I'm pretty sure this isn't how I'm supposed to use windeployqt, but I have an executable which is missing some dependencies (specifically the qt plugin windows). I thought I could use the windeployqt tool in order to find the missing dependencies for this executable and install them, but I get a "does not exist" error when I try and run the following:
windeployqt.exe ExecutableFileName.exe
I tried this after trying the full path (e.g. windeployqt.exe pathtoexecutablefile\executablefilename.exe
but both times I get two errors. Either filename.exe does not exist, or pathtofile\filename.exe doesn't exist. Is there a way to fix this or am I using the tool wrong? I've added the folder containing the tool to my system path, but do I need to add the folder containing the executable as well?
I am a beginner in react-native. I tried to compile the apps, ran the pod install (because I used cocoapods I have to do this, I guess), and opened the generated xcworkspace. After I hit the compile button, this error show up
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No such file or directory: '/Users/<username>/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<project name>-bvczmgvzvgwjpyfsmvczxliopbfo/Build/Intermediates.noindex/PrecompiledHeaders/SharedPrecompiledHeaders/7446126693023229553/Prefix.pch'
The xcconfig file I used already had GCC_PREFIX_HEADER and targeted on correct file. It stated like this
GCC_PREFIX_HEADER = $(SRCROOT)/ExportedProject/Classes/Prefix.pch;
I checked my project's configurations using target "Release" and it pointed to the correct xcconfig file.
I searched around and found this SO. I checked on my Build Settings > Apple Clang - Language - Prefix Header, and it also targeted on the correct path and has the Precompile Prefix Header filled with "Yes".
I tried to use pod-deintegrate; reimport the project; deleted the project and use react-native upgrade, but nothing works.
I am trying to compile an Xcode project that uses scripts to build some external (go) code. These scripts were build with the assumption that their external dependencies are on the $PATH. However, I am so far unable to get Xcode to use a PATH environment variable that includes the additions I need.
Is there a way to do this WITHOUT having to edit the Xcode project itself or the scripts? (I really don't want to edit these as these are shared with a larger team)
I have tried to use the LaunchAgents approach suggested in for example https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/hc/en-us/articles/219042108-Setting-global-environment-variables-on-OS-X, but haven't had success with it.
Wherever the script is called in xcode, that call would have to be amended to include the desired environment variable- but you don't want to modify the project. I would suggest putting symbolic links to the external dependencies somewhere in the default $PATH, where your scripts are expecting them to be.
This can be considered as a follow-up to CMake MacOS X bundle with BundleUtiliies for Qt application
I want to create a MACOS bundle on CI which can be used by users for an open source project.
What I have:
Main executable
Updater executable
icon file
helper script calling updater then main
data files in a folder (translations etc, some generated at build time)
plugin shared libs
What I've done so far:
add MACOSX_BUNDLE to the executable
add icon to its sources and to RESOURCE property
set MACOSX_BUNDLE_* properties
install everything in a cross-platform way (regular install(TARGETS calls and install(FILES for the resources)
But now I'm stuck on how to get those into the bundle w/o to much manual work.
From the linked question I got something like this:
set(LIBS )
# Path used for searching by FIND_XXX(), with appropriate suffixes added
foreach(dir ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH})
list(APPEND DIRS "${dir}/bin" "${dir}/lib")
install(CODE "include(BundleUtilities)
fixup_bundle(\"${APPS}\" \"${LIBS}\" \"${DIRS}\")")
Why do I need to pass the *.app path manually? CMake does already know it, doesn't it?
LIBS should contain my plugins, shouldn't it? But what? Paths? Target names?
DIRS is also a mystery to me. No documentation even in CMake 3.12 (I'm still using 2.8.12 though :( )
How to add my generated and regular data files? Probably same or similar to the icon? But what about the generated ones?
Help, pointers to examples, full CMakeLists doing that etc. very welcome.
Note: I'm cross-compiling from linux on the CI and NOT using Qt so e.g. macdeployqt or so is out of question.
Just got stuck on the same issue and google brought me here.
This worked for me:
set(CUR_TARGET myappname)
add_executable(${CUR_TARGET} MACOSX_BUNDLE ${MY_SRC})
set_target_properties(${CUR_TARGET} PROPERTIES
MACOSX_BUNDLE_GUI_IDENTIFIER my.domain.style.identifier.${CUR_TARGET}
MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/customtemplate.plist.in
The file customtemplate.plist.in is based on the cmake template from the cmake dir subfolder at your_cmake_install_dir/share/cmake/Modules/MacOSXBundleInfo.plist.in
I try to run my project but i get the following error "The application bundle does not contain a valid identifier."
here my info.plist
I followed other answer on the question. I don't have any "Ressources" folder inside my project.
Thanks for your help
I solve this problem after I delete all build files by Xcode.
Your build file path at Xcode > Preferences > Locations > Derived Data
If you didn't change the default path, Your path is like
I just deleted all files under DerivedData
In my case, this problem occurred when I manually removed a pod from my file browser in XCode.
In order to fix it, I deleted the associated entry in my podfile, and ran 'pod install' from the terminal.
Additionally, I had to delete the relevant search paths and other references to that pod. And of course I had to clean the project.
In my case, my app's bundle contained a dash like com.some-thing.app so I just changed it to com.something.app and the problem was fixed.
In my case, the value for "Bundle Identifier" key was missing in Info.plist
In my case the info.plist had the wrong encoding format, I still don't know why it changed. So I had to create a new one from Xcode and copy paste all the keys.
Cleaning the project solves my issue. Product -> Clean
I was building the wrong target on a device in my case. I was building the Test target rather than the normal app target.
In my case, I've added a framework into Embed Binaries phase, but it was already in my Link Frameworks and Binaries phase, which created a duplicate entry. Once I deleted one of them, this error starting appearing.
To fix it, I've removed the framework from both build phases and added it one more time
For my case, it's caused by a wrong Info.plist in a framework(lack of Bundle identifier and Executable file)
Use ideviceinstaller -i xx.app can see the detailed error log.
I ran into this issue trying to run flutter build ios, where the errors were related to trying to access WatchOS and TvOS simulators. For now, not sure how to disable that.
What worked was to run flutter run
In my case, the framework info.plist lack of Bundle identifier.
use cmake create dynamic framwork misss Bundle identifier of the info.plist