deploying to old app after app cloning even though I no longer have access to the old app - parse-platform

I've cloned an app (the app was made initially by someone else, they've added me as a collaborator as I took the job, but for more security, I've cloned the app myself by using the new clone feature) and renamed the new project, but it's still deploying to the old app, even though I've removed myself from its collaborators. I haven't changed anything on my computer and (presumably) because they have the same name, parse develop myappname and parse deploy [seemed to] work.

Just after I've posted the question, I've found the answer: it was the app key/master key pair. When I cloned the app, my app has been assigned new keys, but ~/config/global.json still had the keys of the old app. I've changed the app key and the master key in that file with the new keys in my Parse settings, and it worked. It's now deploying to my new app. Wish it updated automatically, though.


Does fastlane clear previous metadata?

I am maintaining an app that was previously built manually using xCode, and it is already in the App Store with all the information in iTunes Connect already set up, such as screenshots, 'what's new in this version'section, app privacy information, etc... now I've tried setting up fastlane as described in this tutorial:
But I tried on a test app, which I would describe just as a sandbox that I use to train myself using fastlane. Now the question is: if I use fastlane for an app that is already in iTunes Connect, which information gets cleared and which information will stay? to be more for example: if I don't upload any screenshot with fastlane, will my previous screenshots be deleted? if I leave the default fastlane keywords, categories, etc... will they clear the previous one? I am asking to avoid the risk of losing information.
If you upload just the new build (new .ipa file without new information) you will not lose the old information.

When running a new uwp app as an update to an old one, is there a way to NOT delete the local state on install?

I have associated my new app with the old one in the store, then when hitting Local Machine I get the message:
The app ____ is already installed on this machine.
if you continue with the current deployment , the existing app will be
uninstalled and the apps current state will be deleted.
are you sure you want to continue?"
I need to keep the local state folder as that's where I have saved user data in the first version of the app, I don't want my users losing data.
Does any one know of a way to achieve this ?
This will not happen for actual users of your application who download it from the Store. The issue here is that when debugged, the app is signed with a local certificate as opposed to the Store-signed version. If you want to debug this "update" scenario, the easiest way to do so is:
Checkout the older version of your app from Git
Run it with debugger
Add some data
Close the app
Checkout latest commit again
Run app

Pre-Release binary information in iTunesConnect is empty

I try to upload my Mac App to the App Store, but I am in trouble with iTunesConnect since one week by now. I definitely need your kind help.
I read the Apple documentation a couple of times and asked google for a solution. I tried new Certificates and provision Profiles, a lot of build settings and - yes - I even moved to a new mac with a fresh Xcode on it. No success so far.
Here is my story: I build and run my app successfully. I subscribed to the Mac Developer Program and configured my project to sign the application for a App Store submission.
I made an archive and validated it successfully.
Then I exported the Binary like the documentation suggested and all tests passed.
Then I uploaded the archive to iTunesConnect. The archive got processed and then... I got the little triangle near the build and as I clicked onto that build, there is absolutely no information all.
Sorry I moved to a german Mac and didn't change the language to English by now
After nine builds and one week of reading and trying I have absolutely no idea how to solve that problem.
Thank you very much for every new thought.
I removed the provision profile and created a new one. Then I built a complete new Project with the same ID and uploaded it as a new build number. Again, the pre-release tab is empty.
These are my code signing settings:

Overwriting an iPhone app from a different Xcode Project

One of the apps I've developed is submitted and approved to the appstore.
Because of some big changes and a more generic code I created a new XCode project for this app.
The problem is when trying to install the same app (based on bundle identifier) from the new XCode project, it quits with a crash. If I try to install again (Build & Run/Debug) from XCode, it seems to successfully overwrite and run. So it seems the first time there are some merge / overwrite conflicts. A second install, over the failed first attempt makes it work.
I wouldn't want this to happen with app updates downloaded from the store.
I've read that the idea is not to build from XCode, but use an Ad Hoc Build through iTunes instead. This would simulate a more natural end-user process. I've tried this, but somehow it won't sync / overwrite the existing app from the appstore (no errors, the app is just not changing).
Does someone have a hint on how to solve this?
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated!
I run into this problem all the time. I use one Developer Profile for all my dev work (and thus, one bundle identifier).
You have to delete the old App from the phone, and do a Clean Build.
These are similar problems. (1) (2)
As it seems working with an Ad Hoc build through iTunes does work.
Yesterday I double-clicked, but never got the iTunes message warning me of an older version existing in my apps and whether I want to replace it.
Dragging the .IPA into the iTunes app section did give me this message. Telling it to replace and next syncing works okay. iTunes sync status bar displays the message "YourAppName Updating". Afterwards launching it works fine with stored data intact.
The flow described here worked for me:
How to test an iPhone application update

Is there only one distribution certificate per team leader or one per application?

I'm confused by the dev and dist cert. I got one app in the store, but I named my certs after my first app. Was this a mistake?
I'm ready to go on my second app. But XCode is selected the dist cert with the old app name on it. It built without error. Though I named it wrong, will it still work? XCode is automatically picking this cert for me.
Is this right? You need a new app ID for each app so you can 1) put in plist, 2) put in code signing section on Build tab of Target info, but you don't need a new dev and dist cert for each new app.
Therefore is this right too? For each app you develop, you only need your original dev and dist cert, but a new app ID for each app.
This is so obscure! I wish apple had done a better job!
All of these issues are fixed in the current (as of 7/2011) new processes Apple has in place. The Provisioning Portal cleaned up this mess and now it's not too hard. Still step-laden, but 1000x better than it was before.
