JSF: How to skip validation phase in some cases - ajax

if I have the following code inside a form element:
<h:selectOneRadio id="dett_cc_appoggio_per_cassa"
styleClass="idf-radio" converter="javax.faces.Boolean"
<f:selectItem itemLabel="${msgs['form.radio.true']}" itemValue="true" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="${msgs['form.radio.false']}" itemValue="false" />
<f:attribute name="dett_mesi_proroga" value="#{dett_mesi_proroga}" />
<f:attribute name="dett_gg_preavviso" value="#{dett_gg_preavviso}" />
<p:ajax listener="#{idfTabDettaglio.onChangeFlagCassa}"
update="#this dett_cc_appoggio_abi dett_cc_appoggio_cab dett_cc_appoggio_numero
dett_cc_appoggio_intest dett_cc_appoggio_intest_hid
dett_ape_pratica dett_add_comm dett_periodicita dett_mancata_rest
dett_perc_annua dett_comm_minime dett_note dett_comm_magg_mod
dett_comm_prat_non_std dett_comm_prat_urg" />
I notice that the validator method validateFlagCassa will be called both on changing value of radio button and both when pressing the button inside the same form.
My question is: Is there a way to skip the call to the method validateFlagCassa when I change the value of the radio button? How to discriminate from whom the method is called?
Thank you very much.


Performing data binding during ajax-request

I have the following markup:
<rich:panel id="selectorPanel">
<h:inputText value="#{myBean.field1}" />
<h:inputText value="#{myBean.field2}" />
<h:inputText value="#{myBean.field3}" />
<!-- and so forth -->
<h:selectOneMenu id="selector" value="#{myBean.selected}">
<a4j:ajax event="change" listener="#{myBean.doUpdateValues()}" render="selectorPanel" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="#{msgs['bundle.addFilter']}" itemValue="#{null}" value="#{null}"/>
<f:selectItems value="#{myBean.filters}" />
The problem: when I change the value of the selectOneMenu the selectorPanel is being rerendered, therefore the values of the inputTexts are being refreshed and set to the myBean's properties value.
But I need to set values entered by user on the web-page to the corresponding bean's properties before rerendering.
Is it possible? How?
Why to do need to execute all? the #form should be enough or even list of inputs ids.
I've found the solution just now and we can actually use execute attribute as follows:
It works for me.

p:selectOneRadio not updating model in event "change" with p:ajax

I'm using an p:selectOneRadio with p:ajax and the value of another component (p:inputText), not binding its value in my bean.
If I use p:selectBooleanCheckbox instead the behavior is exactly what I need, update the bean before calling the method in ajax. Is this a bug in p:selectOneRadio or is this its default behavior?
I'm using JSF2, PrimeFaces 4
The xhtml code:
<p:selectOneRadio id="enumId" value="#{xyzController.entity.enumValor}"
disabled="#{disabled}" required="true" plain="true">
<f:selectItems value="#{xyzController.enum}" var="item"
itemValue="#{item}" />
<p:ajax event="change" listener="#{xyzController.aoTrocar}"
update="panelDominioFields" process="#form" />
<p:outputPanel layout="inline" id="panelDominioFields">
<p:inputText id="valorId"
<f:convertNumber type="number" locale="#{localeController.locale}"
currencyCode="#{localeController.currencyCode}" />
Get rid of event="change", it's the wrong event. It defaults to click and is the right one already.
<p:ajax listener="#{xyzController.aoTrocar}"
update="panelDominioFields" process="#form" />
Radio button values never change. They're only selected by click. In turn, selected values are submitted, but unselected values not.

Composite Component - AJAX clientBehaviour

We have build a component that consists of a TextInput and Select Box. So that the selection can be made either via the drop down list or by typing in the value into the text field. When a selection is made the Input Box is automatically filled with the key and if the key is entered the correct item in the selection box is displayed.
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{cc.attrs.rendered}">
<div id="#{cc.clientId}" class="abc-select #{cc.attrs.styleClass}" >
<h:inputText id="input" disabled="#{cc.attrs.disabled}"
<a4j:ajax event="change" render="select" />
<rich:select disabled="#{cc.attrs.disabled}"
id="select" value="#{cc.attrs.value}"
<f:selectItems value="#{cc.attrs.items}" var="item"
itemValue="#{item}" itemLabel="#{item.name}" />
<a4j:ajax event="selectitem" render="input" oncomplete="setFocusOnInputField();" />
However when we pass in an <a4j:ajax event="change" ... /> with an onChange event to render a component external element. It only works when the selection is made via the drop down menu.
<abc:myComponent id="idMC"
<a4j:ajax event="change" render="idA idB idC" />
So far I figured out that it must have to do with the fact that the inputText already has an a4j element listing for change <a4j:ajax event="change" render="select" />.
When I change the ajax element in the inputText element to use <f:ajax .. /> instead it works fine.
Can someone explain why this is the case and is there a better solution?

Duplicate validation in two selectonemenu in primefaces

I have two p:selectOneMenu in a page, both have the same content, the user has to choose two different items, the user cannot choose same item in both selectOneMenu. How do I implement this validation ? My current code is something like this :
<p:selectOneMenu id="itemOne"
required="true" label="Item One:" requiredMessage="Item one is required!">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Select One" itemValue="" />
<f:selectItems value="#{backingBean.itemList}" var="item"
itemLabel="#{item.QLabel}" itemValue="#{item.QLabel}" />
<p:selectOneMenu id="itemTwo"
required="true" label="Item Two:" requiredMessage="Item two is required!">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Select One" itemValue="" />
<f:selectItems value="#{backingBean.itemList}" var="item"
itemLabel="#{item.QLabel}" itemValue="#{item.QLabel}" />
The first thing came to my mind was to attach a listener in both menus with 'onchange' event, remove already selected item and update the other menu but this seems overkill for such simple task. Is there any other way I can do this ?

h:inputText is not ajax-rendered on change of h:selectOneMenu

I have this code which is used to select how many rows to display in jsf table:
<!-- Set rows per page -->
<h:outputLabel for="rowsPerPage" value="Rows per page" />
<h:inputText id="rowsPerPage" value="#{AccountsController.rowsPerPage}" size="3" maxlength="3" />
<h:commandButton styleClass="bimage" value="Set" action="#{AccountsController.pageFirst}" >
<f:ajax render="#form" execute="#form"></f:ajax>
<h:message for="rowsPerPage" errorStyle="color: red;" />
I want to edit the code this way: I want to replace the code with h:selectOneManu and option to insert custom value with AJAX support:
<h:selectOneMenu id="setrows" value="#{AccountsController.rowsPerPage}" converter="javax.faces.Integer" maxlength="3">
<f:selectItem itemValue="10" itemLabel="10" />
<f:selectItem itemValue="50" itemLabel="50" />
<f:selectItem itemValue="100" itemLabel="100" />
<f:selectItem itemValue="500" itemLabel="500" />
<f:selectItem itemValue="332" itemLabel="Custom" />
<f:ajax render="customrowperpage" />
<h:inputText id="customrowperpage" value="#{AccountsController.rowsPerPage}" rendered="#{AccountsController.rowsPerPage == '332'}" required="true" />
But for some reason the code is not working. Can you help me to find the problem. Also I want to update AJAX functionality when I select number from the h:selectOneMenu list AJAX call to update the form.
There are 2 problems.
First, as JavaScript runs in the client side, you can't ajax-update a JSF component which isn't rendered to the client side. There's then simply nothing in the HTML DOM tree which JavaScript can select, manipulate and replace. You should instead ajax-update a JSF component which is always rendered to the client side.
<h:panelGroup id="customrowperpage">
<h:inputText value="#{AccountsController.rowsPerPage}" required="true"
rendered="#{AccountsController.rowsPerPage == '332'}" />
See also Why do I need to nest a component with rendered="#{some}" in another component when I want to ajax-update it?
Second, an Integer never equals a String. You're in the rendered attribute testing Integer rowsPerPage against String '332'. Remove those singlequotes to make it a fullworthy number.
<h:panelGroup id="customrowperpage">
<h:inputText value="#{AccountsController.rowsPerPage}" required="true"
rendered="#{AccountsController.rowsPerPage == 332}" />
