RunDll32.exe missing WinXp - windows

I have looked every where for a download for the .exe, I have tried the fix.reg sloution, I have tried clicking run and expanding the ex_ file into the .exe, but anytime I click something I am met with this error "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file" It also says I may not have access to the item. I am the only user/admin and this is a fresh install of the Windows XP black edition.
I cant even use CMD. Surely there has to be a fairly simple solution? Right? I have the RunDll32.ex_ I just dont have permission to run anything like CMD to expand it. Can I simply use a .exe from another computer running same OS?

It seems you have a big problem on the registry or a broken file system.
As you said you could use a rundll32.exe from another computer with the same version of OS. Check the Service Pack installed in your Windows XP and the other computer.
You could try to copy the DLL to a pendrive from the other computer to yours.
If you cannot copy the new DLL you should need to start Windows in Safe Mode (Press F8 before Windows starts and select on the Black menu text window Boot in Safe Mode), because Windows protects all the files in c:\Windows\ and c:\windows\system32
If Safe Mode don't works, next try should be to use a Windows Live CD. Hiren's Boot has a mini Windows XP embedded.
You need to download the ISO, burn It and boot the computer with it. Run the mini Windows XP and when you see the desktop run the Windows Explorer and copy the DLL from the pendrive to your fixed hard disk. Take care because your hard disk should not be the C: (that should be the mini Windows XP partition), look in other drive units for your data.


Windows Defender (on Win 10) breaking System Restore

When I do a system restore in Windows 10 1607 (Anniversary Update), I get this error:
Based on the error, it looks like Windows Defender isn't playing well with System restore -- and lo and behold, when I disable Windows Defender, the System Restore works!
However, I don't have the option to remove Windows Defender -- the clients don't want that.
This is not an uncommon problem, and there are a few solutions out there.
Here's what I've tried:
The error says "System Restore could not access a file." Maybe the problem is that a file is corrupted? Windows Defender touches every file (I think), and maybe when it touches the corrupted file, it passes out like a scared goat.
So I ran the utility "System File Checker", but it didn't find any corrupted files. Can I trust the utility?
Success with this problem was found by turning off something called App & Browser control. The problem here is that I can't do that, because that's in the Defender Security Center, which isn't on the Anniversary Update (1607), it's on the Creator's Update (1709).
It seems that Windows Defender isn't near as configurable in 1607 than in 1709, and clients also don't want to update to 1709. OUCH. Am I missing a Windows Defender configuration that allows System Restore in 1607? I see that you can get it to not touch certain files or folders, but I don't know what file/folder System Restore would be in, as it's not really a file.
Write a script that temporarily disables Windows Defender. I actually haven't tried this because I'm not sure where to start. I would insert the script into my program, which is in C#. It would go like this:
turn off Windows Defender
run the code that does the restore point, and after it's done and the machine is restarted,
turn Windows Defender back on.
After all that, here are some specific questions:
(1) how to write a script that toggles Windows Defender
(2) is there a way to configure Windows Defender in 1607 such that it allows System Restore to work?
(3) any other ideas would be appreciated.

Why does the setup for my ActiveX .exe hang up when "Setup is updating your system"?

I am currently trying to install my vb6 app on a Windows 8.1 computer via TeamViewer (it's kind of like remote desktop). However, the installation always hangs up after all the files are copied and this message is displayed:
Setup is updating your system
We've tried it on our own Win8.1Pro desktop (via Remote Desktop this time) and Win2008Server(both via Remote Desktop), and it installed just fine.
Right now, we've narrowed it down to one culprit - MyProjectInfo.exe the actual ActiveX .exe. Whether it is me trying to run the .exe for the first time to register it to DCOMCNFG or whether it is the setup.exe running the script $(EXESelfRegister) it just freezes up.
What differences should i look for between 1) our win8.1Pro and win2008server and 2) their win8.1? If it some coding/reference/dependency issue, what could be the cause for why it doesn't error in our desktops?
Thank you for all the help.
Uhmm... this is getting embarrassing.
Avast (present in the other person's Win8.1) was blocking MyProjectInfo.exe from running (which is basically what is does with $(EXESelfRegister).
To properly proceed with registering my ActiveEXE program, I had to turn Avast off for a while. And that was that.
This problem may also occur with other anti-virus scanners as well.

make a pen drive appear as a cd?

I have a .exe file in my pen drive sitting in a long chain of directories
Now I don't wanna go through all those directories to get to the file and run it,
Problem is that in Windows7, running a .exe file with the autorun.inf open command doesn't work anymore in pen drives but it does in CDs, that's why I wanna make my pen drive appear like a CD to windows upon insertion.
Please don't ask me if I'm writing a virus here, cuz I'm not.
Any ideas how can I achieve this ?
if making it appear as a CD won't work, is there a way to run the .exe file
(I know, this might be a separate Q)
Thank you so much for anything you can provide me with.
You can make a flash drive use autorun by having the autorun and exe file in the default directory (i.e.: not a dozen folders deep). That's how I've done it when installing W7 on computers without a CD drive.
Here's what Windows 7 autorun.inf looks like
It's pretty straight-forward: the top one is for a 64-bit OS, while the bottom is for 32-bit.
Since 2011, Microsoft has removed the autorun.inf option, so it will not work, not even if CD drivers will replace the current drivers. Both CDs and flash drives can't be automatically started without at least a prompt shown to the end user. That is for security reasons.

Emacs on Window 7 saving files to VirtualStore directory

I've recently installed ClojureBox on a Windows 7 machine after using it on a different, XP machine for a while. When I created and saved a file, it wasn't being saved where I expected, but to the \Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\VirtualStore directory. This happened as long as I wasn't running emacs as the local administrator.
A Google search returned only a couple of hits, and with nothing I could really apply other than to run emacs as a local admin.
Any other way to get around this? Is there a windows setting, or something I could configure in emacs?
You can right-click Emacs and "run as Administrator" which I expect will get annoying quickly. Further, if you launch other apps from inside it you might be misled about the behaviour of those apps under normal circumstances. A better approach would be to save your files somewhere other than under Program Files or the root of C, thus avoiding virtualization.

Making a replacement for a 16-bit installer, program needs short filenames?

I have an old game (Westwood Monopoly CD-ROM) that only has a 16-bit installer so it won't run on my Windows 7 x64. To get around this I decided to use Inno Setup to make a new installer. The game itself is 32-bit but not LFN aware and will run on Vista/7, however the game will crash if the installer I built with Inno Setup is not run with Windows 95 compatibility checked.
There are no file or attribute differences between the folder generated by having compatibility mode on and the folder generated with no compatibility settings checked. However, the game will only run in the folder installed with compatibility mode, the game exe (Monopoly.exe) itself cannot have any compatibility mode option enabled or the game terminates whenever you try to save, load, or choose one of the computer ai player files. If compatibility mode for 95 is turned on for Monopoly.exe in the folder created without compatibility mode set for the installer, the game will load but will be unplayable for the above reasons.
My guess is that the Windows 95 setting forces short filenames to be created, while without it the game cannot find it's files because the short filename information isn't there. Having compatibility mode set for the installer is not the ideal solution since I need to be able to copy a different exe based on the version of Windows detected (Aero causes part of the screen to be cut off so I use a hex edited exe with a bigger default size).
So my question is this: Is there a way to force Inno setup to create the short filename information as it copies, or is there a way to add that with a command after it is finished (ie. repair the broken folder so the game can find its files)?
As far as I am aware, the problem is that the newer version of Windows Installer and Windows itself no longer support the use of short names. That property has been phased out of use and as of (AFIK) Vista it is flat out not used. Most modern installer technologies will give you an error if you try to include them. Have you tried looking at DosBox? That might also allow you to run it without the need for a special installer.
