Using Applescript to Change desktop icon size - macos

I am currently using applescript to setup various parameters of the desktops at my university. So far my script successfully changes the desktop background and the dock size.
The problem at hand is when I run the script, majority of the time, the icons on the desktop never change.
Here is the script I wrote to alter the desktop icon's size and grid spacing:
tell application "System Events"
set finderPrefsFile to property list file "~/Library/Preferences/"
tell finderPrefsFile
tell property list item "DesktopViewSettings"
tell property list item "IconViewSettings"
set value of property list item "gridSpacing" to "100"
set value of property list item "iconSize" to "32"
set value of property list item "arrangeBy" to "none"
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
#Restart Finder for changes to take effect.
do shell script "killall Finder"
How should I go about altering the script to make it work all the time (I would like to eventually share this script with some of my classmates).
Here is the full script

I didn't get your script work reliable. I played around with timeouts but didn't get the Finder to refresh using the new settings.
But I found to set some view options directly using vanilla AppleScript:
tell application "Finder"
set iconViewOptions to desktop's window's icon view options
tell iconViewOptions
set arrangement to not arranged
set icon size to 32
set shows item info to false
set shows icon preview to false
end tell
end tell
delay 1
tell application "Finder" to activate
The AppleScript quit-handler works more reliable then do shell script "killall Finder", maybe the killall is too hard...
The delay 1 does the magic to give the Finder the time to breath before get up again and using it the Script works each time...
But one thing is AFAIK not possible in Finder scripting: Setting the grid space :-/
Greetings, Michael / Hamburg


How to select file using AppleScript in Finder prompt?

I am working with Selenium on macOS to automate sending images using WhatsApp web in Google Chrome. The task involves uploading the image, and for that a system(Finder) prompt comes up to select the file. It's done in Windows using AutoIt.
I tried looking up how to automate this task in macOS, and I believe AppleScript can be used for it. Since I have no experience in GUI scripting, any help would be appreciated.
I was able to find the answer on another post on Stack Overflow. I have added the answer for anyone who comes across the same problem.
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "G" using {command down, shift down}
delay 1
keystroke "/path/to/file"
delay 1
keystroke return
delay 1
keystroke return
delay 1
end tell
I don't advocate GUI scripting any more than the burning down of the Amazon, but it seems to be necessary for this task, and I wanted to provide you with an example of a GUI script that tries its best to minimise the unpleasantness of the user experience, and aim for fewer weak points in the code where GUI scripts are most likely to falter.
If you know the path to your file—which I assume you do in these sorts of situations, as your script keystrokes the filepath—then you might find the following technique saves a few steps, and feels a bit more graceful in how it gets executed:
set filepath to "/path/to/image.jpg"
-- Copy file object to clipboard
set the clipboard to filepath as «class furl»
-- Make sure Chrome is in focus and the
-- active tab is a WhatsApp tab
tell application id ""
if the URL of the active tab in the front window ¬
does not contain "" then return
end tell
-- Paste the clipboard contents
-- and hit return (send)
tell application id ""
tell (process 1 where it is frontmost) to tell ¬
menu bar 1 to tell menu bar item "Edit" to tell ¬
menu 1 to tell menu item "Paste" to set Paste to it
if (click Paste) = Paste then keystroke return
end tell
The if (click Paste) = Paste check should negate the need for a delay, as it explicitly forces AppleScript to evaluate the click command before going on to issue a keystroke. However, I can't test this under all possible conditions, and if there are other factors, like CPU usage, or process freezes, that are likely to give the script a chance to jump ahead, then just insert a small delay after then and move keystroke return down onto its own line.
If you wish to remove the file object from the clipboard afterwards, then simply add as the final line set the clipboard to (and just leave it blank after the word "to", which will clear the clipboard's contents). Of course, this won't affect any clipboard history data you might have if you use a clipboard managing app, only the system clipboard's current item.

AppleScript to remove icon from dock

I need to be able to run the script through Terminal only. I've seen other scripts that work as long as you change some settings in Accessibility; this is not an option for what I'm trying to do. I've tried the script below, but receive the following error:
0:13: script error: A real number can’t go after this identifier. (-2740)
tell application "System Events"
set dockPlistFile to property list file "~/Library/Preferences/"
tell dockPlistFile
tell property list item "persistent-apps"
set appTileItems to value of (every property list item whose value of property list item "tile-data"'s property list item "file-label" is not "Terminal")
set its value to appTileItems
end tell
end tell
end tell
tell application "Dock" to quit
I'm trying to get rid of the Terminal icon from the dock. How can I do this correctly?
I think this ask different answer will help you run a dock modification without changes to Accessibility settings.
Basically you'll chain a launch agent XML file to a shell script and call your apple script from within that.

Applescript moving finder window or screen back to first screen

I am writing a script and want to hem in the user(s) in the future from errors. The big one I'm working on right now is that the Choose File command box for Finder or AppleScript (doesn't matter) do not contain the "giving up after" option. So while I can set the timeout to a very large number of seconds (5000 for example), I can't get the box to close and reopen without the Apple Events timing out.
So here is one option I've tried. but the problem I have is that if I swipe to another screen, even if I Activate the finder, it will say that it can't find the window "Choose a File"
Is there a way to get the window to follow the swipe or a command with activate that will bring the finder window to the current screen, even if I'm working in say Safari?
The error occurs when I swipe to another screen; see the error below:
error "System Events got an error: Can’t get window \"Choose a File\" of process \"Finder\"." number -1728 from window "Choose a File" of process "Finder"
with timeout of 5 seconds
tell application "Finder"
set theFilestoChoose to every item of (choose file with prompt "Please select the file(s) you would like to move and rename:" with multiple selections allowed) as list
end tell
end timeout
on error errStr number errorNumber
if errorNumber is -1712 then --timeout error
my closeWindow() --call handler to close window
end if
end try
on closeWindow()
tell application "System Events"
delay 2 -- for observation testing purposes
set frontmost of process "Finder" to true
delay 2 -- for observation testing purposes
click button "Cancel" of window "Choose a File" of process "Finder"
end tell
end closeWindow
You'll have to look into the defaults setting AutoSwoosh = true; defaults write workspaces-auto-swoosh -bool YES ; KillAll Dock which makes you go to the active app, if it isn't in the current space, the app itself, (Finder in this case?), shouldn't be assigned to a space.
If that is your basic configuration, then a simple activate before it, should bring you directly to your choose file dialog, if it is in another space.
Here is a fleshed out example of embedding the choose file with tell application (path to frontmost application as text):
tell application (path to frontmost application as text)
set theF to (choose file)
end tell

Set focus to specific window of an application using applescript

How can I set focus to a specific window of a given application using applescript?
I have several iTerm2 windows running on different displays. I want to set focus to a specified window using applescript.
I need two things, one script that collects the window ID's and prints them to stdout. I've got this:
tell application "iTerm"
set wins to id of every window
end tell
which prints 6 integers: 3034, 2528, -1, -1, -1, -1
Bonus Question: What are the four -1's ?
Then I try:
tell application "System Events"
activate window 3034
end tell
Upon which the only thing happening is that I lose focus of my current terminal (in which I am typing these commands), not matter whether I specify 3034 or 2528 as the ID.
You almost have it. You can filter out the "-1" window IDs as by only looking at visible windows:
tell application "iTerm 2"
set wins to id of every window whose visible is true
end tell
I figured this out by looking at the results of:
tell application "iTerm 2" to properties of every window
I noticed that the "-1" windows have the property visible:false
Then you can tell the window ID directly to the iTerm application instead of system events:
tell application "iTerm 2"
activate window 13195
end tell

Applescript studio - how do I get every control in a window

I'm trying to enable or disable all the control in a window as the programme changes from interactive to non-interactive mode. How can I ask a window to give me all its contents?
every control of window "mainWindow"
doesn't work, nor does
contents of window "mainWindow"
Actually, I haven't been able to find any good documentation for interacting with menu items from interface builder at all. Things like how to set the contents of popups, and buttons and so on.
The way I do it at the moment is:
property onlineControls: {"maxLength", "speed", "accelerationSlider", "accelerationField", "showInfo"} --and so on, listing all the controls by name
on enableControls(theList, enableState)
tell window "mainWindow"
repeat with theControl in theList
set the enabled of control theControl to enableState
end repeat
end tell
enableControls(onlineControls, true)
I've made several lists of controls tht get turned on or off depending on the state the programme is in. But it has to be hard coded, which I don't see as being the best way.
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Adium"
get entire contents of window 1
end tell
end tell
This script will give you as result all contents of front window of Adium: butons of window, tool bars of window, buttons of tool bars, etc. Enjoy =]
I haven't been able to find a way to get all the controls in a window, but here's an example of interacting with the menu of a popup button:
tell menu of popup button "somePopupButton" of window "mainWindow"
delete every menu item
repeat with i in someItems
make new menu item at end of menu items ¬
with properties {title:i, enabled:true}
end repeat
end tell
Is the same script as "BoB1990" with the possibility of getting back the information given by get entire contents of window in a string of whom you can observe or modify all the items listed :
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Adium"
set this_info to {}
display alert ((get entire contents of window (x as integer)))
on error errMsg set theText to errMsg
set this_info to do shell script " echo " & theText & " | sed 's#System Events got an error: Can’t make ##g;s# into type string.##g'"
end try
set info to {}
set info to do shell script " echo " & this_info
display alert (info)
end tell
