Is it possible to make all targets '.PHONY' ? (gmake) - makefile

I have a Makefile, where none of the targets reference files, so if this can be done in some loop it would be
Is there some way to set every target in a makefile as .PHONY ?
The reason I'm asking this is I never want any files in the same directory as the makefile to conflict with the targets (where the makefile will automatically associate any target with a directory of file).

You can ensure targets always build by defining one empty "FORCE" target and have all you're other targets depend on it
target1: FORCE
./foobar $#
target2: FORCE
./dongle $#
(as suggested in the make manual)
You can also run "make -B" instead of "make"?
Consider all targets out-of-date. GNU `make' proceeds to consider
targets and their prerequisites using the normal algorithms;
however, all these targets are remade, regardless of the status of
their prerequisites.


Global prerequisite in GNU make - is it possible

I have a Makefile with tons of targets and would like for a certain script to get executed first, irrespective of what target is being called. I like to call it a global prerequisite.
I do not want to create a target for the script and set it as a prerequisite for all existing targets (which, as I said aren't few). Besides, someone else could add a target in future and not add my script as a prerequisite for their target, so the global prerequisite would take care of that.
Does GNU-make provide for a means to achieve this?
Another approach:
-include dummy
.PHONY: dummy
Make will always attempt to rebuild any file which the makefile attempts to include (if it is out of date or does not exist). In this case there is no such file, and the rule to build it runs the script and does nothing else.
There is a solution without modifying your existing Makefile (main difference with the answers pointed to by tripleee). Just create a makefile containing:
.PHONY: all
#$(MAKE) -f Makefile --no-print-directory $(MAKECMDGOALS) MAKE='$(MAKE) -f Makefile'
The only drawback is that the pre- and post- scripts will always be run, even if there is nothing else to do. But they will not be run if you invoke make with one of the --dry-run options (other difference with the answers pointed to by tripleee).

copying only changed files between directories using Makefile

I read this: Makefile: Copying files with a rule but couldn't do it.
To make it simple, suppose I have two directories dir1 and dir2. Under dir1 I have three files: rabbit.c, tiger.c and bus.c .
I made Makefile like this:
cp -f $< $#
I specified the prerequisites in three separate lines and specified the unified recipe for the three targets. I expected when I touch any file under dir1, make will copy that file to dir2. But this happend only for rabbit.c. What is wrong?
ADD(after selecting an answer) :
After realizing what's wrong by Takkat's answer, I fixed it and later modified it further and I think this is the correct simplest Makefile for this case.
LIST:=rabbit.c tiger.c bike.c
DSTFILES:=$(addprefix dir2/, $(LIST))
all: $(DSTFILES)
cp -f $< $#
Make chooses a default target in your makefile and, unless you specify differently on the command line, it builds just that target (and all prerequisites required to build that target).
The default target in a makefile is, by default, the first explicit target listed.
So in your makefile the first rule is:
so the first explicit target is dir2/rabbit.c, so that's all make builds.
If you want to build multiple targets by default, you need a first target that lists all the "real" targets as prerequisites; put this line first in your makefile:
all: dir2/rabbit.c dir2/tiger.c dir2/bike.c
and it will work. It's often considered good practice to declare targets like this, which don't relate to real files on the disk, as phony:
.PHONY: all

Make file possible accidental order-only dependency?

I am pulling out my hair trying to debug an issue with make. It seems like make is randomly treating certain prerequisites as order-only prerequisites, resulting in them being left out of the static library target that depends on them. Most of the time the build works find but occasionaly some .cpp files are built but not included in the .a. When i run Make with --debug I see the following output for the suspect prerequisites.
Prerequisite `blah.o' is newer than target `/path/to/foo.a`
Prerequisite `blah1.o' is newer than target `/path/to/foo.a`
Prerequisite `blah2.o' is newer than target `/path/to/foo.a`
No need to remake target `/path/to/foo.a'
For all of the prereqs that do make it into the .a the last line is "Must remate target /path/to/foo.a" as I would expect.
Because make is invoked in several subdirectories, target /path/to/foo.a is updated several times. We are not running make in parallel so I don't think updates to the file are stomping each other. It seems that make is deliberately not updating the .a file despite the fact that the .o's are newer. The recipe to make foo.a is as follows:
Where ARFLAGS=rv and OBJLIB would be /path/to/foo.a.
Am i right in thinking that the .o files are being treated as order-only dependencies? Is there something else I'm missing here? I am using $(info) to output the contents of OBJLIB and OBJS and there are no errant pipe ('|') characters making their way into the variable contents that would induce order-only dependencies.
Unfortunately the answer had nothing to do with make. As far as I can tell the filesystem is the real culprit. Several people were experiencing success with the build but I was not. The difference between our systems which were using a common build environment was that I was building on an ext3 filesystem while they were using an ext4 filesystem.
Since ext3 does not support sub-1s timestamps (ext4 does) in some cases when the rule was invoked with only a few CPP files they were being compiled in the same second that the archive was updated by a previous invocation and everything was ending up with the same timestamps. Copying the directory over to an ext4 filesystem fixed the issue.
The real fix is to write a proper set of make rules but at least we have an answer as to why it was working for everyone but me.
You mentioned several updates to the .a file because make is invoked in different subdirectories. Probably the message
No need to remake target `/path/to/foo.a'
comes from one subdirectory, and is newer- from another. Consider building the lib out of all objects in one step.
Try this instead.
Your problem is that the variable $? is a list of dependencies that are newer than the target, while $^ is a list of all dependencies.
Also, you can use $# for to be more idiomatic.
$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $# $^

making all rules depend on the Makefile itself

When I change a Makefile, its rules may have changed, so they should be reevaluated, but make doesn't seem to think so.
Is there any way to say, in a Makefile, that all of its targets, no matter which, depend on the Makefile itself?
(Regardless of its name.)
I'm using GNU make.
This looks like one more simple, useful, logical thing that Make should be able to do, but isn't.
Here is a workaround. If the clean rule is set up correctly, Make can execute it whenever the makefile has been altered, using an empty dummy file as a marker.
-include dummy
dummy: Makefile
#touch $#
#$(MAKE) -s clean
This will work for most targets, that is targets that are actual files and that are removed by clean, and any targets that depend on them. Side-effect targets and some PHONY targets will slip through the net.
Since GNU make version 4.3 it is now possible with the use of those two special variable:
To add new prerequisite to every target
To get the path of the make file
To have every target depend on the current make file:
Put near the top of the file (before any include since it would affect the MAKEFILE_LIST) the following line:
.EXTRA_PREREQS:= $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
To have every target depend on the current make file and also the make files which were included
Put the following line at the end of your file:
.EXTRA_PREREQS+=$(foreach mk, ${MAKEFILE_LIST},$(abspath ${mk}))
The only answer I know to this is to add makefile explicitly to the dependencies. For example,
%.o: %.c makefile
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

What does "all" stand for in a makefile?

I read some tutorials concerning Makefiles but for me it is still unclear for what the target "all" stands for and what it does.
Any ideas?
A build, as Makefile understands it, consists of a lot of targets. For example, to build a project you might need
Build file1.o out of file1.c
Build file2.o out of file2.c
Build file3.o out of file3.c
Build executable1 out of file1.o and file3.o
Build executable2 out of file2.o
If you implemented this workflow with makefile, you could make each of the targets separately. For example, if you wrote
make file1.o
it would only build that file, if necessary.
The name of all is not fixed. It's just a conventional name; all target denotes that if you invoke it, make will build all what's needed to make a complete build. This is usually a dummy target, which doesn't create any files, but merely depends on the other files. For the example above, building all necessary is building executables, the other files being pulled in as dependencies. So in the makefile it looks like this:
all: executable1 executable2
all target is usually the first in the makefile, since if you just write make in command line, without specifying the target, it will build the first target. And you expect it to be all.
all is usually also a .PHONY target. Learn more here.
The manual for GNU Make gives a clear definition for all in its list of standard targets.
If the author of the Makefile is following that convention then the target all should:
Compile the entire program, but not build documentation.
Be the the default target. As in running just make should do the same as make all.
To achieve 1 all is typically defined as a .PHONY target that depends on the executable(s) that form the entire program:
.PHONY : all
all : executable
To achieve 2 all should either be the first target defined in the make file or be assigned as the default goal:
Not sure it stands for anything special. It's just a convention that you supply an 'all' rule, and generally it's used to list all the sub-targets needed to build the entire project, hence the name 'all'. The only thing special about it is that often times people will put it in as the first target in the makefile, which means that just typing 'make' alone will do the same thing as 'make all'.
The target "all" is an example of a dummy target - there is nothing on disk called "all". This means that when you do a "make all", make always thinks that it needs to build it, and so executes all the commands for that target. Those commands will typically be ones that build all the end-products that the makefile knows about, but it could do anything.
Other examples of dummy targets are "clean" and "install", and they work in the same way.
If you haven't read it yet, you should read the GNU Make Manual, which is also an excellent tutorial.
