Why dose LogonUser(...) work for a invalid domain? - winapi

function TryLogonUser(ErrorCode: Longint): Integer;
Token: THandle;
LoginOk := LogonUser(UserName, DomainName, Passwd, LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK_CLEARTEXT,LOGON32_PROVIDER_WINNT50, Token);
ErrorCode := DLLGetLastError;
Log('LoginOk = '+IntToStr(LoginOk));
When I using a valid local username and wrong domain name(localuser#wrongDomain), login fails, return 0,using a valid domain user name and wrong domain name(domainuser#wrongDomain), the login is successful, returns 1.why??


Indy doesn't get response text returned with error 404

My HTTP server returns custom 404 error text when REST route is not found:
{"sessionIdent":"051F-dUen7-tetW-kNf82-WxT","Details":[{"messageCode":60,"messageCategory":"","messageText":"No matching route for \"POST \/Warehouse\/A1\/Orders\/execute\""}]}
Following JavaScript code displays this response text in browser just fine:
function httpReq(method, url, headers, jsonStr, userName, password) {
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.open(method, url, true);
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
// Send the request
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, max-age=0');
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Session-Ident', '051F-dUen7-tetW-kNf82-WxT');
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
if (headers) {
var headerKeys = Object.keys(headers);
Object.keys(headers).forEach(key => {
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]);
if ((userName !== "") && (password !== ""))
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(userName + ":" + password));
console.log("before send");
console.log("after send");
catch (ex)
Indy's TIdHTTP raises an EIdHTTPProtocolException exception with message HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found instead of my response text inside.
When I use the hoNoProtocolErrorException option:
_client.HTTPOptions := _client.HTTPOptions + [hoNoProtocolErrorException];
exception is not raised any more, but response text is empty.
procedure TFormRestTest._httpSend(AMethod, APath, AHeaders, ABody: string);
queryData, replyData: TStream;
resultText: string;
queryData := TStringStream.Create(ABody, TEncoding.UTF8);
replyData := TMemoryStream.Create;
_client.Request.ContentType := 'application/json';
_client.Request.CharSet := 'UTF-8';
_client.Request.BasicAuthentication := True;
_client.Request.Username := 'Username';
_client.Request.Password := 'Password';
_client.Request.CustomHeaders.Text := AHeaders;
_client.DoRequest(AMethod, APath, queryData, replyData, []);
replyData.Position := 0;
resultText = ReadStringAsCharset(replyData, _client.Response.CharSet)]);
_log(resultText); //resultText is empty
How can I retrieve my response body?
When I use the hoNoProtocolErrorException option ... exception is not raised any more, but response text is empty.
That is by design. When disabling the exception, you need to also enable the hoWantProtocolErrorContent option to actually receive the response's body data into your replyData stream, eg:
_client.HTTPOptions := _client.HTTPOptions + [hoNoProtocolErrorException, hoWantProtocolErrorContent];
This is explained in more detail on the following article on Indy's Changelog Blog:
New TIdHTTP flags and OnChunkReceived event
Three new flag have been added to the TIdHTTP.HTTPOptions property:
hoWantProtocolErrorContent: when an HTTP error response is received, TIdHTTP normally reads and discards the response’s message body and then raises EIdHTTPProtocolException (the message body is available in the EIdHTTPProtocolException.ErrorMessage property). If the hoNoProtocolErrorException flag is enabled, or the ResponseCode number is specified in the request’s AIgnoreReplies parameter, then no EIdHTTPProtocolException is raised, as the caller would like to process the ResponseCode manually. Normally TIdHTTP would still discard the message body, though. If this new flag is enabled, the message body will no longer be discarded, it will be saved in the caller’s target TStream like a successful response would be. This flag is disabled by default to preserve existing behavior to discard error message bodies.
Based on your earlier comment to another question, you seem to not have the hoWantProtocolErrorContent option available in your version of Indy. In which case, you are using a very outdated version of Indy and should upgrade to the latest version from Indy's GitHub repository.
UPDATE: If that is not an option for you, for whatever reason, then you have no choice but to catch the EIdHTTPProtocolException and read the body content from its ErrorMessage property, eg:
_client.DoRequest(AMethod, APath, queryData, replyData, []);
replyData.Position := 0;
resultText := ReadStringAsCharset(replyData, _client.Response.CharSet)]);
on E: EIdHTTPProtocolException do
resultText := E.ErrorMessage;

Get OAuth 2.0 token for google service accounts

Short explanation
I want to get a Auth2.0 token for access to some APIs in my Google Cloud Platform proyect.
At the current time i have a Wordpress page that has to make the connection. Temporarily i will make a javascript connection with the client via Ajax (when all work successfully i will make this in another way, for example with a PHP server in the middle).
The process that has to execute in our GCP don't need the user to log in with his google account, for that reason we will make a google service account for server to server connections. All the threads executed by the API will be log like be executed by this service account that isn't owned by any real person.
When i generate the Ajax connection for get the token, this will be send to the following URL:
I send it on JWT coding.
The coded message is generated in this Javascript code:
var unixHour = Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000);
var header = {
var data = {
var secret = "MIIEvgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKgwggSkAgEAAoIBAQCkhZH7TuaNO4XBVVVcE2P/hvHSsGXNu1D/FcCaMrW56BF/nbOlxAtbp07TCIOyrR1FEcJb+to66olSFnUVUWhWUB9zLbzKpULQoFmYECSWppUbCZd+bp271AFYZpxXFduziWuaG9BNxV2cmWTjLLlZI7FoIYFwLgPZHPWndY0E99lGEjmnH";
function base64url(source) {
// Encode in classical base64
encodedSource = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(source);
// Remove padding equal characters
encodedSource = encodedSource.replace(/=+$/, '');
// Replace characters according to base64url specifications
encodedSource = encodedSource.replace(/\+/g, '-');
encodedSource = encodedSource.replace(/\//g, '_');
return encodedSource;
var stringifiedHeader = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(JSON.stringify(header));
var encodedHeader = base64url(stringifiedHeader);
//document.getElementById("header").innerText = encodedHeader;
var stringifiedData = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
var encodedData = base64url(stringifiedData);
//document.getElementById("payload").innerText = encodedData;
var signature = encodedHeader + "." + encodedData;
signature = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(signature, secret);
signature = base64url(signature);
//document.getElementById("signature").innerText = signature;
var jwt = encodedHeader + "." + encodedData + "." + signature;
url: 'https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token',
type: 'POST',
data: { "grant_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer", "assertion" : jwt} ,
contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8',
success: function (response) {
error: function () {
Console output
The problem
The Ajax message generated in the script return "Invalid JWT signature".
send message API
ajax response API
Following the google documentation, this problem is for a bad coding of the message or a incorrect secret key.
You can see the code for generate the coding message in the previous script.
About the secret key, maybe i am not selecting the correct key for this task, here you have the steps i follow:
cred GCP
Inside the service account, i create a key in the "keys" section:
Keys GCP
As result this download this file:
File keys
I tried to use like secret key the "private_key" content of this file and additionally i tried to delete the line breaks (\n) of this and try again.
¿Is that correct?¿Or i dont use the corret key?
¿Maybe i make an incorrect coding?
*There aren't problems with share the key and account id because the key was disabled at the moment of share this thread and the project is only for testing purposes.

Google authenticated HTTP client with dart

I have have run the examples from https://github.com/dart-lang/googleapis_examples/blob/master/drive_upload_download_console/bin/main.dart.
The example creates an authenticated HTTP client for accessing Google Drive API with:
import 'package:googleapis_auth/auth_io.dart' as auth;
auth.clientViaUserConsent(identifier, scopes, userPrompt).then((client) { // with client_id, client_secret, scope
var api = new drive.DriveApi(client);
When I run the example I have to give the User consent in a web browser each time I run the example above.
I want to create an authenticated HTTP client without having to use the user consent fonction (auth.clientViaUserConsent) but with a stored acces token or the refresh token. How can I create such an authenticated HTTP client? With the googleapis_auth package?(https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/googleapis_auth)
You are already there.
Your client object contains all you need already.
Here is your modified code using the stored credentials to inquire about freeBusy time:
auth.clientViaUserConsent(identifier, scopes, userPrompt).then((client) { // with client_id, client_secret, scope
var api = new drive.DriveApi(client);
debugPrint(' access token: ' + client.credentials.accessToken.data +' refresh token ' + client.credentials.refreshToken);
// store the tokens in the apps key store
At some time in the future make a new call to obtain new access credentials from the never expiring refresh token, and create a new client for your purposes.
AccessCredentials _fromStorage = AccessCredentials(client.credentials.accessToken,
client.credentials.refreshToken, _scopes );
var _newClient = new http.Client();
AccessCredentials _accessCredentials = await refreshCredentials( _clientID, _fromStorage , _newClient);
_newClient = authenticatedClient(_newClient, _accessCredentials);
// the code below was just for me to test this out with my API scopes. replace with your code
var calendar = cal.CalendarApi(_newClient);
String calendarId = "---some string---";
cal.FreeBusyRequest _request = cal.FreeBusyRequest.fromJson(
'items': [
{'id': calendarId, 'busy': 'Active'}
'timeMin': (new DateTime(2020, 11, 17)).toIso8601String()+'Z',
'timeMax': (new DateTime(2020, 11, 19)).toIso8601String()+'Z'
debugPrint('request: ' + _request.toJson().toString());
cal.FreeBusyResponse response = await calendar.freebusy.query(_request);

Gorilla sessions not working for CORS from client

I have set up a Go rest api. And on login I do this:
session, _ := store.New(r, sessionId)
session.Options.MaxAge = 12 * 3600
err := session.Save(r, w)
//treat error
and for checking the session i have smth like this:
session, err := store.Get(r, sessionId)
//treat error
if session.IsNew {
http.Error(w, "Unauthorized session.", http.StatusUnauthorized)
If I do the requests from postman it works fine, but when I do them from my client I get 401. Has any of you experienced something like this? The store is a CookieStore.
I already checked the id's, I replaced sessionId variable with a static string. Gorilla session uses gorilla context to register a new request and when I do the request from postman context.data[r] is not null, but from the client it is always null -> always a new session.
https://github.com/gorilla/context/blob/master/context.go - line 33
it is called in
https://github.com/gorilla/sessions/blob/master/sessions.go - line 122
wich is used in the CookieStore.Get function in
https://github.com/gorilla/sessions/blob/master/store.go - line 77
For the client I use polymer and I tried xmlhttp too.
and the handlers
onResponse: function(response){
this.items = response.detail.response
onError: function(error){
ready: function(){
this.requestUrl = "http://localhost:8080/api/fingerprint/company/" + getCookie("companyId");
this.requestHeaders = {"Set-cookie": getCookie("api_token")}
and the cookie successfully reaches the backend.
And xmlhttp:
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE ) {
if(xmlhttp.status == 200){
//do stuff
}else if(xmlhttp.status == 401){
xmlhttp.open("GET","http://localhost:8080/api/fingerprint/company/" + getCookie("companyId"),true);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Set-cookie", getCookie("api_token"));
So I tried debugging with fiddler(thanks for the suggestion) and i found out that the request from postman has an bold entry Cookies / Login and the request from the client does not. Any idea how to get/set that value? It is somehow automatically set in Postman. In the authentication request I get a set-cookie header that has all the data that I need but I can't get it on the client. I get Refused to get unsafe header set-cookie.
The problem is that in the client the requests need to have withCredentials = true and after that the browser deals with everything. It gets the cookie from the set-cookie header and it sends the cookies via the cookie header. So, after all, it was not a gorilla sessions problem.
If anyone else is having the same problem I was having and you want to whitelist all domains/wildcards (or have a list of domains in an array you can scan through), you can do something like this.
domain_raw := r.Host
domain_host_parts := strings.Split(domain_raw, ".")
domain := domain_host_parts[1] + "." + domain_host_parts[2]
domains := getDomains() // stores a slice of all your allowable domains
has_domain := false
for _, d := range domains {
if d == domain {
has_domain = true
if has_domain == false {
} else {
w.Header().Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "https://"+domain_raw)
w.Header().Add("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
I love go

Getting Revel controller to return a cookie

I've been able to store a custom cookie but I'm trying to save it for a session the store it in the database when a form is submitted. I use:
func (c Application) Index(id string) revel.Result {
cookie := http.Cookie{Name: "id", Value: id, Domain: "localhost", Path: "/"}
return c.Render()
but I cannot access it again. How could I retrieve it in a different function?
Thank you!
I was going about it all wrong. Revel sets cookies with the session.
c.Session[key] = value
