Send bitmap parameter to another xaml page - windows

In Windows Phone 8.1 , i have a ListView. My list is populated with an ObservableColection of Pictures. In class Pictures i have pictureName , and bitmapImage.
In ListView_Item_Click , i want to click a Picture and send it to another xaml page.
BitmapImage img = new BitmapImage();
img = ((Picture)e.ClickedItem).Image;//imi selectez imaginea care doresc!!
var image = new Image();
image.Source = img;
Frame.Navigate(typeof(Page2), image); in mainpage.xaml.cs

I wouldn't pass BitmapImage as a parameter of Frame.Navigate - it's not serializable and there will be a problem with SuspensionManager or Resuming/Suspending events.
The solution depends on your images - where to they come from - if it's a file, then you can just pass a path to that file and then in OnNavigated (for example), set the ImageSource from file.
Other method may be to set BitmapImage in target page, before it's navigated to - for example use static property:
public class TargetPage : Page, INotifyPropertyChanged
private static BitmapImage bmpImage;
public static BitmapImage BmpImage
get { return bmpImage; }
set { bmpImage = value; RaisePropertyChanged("BmpImage"); }
// rest of the code
Then you can just set the image before navigating:
TargetPage.BmpImage = img;
Also you should remember about Suspending and Resuming events and the case when your app is being terminated while it's Suspended. In every case you should somehow remember the source of the image - using SuspensionManager, PageState, Settings or other method.


XAML Image source has issues displaying a deep nested path

This is quite vexing.
I am working on an app for image management. Part of the value is the ability to store images in sub-folders based on image properties, eg. creation date.
If I store the image source in a shallow folder (app\images\img.jpg), everything works fine.
If I store the image in KnownFolders.Pictures\source\year\month\day\img.jpg, Image does not render. (Yes, that specific path won't work, I am trying to give you a sense of how the path is constructed)...
The file is actually there. The path is correct (I can open it in a browser, e.g.). The app has access to the file.
But it does not render the bitmap.
I tried to render the bitmap manually using
new BitmapImage(new Uri("KnownFolders.Pictures\source\year\month\day\img.jpg"),UriKind.Absolute))
That does not render anything. (Again, assume the path is valid and has a file at its bottom).
What Am I Missing?
The head scratcher: for GIF anims, I am using Thomas Levesque's useful component: That one, unfortunately, does only render gifs... and it does so even when the path is the one given above. So the Standard IMAGE control does not render correctly, but Thomas's control does... infuriating.
An UWP app can't load a BitmapImage from an absolute URL to a file in a folder structure below the Pictures Library Folder.
So this won't work:
var relativePath = #"source\year\month\day\img.jpg";
var imageFile = await KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary.GetFileAsync(relativePath);
var bitmapImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri(imageFile.Path));
However, you could do this:
var relativePath= #"source\year\month\day\img.jpg";
var imageFile = await KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary.GetFileAsync(relativePath);
var bitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
using (var stream = await imageFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read))
await bitmapImage.SetSourceAsync(stream);
So, after way too much time spent on this...
First, link to DataContextChanged of the IMAGE element. In there, parse the DataContext out. If you are using the IMAGE outside of an ItemsControl etc, this is not required...
private async void ImageView_DataContextChanged(FrameworkElement sender, DataContextChangedEventArgs args)
if (sender is Image)
Image img = (Image)sender;
if (img.DataContext is ImageView)
MyViewDataContext dc = (MyViewDataContext)img.DataContext;
img.Source = await dc.bitmap();
And here the implementation of MyViewDataContext.bitmap() which has a property called source that yields, you guessed it, absolute paths:
public async Task<BitmapImage> MyViewDataContext.bitmap()
if (_bitmap == null)
StorageFile file = await StorageFile.GetFileFromPathAsync(source);
bool r = Windows.Storage.AccessCache.StorageApplicationPermissions.FutureAccessList.CheckAccess(file);
if (r)
using (IRandomAccessStream fileStream = await file.OpenAsync(Windows.Storage.FileAccessMode.Read))
// create a new bitmap, coz the old one must be done for...
_bitmap = new BitmapImage();
// And get that bitmap sucked in from stream.
await _bitmap.SetSourceAsync(fileStream);
catch (Exception e)
_bitmap = null;
return _bitmap;
BitmapImage _bitmap;
I cache the resulting bitmap until I dispose of this MyViewDataContext.
I am now most concerned about memory. This one worries me:
How to dispose BitmapImage cache?
So, as a tech debt, I am going to address the potential mem leaks later, once this whole thing is on the test bench and I can take a look at its runtime behavior...
To access the folders and libraries represented by the properties of this class, specify the corresponding capabilities in your app manifest. For example, to access KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary, specify the Pictures Library capability in the app manifest.
Hope this will help

Set Image.Source to file in external storage in Xamarin.Forms

I have a picture of item in external storage (that was saved by intent in my app). I want to display this picture in Image view in my shared project.
Image.Source takes object of ImageSource type. I tried ImageSource.FromFile, ImageSource.FromStream and even ImageSource.FromUri. The result is always that image is not displayed (no error or exception). I validated that the path to file is correct by first opening it with File.Open one line above.
What is the correct way of displaying pictures from normal storage, not from assets/resources/etc?
This code does not work:
var path = "/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/6afbd8c6-bb1e-49d3-838c-0fa809e97cf1.jpg" //in real app the path is taken from DB
var image = new Image() {Aspect = Aspect.AspectFit, WidthRequest = 200, HeightRequest = 200};
image.Source = ImageSource.FromFile(path);
Your Xamarin Forms PCL don't know what its a URI from Android beacuse its platform specific, so:
won't work.
In that case you are handling platform specific features, that is loading an image from Android.
I suggest this approach:
Create an interface on Xamarin Forms PCL like:
public interface IPhoto
Task<Stream> GetPhoto ();
Then in Android you implement that interface and register the implementation in DependencyService:
[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(PhotoImplementation))]
namespace xpto
public class PhotoImplementation : Java.Lang.Object, IPhoto
public async Task<Stream> GetPhoto()
// Open the photo and put it in a Stream to return
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
using (var source = System.IO.File.OpenRead(path))
await source.CopyToAsync(memoryStream);
return memoryStream;
In the Xamarin Forms PCL code get the image:
var image = ImageSource.FromStream ( () => await DependencyService.Get<IPhoto>().GetPhoto());
For more detail you can consult this.
NOTE1: This will work on iOS if you implement the interface IPhoto too.
NOTE2: There exist a helpful library for this kind of features from Xamarin-Forms-Labs called Camera.
UPDATE (Shared Project solution)
As requested in the comments, to use this in a Shared Project instead of PCL we could do this.
1 - Place the IPhotoInterface in the Shared Project.
2 - Implement the interface in Android/iOS project:
public class PhotoImplementation : IPhoto
public async Task<Stream> GetPhoto()
// Open the photo and put it in a Stream to return.
3 - Use it in the Shared Project:
IPhoto iPhotoImplementation;
#if __ANDROID__
iPhotoImplementation = new shared_native.Droid.GetPicture();
#elif __IOS__
iPhotoImplementation = new shared_native.iOS.GetPicture();
var image = ImageSource.FromStream ( () => await iPhotoImplementation.GetPhoto());
NOTE: shared_native is the namespace of my solution and Droid/iOS are the projects for Android and iOS.

Replace Image in PDF with another Image pdf box

How to replace Image in PDF with another Image pdf box. How to do that?
I want to change VisualSignature on the pdf with another image.
I get Visual Apereance like that:
PDDocument doc= PDDocument.load(new FileInputStream("c:\\temp\\template.pdf"));
File dir= new File("c:\\temp\\");
Iterator<Entry<COSObjectKey, Long>> xrefEntriesIt =
while( xrefEntriesIt.hasNext() ) {
COSObject object = doc.getDocument().getObjectFromPool( );
if ( object.getDictionaryObject( COSName.SUBTYPE ) == COSName.IMAGE ) {
changeImage( object, doc);
and method for to change image
private static void changeImage(COSObject obj, PDDocument doc) {
PDXObjectImage imageInPdf =
(PDXObjectImage) PDXObject.createXObject(
(COSStream) obj.getObject());
File inputFile = new File("C:\\temp\\SIGNATURE.jpg");
PDXObjectImage newImage = new PDJpeg(
doc, new FileInputStream(inputFile));
I tested. imageInPdf is rally image from visual appearance of a signed signature field.
now how to remove and add new visual appearance of a signed signature field?
I've just added that's all

WP7: Get image's name which images are stored in Libary picture?

I have some images that are stored in Media Libary, view here. Now I need to get the name of an image after I choose the image by using photo chooser task. I used photo chooser task to select an image and then got the path of the image. My pupose is get the name from the path:
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
PhotoChooserTask objPhotoChooser = new PhotoChooserTask();
objPhotoChooser.Completed += new EventHandler<PhotoResult>(PhotoChooseCall);
void PhotoChooseCall(object sender, PhotoResult e)
switch (e.TaskResult)
case TaskResult.OK:
BinaryReader objReader = new BinaryReader(e.ChosenPhoto);
image1.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(e.OriginalFileName));
MessageBox.Show("Photo's name: " + e.OriginalFileName.ToString());
case TaskResult.Cancel:
case TaskResult.None:
MessageBox.Show("Nothing Entered");
Photo's name: \Applications\Data\C80566AB-E17E-495C-81A1-3FCAE34D3DEDE\Data\PlatformData\PhotoChooser-a8208960-3597-40fc-9b4f-869afcf822b6.jpg
After I choose the same image. The name of it will change (PhotoChooser-a8208960-3597-40fc-9b4f-869afcf822b6.jpg will change). I think it's not the name of the photo.
Can we get the name of the image?
And how do we do?
You can get the actual file names. Use the MediaLibrary for that:
MediaLibrary lib = new MediaLibrary();
var collection = lib.RootPictureAlbum;
foreach (var p in collection.Albums[0].Pictures)
Notice that I am specifying the album index inside the root picture album. 0 will be for sample pictures, and so on. If you need to grab the contents of the image, just use p.GetImage(); to get the readable stream.
No. You cannot get the name of the file as it is in the pictures hub. You are given a copy of the stream and that has a different, temporary, name.

DataBound controls loading images and avoiding image cache in WP7

I want to load images into a Pivot header to substitute the lack of a Gallery control in WP7. I'm trying to populate them from a URL, and want to make sure that the image is not kept in the cache (by setting UriSource = null) to make sure that they don't take too much resources.
There's no way to do this in the XAML itself, can someone give me sample code to handle this from code-behind. my attempts have been unsuccessful. what am I doing wrong here?
public class PhotoGalleryVM
public ObservableCollection<BitmapImage> Images
ObservableCollection<BitmapImage> list = new ObservableCollection<BitmapImage>();
foreach (RoomImage r in App.appData.currentChoices.roomImages)
BitmapImage img = new BitmapImage(new Uri(Uri.UnescapeDataString(r.largeUri)));
img.UriSource = null;
return list;
There is an option that enables to ignore image cache:
bitmapImage.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreImageCache;
Read more at msdn
