Qt 5.3 configuration error for VisualStudio 2010 - visual-studio-2010

I am relatively new to the Qt. At the moment I'm trying to configure Qt library for my machine before installing add-in for VisualStudio'10. I tried to download Qt library only (withouth a Qt creator IDE), and found "qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.3.2.zip" and extracted it to my external drive: "F:\Programs\Qt\5.3.2". Then I run command "configure" on VisualStudio command prompt.
F:\Programs\VStudio'10\VC>cd F:\Programs\Qt\5.3.2
After a while it gave me following error:
Running configuration tests...
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'F:\Programs\VStudio'10\VC\BIN\link.EXE' : return cod
e '0x463'
Could not find output file: No such file or directory
WARNING: The DirectX SDK could not be detected:
There is no Direct X SDK installed or the environment variable "DXSDK_DIR" is
not set.
Disabling the ANGLE backend.
WARNING: Using OpenGL ES 2.0 without ANGLE.
Specify -opengl desktop to use Open GL.
The build will most likely fail.
On the installation instruction that was found on Qt webpage, it was said to set environmental variables: "Add this 2 paths to the Environment Variables: “C:\Qt\2009.01\bin” and
“C:\Qt\2009.01\qt\bin”." But I was unable to find any "bin" directory in my qt-everywhere folder. Instead I set up following variable to my path: "F:\Programs\Qt\5.3.2\Qtbase\bin". Still no help.
How can I resolve these issues? Any ideas and help are highly appreciated.

What you've done is more like attempting to prepare building Qt itself from the source code (but that is not exactly how to do that, anyway). You don't need that at least now but when you start customize Qt framework, say, for static build. That is when configure tool comes handy. And you will need to read on that.
You need just to download its installer from: http://qt-project.org/downloads
I assume you don't have prebuilt Qt and Qt Creator in your system but that is prerequisite for what you want to do. Take either Community version or start download immediately. After you've installed certain Qt version for your platform including Qt Creator (which is native Qt IDE) you will also be able to install and use Visual Studio AddIn. And then take Visual Studio AddIn for Qt 5 from: http://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/vsaddin/qt-vs-addin-1.2.3-opensource.exe and install it. Read the instruction on how to use it. There will be some new menu for importing Qt project, though.
BTW, Qt Creator itself is not bad at all and maybe preferable for most of Qt development tasks except some debugging. I maintain entire project in Qt Creator and write the code there and only occasionally go to Visual Studio with AddIn installed to import Qt project there for some better debug experience.

you can try run "configure -opengl"
or , you can download Microsoft DirectX SDK and install it ,then try again.


MSBuild + Qt Vs Tool failed to include Qt on Jenkins

I am not able to build a Qt application using MSBUILD and Qt VS Tools on Jenkins.
I have created a dummy Qt application using Visual Studio (new project -> Qt -> Qt Widget Application) (https://github.com/ThomArmax/dummy-qtvstool260-test-app) which I can build and run on my desktop. But I can make it build on my Jenkins server.
Visual Studio 2017 15.9.14
Qt 5.12.8 msvc2017 64 bits
Qt VS tools 2.6.0
Here is my Jenkins build script
set QTDIR=%QTMSVC2017_64%
%MSBUILD_VS2017% /t:rebuild /p:Platform=x64 /p:Configuration=Release QtWidgetsApplication1.sln
And the build output
dummy-qtvstool260-test-app\qtwidgetsapplication1\stdafx.h(1): fatal error C1083:'QtWidgets.h: No such file or directory
I have tried with different Qt version. Of course, I can manually add the necessary include paths, but I guess that should not be necessary. More over, it does not guaranty that I won't have other issues. I suspect a Qt Vs Tool issue.
I have also tried to define the QtMsBuild env variable to %LOCALAPPDATA%\QtMsBuild without success.
Does any of you guys had the same issue ?
Thanks by advance
Ok, I have figured out why. Fist, on the server, the QtMsBuild was not updated ... Then we used the amd64 version of MSBUILD, if I use the 32 bits version, it works fine !
See https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTVSADDINBUG-828

Qt on windows with mingw and no MSVC redistributable?

Qt supports compiling all including qml without MSVC. So how to install qt creator and qt studio without them, how to create qt package that will not rely on MSVC at all?
You could build QtCreator with mingw and distribute it in your classroom : take a look at the Readme https://github.com/qt-creator/qt-creator
If you cannot install MSVC redistributable run times, you can either build your own package using MinGW (see other answers, but note that you only need to rebuild Qt Creator and Qt 3D Studio, not Qt intself).
Or you can install the official packages that do depends on MSVC runtimes (for QtCreator and Qt Studio) and instead of installing the MSVC Redistributable Package, you can copy paste the required DLLs to the installation folder (e.g C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin for Qt Creator).
For Qt Creator it seems that you will need:
You can check the missing DLLs using Dependency Walker or similar tools.
Note that if copying the DLLs around is not recommended by Microsoft, but it does work. And it is less cumbersome that rebuilding Qt Creator.
It's also possible to directly install redistributable Visual C++ DLLs
in the application local folder, which is the folder that contains
your executable application file. For servicing reasons, we do not
recommend that you use this installation location.

Qt 5.8 msvc 2015 compile error

I have installed Qt using an offline installer qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2015_64-5.8.0. I have visual studio community edition 2017 installed with c++ build tools. because it's compiler was incompatible with the qt version, then I installed visual c++ build tools 2015 from http://landinghub.visualstudio.com/visual-cpp-build-tools . When I try to compile a project it gives an error :-1: error: LNK1158: cannot run 'rc.exe'. Heres how my qt kit looks like,
Can someone figure out whats the mistake and how to fix it.
I've fixed this both on my own machine and on several co-workers machines.
It tends to happen when you have both Visual Studio 2015 and VS 2017 installed. Or more precisely, multiple versions of the Windows SDK installed. When that happens, the vcvars32.bat script (located in your Visual Studio install dir) does not correctly add the location of the resource compiler (rc.exe) to your PATH. Thus, QT Creator runs vcvars32.bat (as specified in Qt Creator under Option->Build&Run->Compilers, but the tools directory for the Windows SDK Kit isn't properly added to the PATH environment.
The simple fix is to add the appropriate version of RC.exe to your path.
Do this from the command line:
cd "c:\program files(x86)"
dir /s rc.exe
You'll get several versions (x86 and x64) and for several versions of the SDK. Add the PATH for where rc.exe lives for the version that corresponds to the SDK and build flavor to your vcvars32.bat startup script.
For example:
PATH="C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.15063.0\x86";%PATH%
Restart Qt Creator and that should fix it.
Another fix that worked for me is to uninstall all versions of Visual Studio (and all those side installs of SQL, Windows SDKs, dev tools, etc...). Reboot. Then cleanly install VS 2017 again. Then cleanly uninstall and re-install all of Qt again. That seemed to work for me. A wonderful way to spend an afternoon.
If you update to Qt 5.9 it supports MSVC 2017. However, if you want to get it working with 5.8, I believe you might be missing the Windows SDK. You can download the SDK from Microsoft for Windows 7, 8 or 10, just get whichever version is appropriate for you.
With some googling I found a couple of other somewhat related solutions here, & here, and I've summed them up below:
If you've already got the SDK or installed it and it still doesn't work, it appears that copying rc.exe and rcdll.dll from the WindowsSDK folder to your MSVS installs \VC\bin folder may fix the problem. You might also try copying those same two files to Qt's \Qt*version number**compiler version*\bin.

Building Qt for Visual Studio 2010 - cannot open file 'qtmaind.lib'

I'm trying to start a C++ Qt application and have it run and compile in Visual Studio 2010.
Doing some googling, I found that there was a Visual Studio Qt Add-in, and so I installed this. I already had a MinGW Qt binary installed, and when this did not work, I found that you have to compile the source for Visual Studio 2010 (the VS 2008 binary will cause deployment issues).
Using this as a guide: How to build Qt for Visual Studio 2010, I compiled the open source version, and added it to the PATH, along with a QTDIR env variable. Hoping that I got it finally working, I created a "Qt Application" using the New Project Wizard in Visual Studio 2010. Once I finished, I tried to build the program, only to see the following error:
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'qtmaind.lib'
I looked in the C:\QT\lib folder, and found that I only have a qtmaind.prl, but no clue as to why there is no qtmaind.lib.
I am able to echo the QMAKESPEC environmental variable to get a 'win32-msvc2010' output.
I've tried several different combinations of flags for the configure step, including the one in the link, and even tried manually setting the -platform flag.
If anyone can offer any help, it would be greatly appreciated! :D
Just ran across this same problem. I changed the "-release" flag from the linked guide to "-debug-and-release", and then it built the qtmaind.lib library (presumably, that "d" suffix stands for debug).
I encountered this issue when running a project whose settings were hardcoded for a particular machine setup.
I could see that the vcxproj file had something like:
I could not find this lib file in my machine. I replaced the line by:
It looks like the names of library files are different across Qt versions.Or, maybe the library files were renamed.
Also, the 'd' denoted debug. If you cannot find any lib file post-fixed by 'd', it is likely that you did not 'make' a debug version of Qt.
You can cross check this by opening the .Sln file created by configure. Mine was named Projects.sln. You can open this in notepad and see if win32-debug configurations are present.
This might be a QMAKESPEC issue. Try setting your QMAKESPEC environment variable to
and rebuild Qt like that. This should give you .lib files in your Qt folder
in QT 5.3 with vs 2013
in properties -> linker -> input
remove ANY path for qt libraries such qtmaind.lib
this is known BUG

QtWebKit for Qt Visual Studio Add-in

I want to learn how to use QtWebKit by creating a simple project, but I can't even install it. I found some tutorials like this, but it's for the standard Qt package. I am using for another project the Visual Studio Qt Add-in, so I don't want to uninstall it.
I found some WebKit source code in Qt-VS, but I don't know what to do with it. It does not contain any Perl script so the tutorial above is not good for it, but it does contain some makefiles. Or should I download the QtWebKit package separately, and follow the tutorial above? Will it generate compatible libraries? (I could not find any Qt command prompt, and the tutorial says the VS command prompt must be compatible. How do I know it?) Also, where should I move the binaries generated, so the project made with the built-in Qt template in Visual Studio to be able to find these new files?
Sorry for these lame questions, but I get lost really fast when it comes to building stuff from source and not given in binary form.
I would appreciate any feedback or link to stuff
The only thing I could pull of is to install another copy of Qt, the normal one, and use it for the WebKit project changing the Qt environment variable value each time I'm switching the project, but that would be the lamest thing ever.
Download the Qt 4.7.3 source code:
Unzip and copy to a convenient location.
Open a Visual Studio 2010 command prompt.
You may need to run the command prompt as administrator. To do this, go to Start Menu > All Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 > Visual Studio Tools, right-click on Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010) and select Run as administrator.
To make a 64-bit build, select Visual Studio x64 Win64 Command Prompt (2010) instead.
Change the working directory to the Qt top folder.
Run the commands:
configure.exe -platform win32-msvc2010
Wait an hour.
This will build Qt, with all components, including QtWebKit.
Does this answer your question?
user763305's steps will work with these additions:
You need to install Perl. I used "ActiveState Perl"
You need to install WinFlex and WinBison. For some reason the QT script refers to the flex as "win_flex" but tries to find an executable called "bison.exe." I renamed "win_bison" to "bison.exe" and it worked.
I was also able to configure it successfully and build for msvc2012
configure.exe -platform win32-msvc2012
And it didn't take a few hours on my machine. Just about 55 minutes.
