Recursive algorithm for the sum of odd number positive integers - algorithm

I am expressing the algorithms in pseudo code. I'm just wondering if my design works just as well as the original one displayed below. The algorithm is supposed to compute the sum of n odd positive integers.
This is how the algorithm should look:
procedure sumofodds(n:positive integer)
if n = 1
return 1
return sumofodds(n-1) + (2n-1)
This is how i designed my algorithm:
procedure odd(n: positive integer)
if n = 1
return 1
if n % 2 > 0
return n + odd(n-1) // this means n is odd
if n % 2 = 0
return 0 + odd(n-1) // this means its even

Your algorithm is not the same as the original.
The original computes the sum of the first n odd numbers.
Your algorithm computes the sum of all the odd numbers in the range 1..n.
So for an input of n=3, the first algorithm will compute 1+3+5, while your algorithm will compute 1+3.
(If you want a quicker way, then the formula n*n computes the sum of the first n odd numbers)

One small improvement that might help is defining it with tail recursion. Tail recursion happens when the very last thing to execute is the recursive call. To make this tail recursive, use a helper method and pass the running sum as a parameter. I'm pretty sure the pseudo code below is tail recursive since, regardless of the result of the (if odd) check, the final step is the recursive call (the math happens before the recursive call).
procedure SumOdds(n)
return SumOddsHelper(n, 0)
procedure SumOddsHelper(n, sum)
if n = 1 return 1
if n is odd return SumOddsHelper(n-1, sum + n)
else return SumOddsHelper(n-1, sum)

Let me suggest that you implement your idea in Python. You may be surprised to see that the working code is very similar to pseudocode.
This is the original algorithm:
def sum_of_n_odds(n):
if n == 1:
return 1
return sum_of_n_odds(n-1) + (2*n-1)
And this is the one you wrote:
def sum_of_odds_up_to_n(n):
if n == 1:
return 1
if n % 2 > 0: # this means n is odd
return n + sum_of_odds_up_to_n(n-1)
if n % 2 == 0: # this means it's even
return 0 + sum_of_odds_up_to_n(n-1)
These two algorithms compute different things. Calling sum_of_n_odds(10) yields the same result as calling sum_of_odds_up_to_n(19) or sum_of_odds_up_to_n(20). In general, sum_of_odds_up_to_n(n) is equivalent to sum_of_n_odds((n+1)//2), where // means integer division.
If you're interested in making your implementation a little more efficient, I suggest that you omit the final if condition, where n % 2 == 0. An integer is either odd or even, so if it isn't odd, it must be even.
You can get another performance gain by making the recursive call sum_of_odds_up_to(n-2) when n is odd. Currently you are wasting half of your function calls on even numbers.
With these two improvements, the code becomes:
def sum_of_odds_up_to_n(n):
if n <= 0:
return 0
if n % 2 == 0:
return sum_of_odds_up_to_n(n-1)
return n + sum_of_odds_up_to_n(n-2)
And this is the tail-recursive version:
def sum_of_odds_up_to_n(n, partial=0):
if n <= 0:
return partial
if n % 2 == 0:
return sum_of_odds_up_to_n(n-1, partial)
return sum_of_odds_up_to_n(n-2, partial+n)
You should not expect performance gains from the above because Python does not optimize for tail recursion. However, you can rewrite tail recursion as iteration, which will run faster because it doesn't spend time allocating a stack frame for each recursive call:
def sum_of_odds_up_to_n(n):
partial = 0
if n % 2 == 0:
n -= 1
while n > 0:
partial += n
n -= 2
return partial
The fastest implementation of all relies on mathematical insight. Consider the sum:
1 + 3 + 5 + ... + (n-4) + (n-2) + n
Observe that you can pair the first element with the last element, the second element with the second last element, the third element with the third last element, and so on:
(1 + n) + (3 + n-2) + (5 + n-4) + ...
It is easy to see that this is equal to:
(n + 1) + (n + 1) + (n + 1) + ...
How many terms (n + 1) are there? Since we're pairing up two terms at a time from the original sequence, there are half as many terms in the (n + 1) sequence.
You can check for yourself that the original sequence has (n + 1) / 2 terms. (Hint: see what you get if you add 1 to every term.)
The new sequence has half as many terms as that, or (n + 1) / 4. And each term in the sequence is (n + 1), so the sum of the whole sequence is:
(n + 1) * (n + 1) / 4
The resulting Python program is this:
def sum_of_odds_up_to_n(n):
if n <= 0:
return 0
if n % 2 == 0:
n -= 1
return (n+1)*(n+1)//4


count of even numbers having more exponent of 2

Suppose I have given a number n. I want to find out all then even numbers which are less than n, and also have a greater exponent of 2 in its prime factorization than that of the exponent of 2 in the prime factorization of n.
if n=18 answer is 4 i.e, 4,8,12,16.
Using a for loop from i=2 to less than n and checking for every i will show time limit exceeded in the code.
My approach is to count no of times i will continue to divide by 2. But constraints of n=10^18. So, i think its a O (1) operation . Can anyone help me to find any formula or algorithm to find the answer as fast as possible?
First assume n is an odd number. Obviously every even number less than n also has a greater exponent of 2 in its factorization, so the answer will be equal to (n−1) / 2.
Now suppose n is equal to 2 times some odd number p. There are (p−1) / 2 even numbers that are smaller than p, so it follows that there are also (p−1) / 2 numbers smaller than n that are divisible by at least 22.
In general, given any number n that is equal to 2k times some odd number q, there will be (q−1) / 2 numbers that are smaller than n and have a larger exponent of 2 (> 2k) in their factorization.
So a function like this should work:
def count_smaller_numbers_with_greater_power_of_2_as_a_factor(n):
assert n > 0
while n % 2 == 0:
n >>= 1
return (n-1) // 2
Example 1 (n = 18)
Since n is even, keep dividing it by 2 until you get an odd number. This only takes one step (because n / 2 = 9)
Count the number of even numbers that are less than 9. This is equal to (9−1) / 2 = 4
Example 2 (n = 1018)
In this case, n = 218 × 518. So if we keep halving n until we get an odd number, the result will be 518.
The number of even numbers that are less than 518 is equal to (518−1) / 2 = 1907348632812
Your division is limited by constant number 64 (for 10^18~2^64), and O(64)=O(1) in complexity theory.
Number of two's in value factorization is equal to the number of trailing zero bits in binary representation of this value, so you can use bit operations (like & 1 and right shift shr, >>) to accelerate code a bit or apply some bit tricks
First, suppose n = 2^k * something. Find out k:
long k = 0;
while(n % 2 == 0) { n >>= 1; k++; }
n <<= k;
Now that you know who is k, multiply 2^k by 2 to get the first power of 2 greater than 2^k:
long next_power = 1 << (k + 1); // same as 2^(k + 1)
And lastly, check if n is odd. If it isn't, print all the multiples of next_power:
if(k == 0){ //equivalent to testing n % 2 == 0
for(long i = next_power; i < n; i += next_power) cout<<i<<endl;
EXAMPLE: n = 18
k will be 1, because 18 = 2^1 * 9 and the while will finish there.
next_power will be 4 (= 1 << (k + 1) = 2 ^ (k + 1)).
for(long i = next_power; i < n; i += next_power) cout<<i<<endl; will print 4, 8, 12 and 16.
This is very easy to do with a gcd trick i found:
You can find the count by //4. So 10^18 has
In [298]: pow(10,18)//4
Out[298]: 250000000000000000
You can find the count of 18 by //4 which is 4
Fan any numbers that meet your criteria. You can check by using my
algorithm here, and taking the len of the array and conpare with the
number div//4 to see that that is the answer your looking for: an exact
match. You'll notice that it's every four numbers that don't have an
exponent of 2. So the count of numbers can be found with //4.
import math
def lars_last_modulus_powers_of_two(hm):
return math.gcd(hm, 1<<hm.bit_length())
def findevennumberswithexponentgreaterthan2lessthannum(hm):
if hm %2 != 0:
return "only for use of even numbers"
vv = []
for x in range(hm,1,-2):
if lars_last_modulus_powers_of_two(x) != 2:
return vv
In [3132]: findevennumberswithexponentgreaterthan2lessthannum(18)
Out[3132]: [16, 12, 8, 4]
This is the fastest way to do it as you skip the mod down the path to get the answer. Instantly get the number you need with lars_last_modulus_powers_of_two(num) which is one operation per number.
Here is some example to show the answer is right:
In [302]: len(findevennumberswithexponentgreaterthan2lessthannum(100))
Out[302]: 25
In [303]: 100//4
Out[303]: 25
In [304]: len(findevennumberswithexponentgreaterthan2lessthannum(1000))
Out[304]: 250
In [305]: 1000//4
Out[305]: 250
In [306]: len(findevennumberswithexponentgreaterthan2lessthannum(23424))
Out[306]: 5856
In [307]: 23424//4
Out[307]: 5856

Number of different binary sequences of length n generated using exactly k flip operations

Consider a binary sequence b of length N. Initially, all the bits are set to 0. We define a flip operation with 2 arguments, flip(L,R), such that:
All bits with indices between L and R are "flipped", meaning a bit with value 1 becomes a bit with value 0 and vice-versa. More exactly, for all i in range [L,R]: b[i] = !b[i].
Nothing happens to bits outside the specified range.
You are asked to determine the number of possible different sequences that can be obtained using exactly K flip operations modulo an arbitrary given number, let's call it MOD.
More specifically, each test contains on the first line a number T, the number of queries to be given. Then there are T queries, each one being of the form N, K, MOD with the meaning from above.
1 ≤ N, K ≤ 300 000
T ≤ 250
2 ≤ MOD ≤ 1 000 000 007
Sum of all N-s in a test is ≤ 600 000
time limit: 2 seconds
memory limit: 65536 kbytes
Example :
Input :
2 1 1000
Output :
Explanation :
There is a single query. The initial sequence is 00. We can do the following operations :
flip(1,1) ⇒ 10
flip(2,2) ⇒ 01
flip(1,2) ⇒ 11
So there are 3 possible sequences that can be generated using exactly 1 flip.
Some quick observations that I've made, although I'm not sure they are totally correct :
If K is big enough, that is if we have a big enough number of flips at our disposal, we should be able to obtain 2n sequences.
If K=1, then the result we're looking for is N(N+1)/2. It's also C(n,1)+C(n,2), where C is the binomial coefficient.
Currently trying a brute force approach to see if I can spot a rule of some kind. I think this is a sum of some binomial coefficients, but I'm not sure.
I've also come across a somewhat simpler variant of this problem, where the flip operation only flips a single specified bit. In that case, the result is
C(n,k)+C(n,k-2)+C(n,k-4)+...+C(n,(1 or 0)). Of course, there's the special case where k > n, but it's not a huge difference. Anyway, it's pretty easy to understand why that happens.I guess it's worth noting.
Here are a few ideas:
We may assume that no flip operation occurs twice (otherwise, we can assume that it did not happen). It does affect the number of operations, but I'll talk about it later.
We may assume that no two segments intersect. Indeed, if L1 < L2 < R1 < R2, we can just do the (L1, L2 - 1) and (R1 + 1, R2) flips instead. The case when one segment is inside the other is handled similarly.
We may also assume that no two segments touch each other. Otherwise, we can glue them together and reduce the number of operations.
These observations give the following formula for the number of different sequences one can obtain by flipping exactly k segments without "redundant" flips: C(n + 1, 2 * k) (we choose 2 * k ends of segments. They are always different. The left end is exclusive).
If we had perform no more than K flips, the answer would be sum for k = 0...K of C(n + 1, 2 * k)
Intuitively, it seems that its possible to transform the sequence of no more than K flips into a sequence of exactly K flips (for instance, we can flip the same segment two more times and add 2 operations. We can also split a segment of more than two elements into two segments and add one operation).
By running the brute force search (I know that it's not a real proof, but looks correct combined with the observations mentioned above) that the answer this sum minus 1 if n or k is equal to 1 and exactly the sum otherwise.
That is, the result is C(n + 1, 0) + C(n + 1, 2) + ... + C(n + 1, 2 * K) - d, where d = 1 if n = 1 or k = 1 and 0 otherwise.
Here is code I used to look for patterns running a brute force search and to verify that the formula is correct for small n and k:
reachable = set()
was = set()
def other(c):
returns '1' if c == '0' and '0' otherwise
return '0' if c == '1' else '1'
def flipped(s, l, r):
Flips the [l, r] segment of the string s and returns the result
res = s[:l]
for i in range(l, r + 1):
res += other(s[i])
res += s[r + 1:]
return res
def go(xs, k):
Exhaustive search. was is used to speed up the search to avoid checking the
same string with the same number of remaining operations twice.
p = (xs, k)
if p in was:
if k == 0:
for l in range(len(xs)):
for r in range(l, len(xs)):
go(flipped(xs, l, r), k - 1)
def calc_naive(n, k):
Counts the number of reachable sequences by running an exhaustive search
xs = '0' * n
global reachable
global was
was = set()
reachable = set()
go(xs, k)
return len(reachable)
def fact(n):
return 1 if n == 0 else n * fact(n - 1)
def cnk(n, k):
if k > n:
return 0
return fact(n) // fact(k) // fact(n - k)
def solve(n, k):
Uses the formula shown above to compute the answer
res = 0
for i in range(k + 1):
res += cnk(n + 1, 2 * i)
if k == 1 or n == 1:
res -= 1
return res
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Checks that the formula gives the right answer for small values of n and k
for n in range(1, 11):
for k in range(1, 11):
assert calc_naive(n, k) == solve(n, k)
This solution is much better than the exhaustive search. For instance, it can run in O(N * K) time per test case if we compute the coefficients using Pascal's triangle. Unfortunately, it is not fast enough. I know how to solve it more efficiently for prime MOD (using Lucas' theorem), but O do not have a solution in general case.
Multiplicative modular inverses can't solve this problem immediately as k! or (n - k)! may not have an inverse modulo MOD.
Note: I assumed that C(n, m) is defined for all non-negative n and m and is equal to 0 if n < m.
I think I know how to solve it for an arbitrary MOD now.
Let's factorize the MOD into prime factors p1^a1 * p2^a2 * ... * pn^an. Now can solve this problem for each prime factor independently and combine the result using the Chinese remainder theorem.
Let's fix a prime p. Let's assume that p^a|MOD (that is, we need to get the result modulo p^a). We can precompute all p-free parts of the factorial and the maximum power of p that divides the factorial for all 0 <= n <= N in linear time using something like this:
powers = [0] * (N + 1)
p_free = [i for i in range(N + 1)]
p_free[0] = 1
for cur_p in powers of p <= N:
i = cur_p
while i < N:
powers[i] += 1
p_free[i] /= p
i += cur_p
Now the p-free part of the factorial is the product of p_free[i] for all i <= n and the power of p that divides n! is the prefix sum of the powers.
Now we can divide two factorials: the p-free part is coprime with p^a so it always has an inverse. The powers of p are just subtracted.
We're almost there. One more observation: we can precompute the inverses of p-free parts in linear time. Let's compute the inverse for the p-free part of N! using Euclid's algorithm. Now we can iterate over all i from N to 0. The inverse of the p-free part of i! is the inverse for i + 1 times p_free[i] (it's easy to prove it if we rewrite the inverse of the p-free part as a product using the fact that elements coprime with p^a form an abelian group under multiplication).
This algorithm runs in O(N * number_of_prime_factors + the time to solve the system using the Chinese remainder theorem + sqrt(MOD)) time per test case. Now it looks good enough.
You're on a good path with binomial-coefficients already. There are several factors to consider:
Think of your number as a binary-string of length n. Now we can create another array counting the number of times a bit will be flipped:
[0, 1, 0, 0, 1] number
[a, b, c, d, e] number of flips.
But even numbers of flips all lead to the same result and so do all odd numbers of flips. So basically the relevant part of the distribution can be represented %2
Logical next question: How many different combinations of even and odd values are available. We'll take care of the ordering later on, for now just assume the flipping-array is ordered descending for simplicity. We start of with k as the only flipping-number in the array. Now we want to add a flip. Since the whole flipping-array is used %2, we need to remove two from the value of k to achieve this and insert them into the array separately. E.g.:
[5, 0, 0, 0] mod 2 [1, 0, 0, 0]
[3, 1, 1, 0] [1, 1, 1, 0]
[4, 1, 0, 0] [0, 1, 0, 0]
As the last example shows (remember we're operating modulo 2 in the final result), moving a single 1 doesn't change the number of flips in the final outcome. Thus we always have to flip an even number bits in the flipping-array. If k is even, so will the number of flipped bits be and same applies vice versa, no matter what the value of n is.
So now the question is of course how many different ways of filling the array are available? For simplicity we'll start with mod 2 right away.
Obviously we start with 1 flipped bit, if k is odd, otherwise with 1. And we always add 2 flipped bits. We can continue with this until we either have flipped all n bits (or at least as many as we can flip)
v = (k % 2 == n % 2) ? n : n - 1
or we can't spread k further over the array.
v = k
Putting this together:
if k < n:
return k
return (k % 2 == n % 2) ? n : n - 1
So far so well, there are always v / 2 flipping-arrays (mod 2) that differ by the number of flipped bits. Now we come to the next part permuting these arrays. This is just a simple permutation-function (permutation with repetition to be precise):
return factorial(n) / (factorial(flippedbits) * factorial(n - flippedbits)
Putting it all together:
solutionsByFlipping(n, k):
res = 0
for i in [k % 2, noOfAvailableFlips(), step=2]:
res += flipArrayNo(i)
return res
This also shows that for sufficiently large numbers we can't obtain 2^n sequences for the simply reason that we can not arrange operations as we please. The number of flips that actually affect the outcome will always be either even or odd depending upon k. There's no way around this. The best result one can get is 2^(n-1) sequences.
For completeness, here's a dynamic program. It can deal easily with arbitrary modulo since it is based on sums, but unfortunately I haven't found a way to speed it beyond O(n * k).
Let a[n][k] be the number of binary strings of length n with k non-adjacent blocks of contiguous 1s that end in 1. Let b[n][k] be the number of binary strings of length n with k non-adjacent blocks of contiguous 1s that end in 0.
# we can append 1 to any arrangement of k non-adjacent blocks of contiguous 1's
# that ends in 1, or to any arrangement of (k-1) non-adjacent blocks of contiguous
# 1's that ends in 0:
a[n][k] = a[n - 1][k] + b[n - 1][k - 1]
# we can append 0 to any arrangement of k non-adjacent blocks of contiguous 1's
# that ends in either 0 or 1:
b[n][k] = b[n - 1][k] + a[n - 1][k]
# complete answer would be sum (a[n][i] + b[n][i]) for i = 0 to k
I wonder if the following observations might be useful: (1) a[n][k] and b[n][k] are zero when n < 2*k - 1, and (2) on the flip side, for values of k greater than ⌊(n + 1) / 2⌋ the overall answer seems to be identical.
Python code (full matrices are defined for simplicity, but I think only one row of each would actually be needed, space-wise, for a bottom-up method):
a = [[0] * 11 for i in range(0,11)]
b = [([1] + [0] * 10) for i in range(0,11)]
def f(n,k):
return fa(n,k) + fb(n,k)
def fa(n,k):
global a
if a[n][k] or n == 0 or k == 0:
return a[n][k]
elif n == 2*k - 1:
a[n][k] = 1
return 1
a[n][k] = fb(n-1,k-1) + fa(n-1,k)
return a[n][k]
def fb(n,k):
global b
if b[n][k] or n == 0 or n == 2*k - 1:
return b[n][k]
b[n][k] = fb(n-1,k) + fa(n-1,k)
return b[n][k]
def g(n,k):
return sum([f(n,i) for i in range(0,k+1)])
# example
for i in range(0,11):
for i in range(0,11):

Recursive Algorithm into Iterative

How can I turn the following recursive algorithm into an iterative algorithm?
count(integer: n)
for i = 1...n
return count(n-i) + count(n-i)
return 1
Essentially this algorithm computes the following:
count(n-1) + count(n-2) + ... + count(1)
This is not a tail recursion, so it is not trivial to transform it into iterative.
However, a recursion can be simulated using a stack and loop pretty easily, by pushing to the stack rather than recursing.
stack = Stack()
count = 0
while (stack.empty() == false):
current = stack.pop()
for i from current-1 to 1 inclusive (and descending):
return count
Another solution is doing it with Dynamic Programming, since you don't need to calculate the same thing multiple times:
DP = new int[n+1]
DP[0] = 1
for i from 1 to n:
DP[i] = 0
for j from 0 to i-1:
DP[i] += DP[j]
return DP[n]
Note that you can even optimize it to run in O(n) rather than O(n^2), by remembering the "so far sum":
sum = 1
current = 1
for i from 1 to n:
current = sum
sum = sum + current
return current
Lastly, this actually sums to something you can easily pre-calculate: count(n) = 2^(n-1), count(0) = 1 (You can suspect it from seeing the last iterative solution we have...)
base: count(0) automatically yields 1, as the loop's body is not reached.
Hypothesis: T(k) = 2^(k-1) for all k < n
T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2) + ... + T(1) + T(0) = (induction hypothesis)
= 2^(n-2) + 2^(n-3) + ... + 2^0 + 1 =
= sum { 2^i | i=0,...,n-2 } + 1 = (sum of geometric series)
= (1-2^(n-1)/(1-2)) + 1 = (2^(n-1) - 1) + 1 = 2^(n-1)
If you define your problem in the following recursive way:
count(integer : n)
if n==0 return 1
return count(n-1)+count(n-1)
Converting to an iterative algorithm is a typical application of backwards induction where you should keep all previous results:
count(integer : n):
result[0] = 1
for i = 1..n
result[i] = result[i-1] + result[i-1]
return result[n]
Ir is clear that this is more complicated than it should be because the point is to exemplify backwards induction. I could be accumulating into a single place but I wanted to provide a more general concept that could be extended to other cases. In my opinion the idea is clearer this way.
The pseudocode can be improved after the key idea is clear. In fact, there are two very simple improvements that are applicable only to this specific case:
instead of keeping all previous values, only the last one is necessary
there is no need for two identical calls as there are no side-effects expected
Going beyond, it is possible to calculate that based on the definition of the function, count(n)= 2^n
The statement return count(n-i) + count(n-i) appears to be equivalent to return 2 * count(n-i). In that case:
count(integer: n)
result = 1
for i = 1...n
result = 2 * result
return result
What am I missing here?

How to do recurrence relations?

nSo we were taught about recurrence relations a day ago and we were given some codes to practice with:
int pow(int base, int n){
if (n == 0)
return 1;
else if (n == 1)
return base;
else if(n%2 == 0)
return pow(base*base, n/2);
return base * pow(base*base, n/2);
The farthest I've got to getting its closed form is T(n) = T(n/2^k) + 7k.
I'm not sure how to go any further as the examples given to us were simple and does not help that much.
How do you actually solve for the recurrence relation of this code?
Let us count only the multiplies in a call to pow, denoted as M(N), assuming they dominate the cost (a nowadays strongly invalid assumption).
By inspection of the code we see that:
M(0) = 0 (no multiply for N=0)
M(1) = 0 (no multiply for N=1)
M(N), N>1, N even = M(N/2) + 1 (for even N, recursive call after one multiply)
M(N), N>1, N odd = M(N/2) + 2 (for odd N, recursive call after one multiply, followed by a second multiply).
This recurrence is a bit complicated by the fact that it handles differently the even and odd integers. We will work around this by considering sequences of even or odd numbers only.
Let us first handle the case of N being a power of 2. If we iterate the formula, we get M(N) = M(N/2) + 1 = M(N/4) + 2 = M(N/8) + 3 = M(N/16) + 4. We easily spot the pattern M(N) = M(N/2^k) + k, so that the solution M(2^n) = n follows. We can write this as M(N) = Lg(N) (base 2 logarithm).
Similarly, N = 2^n-1 will always yield odd numbers after divisions by 2. We have M(2^n-1) = M(2^(n-1)-1) + 2 = M(2^(n-2)-1) + 4... = 2(n-1). Or M(N) = 2 Lg(N+1) - 2.
The exact solution for general N can be fairly involved but we can see that Lg(N) <= M(N) <= 2 Lg(N+1) - 2. Thus M(N) is O(Log(N)).

Time complexity analysis of function with recursion inside loop

I am trying to analysis time complexity of below function. This function is used to check if a string is made of other strings.
set<string> s; // s has been initialized and stores all the strings
bool fun(string word) {
int len = word.size();
// something else that can also return true or false with O(1) complexity
for (int i=1; i<=len; ++i) {
string prefix = word.substr(0,i);
string suffix = word.substr(i);
if (prefix in s && fun(suffix))
return true;
return false;
I think the time complexity is O(n) where n is the length of word (am I right?). But as the recursion is inside the loop, I don't know how to prove it.
This code is not a correct C++ code (e.g., prefix in s). I just show the idea of this function, and want to know how to analysis its time complexity
The way to analyze this is by developing a recursion relationship based on the length of the input and the (unknown) probability that a prefix is in s. Let's assume that the probability of a prefix being in s is given by some function pr(L) of the length L of the prefix. Let the complexity (number of operations) be given by T(len).
If len == 0 (word is the empty string), then T = 1. (The function is missing a final return statement after the loop, but we're assuming that the actual code is only a sketch of the idea, not what's actually executing).
For each loop iteration, denote the loop body complexity by T(len; i). If the prefix is not in s, then the body has constant complexity (T(len; i) = 1). This event has probability 1 - pr(i).
If the prefix is in s, then the function returns true or false according to the recursive call to fun(suffix), which has complexity T(len - i). This event has probability pr(i).
So for each value of i, the loop body complexity is:
T(len; i) = 1 * (1 - pr(i)) + T(len - i) * pr(i)
Finally (and this depends on the intended logic, not the posted code), we have
T(len) = sum i=1...len(T(len; i))
For simplicity, let's treat pr(i) as a constant function with value 0.5. Then the recursive relationship for T(len) is (up to a constant factor, which is unimportant for O() calculations):
T(len) = sum i=1...len(1 + T(len - i)) = len + sum i=0...len-1(T(i))
As noted above, the boundary condition is T(0) = 1. This can be solved by standard recursive function methods. Let's look at the first few terms:
len T(len)
0 1
1 1 + 1 = 2
2 2 + 2 + 1 = 5
3 3 + (4 + 2 + 1) = 11
4 4 + (11 + 5 + 2 + 1) = 23
5 5 + (23 + 11 + 5 + 2 + 1) = 47
The pattern is clearly T(len) = 2 * T(len - 1) + 1. This corresponds to exponential complexity:
T(n) = O(2n)
Of course, this result depends on the assumption we made about pr(i). (For instance, if pr(i) = 0 for all i, then T(n) = O(1). There would also be non-exponential growth if pr(i) had a maximum prefix length—pr(i) = 0 for all i > M for some M.) The assumption that pr(i) is independent of i is probably unrealistic, but this really depends on how s is populated.
Assuming that you've fixed the bugs others have noted, then the i values are the places that the string is being split (each i is the leftmost splitpoint, and then you recurse on everything to the right of i). This means that if you were to unwind the recursion, you are looking at up to n-1 different split points, and asking if each substring is a valid word. Things are ok if the beginning of word doesn't have a lot of elements from your set, since then you can skip the recursion. But in the worst case, prefix in s is always true, and you try every possible subset of the n-1 split points. This gives 2^{n-1} different splitting sets, multiplied by the length of each such set.
