I have written a few Jmeter scripts *.jmx and need to run these as a scenario with 50% users on one and the rest on the other scripts with max 200 Threads (VUsers). Can this be done on Jmeter? or do i need Blazemeter ?please help ? Thanks in advance. Rick
For this test, you would have two thread groups running consecutively.
Both thread groups have 100 users each (50%)
First thread group runs first scenario, the other one runs all the other scenarios. If you need the scenarios all running at the same time, you can add more thread groups, and split the users down further.
i am running a simple test with 10 users for 5 mins. my test has a single thread and different transactions within it. By the end of the test, there is a different number of samples for each transaction. Is there a way or a setting so that we don't start any new thread when the test is finishing, i tried ultimate thread group plugin with ramp down , hoping to see same samples for all requests but it didn't happen. Not sure if that is even possible.
Each JMeter thread (virtual user) executes Samplers upside down (or according to the Logic Controllers)
When you're defining test duration it might be the case that some virtual users are somewhere in the "middle" of the Samplers and they stop when they receive shutdown signal.
It means that the very first sampler will be executed with 100% of users and for further samplers the chance of getting executed becomes lower and lower.
The only way to have the same number of Sample Results for all Samplers is using normal JMeter Thread Group and providing fixed amount of loops.
Given above setup you will have strictly 80 executions of each and every Sampler in the Test Plan
More information: Getting Started with JMeter - A Basic Tutorial
If we want to execute the script for an hour for 5k users, which thread group will fit best? How do I make sure that only 5k users will be injected in whole 1 hour?
Sure you can, this can be implemented using any Thread Group derivative, i.e.
Normal JMeter Thread Group:
Concurrency Thread Group
Ultimate Thread Group
By default you have only option #1, other Thread Groups can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager
Lets say we have 2 thread groups, one has 10 threads, another one has 30 threads. I have unchecked "run thread group consecutively". In table results, we see response time of second thread group is more than first threadgroup users.
When threadgroups are arranged other way, it shows reverse. So, whichever is second thread group, its user showing response time more than what is there in first thread group.
When you unchecked the "run thread group consecutively", then both the thread group runs in parallel. Now, based on the number of thread they will send the requests. In your scenario, 2nd thread group has created 30 threads and start sending the request. Now, based on,after how much time the response will come, it is listed in the view result. So, you thread group have more thread and may be getting response faster then thread 1. But, thread 1 is also going to be listed in the view results as shown below;-
Option is unchecked, so parallel running:-
So,in short, if "run thread group consecutively" option is unchecked, thread groups will run in parallel else sequential.
Option is checked, so sequential running:-
Hope this helps.
Only one explanation comes to my mind:
You're running your test in GUI mode
You're running it in GUI mode with Listeners enabled
If above assumptions are correct JMeter is simply lacking resources in order to kick off that many threads and given JMeter is not capable of sending requests fast enough you're getting "false negative" results as JMeter spends time in GC trying to free up some Heap space in order to be able to operate.
Make sure to run your test in command-line non-GUI mode
Disable all the Listeners, they don't add any value, only consume valuable resources
Follow recommendations from the 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure in order to configure JMeter for maximum performance
I am trying to run http samplers sequentially for multiple requests. Where the output of 1 API response is the input of next API request. My concern is when I run with 5 users (for. e.g), then at given point of time it first executes 1st API with 5 users then second API with 5 users, in this process the API where input is required gets lost. Please help me on this. I need a solution, where all the samplers are first executed for first user, then for second thread all the samplers are executed and so on.
Dzizu is correct, threads are independent so you are going to run into problems with this approach.
Since you are using 5 users across the test, it would be better to have one thread group with 5 users, and then have Simple controllers (or Transaction controllers) that hold the HTTP samplers and whatever else you are using. This will ensure that the samplers are executed concurrently, but they can still share data if required.
Simple example below:
Threads usually are independent. The easiest way in my opinion is to put full process in one thread and then multiply threads in thread groups.
Eventually I tried to solve this by using loop count option. For example if I want to simulate 5 users in 1 second, I set values as loop count=5,threads=1,ramp-up=.2.
This worked for me so give it a try.
Use the Transaction Controller or Simple Controller to group your samplers together and run them in sequence without worrying about the number of threads. For me, it is working as expected :).
I have made some PHP scripts and I want to test the response time for simultaneous users in JMeter. This scripts are run in a very short time (50 miliseconds).
What I would like to do is to simulate a load test from 1 to 50 of users where each user (thread) repeats the request for an unlimited period. So first we will have 1 user, after 2 simultaneous users, after 3 ... and so on.
I am trying to do it but with I have is response times where it is evident that there is no simultaneous request.
With HP loaddrunner we can define number of iterations for each thread, is this possible in JMeter?
You can possibly use these 2 thread group implementations
Stepping Thread Group
Ultimate Thread Group
from Jmeter Plugins package, that let you set load-increase for you scenario as you want.
As well you can also look onto Synchronizing Timer if you want "better" concurrency - but this is rather stress-testcase than load one.