Project is missing in api (hence octo.exe can't find it) - octopus-deploy

We're using octo.exe to create releases. It starts suddenly giving error saying can't find project. I checked the api/projects and that's true, it is not in the returned json response. But when I look at the dashboard I can see the project. The only thing I did was cloning another project from this one earlier. The cloned project is working fine but not the original project.
It exists in dashboard (web gui) but not in api (hence octa.exe can't find project)
Looks like api is caching the projects. The new projects that I created via GUI not available in api.

I have had the same issue yesterday. It turns out to be something interesting. I believe that your project is still there properly set, but the total number of projects that you have become more than the listed ones in the API, and that's why the Octo.exe couldn't see it anymore.
I have explained here, how I managed to fix that issue quickly.

This is due to how pagination is implemented in Octopus (pretty poorly if you ask me). But you can override it. add this to the URL (at the end).
alternatively, you can watch the json returned, if you find the links.Page.Next property you can use that link to get next page of the api response.


ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage PROCESSING ERROR - Previously Working

Upon uploading a binary to App Store Connect, I receive this email from Apple:
ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public selectors in [PROJECT NAME HERE]: callWithArguments:, estimatedProgress, frameInfo, getVersion, initWithFrame:configuration:, isMainFrame, navigationDelegate, navigationType, setNavigationDelegate:, setProcessPool:, targetFrame, toDouble, toString, userContentController. If method names in your source code match the private Apple APIs listed above, altering your method names will help prevent this app from being flagged in future submissions. In addition, note that one or more of the above APIs may be located in a static library that was included with your app. If so, they must be removed. For further information, visit the Technical Support Information at
However, other than the build number increasing from 1.2 to 1.2.1, this is the exact same Binary that has been previously uploaded (and is live).
I've checked other questions on StackOverflow, such as this and this, however are typically in reference to third party SDKs.
I am completely baffled as I don't use these method names at all, anywhere in the project...
Is this an issue with iOS 16 having been just released?
Thank you.
This issue has been resolved on the app validation backend. Resubmitting should work.
Original Answer
I'm also experiencing this issue this morning. A simple search of my project reveals many usages of these WKWebView APIs that are clearly public.
I suspect the issue is due to an issue with App Store builds linking against the freshly announced iOS16/Mac updates this morning. Unless those APIs have been outright banned today with no warning (unlikely), I'd put money on it being an Apple issue which they will resolve ASAP.
I tried many ways online but finally found one way out. Refer to this comment on the gihub issue. Hope you find this helpful!

Hyperledger composer generator: Trying to copy from a source that doesn't exist (no concepts support for Angular)

I have a composer-rest-server running on localhost:3000. To go with that, I tried to generate an Angular 2 app using yo hyperledger-composer. My business network models also have a abstract concept Spray{...} present.
I believe the documentation is outdated as I was presented with slightly different options than on the documentation. After choosing Angular and following through the steps, I got an
AssertionError: Trying to copy from source that does not exist ... /concept/concept.component.ts
Based on some quick google searches, I was able to find this issue on their Github - however in my case, I am not even able to build the Angular app so I don't even get to the compilation stage.
Is there any way to build the app right now where it's at?
I've created a Github issue explaining steps to reproduce this and also included a hacky fix which is to comment out the lines in the generator code which copy over the concept files.
Link -

nobody can get cocoadocs page for swift framework

Trying to post to CocoaPods, but when the project goes through it doesn’t generate docs (site + docs button, instead of expand). Alternatively, when I specify a docs url the docs button doesn’t work either. According to the guides, it seems like jazzy isn’t parsing, but when I run:
jazzy —podspec MagicCloud.podspec
…it throws no errors and generates 100% documentation (which is hosted here). At the 404 page, If I select the Alternatively, click… or Potential error info buttons no luck. I’ve tried with and without a .yaml file generated here. When I try to use the following… // x = 5,6,7,8,etc… // x = 5,6,7,8,etc…
…safari can’t find the server. I’ve posted so many versions at this point, any help would be much appreciated. The project is here, along with it's podspec file. Thanks in advance.
So after contacting Orta (the developer) directly, I eventually found out that he had handed the project off to Buddy Build. With their acquisition by Apple, they're holding off on new clients and are no longer offering support to Cocoapods.
As far as I can tell, no new Cocoapods have been able to compile their docs (at least through jazzy / swift), since the announcement January 2018. If anyone knows different, or if things change, please post here. Thanks.

Firefox source code analysis; lines of code per component

I am currently trying to analyse Bugzilla in order to find the ratio of number of bugs : lines of code for each Firefox component. However, I have never worked with Bugzilla before and have no knowledge of Firefox's codebase.
How would I go about finding lines of code per Firefox component (as they appear on Bugzilla under Comp header)? I have made an attempt at looking through mozilla central, but have no idea which source files relate to which components.
EDIT: Dexter pointed out that there is a directive BUG_COMPONENT in the mozilla-central tree, but this directive seems extremely incomplete and is not helpful. Any other advice, or pointers as to where I could get such advice would be much appreciated.
Great question! We recently added the BUG_COMPONENT directive (see the meta bug) to the Firefox code: it's in the file contained in each directory in the source. This directive allows linking each file in the repository to the related Bugzilla component.
For example, the following directive found here, tells that all the files in test/browser containing the Telemetry word belong to the Toolkit::Telemetry component on Bugzilla.
with Files("test/browser/*Telemetry*"):
BUG_COMPONENT = ("Toolkit", "Telemetry")
You can use either DXR or searchfox to quickly search the Firefox repository.
Updated the answer to account for the questions in the comments.
As noted in the comments, some components are tracked on Bugzilla (e.g. Activity Stream) but do not have a direct mapping to source files within the mozilla-central repository (the one Firefox is built from). That's because some newer components do not ride "the trains" (~6 weeks development cycle), but are rather updated more frequently and deployed as addons.
The code for these components usually lives under the Mozilla github account, along with other project. Since there are quite a number of projects, one way to identify the ones you might be interested in is to restrict them to JavaScript ones. If you follow this last link, you'll see the repository for both the test-pilot and Activity Stream (plus other addons).
I'm afraid the only way to match GitHub projects to Bugzilla components is to look at the name of the repository on GitHub and find the matching component in Bugzilla: you can type the name here to get some component suggestions. If you want to get fancy, you might also leverage the Bugzilla REST API:
Get a list of the JS GitHub project.
Extract the name of the project.
Use the REST API to get the component suggestion.
I would personally just consider the mozilla-central repository as a starting point, as it is mostly annotated: scrape the BUG_COMPONENT from the source files, map them to the paths then use the REST API to get the list of bugs.
Sidenote: the Download Panel seems to be correctly annotated in the main repo.

How do I archive/validate a Swift App that uses a framework in Xcode

I have an App that uses Admod and Firebase from Google. Since I am using Swift they want me to use frameworks when loading them from CocoaPods. When I try to archive/validate the App I get the error:
No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier 'org.cocoapods.GoogleToolboxForMac'
What is the correct way to provision an app that uses someone else's frameworks so it can be uploaded to iTunes Connect? I tried to find something in Apple's documentation but I haven't found anything.
I previously had answered my own question, since I had thought I had found a solution. My reply was:
Problem Solved. Turns out I was using an App-ID that I am having Apple look into as being corrupt. I had already created a new App-ID to prove the one I want to use is not working and retried with that and it Validates. This required a lot of help from the Google Ads Mobile SDK team. Thanks.
So the correct answer is: Now Incorrect
You should not get this error unless you are using a Bundle-ID that is not already registered on iTunes Connect, but, you should never be able to create an archive that does not have a Bundle-ID that is not already registered on iTunes Connect. So this is caused by an abnormal situation.
This is no longer true
I used my new working project and got 4 whole builds out of it and into iTunes Connect. In the process I was trying to clean up the mess caused by trying to solve this problem, like loosing my git history. I tried to modify my old App to get it to work and without modifying my new working project, But my new project started failing with the above error. I even used my time machine and went back to the directory as it was when I made the last build, but no help. So, any answers?
Further Update:
I pulled all the code related to Google Firebase and Admob out of the code and removed the cocoaPods and Archived/Validated and now I get the error:
You must supply a CFBundleIdentifer for this request.
Which is the error message I was getting with my other App-ID that tracked that App-ID in iTunesConnect. This time it does not track the App-ID so it must be something in my project. Will report what I find.
I think Apple has been modifying their code for validation at the same time I was trying different things. At one point it told me I was using CFBundleSignature instead of CFBundlePackageType set to APP and I fixed this and got the code to validate. Understand I am copying complete projects and renaming everything to debug this problem, so this must have come from the original program. I ended up with a project that was renamed from my original but archived/validated but when I went to compile for Test I got errors that I debugged until I got lots of Mach-O link errors. I decided to complete the loop and go back to my original code and try using the new Bundle-ID which points to the new App-ID, the one that works, and add all the knowledge I have learned. But when I get it done I have an project that can test but does not validate. The only difference is this project has the old identifier which has the same name as the suffix of the App-ID that has a bug.
Am I missing something?
Final UpDate?
On a whim I renamed the Scheme file to be the same as my Suffix to the Bundle-ID and I got my original Project to Validate! I have worked on this for over a month and you might not believe the astonishment I feel in this.
Back to Unit Test!
I have come to the conclusion that the Identity of the App, the name at the far top of the right side Utilities window, has something to do with the way iTunes Connect validates the App. This is the name in the left hand column of the Organizer window. It is like it overrides the suffix of the Bundle-ID and since I can't use that Identifier because the associated App-ID is corrupt. Or the name of the Scheme.
