I can't find out why my Autohotkey script sometimes works and sometimes not - user-interface

I have the following script:
gosub, menucreate
Settimer, CheckRun, 1000
msgbox tada
Menu, TRAY, DeleteAll
Menu, TRAY, NoStandard
Menu, TRAY, Add, Exit , ExitSub
Menu, TRAY, Add, Message , Mess
gosub ,menucreate
On occasions the menu Message works, but sometimes not.
Every few starts of this program it shows the message, and it keeps working if I reload.
But if I restart it might not working (or might ... I couldn't figure out any pattern)

To me it seems like you fail to end the Auto-execute section.
After the script has been loaded, it begins executing at the top line, continuing until a Return, Exit, hotkey/hotstring label, or the physical end of the script is encountered (whichever comes first). This top portion of the script is referred to as the auto-execute section.
So try and put a return after your settimer and see if that helps

OK, in mean time I found out, but till now hadn't time to add this here (and kinda forgot).
The thing is: If the menu gets redrawn every second it will only cause an action until it gets redrawn.
So if you have pulled it up and the redraw happens before you click on a item nothing happens.
This thing here was just a test script to find out why the actual one has stopped working.
In that one I have included a test if actually something has changed and only then the menu get redrawn ... and voila it works.


AHK Cannot ControlClick on hidden elements in nested child window

I'm trying to automate a many clicking process, just to narrow it to the user input.
I encountered problems in controlClicking interface elements, which seems not to be standard Windows GUI elements.
When pointing them with WinSpy they don't appear as separate buttons, but I can point the whole child Window which is drawn in the main program window.
As on pic1, I pointed the whole window and I can find each tab/button by it's text inside and on pic2 I can inspect the ClassNN of that element and it's ID.
As far as clicking other buttons in the main menu bar of the program works, a simple:
ControlClick, ClaTab_01000000H26, WindowName
doesn't work. I think during the day, and many possibilities I tried, I could ControlClick the above button by pointing it with its ID, but that ID changes every instance. I could confirm that tomorrow if it works by ID.
Of course I tried SetControlDelay -1 and ,NN option. But don't take that for granted, I can try any of your suggestions tomorrow.
Both tabs marked with purple color, are to find in the Windows->SiblingWindows tab. I really don't want using x,yCoords (that actually work), but I need the script to be as reliable as possible.
So my questions are:
Am I missing something or you have any suggestions how to click that elements?
Is it correct, that no matter how deep the child windows get (one has buttons to open another on top of it), all the time the WinName stays the same pointing to the main program ***.exe?
Could you provide an example from the web or yours, to find an element's ID by providing the text attached to the button (pic1-red line and also pic2 in "text")?
I also cannot maximize the child window. Double clicking it works, but I can't find the appropriate ClassNN of the window to call.
Could you provide an example, how to use the Messages tab? I assume, if I find the button as on the pictures, I could send a message with controlClick and see if there's a reaction?
1.Ugh. I found the solution, which is awesome, but a little frustrating that with a bit of luck I tried another aproach that's not that logical for a newbie like me:
ControlClick, ClaTab_01000000H6, ahk_class ClaWin01000000H_2,,,, NA
it's just
ControlFocus, ClaTab_01000000H6, ahk_class ClaWin01000000H_2,,,, NA
2._Yep. One child window creates another and another and another, but winTitle stays the same. In my case:
ahk_class ClaWin01000000H_2
3._Code below returns the handle/ID of the element you specify. Change ClaTab and ClaWin to your chouice.
ControlGet, OutputVar, hwnd,, ClaTab_01000000H1, ahk_class ClaWin01000000H_2
MsgBox, %OutputVar%`
Probably to be continued.
I highly recomend to both use
WinSpy https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=28220
SimpleSpy https://www.the-automator.com/downloads/simple-spy/
First one has lots of useful information and the window tab provides information of hidden buttons/windows. Second one in a more clear way indicates the parent window and its class.

AutoHotKey - "Continue" and "Cancel" Buttons

I am a newbie with AutoHotKey, and to this point I consider myself fortunate to have created a script to automate about 90% of the data entry in a window. I'm now trying to kick it up a notch and add a warning/caution GUI to my data entry script. I want to pause the running script and open a GUI that will alert me to look at what has already been entered, with one button to allow things to proceed if a particular entry looks OK, and another to dump out of both the GUI and the remainder of the script if the entry is incorrect.
Here's some code I came up with, mixed with some pseudocode to help show what I want to do.
(Previous data entry script executes to this point)
Stop the script
Gui, New
Gui, Add, Text, 'n Check Authorization Number to be sure it is A1234 (FY 15). ; Wraps text
Gui, Add, Button, Default, Continue
Gui, Add, Button, Quit
If Continue button is clicked
----Continue with script
If Abort button is clicked
----Close the GUI
----Exit the entire script
(Resume where I left off with rest of the data entry script)
I've read the AHK Help file and am stumped about how to make these buttons work, as well as how to properly return from the GUI back to the script if I hit continue, or quit the whole thing if I spot a problem. I can tweak things like the size of the GUI and the button placement; what's most important is getting the GUI code right. Can someone help with the code? (The last programming class I took was in 2003, so I have forgotten a whole lot!)
In your case, a GUI would be overkill. AHK (and many other languages at that) provide standard dialogs for simple user interaction called message boxes.
Message boxes in AHK can be displayed in two ways:
MsgBox, This is a simple message. Please click "OK".
MsgBox, 4, Attention, Here`, you can choose between "Yes" and "No".
In the second case, we declared an option which controls the buttons that are displayed. You can use IfMsgBox in order to detect what the user has clicked:
IfMsgBox, Yes
MsgBox, 4, Really?, Did you really mean "Yes"?
Putting these pieces together, we can ask the user to decide if they want to continue, without the need to create a GUI, in a few lines:
; Option "1" is "OK/Cancel"
MsgBox, 1, IMPORTANT!, Check Authorization Number to be sure it is A1234 (FY 15).
IfMsgBox, Cancel
; do stuff
This code addresses each of your other problems, too:
A message box halts the current thread until the user dismisses the dialog or it times out (if you specifically declared a timeout).
To completely stop the execution of our script, we use ExitApp.

Execute a MEL command after a window has opened

I'm writing a MEL script which involves opening the grease pencil UI toolbar. I want to remove the close button on that toolbar. I tried doing
window -edit -tbm 0 greasePencilFloatingWindow;
but get Error: line 2: window: Object 'greasePencilFloatingWindow' not found.
Further tests reveal that running
window -q -exists greasePencilFloatingWindow;
will return a result of 0.
Running GreasePencilTool; and then window -edit -tbm 0 greasePencilFloatingWindow; at separate times works as expected, as does running window -edit -tbm 0 greasePencilFloatingWindow; when the toolbar is already open.
However, I need to be able to remove the close button immediately when the toolbar opens.
The closest thing I can think of that illustrates what I want to do are Javascript callback functions, where another function can be executed once the current function is finished... but is there a way to do something like that in MEL?
I've also tried using the evalDeferred command without success.
The grease pencil tool is launched asynchronously so the window will not be present for some unknown length of time. This means the best you could do is trigger a function which would check periodically and do it the next time you find the correctly named window; you could attach this to an idle time script job.
It's ugly. But it is probably the only way since there's no event that will notify when thje window arrives. If you do that, make the script job suicide after it fires so it's not sitting there on every idle check till the end of time.

Click event is not firing in PowerBuilder on single line edit control

In child window of my application, I have placed one single line edit control named as sle_name. Its tab order is 1.
Below that control I have placed DataWindow having formatted as free form style.
When I run the app, if my focus is in sle_name, and I click on sle_name then rbuttondown event is triggered. Then I move my focus to DataWindow(dw_account). Once I got focus on dw_account and then if I try to click on sle_name, my focus is not moving on sle_name and neither I can run rbuttondown event on sle_name.
What is the reason for this problem?
One more thing: when I start this window my focus in set in sle_name, from that control if I press tab key then my focuse moves to dw_account and if I press again shift+tab then my focus is moved back to sle_account.
But if I try to set focus from dw_account to sle_account using mouse pointer it is not moving focus.
What is the reason behind this behaviour?
I had the same behavior in a child window.
It was fixed when disabled the 'ControlMenu' and 'TitleBar' properties in the window. (It's so strange).
Hope it helps
This isn't natural behaviour, so the cause is likely something you've scripted. Depending on your architecture, the culprit code could be a number of places (e.g. framework objects). If this were my problem, I'd run with the PBDEBUG trace turned on (a System Option in the IDE, or /PBDEBUG on the command line after the deployed EXE name), and see what is firing when you try to move back to the SLE.
I'd also be using PBL Peeper to see the trace and the code side-by-side, so it's easier to see what code is being executed (the trace only shows you script name and line number).
Good luck,
you must have to create the event ID pbm_lbuttonup, with the same parameter as rbuttondown event. Then in the code you write this.setfocus()

Using WatiN with a rad menu item cannot find sub link most of the time

My test needs to click a link from a rad tools menu that it can only find some of the time. Even when it finds the link ByText it cannot double click it. If I hover the menu item it will always find it. Cannot find a hover in Watin, otherwise I've tried refresh, sleeps, focus, keypress, WaitUntilExists, double clicks, etc. Its using a class rmText from rad tools.
The only thing I've found to work is hovering that drop down while the tests are running...
Wish I could just do that for a few seconds...
//process would be a menu item below the radtool menu item that only shows up when certain conditions exist (but always does with the hover)
if (ie.Link(Find.ByText("process")).Exists) //sometimes I get through here
ie.Link(Find.ByText("process")).Click(); // this works only if I hover
Might be that creating the menu item is taking some time. Calling Exists does check if it exists now, maybe if you wait a few (milli)seconds it will be there. Try calling
This will time out if the element never appears, otherwise you can savely call the click.
BTW maybe you can get rid of the exists check, WatiN does call WaitUntilExists by itself too before calling Click().
