Can I get the phase/plugin:goal used in the maven command? - maven

We use maven for our build process and are now modifying it to use grunt to build the client side files. We have maven kick off the grunt task, but similar to maven, there are some things that we want to do only if a certain phase is run. For example, if the deploy phase is run on my maven project, I want to tell grunt to also deploy the js artifact I am creating. Otherwise, if something like compile was run in the maven project, I don't want to deploy my js artifact through grunt.
I can pass properties just fine into grunt, but I don't know how to get a property that can tell me what phase was run. Is it possible to get the phase or the plugin:goal that was run? Or even the command that was run?

The way I have seen other Maven plugins handle this is to use different mojos, bound to the desired phases. For your example, you'd write a deploy mojo and bind it to the 'deploy' phase.
The maven-resources-plugin does this. It has both Resources and TestResources mojos. One is bound to the process-resources phase, the other to process-test-resources. So, if I was to run mvn compile the Resources mojo would execute, but the TestResources mojo would not, as process-test-resources occurs after the compile phase.
Source code for resource plugin


Generated code is not compiled

I wrote a Mojo that creates a new Java class and puts it in /target/generated-sources/annotations. in addition, I have configured build-helper-maven-plugin to declare that folder as source folder.
The problem is when I do: mvn clean install from CLI it generates the source file but it doesn't compile it.
Note, if I run Maven Install from within Eclipse (using the m2e connector) then it works fine.
What am I missing?
Without an actual plugin definition, we can only speculate.
I can't comment on m2e, I see one obvious difference that you state by yourself: mvn clean install vs mvn install, but from the "bare" maven's standpoint,
here is one possible reason:
Maven has a concept of phases that comprise the lifecycle. An information about phases of default lifecycle is available here
Plugins (more precisely the "goals" of plugins) are something that usually gets attached to a particular phase.
Maven compiler plugin is attached to the compile phase, for example.
So, maybe the plugin that you've developed runs later than the compiler plugin.
Usually, source generation plugins are attached to generate-resources phase.
Its possible to run a full lifecycle in maven, in fact its what people usually do, for example, running mvn test actually means, run all phases of the default lifecycle up-to (including) phase test.
It's also possible however to run a particular plugin goal "directly" without attaching it to the phase. Of course, in this case, its pre-conditions should be met.
For example, mvn surefire:test means that we should invoke the surefire plugin directly. Of course the source code and test code should be compiled beforehand (bytecode has to exist in the target directory)
So I suggest you to run the following series of commands (Adjust if you have tests):
Run mvn clean install on the plugin project to place it to local m2 repo
Run the plugin directly: mvn ::: and check
whether the source is generated in the target folder
Make sure in pom.xml of the project that the source folder are configured correctly
Run mvn compile (phase up-to, including, compile) on pom even without the plugin
After this phase, there will be compiled sources in the target directory. Don't run
clean because it will wipe out all the target directory
This will effectively help to make sure that plugin does the job right

Is there a way to simplify this maven command for sonar?

I'm running the following sonar command with maven:
mvn clean compile sonar:sonar
I'd like to just run:
mvn sonar:sonar
(ie have the sonar task trigger the clean and compile steps)
Is there a way to express this as a dependency in maven?
Quick Answer: No - not by declaring dependencies nor by having the plugin be in charge of the lifecycles and their phases to be run prior to the plugin's goal.
By mvn clean compile sonar:sonar you are instructing Maven to first run the entire clean-lifecycle with all its phases - then continoue with the default lifecycle to the phase compile and finally to call the goal sonar of the plugin sonar - i personally think the command is relativly short for what is going on and must not be simplified any further (what would be the actual benefit of a shorter command executing the same phases/ goals in the background?).
You can however bind plugins to certain build phases so that if the phase is run (say the phase process-classes right after phase compile in the default lifecycle) the plugin's goal will be executed automaticially.
This would abstract the need of explicitly calling sonar:sonar and allow for example to just call mvn clean process-classes and have sonar:sonar beeing executed in the process-classes phase of the default lifecycle.
Now to come back to your question one could generally ask if a Maven plugin can take controll of the lifecycles and phases beeing executed prior to its own goal which is as faar as i know not possible with "standard Maven techniques" (I however dont know of the possibilities if you write your own plugin).

Maven plugin execution change Maven properties or skip build lifecycle steps

When I build my application with maven, I run mvn clean install. As a part of the install lifecycle, I run appengine:devserver_start from Google's GAE Maven plugin. This appears to be already bound to a step in the lifecycle and therefore it reruns some build steps from the beginning, even though me running mvn install did those. For example, the resources step is rerun. I had my own Java script run to download the latest resources for my build. But because of appengine:devserver_stop, I need to uselessly run this cript again because the resources step is re-executed.
I can think of two ways I can avoid this, but I'm not sure how to configure both ways. The first would be to somehow skip re-running build steps that I've already run. The other way would be to change the Maven POM properties just for the plugin execution. I have a Maven property set, either to true or false, that I can use to set the skip setting for the Java script I use during resources (because I run this script using the exec-maven-plugin). Think of this as a Maven property that can be set with the -D flag. Can I have this property changed just for the plugin?
If you are having trouble thinking about my scenario, consider what happens when you run mvn compile install. All build lifecycle steps until compile will run, then all compile steps until install will run, including compile.
A common/easy way to solve this kind of problems is to use maven profile. Just create a new profile that includes the plugin with preferred phases.
You should probably don't fight with it and just run clean appengine:devserver_start instead of clean install. Read my answer here for a more detailed explanation:

IntelliJ: How do I run a certain maven goal before building a certain artifact?

So, I know how to run a maven goal before/after make and before running/debugging a configuration. Sweet.
But I would like to run a maven goal before a certain artifact is built and just cannot find the option. The artifact configuration dialog allows to run an ant target, but I have no ant targets, just maven goals.
So, what do I do?
You have 2 options here:
Submit a feature request to support Maven in addition to Ant in Artifact pre/post-processing.
Write Ant task with exec that will run your Maven goal and use it.

Bind mvn jetty:run to a different phase?

I have a maven webapp, which can be run using jetty. If I call jetty with
mvn jetty:run
it is executed before the install phase. However, I want to run jetty at the very end of the maven lifecycle only. How can I achieve that?
Or to put it in a different way. The run goal of jetty maven plugin is bound by default to a certain maven phase. Can I change that binding?
Update: Just to make sure, I don't want to know how to execute jetty automatically each time a maven phase is executed like pre-integration-test. I just want to bind the jetty run goal to a later phase so that additional maven phases get executed when calling it manually.
That's not possible (using predefined packagings like jar or war). In Maven you run plugin's goal or phase (which starts lifecycle). If you run goal, only this goal is executed. If you run phase, lifecycle runs from the beginning to that phase included. Try to run (after mvn clean) mvn install:install (goal only) and then mvn install (default lifecycle to the install phase included).
You can create own plugins' goals to lifecycle's phases binding by creating own packaging type. Predefined packaging types (jar, war, ear, etc.) have this binding already specified.
