Visual studio 2013 works slow after Update 4 - visual-studio

Does anybody know if Visual Studio Update 4 bring something which can consume CPU too much?
I had update 3 before and did not have any issues with performance, but after Update 4 I noticed that Visual studio is doing something (even if it's in background) and CPU is not going lower that 15%
Also it's not very responsive after 1-2 hours or work, I have to restart it.
I noticed than it's IsAssertEtwEnabled takes most of CPU, but have no idea what is it, I googled but found only one answer about DevExpress plugin, but I don't have it.
(if I uninstall updates, everything back to normal, but I prefer to have software to be updated)
UPDATE: I found the issue, it's browser link causing CPU and performance problems. After disabling browser link it get back to normal.
See second screenshot to see how to disable browser link

Try disabling browser link. Thats what I did.

It happens with Visual Studio.
The best part is to remove it completely and re install everything from first.
This is mainly caused because you have did Update
That IS:
1) Remove your Visual Studio and Emulator's and updates completely.
2)Install Visual studio.
3)now install just the current version update 3
4)now the emulators.
Your done!!!

It happens with Visual Studio because you have updated that not installed the latest version directly, when you are upgrading that some threads are running behind that checks the current version every time you are connected to internet
Try reinstalling that visual studio
Diable browser link

I'd also recommend to uninstall Visual Studio completely and install the latest version VS 2013 with Update 4. It's the current stable version.
And works better on my PC as compared to VS 2012. :)

Just in case if disabling browser link does not solve the problem, try to run VS in safe mode by running devenv.exe /safemode. This will disable any third party add-ins and you can check if some add-ins have issues with the new update.
If it still doesn't solve the problem, try reinstalling VS, and make sure that the installation run without any problems.


Why VS2019 get suddenly very slow and laggy while trying to debug a c# application?

I am working on a c# code for the last couple of weeks and I debug it very often.
VS 2019 was working properly but suddenly it got very slow and laggy when I tried to debug my code.
I checked all resources on my machine. All seem as before and are available enough.
Even I checked the same IDE with other codes. All runs and debugs fast enough as before.
I also updated my IDE to the last version (currently 16.8.5 by the end of February 2021).
Did anybody has the same experience with the VS2019 ever?
Thanks in advance.
Not sure whether the issue is caused your code with IDE environment together. Please try the following suggestions:
1) disable any third party installed extensions under Extensions-->Manage Extensions-->Installed to check whether an extension caused that.
2) reset settings under Tools-->Import and Export Settings-->Reset all settings and you can also make a backup of the settings
3) close VS, delete all files under C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\16.0_xxx\ComponentModelCache
and also delete .vs hidden folder under your solution folder, bin and obj folder.
4) type devenv /safemode under Developer Command Prompt for VS to start a pure VS and then try your project.
5) create a new project with your same code and check if this works.
Besides, if all do not help, you could try a small reproducible sample with us.
If debugging suddenly becomes slow, you might consider checking your symbol settings and debugging settings. If you for example enable .NET framework source stepping, debugging can be slow, or if you do not cache symbols or disable for example Just My Code or enable other stuff, like IntelliTrace or install a bad extension.
It might not be an alternative for you, but I am pleased to inform you that I have been using Visual Studio 2022 and it is radically faster. Yes, this is not opinionated, this is an observation. It IS faster. Maybe it is because I do not have many extensions on it, but it is also a 64-bit application with less memory pressure on the GC. So you can first check your settings and then give VS 2022 Preview versions for a spin. I have used it for months and the amount of bugs are rather small if you do typically development. For a Preview version, I am impressed with what they are working for nextgen Visual Studio.
You should also clean your solution and delete and bin and obj folders via for example Powershell script to make sure your binaries are updated. Then rebuild.
If you have "live share" extension enabled, perhaps can try to disable / uninstall that. This one was causing my problem.
Ok, #Mr Qian no 3 did the trick for me.
Situation: After a "Cleanup" (Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\InstallCleanup.exe) my VS2019 was partially gone. Good tool. :-(
After (re)install, I had 2 folders "ComponentModelCache" over 2 folders of 16.0_xxx : 16.0_4f678462 and 16.0_119826cb
I renamed both "ComponentModelCache" folders (you can delete later, when it has effect)
Build ran as never before...
Thank you, Mr Qian
My problems started as I upgraded to Visual Studio 2022 (from 2019) and upgraded to Windows 11 (naughty naughty, two major changes).
Turns out Windows Defender didn't preserve my exceptions. Using this PowerShell script as a template saved a bit of time:
Performance is back to where is was pre my Windows 11/Visual Studio 2022 upgrade.
Visual studio 2019 (16.8.5) has this problem in debugging. I have updated it into 16.11.8 and it works properly.

Visual studio closes when debugging (after install update 2)

I just installed the visual studio update 2 on two computers and now when I try to debug my program, the visual studio closes!!
It doesn't show any exception, just closes.
What should I do? I tried to reinstall the visual studio and install again but I got the same problem.
According to Marc Paine (Visual Studio Debugger QA Lead):
You are using the Visual Web Devleoper version of VS, correct? If so, we have a known bug in this CTP only affecting VWD. You can copy symsvr.dll from any other install of VS (other express versions or pro) into the common7\ide directory for VWD. That should fix the problem. We have fixed this problem already and it should be avialable in the next CTP.
Unfortunately it doesn't worked for me... so I tell it in the support forum but Microsoft just marked my feedback as closed and didn't answer me anymore...
So unfortunately my solution was formatting my computer.
It's a CTP right now, which isn't really supposed to be stable; on the contrary - it has experimental features. So it shouldn't really surprise you that it crashes. Gather as much data as possible and send it to Microsoft; hopefully they'll fix it.

Visual Studio 2010 (devenv) Hung Process After Closing

I have problem with Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 64-bit. After some time of work VS starts consuming ~50% CPU and UI responding slows down. When I close VS then UI disappear but process stay.
When I forgot to kill those hung processes at the end of day, I will end up with numerous devenv.exe processes.
I have reinstall Visual Studio and reinstall Windows and ended up with the same problem... doesn't change anything. Please help. :/
Remove and/or uninstall all third-party Visual Studio add-ins and extensions. Disabling is not good enough.
Visual Studio 2010 relies heavily on graphics. Therefore:
Update your video driver.
Turn off "Enable rich client visual
Turn off "Use Hardware graphics acceleration if
There are also temporary files that Visual Studio uses that may need to be cleared out.
Clear out your %temp% folder.
Clear out %AppData%\Local\Microsoft\WebsiteCache
Clear out %AppData%\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\ProjectAssemblies
Your project and solution user settings may be corrupt due to so many "crashes".
Delete .user and .suo files (you will lose the startup project, bookmarks, breakpoints, and other user settings specific to projects and solutions.)
Begin where you began before - it may seem overkill but this is the only way to be sure we are addressing everything short of hardware issues.
Reinstall Windows - make sure you are using a validly licensed copy, and patch the hell out of it before installing Visual Studio.
Note: I doubt it is a GPU driver issue, but it never hurts to use the most up to date driver and this is the place to do it right after a fresh OS install.
Install Visual Studio .Net 2010 but do not start it up. Let it get the frameworks installed fresh.
Use Windows Update to install the VS 2010 SP1 patch, and any/all patches for .Net frameworks.
Make an images for yourself right here so you have something to build from if you need to try this again. It will save you lots of time.
Fire up Visual Studio, and test your closing before installing anything else.
If it does not work here, there's likely some conflict between PC hardware and window OS, and you should try to find this symptom in other applications to get more info.
Here's what i would be looking for:
Does it happen EVERY TIME?
Does it happen after you debug your project ? does it happen for ALL projects?
Does it also happen when you don't load any projects? (simply start the IDE and wait).
Does it happen after a debug session of your application? maybe the application is not closed properly?
Do you have any other apps running at the same time that may cause this? try reproducing with a minimal set of apps/services running.
What are you doing exactly when it starts freezing ? anything in particular?
I would try to get 2-3 memory dumps at the time of hanging, post it here as well as to MSFT people. That would be a good start.

Visual Studio 2010 suddenly slow

Recently, the editor for VS2010 suddenly became slow when I installed some extensions then uninstalled them. The program itself is running fine and starts up in seconds. Jumping around the menus is lightning fast, but editing code, there is a 1 second lag between the keyboard and the editor.
This happens on a brand new console application project with nothing in it. I have also uninstalled all extensions, resharper etc. The only extensions remaining are VisualHg, Ankh and Nuget.
I have an i7 with 16 gigs of RAM so hardware is NOT the issue.
Is there some sort of cache or files that VS could have locked onto?
How can I figure out what is causing the issue?
Well thanks to #jv42's suggestion, I installed the perfwatson extension and that sorted out the issue. I've since put some of the extensions back and VS2010 is running better than ever before.
I still don't know what caused the issue.
I would find a rollback point before you installed the plug ins. You could have malware that installed with the plugin but was not part of the uninstall. It could just be that the uninstall did not remove something it installed that was causing the problem. It is most likely going to be far faster for you to find a rollback point and start there than to try and figure out what process is causing you the problem and where it is hooked into the registry.
Try resetting your settings from the command line back to the factory default. Warning You will lose all your settings!
devenv /resetsettings
You can back them up, as well as reset, using this article.
finally refer this to fix my problem.
solution is:
Debug->Options and Settings->Debugging -> Symbols
change from All modules,unless excluded to Only specified modules

Prevent Visual Studio from crashing (sometimes)

How can I stop Visual Studio (both 2005 and 2008) from crashing (sometimes) when I select the "Close All But This" option?This does not happen all the time either.
First, check Windows Update and make sure both VS environments are up to date.
If that doesn't help, uninstall them both completely, reinstall only 2005, update and test it. If 2005 doesn't crash, install 2008, update and test them both. Don't install any add-ons you may have been using until you've reinstalled and tested both editions of VS.
If one or the other does crash, you should try filing a bug against Visual Studio.
If they didn't crash, install any add-ons that you use one at a time and continue to test both editions after each one. (This will take ages, but that's how it has to be) When they start crashing, remove the offending add-on, and file a bug with the add-on developer. (be sure to tell them what other add-ons you're using, in case it only happens when 2 conflicting add-ons are installed.)
I would highly consider uninstalling and then installing Visual Studio again. Afterwards make sure you have installed available service packs for your VS version.
Does it happen on all projects or a specific one?
Does it only occurs when a specific file is open?
Try re-installing visual studio and any/all service packs.
Try to reset the Visual Studio settings (Tools->Import and Export Settings->Reset All Settings).
Maybe you can try to reproduce this using a specific solution and csproject file and report it to Microsoft?
That's the best shot you can ever have.
Another alternative:
Study for 10 years to become a really good programmer
Apply for (and get) a job at Microsoft in the Visual Studio team
Fix the bug
