GUILayout --- How to change text font & size of a (text) variable - user-interface

Is it possible to directly change the font size of the text in an editable text box?
I have a tutorial stage where a message is displayed at the end when the user completes the tutorial.
I call this message endingText which is defined in my TutorialDefinition script:
string endingText = "You have completed the tutorial stage!";
In another script called TutorialEditor, I initialize it with the text that the user can input through the Editor. So, the endingText variable is there in the Definition script in case the user did not input anyhing...
void initValues()
endingText = stage.EndingText;
And finally, when the tutorial is done through the TutorialExecutor, I show the message, using:
endingText = GUILayout.TextArea( endingText );
The font and font size are set somewhere else through the current skin I think, but I wonder if it is possible to directly manipulate the above code snippet and change the font size?
I mean this line of code: endingText = GUILayout.TextArea( endingText ); that will eventually show the user the final message through void OnGUI() method...
(I understand I could if, instead of endingText, there was actual text within "" but what about now?)


Setting time variable via textbox in Twincat 3 HMI

With variables such as integer, float or string I used Write To Symbol to write the variable to the PLC with the HMI textbox under .onTextChanged in the properties window (see images below).
But it won't work with the Time variable.
How can I make this work without changing the PLC code?
I've never worked with javascript before, but that is where I found the sollution.
I also used .onUserInteractionFinished instead of .onTextChanged like displayed in image underneath:
After that I wrote this javascript code:
(function (TcHmi) {
var CheckTextboxForNumber = function (Textbox) {
//get content from the textbox
var _text = Textbox.getText();
//convert to time variable in
if (!_text.startsWith('PT')) {
var _value = Number(_text);
Textbox.setText('PT' + _value.toFixed(3) + 'S');
return _value.toFixed(3);
TcHmi.Functions.registerFunction('CheckTextboxForNumber', CheckTextboxForNumber);
I put the code in before the Write To Symbol, with an added rounding, because the rounding is done differently after the 3th decimal: when I tested it without rounding the decimals, starting with the 4th, the PLC would display other decimals then I input in the HMI textbox.
What I input in the 'actions and conditons' window can be seen in below image:
After that it worked as it was supposed to.
Try the object "Numeric input" on the TC Hmi to write variable in the PLC, with the event ".onUserInteractionFinished". it should work.
enter image description here

Retrieve image from TinyDB via a Python function

I know TinyDB can't store images but you can store the image file path. I have done that and I want to make my application display an image when a button is clicked. I have successfully added the file path to the database and I have tested the output using print and the file path displays (so it is working to that extent). Also no error message come up. The function is as follows:
def showcar():
getcar = cardb.get(where("img_id") == "1")
img ="{car_img}".format(**getcar))
pic = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
When I click the button the function is assigned to, nothing happens. But when I use the exact same code out of the function like so:
getcar = cardb.get(where("img_id") == "1")
img ="{car_img}".format(**getcar))
pic = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
btnshow = Button(root, text="Show All", command=lambda: lblimage.configure(image=pic))
Then the image displays when the button is clicked. How can I make the application call the image path from TinyDB in a function?

Applescript: Truncated feed URL

I'm running into errors with this simple script. It's a validator to validate RSS feed with multiple validation sites using Safari. Everything works fine as long as the feed does not contain special characters or anything after the = sign.
The script should validate the feed that was copied to the clipboard.
For example, this feed works fine:
This feed gets truncated after ?id:
This is only happening on the Podbase validator site.
If I could get the script to click the Validate and Go buttons, that would be amazing, but this is pretty basic…just stuck as to why the feed is getting truncated.
set feed_url to the clipboard as string
set the podbaseurl to "" & feed_url
set the feedvalidatorurl to "" & feed_url
set the castfeedurl to "" & feed_url
tell application "Safari"
make new document
open location podbaseurl
open location feedvalidatorurl
open location castfeedurl
end tell
The problem is that only makes it look like a single GET request is enough, whereas clicking the Go button interactively performs many individual GET requests behind the scenes whose results are pieced together on the current page (and the URL is then modified to include the submitted feed URL).
In other words: even solving the (odd) truncation problem wouldn't be enough.
Therefore, your best bet is indeed to simulate an interactive submission of a feed URL, which requires filling an input box with the feed URL and pressing the submission button.
Interactive submission must be simulated for the site as well, where pressing the submission button is sufficient, however.
(As you report, even though inspecting the request sent by the submission button shows that a variation of your URL - which only prepares the feed URL for submission - can be used to instantly submit it, doing so doesn't render the results correctly (missing styles)).
The following code implements both suggestions (the simulated-interaction approach was adapted from this answer of mine):
# Sample value
set the clipboard to ""
set feed_url to the clipboard as string
# Base URL only; the feed URL will be submitted by simulated interaction below.
set the podbaseurl to ""
set the feedvalidatorurl to "" & feed_url
set the castfeedurl to "" & feed_url
tell application "Safari"
set newDoc to make new document
set newWin to front window
# Simulate interactive submission of feed_url at podbaseurl.
set URL of newDoc to podbaseurl
my submitUrl(newDoc, podbaseurl, feed_url)
# The feedvalidateorurl can be opened normally.
open location feedvalidatorurl
# Simulate interactive submission of feed_url at castfeedurl.
set newTab to make new tab in newWin
set URL of newTab to castfeedurl
my submitUrl(newTab, castfeedurl, feed_url)
end tell
on submitUrl(doc, target_url, feed_url)
# Synthesize the JavaScript command.
set jsCode to "
(function () { // Use a closure to avoid polluting the global namespace.
function doIt(t) { // Helper function
if (doIt.done) return; // Already successfully called? Ignore.
try {
// Perform the desired action - may fail if invoked too early.
if (/^http:\\/\\/'" & target_url & "')) {
document.querySelector('#url-input').value = '" & feed_url & "';
document.querySelector('#url-input').dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
setTimeout(function() { document.querySelector('#go-button').click(); }, 0);
} else { //
} catch(e) {
return; // Return without setting the success 'flag'.
doIt.done=true; // Set success 'flag' as a property on this function object.
// Attach a listener to the window's load event for invoking the helper function then.
window.addEventListener('load', doIt);
// If the document signals readiness -- which may still be too early, we can't know --
// also try to invoke the helper function *directly*.
if (document.readyState === 'complete') { doIt(); }
# Execute the JavaScript command in the target page.
tell application "Safari"
tell doc to do JavaScript jsCode
end tell
end submitUrl

InDesign CC 2017 ExtendScript - Can't overwrite text in TextArea

At this point, I'm sure this is something simple that I'm missing but I can't for the life of me figure it out.
Working on an InDesign script that takes text passed into the script and writes it into the currently selected text area.
insertButton.onClick = function(){
var postIndex = postList.selection.index;
var postContent = posts[postIndex].content.rendered;
app.selection[0].parentStory.contents = postContent;
I've confirmed that the function is getting called correctly, that postContent exists and is what I expect it to be and that the first writeln call dumps out the current value of the TextArea. The second $.writeln never fires, so I know the error is on
app.selection[0].parentStory.contents = postContent;
Is there an updated way to set TextArea contents that I haven't found in documentation?
Thanks in advance!
I think your problem is that your window is modal thus preventing any interaction with inDesign objects.
You have to quit the dialog first in order to modify objects:
var w = new Window('dialog');
var btn = w.add('button');
btn.onClick = function() {
if ({
//"InDesign is no longer in modal state. So you can modify objects…")
...postContent exists and is what I expect it to be...
Indesign expects a string here --> is it what you expect as well?
What is an input selection? text? textFrame?
You could
to ensure what you've got
When debugging was enabled in ExtendScript Toolkit, I was able to find the error being thrown:
"cannot handle the request because a modal dialog or alert is active"
This was referring to the dialog I opened when I initiated the script.
Delaying the text insertion until the dialog has actually been closed fixed the issue.
insertButton.onClick = function(){
var postIndex = postList.selection.index;
postContent = posts[postIndex].content.rendered;
postContent = sanitizePostContent(postContent);
// The 1 here is the result that tells our code down below that
// the window has been closed by clicking the 'Insert' button
var result =;
// If the window has been closed by the insert button, insert the content
if (result == 1) {
app.selection[0].parentStory.contents = postContent;

In Win32, how can a Change Color dialog be used to change STATIC text?

I am relatively new to the Win32/Windows API (non-MFC), and am trying to change the text colour of a static text control. It is already drawn to the screen in black, but I want to change it to another colour using the Windows Colour Chooser dialog, which is opened on clicking a button. Is this possible?
For the button, the WM_COMMAND message is handled on clicking. So far, I have written:
ccColour.lStructSize = sizeof(ccColour);
ccColour.hwndOwner = hWnd;
ccColour.rgbResult = crLabelTextColour;
ccColour.Flags = CC_FULLOPEN | CC_RGBINIT;
if (ChooseColor(&ccColour) == TRUE)
// crLabelTextColour is a COLORREF global variable assigned on loading the program
crLabelTextColour = ccColour.rgbResult;
This code, however, fails with an unhandled exception at the if statement, and I'm not sure why! Other examples seem to write code like this.
ChooseColor() crashes because you are not initializing the CHOOSECOLOR structure completely. You are only setting 3 fields, the rest will contain garbage. You'll need to zero-initialize everything, simple to do:
CHOOSECOLOR ccColour = {0};
