Named route not working with url - laravel

I have a route that works perfectly
Route::get('downloadsPage', function()
$downloads = Download::get();
return View::make('index', array('downloads' => $downloads));
Route::get('/buy/{id}', function($id)
$download = Download::find($id);
return View::make('buy', array('download' => $download));
with a
return View::make('downloadsPage');
that is located in my controller.
public function afterSignin() {
if (Auth::attempt(array('email'=>Input::get('email'), 'password'=>Input::get('password')))) {
return Redirect::intended('downloadsPage')->with('message', 'Thanks for signing in');
The problem is I also have a nav view file for a link for the same route
and I get the error
The error is coming from not correctly setting the route in the view I think.
I also have a foreach loop in the main view that uses the parameters passed in the routes.
#foreach ($downloads as $download)
<td>{{ $download->name }}</td>
<td>£{{ round($download->price/100) }}</td>
I am using named routes and am obviously missing something that is probably a simple fix.
I tried re-writing the routes and adding the respective controller functions with get and post and passing parameters but that did not work.

That's not a named route, a named route would be:
Route::get('downloadsPage', ['as' => 'downloadsPage', function()
$downloads = Download::get();
return View::make('index', array('downloads' => $downloads));
Notice the 'as' => '', that is what defines the name of the route.
Read more in the docs.


Weird Livewire + Turbolinks behavior

I'm building an admin panel in TALL (Laravel 7) + Turbolinks. One section only includes a Livewire component that shows a paginated table of Product elements and a search field (the only "strange" thing that I'm doing before this is injecting a Market model instance to the request in a middleware).
The problem arises when I go to /products route where is the livewire component included nothing works... The records of the first page are fine, but pagination links are dead and search field does nothing, no console errors, no livewire errors, it's like javascript is not working at all, and here's the strangest thing: if I reload the page, the Market data I loaded in middleware is added to the query string and everything starts working as intended.
public function handle($request, Closure $next) {
$market = Market::findOrFail(session('selected_market'));
$request->request->add(['market' => $market]);
return $next($request);
Livewire Component:
class ProductsTable extends Component{
use WithPagination;
public $search = '';
protected $queryString = [
'search' => ['except' => ''],
'page' => ['except' => 1],
public function render(){
$products = Product::where('market_id', request('market')->id)
->when($this->search !== '', function($query) {
$query->where('name', 'like', "%{$this->search}%");
$query->orWhere('brand', 'like', "%{$this->search}%");
return view('livewire.products-table', ['products' => $products]);
Livewire Component View:
<input wire:model.debounce.500ms="search" type="search" name="search" id="search">
#forelse($products as $product)
<tr onclick="Turbolinks.visit('{{ route('product', $product->id) }}')">
<td>{{ $product->name }}</td>
<tr><td>Nothing to show for {{ $search }}</td></tr>
{{ $products->links() }}
I'm really confused and tired with this, I have no clue what is going on and similar questions haven't been answered clearly.
The solution was as simple as adding this to your scripts:
document.addEventListener("turbolinks:load", function(event) {

Dynamic url routing in Laravel

I am new in Laravel using version 5.8
I do not want to set route manually for every controller.
What i want is that if i give any url for example -
for the above example url i want that url should be treated like have any number of parameter
I have lots of controller in my project so i want this pattern should be automatically identified by route and i do not need to specify manually again and again Directory Name, Controller , method and number of arguments(parameter) in route.
try this:
'uses' => 'productController#edit',
'uses' => 'productController#index',
in the controller:
public function edit($id)
return view('edit')->with('product',$product);
public function index()
return view('index')->with('products',$products);
in the index view
#foreach($products as $product)
in the edit view

Passing an array with redirect. Problems with »reload«.

Framework is Laravel. I am passing an array with the redirect method from a controller like this:
$serializeThrowsArray = serialize($throwsArray);
return redirect()->route('pages.result')
->with( ['serializeThrowsArray' => $serializeThrowsArray] );
to a named route:
Route::get('/result', ['as' => 'pages.result', function() {
$serializeThrowsArray = session()->get('serializeThrowsArray');
$throwsArray = unserialize($serializeThrowsArray);
return view('pages.result', ['throwsArray' =>$throwsArray]);
which loads the next page:
#foreach ($throwsArray as $throw)
Everything work as it should, except when i hit F5(reload) and get the next error msg: "Invalid argument supplied for foreach()" and the next code is higlighted:
<?php $__currentLoopData = $throwsArray; $__env->addLoop($__currentLoopData);
foreach($__currentLoopData as $throw): $__env->incrementLoopIndices(); $loop
= $__env->getLastLoop(); ?>
I know is a problem with session-flash that has been cleared. Is there a work around or another way to pass an array with redirect?

Laravel5.2 delete doesn't work

I developed website with CRUD on products table .this is the structure of the table.
Create and update works fine But delete not work.
This is the form in blade to delete product
{{ Form::open(array('url' => 'admin/products/' . $product->id, 'class' => 'pull-right')) }}
{{ Form::hidden('_method', 'DELETE') }}
{{ Form::submit('Delete ', array('class' => 'btn btn-warning')) }}
{{ Form::close() }}
And this the destroy function in controller
public function destroy($id)
$product = Product::find($id);
// Product::destroy($id);
return redirect('admin/products')->with('message', 'Successfully deleted the product!');
And This is my routes
Route::group(['middleware' =>'App\Http\Middleware\AdminMiddleware'], function () {
When I click delete button it enter the destroy function and dd($id) correct
But when write
$product = Product::find($id);
I get this error
The localhost page isn’t working
localhost is currently unable to handle this request.
This error tired me . I developed delete fun with resource API in another table and work fine.I don't know are the problem in the db or where. please any one help me ,
What does your routes.php look like?
You may need to include the resource route in routes.php.
Route::resource('admin/products/', 'TheNameOfYourController');
But make sure the route is protected either in the controller or routes.php.
Here is somewhat the same setup you have: LINE 119 LINES 369-376 LINES 243-246

Laravel 4 route

I've got a problem with using URL::route. There is a public function in my controller called AuthController called delete_character, here's how it looks:
public function delete_character()
return View::make('index')->with('danger', 'You have successfully deleted your character!');
Also, I've created a named route:
Route::post('delete_character', array(
'as' => 'delete_character',
'uses' => 'AuthController#delete_character'
All I want to do is to execute the $player->delete. I don't want it to be a site, just when I click a button it's gonna delete the player.
I've also done the button:
<td><a class="btn btn-mini btn-danger" href="{{ URL::route('delete_character') }}"><i class="icon-trash icon-white"></i> Delete</a></td>
But I constantly get MethodNotAllowedHttpException. Any hints?
In my example, I am using GET request method (POST is used when form is being submited, for instance) to capture this action.
I pass ID of client I wish to delete in the reqeust URL, which results into URL in this form: http://localhost:8888/k/public/admin/client/delete/1 (You should post it from form, according to your example/request).
Not posting whole solution for you to force you to learn! My answer is not 100% identical to your situation, but will help, for sure.
// routes.php
Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin'], function(){
Route::get('client/delete/{id}', 'Admin\\ClientController#delete');
// ClientController.php
namespace Admin;
use Client;
class ClientController extends BaseController
public function delete($clientId)
$client = Client::findOrFail($clientId);
// $client->delete();
// return Redirect::back();
// view file, here you generate link to 'delete' action
