subinacl get full output - windows

We are using the windows console program subinacl.exe to grant a user the right to stop and start a service. Therfore we use the following command:
subinacl.exe /service %SERVICE_NAME% /grant=%PC_NAME%\%USER_NAME%=PTO
%SERVICE_NAME% = name of the service
%PC_NAME% = name of the computer
%USER_NAME% = name of the user that should become the right to start and stop the service
PTO = right to start and stop the service (R would be just reading)
When typing the command into the default windows command line (with administrator rights) on a windows server 2012 the result is:
ELITE_INETRSVSERVER : delete Perm. ACE 4 test-pc\test
ELITE_INETRSVSERVER : new ace for test-pc\test
Elapsed Time: 00 00:00:00
Done: 1, Modified 1, Failed 0, Syntax errors 0
Now we want to save the text into a file or get it into a programm (via redirect the outputs : Getting output from a shell/dos app into a Delphi app). We need the integer values of Done and Failed found in the result.
The problem is, that we cannot catch the last three lines after the empty lines.
When using console redirect, the first three lines can be found in the file result.txt. But the last three are shown in the console.
subinacl.exe /service %SERVICE_NAME% /grant=%PC_NAME%\%USER_NAME%=PTO > result.txt 1<&2
The same problem we do have, when redirecting the output programmatically.
Of course every command is executed as administrator.

The option /errorlog could help to solve the problem:
subinacl /outputlog=c:\NONERRORS.TXT /errorlog=C:\ERRORLOG.TXT /file C:\TEST.TXT /display
if C:\ERRORLOG.TXT file is empty it means that the command has been executed successfully.


ISDeploymentWizard.exe command (SSIS deployment ) in CMD doesn't print any indication for status

I'm running the below command in CMD for SSIS:
ISDeploymentWizard.exe /Silent /ModelType:Project /SourcePath:"C:\TEST\Integration Services.ispac" /DestinationServer:"TEST03,1111" /DestinationPath:"/TEST/DEVOPS"
and it finished successfully but with no indication to the command line. I can only check with SSMS to make sure it was really deployed. any idea why?
Solid observation here #areilma - the /silent option eliminates all status info. I had always assumed that flag controlled whether the gui was displayed or not.
If I run this command
isdeploymentwizard.exe /Silent /ModelType:Project /SourcePath:".\SO_66497856.ispac" /DestinationServer:".\dev2017" /DestinationPath:"/SSISDB/BatchSizeTester/SO_66497856"
My package is deployed to my local machine at the path specified. Removing the /silent option causes the GUI to open up with the prepopulated values.
isdeploymentwizard.exe /ModelType:Project /SourcePath:".\SO_66497856.ispac" /DestinationServer:".\dev2017" /DestinationPath:"/SSISDB/BatchSizeTester/SO_66497856"
When the former command runs, nothing is printed to the command prompt. So that's happy path deployment, maybe if something is "wrong", I'd get an error message on the command line. And this is where things got "interesting".
I altered my destination path to a folder that doesn't exist. I know the tool doesn't create a path if it doesn't exist and when I ran it, I didn't get an error back on the command line. What I did get, was a pop up windowed error of
TITLE: SQL Server Integration Services
The path does not exist. The folder 'cBatchSizeTester' was not found in catalog 'SSISDB'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.Wizard.Common)
So the /silent option removes the gui to allow us to have an automated deploy but if a bad value is passed, we return to having a gui... I then repeated with a bad server name, which led to a second observation. The second I hit enter, the command line returned ready for the next command. 15 seconds later however,
TITLE: SQL Server Integration Services
Failed to connect to server .\dev2017a. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)
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Well now, that tells me that the actual deployment is an independent spawned process. So it won't return any data back to the command line, in any case.
Since I assume we're looking at this from a CI/CD perspective, what can we do? We could fire off a sqlcmd afterwards looking for an entry in the SSISDB catalog views to see what happened. Something like this
SELECT TOP 1 O.end_time, SV.StatusValue, AS FolderName, AS ProjectName FROM catalog.operations AS O
CASE O.status
WHEN 1 THEN 'Created'
WHEN 2 THEN 'Running'
WHEN 3 THEN 'Canceled'
WHEN 4 THEN 'Failed'
WHEN 5 THEN 'Pending'
WHEN 6 THEN 'Ended unexpectedly'
WHEN 7 THEN 'Succeeded'
WHEN 8 THEN 'Stopping'
WHEN 9 THEN 'Completed'
END AS StatusValue
INNER JOIN catalog.object_versions AS OV ON OV.object_id = O.object_id
INNER JOIN catalog.projects AS P ON P.object_version_lsn = OV.object_version_lsn
INNER JOIN catalog.folders AS F ON F.folder_id = P.folder_id
catalog.packages AS PKG
ON PKG.project_id = P.project_id
WHERE O.operation_type = 101 /*deploy project*/
AND = 'SO_66497856' /*project name*/
AND = 'BatchSizeTester'
ORDER BY o.created_time DESC
Perhaps a filter against end_time of within the past 10 seconds would be appropriate and if we have a result and the status is Succeeded we got a deploy. No result means it failed. I presume something similar happens when the gui runs and despite all this testing, I'm not interested in firing up a trace to fully round out this answer and see what happens behind the scenes.
If you want to negate the value of the prebuilt tool, the other option would be to use the ManagedObjectModel/PowerShell approach to deploy as you can get info from there. The other deployment option is with the TSQL Commands. The second link in my documentation section outlines what that would look like
Paltry documentation I could find
I could find no documentation as to the command line switches for isdeploymentwizard.exe
Deploy an SSIS project from the command prompt with ISDeploymentWizard.exe
Deploy Integration Services (SSIS) Projects and Packages
From #arielma's deleted answer, they found a more succinct answer saying "not possible"

How to run code in a debugging session from VS code on a remote using an interactive session?

I am using a cluster (similar to slurm but using condor) and I wanted to run my code using VS code (its debugger specially) and it's remote sync extension.
I tried running it using my debugger in VS code but it didn't quite work as expected.
First I logged in to the cluster using VS code and remote sync as usual and that works just fine. Then I go ahead an get an interactive job with the command:
condor_submit -i request_cpus=4 request_gpus=1
then that successfully gives a node/gpu to use.
Once I have that I try to run the debugger but somehow it logs me out from the remote session (and it looks like it goes to the head node from the print statements). That's NOT what I want. I want to run my job in the interactive session in the node/gpu I was allocated. Why is VS code running it in the wrong place? How can I run it in the right place?
Some of the output from the integrated terminal:
source /home/miranda9/miniconda3/envs/automl-meta-learning/bin/activate
/home/miranda9/miniconda3/envs/automl-meta-learning/bin/python /home/miranda9/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2020.2.60897-dev/pythonFiles/lib/python/new_ptvsd/wheels/ptvsd/launcher /home/miranda9/automl-meta-learning/automl/automl/meta_optimizers/
conda activate base
(automl-meta-learning) miranda9~/automl-meta-learning $ source /home/miranda9/miniconda3/envs/automl-meta-learning/bin/activate
(automl-meta-learning) miranda9~/automl-meta-learning $ /home/miranda9/miniconda3/envs/automl-meta-learning/bin/python /home/miranda9/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2020.2.60897-dev/pythonFiles/lib/python/new_ptvsd/wheels/ptvsd/launcher /home/miranda9/automl-meta-learning/automl/automl/meta_optimizers/
--> main in differentiable SGD
hello world torch_utils!
Files already downloaded and verified
Files already downloaded and verified
Files already downloaded and verified
-> initialization of DiMO done!
---> i = 0, iteration/it 1 about to start
lp_norms(mdl) = 18.43514633178711
lp_norms(meta_optimized mdl) = 18.43514633178711
[e=0,it=1], train_loss: 2.304989814758301, train error: -1, test loss: -1, test error: -1
---> i = 1, iteration/it 2 about to start
lp_norms(mdl) = 18.470401763916016
lp_norms(meta_optimized mdl) = 18.470401763916016
[e=0,it=2], train_loss: 2.3068909645080566, train error: -1, test loss: -1, test error: -1
---> i = 2, iteration/it 3 about to start
lp_norms(mdl) = 18.548133850097656
lp_norms(meta_optimized mdl) = 18.548133850097656
[e=0,it=3], train_loss: 2.3019633293151855, train error: -1, test loss: -1, test error: -1
---> i = 0, iteration/it 1 about to start
lp_norms(mdl) = 18.65604019165039
lp_norms(meta_optimized mdl) = 18.65604019165039
[e=1,it=1], train_loss: 2.308889150619507, train error: -1, test loss: -1, test error: -1
---> i = 1, iteration/it 2 about to start
lp_norms(mdl) = 18.441967010498047
lp_norms(meta_optimized mdl) = 18.441967010498047
[e=1,it=2], train_loss: 2.300947666168213, train error: -1, test loss: -1, test error: -1
---> i = 2, iteration/it 3 about to start
lp_norms(mdl) = 18.545459747314453
lp_norms(meta_optimized mdl) = 18.545459747314453
[e=1,it=3], train_loss: 2.30662202835083, train error: -1, test loss: -1, test error: -1
-> DiMO done training!
--> Done with Main
(automl-meta-learning) miranda9~/automl-meta-learning $ conda activate base
(automl-meta-learning) miranda9~/automl-meta-learning $ hostname
Doesn't even run without debugging mode
The problem is more serious than I thought. I can't run the debugger in the interactive session but I can't even "Run Without Debugging" without it switching to the Python Debug Console on it's own. So that means I have to run things manually with python but that won't allow me to use the variable pane...which is a big loss!
What I am doing is switching my terminal to the conoder_ssh_to_job and then clicking the button Run Without Debugging (or ^F5 or Control + fn + f5) and although I made sure to be on the interactive session at the bottom in my integrated window it goes by itself to the Python Debugger window/pane which is not connected to the interactive session I requested from my cluster...
You can try reversing the order of operations; first submitting the job, obtaining the name of the compute node allocated to you, then instructing VSCode to connect to the compute node rather than the login node.
So first would be
condor_submit -i request_cpus=4 request_gpus=1
and noting the name of the compute node. Assuming node001 in the following.
Then, open VSCode on your laptop, click on the Remote Development extension icon and choose "Remote SSH: Connect to Host...". Choose "+ Add new SSH host...". In the "Enter SSH command" box, add the following:
ssh -J miranda9#node001
The VSCode will ask you which SSH configuration file it should update. Make sure to review that configuration: specify the SSH keys if needed, the user name, etc. Also make sure you have the correctly configured in that file.
Then you can choose that host to connect to. VSCode will then execute on the compute node, and will be disconnected when the allocation finishes.
I stumbled upon a related issue recently (I wanted to use VsCode interactive Python capabilities on a compute node) and the above weren't working but this solved it:
ssh to the remote cluster ssh cluster
inside the remote cluster, add my public key to the authorized keys, so typically append the content of ~/.ssh/ (local machine) to .ssh/authorized_keys (remote cluster)
allocate some resources inside the cluster (this particular cluster uses slurm and not condor so in this case I use something like srun --pty bash)
get the name of the compute node, typically visible in the command line as username#nodename). For argument's sake, let's imagine I get a generic name like node001
for simplicity on my local machine, modify the ~/.ssh/config file and edit it as:
Host cluster
# stuff written
Host node*
HostName %h
ProxyJump cluster
Now I'm able to ssh to it from my local machine (as long as the compute node is running) with ssh node001.
In VsCode this boils down to
CTRL+P > Remote-SSH: Connect to Host...
type in the name of the node, here node001
you get connected to the node, now every interactive python you run (including jupyter and jupytext) will have access to your allocated resources
I don't know how generic this solution is, I hope it'll help at least somebody !
Here is a simpler workaround:
on the remote server create a file named bash somewhere for example /home/myuser/pathto/bash
make it executable using chmod +x bash
write salloc [your desired options for the interactive job] in the bash file
In vscode Settings search for Automation Shell: Linux and click on the "Edit in settings.js"
change the line to "terminal.integrated.automationShell.linux": "/home/myuser/pathto/bash" and save it (use the absolute path. for example ~/pathto/bash didn't work for me)
Done :)
now every time you run the debugger it will first ask for the interactive job and the debugger will run on it. but take in to consider that this is also applied to tasks you run in tasks.json.
also you can use srun instead of salloc. for example srun --pty -t 2:00:00 --mem=8G bash

Does $argv behave the same between Centos and RHEL systems

I am trying to troubleshoot an old TCL accounting script called GOTS - Grant Of The System. What it does is creates a time stamped logfile entry for each user login and another for the logout. The problem is it is not creating the second log file entry on logout. I think I tracked down the area where it is going wrong and I have attached it here. FYI the log file exists and it does not exit with the error "GOTS was called incorrectly!!". It should be executing the if then for [string match "$argv" "end_session"]
This software runs properly on RHEL Linux 6.9 but fails as described on Centos 7. I am thinking that there is a system variable or difference in the $argv argument vector for the different systems that creates this behavior.
Am I correct in suspecting $argv and if not does anyone see the true problem?
How do I print or display the $argv values on logout?
# Find out if we're beginning or ending a session
if { [string match "$argv" "end_session"] } {
if { ![file writable $Log] } {
onErrorNotify "4 LOG"
set ifd [open $Log a]
puts $ifd "[clock format [clock seconds]]\t$Instrument\t$LogName\t$GroupName"
close $ifd
unset ifd
exit 0
} elseif { [string match "$argv" "begin_session"] == 0 } {
puts stderr "GOTS was called incorrectly!!"
exit -1
end_session is populated by the /etc/gdm/PostSession/Default file
### Begin GOTS PostSession
# Do not run GOTS if root is logging out
if test "${USER}" == "root" ; then
exit 0
/usr/local/lib/GOTS/gots end_session > /var/tmp/gots_postsession.log 2> /var/tmp/gots_postsession.log
exit 0
### End GOTS PostSession
This is the postsession log file:
Application initialization failed: couldn't connect to display ":1"
Error in startup script: invalid command name "option"
while executing
"option add *Font "-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*""
(file "/usr/local/lib/GOTS/gots" line 26)
After a lot of troubleshooting we have determined that for whatever reason Centos is not allowing part of the /etc/gdm/PostSession/default file to execute:
/usr/local/lib/GOTS/gots end_session
But it does update the PostSession.log file as it should .. . Does anyone have any idea what could be interfering with only part of the PostSession/default?
Does anyone have any idea what could be interfereing with PostSession/default?
Could it be that you are hitting Bug 851769?
That said, am I correct in stating that, as your investigation shows, this is not a Tcl-related issue or question anymore?
So it turns out that our script has certain elements that depend upon the Xserver running on logout to display some of the GUI error messages. This from:
Gnome Configuration
"When a user terminates their session, GDM will run the PostSession script. Note that the Xserver will have been stopped by the time this script is run, so it should not be accessed.
Note that the PostSession script will be run even when the display fails to respond due to an I/O error or similar. Thus, there is no guarantee that X applications will work during script execution."
We are having to rewrite those error message callouts so they simply write the errors to a file instead of depending on the display. The errors are for things that should be there in the beginning anyway.

Store the log output into a file with cmdenv-output-file

I need to recover the content of the show log module of Omnet++/Tkenv into a file, I added in the omnetpp.ini:
cmdenv-express-mode = false
cmdenv-output-file = log.txt
but I have two types of problems:
1) after the simulation, I did not find the "log.txt" If I do not create it
2) and when I created it before launching the simulation under ../omnetpp-4.6/log.txt also I find it empty
I used EV << to display the content of variables that I used, I need to resolve this problem in order to analyze the traffic so how can I do that please?
You have to start your simulation in Cmdenv mode. To do that go to Run | Run Configurations | select your configuration, then select Command line as User interface. The log file is created in simulations directory by default.

Why is the read-only attribute set (sometimes) for files created by my service?

NOTE: This is a complete re-write of this question. I'd previously conflated some ACL issues with the problem I'm hunting, which is probably why there were no answers.
I have a windows service that uses the standard open/close/write routines to write a log file (it reads stuff from a pipe and stuffs it into the log). A new log file is opened each day at midnight. The system is Windows XP Embedded.
The service runs as the Local System service (CreateService with NULL for the user).
When the service initially starts up, it creates a log file and writes to it with no problems. At this point everything is OK, and you can restart the service (or the computer) with no issues.
However, at midnight (when the day changes), the service creates a new log file and writes to it. The funny thing is, this new log file has the 'read only' flag set. That's a problem because if the service (or the computer) restarts, the service can no longer open the file for writing.
Here's the relevant information from the system with the problem having already happened:
Directory of C:\bbbaudit
09/16/2009 12:00 AM <DIR> .
09/16/2009 12:00 AM <DIR> ..
09/16/2009 12:00 AM 437 AU090915.ADX
09/16/2009 12:00 AM 62 AU090916.ADX
attrib c:\bbbaudit\*
A C:\bbbaudit\AU090915.ADX <-- old log file (before midnight)
A R C:\bbbaudit\AU090916.ADX <-- new log file (after midnight)
cacls output:
C:\ BUILTIN\Administrators:(OI)(CI)F
BUILTIN\Users:(CI)(special access:)
BUILTIN\Users:(CI)(IO)(special access:)
C:\bbbaudit BUILTIN\Administrators:(OI)(CI)F
Here's the code I use to open/create the log files:
static int open_or_create_file(char *fname, bool &alreadyExists)
int fdes;
// try to create new file, fail if it already exists
alreadyExists = false;
fdes = open(fname, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_EXCL);
if (fdes < 0)
// try to open existing, don't create new file
alreadyExists = true;
fdes = open(fname, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND);
return fdes;
I'm having real trouble figuring out how the file is getting that read-only flag on it. Anyone who can give me a clue or a direction, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Compiler is VC 6 (Yea, I know, it's so far out of date it isn't funny. Until you realize that we're just now upgraded to XPE from NT 3.51).
The Microsoft implementation of open() has an optional third argument 'pmode', which is required to be present when the second argument 'oflag' includes the O_CREAT flag. The pmode argument specifies the file permission settings, which are set when the new file is closed for the first time. Typically you would pass S_IREAD | S_IWRITE for pmode, resulting in an ordinary read/write file.
In your case you have specified O_CREAT but omitted the third argument, so open() has used whatever value happened to be on the stack at the third argument position. The value of S_IWRITE is 0x0080, so if the value in the third argument position happened to have bit 7 clear, it would result in a read-only file. The fact that you got a read-only file only some of the time, is consistent with stack junk being passed as the third argument.
Below is the link for the Visual Studio 2010 documentation for open(). This aspect of the function's behaviour has not changed since VC 6.
Well, I have no idea what the underlying problem is with the 'open' APIs in this case. In order to 'fix' the problem, I ended up switching to using the Win32 APIs for file management (CreateFile, WriteFile, CloseHandle).
