TYPO3 extbase access sorting - sorting

when using the fluid debug array I see a nested array lige this:
When clicking the + the sub array is expanded sorted by UID and not by the "sorting" as I have specified in my repository.
protected $defaultOrderings = array(
'sorting' => \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING
Can I either access the sorting value somehow?
Or can I somehow force TYPO3 to sort its own array after sorting?

The sorting field should not be manually set.
If you want to sort the entries please use the DataHandler like the Typo3 Backend.
Here is a solution:
TYPO3 CommandController: How to set table field "sorting" of Extbase Object?

By "clicking the +", you mean that the subobjects aren't sorted the way you specified in the TCA?
The sorting is lost on the subobjects because Extbases PersistenceRepository by default only sorts by the order specified in the object itself. But thats no biggie, you just have to specify to order by the subproperty, either with the defaultOrderings property or when building the query:
class FloorRepository extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository {
// Order by BE sorting
protected $defaultOrderings = array(
'sorting' => \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING
'room.sorting' => \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING
This should give you the Rooms of a Floor, Ordered by the sorting of the Floors, and in each Floor, the Rooms sorted by their sorting.

You can access the sorting property by defining it as integer in your model and creating the related getter (setter if needed)
protected $sorting


Adding a custom sorting to listing with an aggregate in shopware 6

I am trying to build a custom sorting for the product listings in shopware 6.
I want to include a foreign table (entity is: leasingPlanEntity), get the min of one of the fields of that table (period_price) and then order the search result by that value.
I have already built a Subscriber, and try it like that, what seems to work.
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
//ProductListingCollectFilterEvent::class => 'addFilter'
ProductListingCriteriaEvent::class => ['addCriteria', 5000]
public function addCriteria(ProductListingCriteriaEvent $event): void
$criteria = $event->getCriteria();
$criteria->addAggregation(new MinAggregation('min_period_price', 'leasingPlan.periodPrice'));
// Sortierung hinzufügen.
$availableSortings = $event->getCriteria()->getExtension('sortings') ?? new ProductSortingCollection();
$myCustomSorting = new ProductSortingEntity();
$myCustomSorting->setTranslated(['label' => 'My Custom Sorting at runtime']);
'field' => 'leasingPlan.periodPrice',
'order' => 'asc',
'priority' => 1,
'naturalSorting' => 0,
$event->getCriteria()->addExtension('sortings', $availableSortings);
Is this already the right way to get the min(periodPrice)? Or is it taking just a random value out of the leasingPlan table to define the sort-order?
I didn't find a way, to define the min_period_price aggregate value in the $myCustomSorting->setFields Methods.
Update 1
Some days later, I asked a less complex question in the shopware community on slack:
Is it possible to use the DAL to define a subquery for an association in the product-listing?
It should generate something like:
) AS ...
The answer there was:
Don't think so
Update 2
I also did an in-deep anlysis of the DAL-Query-Builder, and it really seems to be not possible, to perform a subquery with the current version.
Update 3 - Different approach
A different approach might be, to define custom fields in the main entity. Every time a change is made on the main entity, the values of this custom fields should be recalculated.
It is a lot of overhead work, to realize this. Especially when the fields you are adding, are dependend on other data like the availability of a product in the store, for example.
So check, if it is worth the extra work. Would be better, to have a solution for building subqueries.
Unfortunately it seems that in your case there is no easy way to achieve this, if I understand the issue correctly.
Consider the following: for each product you can have multiple leasingPlan entities, and I assume that for a given context (like a specific sales channel or listing) that still holds. This means that you would have to sort the leasingPlan entities by price, then take the one with the lowest price, and then sort the products by their lowest-price leasingPlan's price.
There seems to be no other way to achieve that, and unfortunately for you, sorting is applied at the end, even if it is sort of a subquery.
So, for example, if you have the following snippet
$criteria = $event->getCriteria();
->addSorting(new FieldSorting('price', FieldSorting::ASCENDING))
The actual price-sorting would be applied AFTER the leasingPlan entities are fetched - essentially the results would be sorted, meaning that you would not get the cheapest leasing plan per product, instead getting the first one.
You can only do something like that with filters, but in this case there is nothing to filter by - I assume you don't have one leasingPlan per SalesChannel or per language, so that you could limit that list to just one entry that could be used for sorting
That is not to mention that this could not be included in a ProductSortingEntity, but you could always work around that by plugging into the appropriate events and modifying the criteria during runtime
I see two ways to resolve your issue
Making another table which would store the cheapest leasingPlan per product and just using that as your association
Storing the information about the cheapest leasingPlans in e.g. cache and using that for filtering (caution: a mistake here would probably break the sorting, for example if you end up with too few or too many leasingPlans per product)
public function applyCustomSorting(ProductListingCriteriaEvent $event): void
// One leasingPlan per one product
$cheapestLeasingPlans = $this->myCustomService->getCheapestLeasingPlanIds();
$criteria = $event->getCriteria();
->addSorting(new FieldSorting('price', FieldSorting::ASCENDING))
->addFilter(new EqualsAnyFilter('id', $cheapestLeasingPlans))
And then you could sort by
$criteria->addSorting(new FieldSorting('leasingPlan.periodPrice', FieldSorting::ASCENDING));
There should be no need to add the association manually and to add the aggregation to the criteria, that should happen automatically behind the scenes if your custom sorting is selected in the storefront.
For more information refer to the official docs.

SOLVED: Looking for a smarter way to sync and order entries in Laravel/Eloquent pivot table

In my Laravel 5.1 app, I have classes Page (models a webpage) and Media (models an image). A Page contains a collection of Media objects and this relationship is maintained in a "media_page" pivot table. The pivot table has columns for page_id, media_id and sort_order.
A utility form on the site allows an Admin to manually associate one or more Media items to a Page and specify the order in which the Media items render in the view. When the form submits, the Controller receives a sorted list of media ids. The association is saved in the Controller store() and update() methods as follows:
[STORE] $page->media()->attach($mediaIds);
[UPDATE] $page->media()->sync($mediaIds);
This works fine but doesn't allow me to save the sort_order specified in the mediaIds request param. As such, Media items are always returned to the view in the order in which they appear in the database, regardless of how the Admin manually ordered them. I know how to attach extra data for the pivot table when saving a single record, but don't know how to do this (or if it's even possible) when passing an array to attach() or sync(), as shown above.
The only ways I can see to do it are:
loop over the array, calling attach() once for each entry and passing along the current counter index as sort_order.
first detach() all associations and then pass mediaIds array to attach() or sync(). A side benefit would be that it eliminates the need for a sort_order column at all.
I'm hoping there is an easier solution that requires fewer trips to the database. Or am I just overthinking it and, in reality, doing the loop myself is really no different than letting Laravel do it further down the line when it receives the array?
[SOLUTION] I got it working by reshaping the array as follows. It explodes the comma-delimited 'mediaIds' request param and loops over the resulting array, assigning each media id as the key in the $mediaIds array, setting the sort_order value equal to the key's position within the array.
$rawMediaIds = explode(',', request('mediaIds'));
foreach($rawMediaIds as $mediaId) {
$mediaIds[$mediaId] = ['sort_order' => array_search($mediaId, $rawMediaIds)];
And then sorted by sort_order when retrieving the Page's associated media:
public function media() {
return $this->belongsToMany(Media::class)->orderBy('sort_order', 'asc');
You can add data to the pivot table while attaching or syncing, like so:
$mediaIds = [
1 => ['sort_order' => 'order_for_1'],
3 => ['sort_order' => 'order_for_3']

Has laravel 7 model a way to get list of all columns?

Has laravel 7 model a way to get list of all columns ?
I found and tried method
with(new ModelName)->columns
but it returns empty string.
I do not mean $fillable var of a model.
If you just want a reliable way to pull the list of attributes from any given instance no matter the state, and assuming the table structure isn't changing often, the path of least resistance might be to set a defaults attributes array to ensure the attributes are always present.
class Fish extends Model
protected $attributes = [
'uuid' => null,
'fin_count' => null,
'first_name' => null,
$fishie = app(\Fish::class);
will then result in an instance of Fish with uuid, fin_count, and first_name set. You can then use $fishie->attributes or $fishie->getAttributes() to load the full set.
Assuming the structure doesn't change a lot, setting the attributes on the model like this will save you a database query every time you want to reference the list. The flip side is that instances change from not having the attributes unless explicitly defined to always being present, which may have implications in the project.
Here's the documentation for default attributes:

Get collection sort order fields

Does anyone know of a clever way to read sort order array from Magento product collection? There's a protected property _orders in the object. I could reach it over
but then I'd have to do string parsing.
I was hoping there was a public method of some sort that would fetch sort order info from product collection?
You can use Reflection :
$property = new ReflectionProperty(get_class($collection), '_orders');
$orders = $property->getValue($collection);
But you won't avoid some string parsing, as order values are stored in strings ($field.' '.Varien_Data_Collection::SORT_ORDER_(ASC|DESC))
For a product collection with toolbar you can ask the toolbar the current sorting order:

Magento: Sort items of Varien Data Collection

I would like to sort a Varien_Object in Magento with a custom attribute.
I got something like this:
$thing_1 = new Varien_Object();
$thing_2 = new Varien_Object();
$collection_of_things = new Varien_Data_Collection();
I want to sort it ASC so that Jane can be in front of Richard
Varien_Data_Collection has method for sorting but this method is rendered to SQL query in the execution.
public function setOrder($field, $direction = self::SORT_ORDER_DESC)
if you additems manually it will be added with index in the order you added them so what you need to do it to sort the objects first then add them to the data collection
look at this question Sort array of objects by object fields
