept option of command as string?

I tried following code.
"${command1}" 'case1'
command2="echo -e"
"${command2}" 'case2'
echo -e 'case3'
The outputs are following,
echo -e: command not found
The case2 results in an error but similar cases, case1 and case3 runs well. It seems command with option cannot be recognized as valid command.
I would like to know why it does not work. Please teach me. Thank you very much.
Case 1 (Unmodified)
"${command1}" 'case1'
This is bad practice as an idiom, but there's nothing actively incorrect about it.
Case 2 (Unmodified)
command2="echo -e"
"${command2}" 'case2'
This is looking for a program named something like /usr/bin/echo -e, with the space as part of its name.
Case 2 (Reduced Quotes)
# works in this very specific case, but bad practice
command2="echo -e"
$command2 'case2' # WITHOUT THE QUOTES
...this one works, but only because your command isn't interesting enough (doesn't have quotes, doesn't have backslashes, doesn't have other shell syntax). See BashFAQ #50 for a description of why it isn't an acceptable practice in general.
Case X (eval -- Bad Practice, Oft Advised)
You'll often see this:
eval "$command1 'case1'" this very specific case, where command1 and all arguments are hardcoded, this isn't exceptionally harmful. However, it's extremely harmful with only a small change:
eval "$command1 ${thing_to_echo}"
...if thing_to_echo='$(rm -rf $HOME)', you'll have a very bad day.
Best Practices
In general, commands shouldn't be stored in strings. Use a function:
e() { echo -e "$#"; }
e "this works"
...or, if you need to build up your argument list incrementally, an array:
e=( echo -e )
"${e[#]}" "this works"
Aside: On echo -e
Any implementation of echo where -e does anything other than emit the characters -e on output is failing to comply with the relevant POSIX standard, which recommends using printf instead (see the APPLICATION USAGE section).
Consider instead:
# a POSIX-compliant alternative to bash's default echo -e
e() { printf '%b\n' "$*"; }
...this not only gives you compatibility with non-bash shells, but also fixes support for bash in POSIX mode if compiled with --enable-xpg-echo-default or --enable-usg-echo-default, or if shopt -s xpg_echo was set, or if BASHOPTS=xpg_echo was present in the shell's environment at startup time.
If the variable command contains the value echo -e.
And the command line given to the shell is:
"$command" 'case2'
The shell will search for a command called echo -e with spaces included.
That command doesn't exist and the shell reports the error.
The reason of why this happen is depicted in the image linked below, from O'Reilly's Learning the Bash Shell, 3rd Edition:
Learning the bash Shell, 3rd Edition
By Cameron Newham
Publisher: O'Reilly
Pub Date: March 2005
ISBN: 0-596-00965-8
Pages: 352
If the variable is quoted (follow the right arrows) it goes almost (passing steps 6,7, and 8) directly to execution in step 12.
Therefore, the command searched has not been split on spaces.
Original image (removed because of #CharlesDuffy complaint, I don't agree, but ok, let's move to the impossible to be in fault side) is here:
Link to original image in the web site where I found it.
If the command line given to the shell is un-quoted:
$command 'case2'
The string command gets expanded in step 6 (Parameter expansion) and then the value of the variable $command: echo -e gets divided in step 9: "Word splitting".
Then the shell search for command echo with argument -e.
The command echo "see" an argument of -e and echo process it as an option.
Trying to store commands inside an string is a very bad idea.
Try this, think very carefully of what you would expect the out put to be, and then be surprised on execution:
$ command='echo -e case2; echo "next line"'; $command
To take a look at what happens, execute the command as this:
$ set -vx; $command; set +vx
It works on my machine if I give the command this way:
cmd2="echo -e"
if you are still facing a problem I would suggest storing the options in another variable so that if you are doing shell scripting then multiple commands that use similar option values you can leverage the variable so also try something like this.
$cmd1 $opt1 Hello

getting last executed command from script

I'm trying to get last executed command from command line from a script to be saved for a later reference:
# echo "Hello World!!!"
> Hello World!!!
> echo "Hello World!!!"
and the content of the script would be :
fc -nl -1 | sed -n 1p
Now as you notices using here ksh and fc is a built in command which if understood correctly should be implemented by any POSIX compatible shells. [I understand that this feature is interactive and that calling same fc again will give different result but this is not the concern do discuss about]
Above works so far so good only if is being called from the shell which is as well ksh, or if calling from bash and changing 1st line of script as #!/bin/bash then it works too and it doesn't if shells are different.
I would like to know if there is any good way to achieve above without being constrained by the shell your script is called from. I understand that fc is a built in command and it works per shell thus most probably my approach is not good at all from what I want to achieve. Any better suggestions?
I actually attempted this, but it cannot be done between different shells consistently.
fc -l`,
is the POSIX standard command for showing $SHELL history, implementation details may be different.
At least bash and ksh93 both will report the last command with
fc -n -l -1 -1
However, POSIX does not guarantee that shell history will be carried over to a new instance of the shell, as this requires the presence of a $HISTFILE. If none is
present, the shell may default to $HOME/.sh_history.
However, this history file or Command History List is not portable between different shells.
The POSIX Shell description of the
Command History List says:
When the sh utility is being used interactively, it shall maintain a list of commands
previously entered from the terminal in the file named by the HISTFILE environment
variable. The type, size, and internal format of this file are unspecified.
Emphasis mine
What this means is that for your script needs to know which shell wrote that history.
I tried to use $SHELL -c 'fc -nl -1 -1', but this did not appear to work when $SHELL refers to bash. Calling ksh -c ... from bash actually worked.
The only way I could get this to work is by creating a function.
last_command() { (fc -n -l -1 -1); }
In both ksh and bash, this will give the expected result. Variations of this function can be used to write the result elsewhere. However, it will break whenever it's called
from a different process than the current.
The best you can do is to create these functions and source them into your
interactive shell.
fc is designed to be used interactively. I tested your example on cygwin/bash and the result was different. Even with bash everywhere the fc command didn't work in my case.
I think fc displays the last command of the current shell (here I don't speak about the shell interpretor, but shell as the "process box". So the question is more why it works for you.
I don't think there is a clean way to achieve what you want because (maybe I miss something) you want two different process (bash and your magic command []) and by default OS ensure isolation between them.
You can rely on what you observe (not portable, depends on the shell interpretor etc.)
You cannot rely on BASH historic because it's in-memory (the file is updated only on exit).
You can use an alias or a function (edited: #Charles Duffy is right). In this case you won't be able to use your "magic command" from another terminal, but for an interactive use it does the job.
Or you can provide two commands: one to save and another to look for. In this case you manage your own historic but you have to save explicitly each command that is painful...
So I look for a hook. And I found this other thread :
# At the beginning of the Shell (.bashrc for example)
save(){ history 1 >>"$HOME"/myHistory ; }
trap 'save' DEBUG
# An example of use
rm -f "$HOME"/myHistory
echo "1 2 3"
cat "$HOME"/myHistory
14 echo "1 2 3"
15 cat "$HOME"/myHistory
But I observe it slows down the interpretor...
Little convoluted, but I was able to use this command to get the most recent command in zsh, bash, ksh, and tcsh on Linux:
history | tail -2 | head -1 | sed -r 's/^[ \t]*[0-9]*[ \t]+([^ \t].*$)/\1/'
Caveats: this uses GNU sed, so you'll need to install that if you're using BSD, OS X, etc; and also, tcsh will display the time of the command before the command itself. Regular csh doesn't seem to having a functioning history command when I tried it.

Bash script giving me a different result on reboot?

I worked on a Bash script for the last day or so and running and debugging it directly on the shell.
The final script will be executed when the Ubuntu server gets rebooted.
I have started testing this, but my script gives me a different result then what I was expected.
I have narrowed it down to an "or condition" and rewrote a more simpler script to test this anomaly:
A call to this script has been made in /etc/rc.local, with a redirection of the output to a log file (log/reboot.log).
I have this in my script (as a test):
echo "is equal"
echo "is not equal"
Executing in the shell I get "is equal" (the right answer). After the reboot in the log I get "is not equal".
Could someone tell me why?
I am guessing here,
But do you realize your /bin/sh is not your SHELL.
In UBUNTU and Debian, /bin/sh is DASH, your login shell is BASH.
So it might be related to your syntax of [[ ]] which is BASH.
Did you right in your top of the script:
The [[ builtin is a bashism, and has somewhat better-defined semantics
than [ (a.k.a. test). However, it is still quite reasonable to use [
instead, and portable scripts must do so. Note that argument handling
is not quite the same; as above, use = rather than ==.
See here:
the right way to do stuff here
The best solution would be actually to put your script in /etc/init.d and link it to run level 6. Which is the run level executed when rebooting. You should consider reading man 8 init when you have got some spare time. It will help you understand how your system is starting and shuting down.
