homestead command not working - bash

I'm updating Laravel's Homestead to work with the new command line tool and I've hit a hurdle early on.
I've already installed the box and installed the tool by running:
composer global require "laravel/homestead=~2.0"
If I run ~/.composer/vendor/bin/homestead then I get what I'm looking for.
But if I run just homestead on it's own I get:
command not found: homestead
Here's my path:
Where you can clearly see ~/.composer/vendor/bin at the front.
Obviously not the end of the world but just wondering if there's anything I can do?

The ~ character has not been expanded. Add $HOME/.composer/vendor/bin to the path instead.

You need to run this before init.
EPOCLAB:~ Dev$ PATH="~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"
EPOCLAB:~ Dev$ homestead init


Vagrant - Bash: Command not found

Looking for some assistance with Vagrant, for what I believe is a Server Variable issue.
I have been trying all weekend to get any kind of Vagrant install up and running. I have followed:
Laravel Homestead installation guide, and
Sitepoint Homestead Vagrant VM guide.
I am using the default folders for install. Whatever I do, after installing Vagrant, I am unable to run 'vagrant up' or vagrant init' because the command 'vagrant' cannot be found (bash: vagrant: command not found). I am trying to execute from the folder with Vagrantfile in it, as suggested by Sitepoint.
I found this Stack Overflow article: Vagrant Command Stopped Working: Command not Found on Windows, but with the current version doesn't work as that bin folder is empty (note that the 'embedded' folder beside it is full, with several 'bin' folders down within the subfolder structure).
I am not familiar enough with Vagrant to know to which folder I should set the server variable, if indeed that is the right answer. It has to be simple, as no sites address this particular issue anywhere. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Win 7, Vagrant 2.1.2, Virtualbox 5.2.14
At the time of writing, Vagrant v2.1.2 is missing vagrant.exe in the i686.msi file.
There are two parts to this answer.
In GitBash, run commands with .\ preceeding the filename(ie .\vagrant up). See earlier comments for the credit for this answer.
Missing executable has been raised as an issue on Github. Without the executable, it, of course, was throwing a command not found error.
Thanks for your support Rohit.

Laravel Homestead vagrant up box issue

I am installing laravel homestead. As I am new on this so maybe i took some steps wrong while installing and setting up laravel homestead on windows.
I followed a tutorial and download laravel homestead box directly and then install it manually by giving it a local disk url. It installed perfectly fine till then. But now when i am trying to "vagrant up" command it says that box doesnt found.
So after that I read somewhere that it we have to add manyual metadata somewhere but I dont know where. And after some changes I am facing this error.
Once you have downloaded the box manually, you need to add it to vagrant config, so vagrant knows about the box for later user. run the following command :
$ vagrant box add --box-version <VERSION_DOWNLOADED> laravel/homestead <path to downloaded file>
After this, make sure to go to the folder where homestead has been cloned (do not do that from the .vagrant directory, just go somewhere else, and avoid path with space, windows generally does not like it; C:\homestead will be just fine for a test) and you can run vagrant up from there

enable ldap module in laravel homestead

Currently have an issue where i can not enable the ldap module in homestead. I have changed multiple php.ini files and still nothing seems to be working. Has anyone else had issues with enabling modules in homestead?
Side note: when trying to restart php-fpm i am getting a permission denied issue. They prompt me with a password (which i have tried "secret") but still cant seem to get that to work either.
Have restarted the homestead instance multiple times as well. no prevail.
any thoughts?
I think this question deserves its own answer as it's pretty easy to install the wrong version of ldap on homestead and not know why things aren't working.
TL;DR: Match the version of ldap to the version of php you're running & install with apt-get.
For example, running homestead v.6.1.0:
cd HOMESTEADFOLDER # on your host
vagrant ssh # access the guest machine
sudo apt-get update # update apt-get package list
sudo apt-get install php7.1-ldap # or whatever version
In my example above, if you switch out php7.1-ldap for php7.0-ldap everything appears to install correctly (it does in fact install correctly) but, in reality, you've installed the module to a version of php that's not actually running. It took me several attempts at rebooting FPM to figure out this is what I had done.
Side note: apt-get will restart php and reload modules so there's no need to try and reboot the server or mess about with .ini files.
While ssh-ed in to the guest machine, you can check that the package is installed with php -m
If ldap is a thing your project needs, it's probably a better idea to handle this in a script. The answer referenced by fh-jashmore in his comment above comment has a simple but solid example: How to automatically enable php extensions in Homestead on vagrant up

How do I install homestead in windows 8

I have a problem with installing homestead in windows 8, using vagrant.
I typed in like
vagrant box add laravel/homestead as well as
composer require laravel/homestead --dev to make sure that homestead files are installed properly.
also I added environmental variable where homestead.yaml is located.
as a result, I sucessfully access to homestead in cmd.
but when I typed in homestead edit it said,
Windows can not find 'C:\USERS\PETER.homestead\Homestead.yaml' Make
sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
so, I checked the file location c:\users\peter.homestead\homestead.yaml, but the directory, .homestead, does not exist in PETER directory.
How can I solve this problem?
Any help or feedback will be appreciated.
Thank you and have a great day.
Do a homestead init for the folder to be generated. Navigate to the path and you should see it.

unable to install laravel homestead using command line

i am trying to install laravel homestead in my windows 7 pc but every time fails it starts downloading but after some percentage it stops and display errors like
"SSL read: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0), errno 10054"
i have restarted download but every time after some percentage it stops i am tired now please help me
i have installed "vagrant_1.7.4.msi" and "VirtualBox-4.3.30-101610-Win.exe" also
I'm also unable to install it online in Windows 7, it will always stop downloading at some point before 15%.
What I had to do was to download the .box file and add it locally.
You can download the file from:
For convenience rename it to something like and do the following:
vagrant box add laravel/homestead file:///c:/
vagrant box add --insecure -c laravel/homestead
It worked for me.
Got it from here
If you can't finish even the manual download, try to download from this mirror. This is a copy of laravel/homestead 0.5.0. Use this command to add:
vagrant box add laravel/homestead "path-to-your-file"
I also had the same error "errno 10054".
However, in my environment I solved it with the following contents.
Windows10 64bit
Git bash 2.21.0
Virtual Box 6.0.4
vagrant 2.2.4
As a result, this was necessary for me.
In my case, the installation was successful if I do it as follows.
To install "MSVCR100.DLL" on windows
To command "Vagrant box add laravel/homestead" at terminal.
