JBoss Cache JGroups Membership GMS TCPPING - caching

I am using JBoss Cache (tried versions 3.2.7 and 3.1.0) to have a replicated Map for caching data between Application Servers. In the past I did some checks if it works out and it did. My testenvironment always were 2 nodes in the same network segment.
Since IT deparments sometimes have a problem with UDP, we use TCP (TCPPING for discovery).
Now a customer reported problems with our nodes losing their sync, not replicating data.
They have 4 nodes in 2 subnets (2 and 2). They say when they onbly use 2 nodes in any subnet it works. When they start the third, the problems begin.
The logfile state a lot of "merge" problems indicating a partitioning problem.
So I did my own tests in my company. My setup is my Laptop under Windows and two virtual machines with Ubuntu. The virtual machines use bridged networking interfaces. DHCP is used and our IT department provides my 3 nodes with different subnet IPs. My Host Laptop is in a different net than the virtual machines are. TCP Communication between the nodes works. There should be no firewall involved.
So much to my setup.
I wrote a little Program that just initializes JBoss Cache, gets the cache(MAP) and in an intervall changes values in the map, and afterwards showing the content of the whole map. Pretty simple, 2 Classes involved.
My JBoss Cache setup is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jbosscache xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<clustering mode="replication" clusterName="${jgroups.clustername:DEFAULT}">
<stateRetrieval timeout="20000" fetchInMemoryState="true" />
<sync replTimeout="20000" />
<TCP start_port="${jgroups.tcpping.start_port:7800}" loopback="true" recv_buf_size="20000000"
send_buf_size="640000" discard_incompatible_packets="true"
max_bundle_size="64000" max_bundle_timeout="30"
use_incoming_packet_handler="true" enable_bundling="false"
use_send_queues="false" sock_conn_timeout="3000"
skip_suspected_members="true" use_concurrent_stack="true"
thread_pool.enabled="true" thread_pool.min_threads="1"
thread_pool.max_threads="25" thread_pool.keep_alive_time="5000"
thread_pool.queue_enabled="false" thread_pool.queue_max_size="100"
thread_pool.rejection_policy="run" oob_thread_pool.enabled="true"
oob_thread_pool.min_threads="1" oob_thread_pool.max_threads="8"
oob_thread_pool.rejection_policy="run" />
<TCPPING timeout="3000"
port_range="3" num_initial_members="3" />
<MERGE2 max_interval="100000" min_interval="20000" />
<MERGE3 max_interval="100000" min_interval="20000" />
<FD timeout="10000" max_tries="5" shun="true" />
<VERIFY_SUSPECT timeout="1500" />
<pbcast.NAKACK use_mcast_xmit="false" gc_lag="0"
retransmit_timeout="300,600,1200,2400,4800" discard_delivered_msgs="true" />
<UNICAST timeout="300,600,1200" />
<pbcast.STABLE stability_delay="1000"
desired_avg_gossip="50000" max_bytes="400000" />
<VIEW_SYNC avg_send_interval="60000" />
<pbcast.GMS print_local_addr="true" join_timeout="6000"
shun="true" view_bundling="true" />
<FC max_credits="2000000" min_threshold="0.10" />
<FRAG2 frag_size="60000" />
starting my test nodes I provide them with the following System properties.
From the logging messages I can see the GMS message that the NODE address is indeed as specified NODE-X[7900] for all nodes.
NODE1-3 are given as IP numbers. Those IP numbers can be reached from other nodes.
NODE1,2 are in the same subnet
NODE3 is in a different subnet
I did an incredible amount of tests, changing the config, the JBossCache version, the combinations of nodes running etc.
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
One cause that seems to influence if the members find each other is the initial hosts info. Depending on the order of the hosts, if there are additional hosts to the 3 given, leaving out the own ip out of the list the setup works or not. It also depends on the order the nodes are started.
I am sure it has to do with the JGroups Group membership. Maybe parameters need to be added to make it more robust.
I really would appreciate some hints on what to try in order to get the nodes talking to each other reliably.
I addition to trying to figure out the problems with JBoss Cache(JGroups) I did the same test using Hazelcast (TCP) instead. It PERFECTLY works without any problem, so the basic networking should work for the nodes.
I consider to switch to Hazelcast, but this requires redeployments in several of our customers IT departments and I would want to avoid that.


High Availability in SymmetricDS

To all those SymmetricDS nerds over there, this one's for you all.
Right, so we have a main db, DB-01. We have 3 instances of our application running namely R1,R2,R3. Each instance has its own in-memory db namely D1,D2,D3 which it(application) is accessing respectively. We are using SymmetricDS to do one-way sync from DB-01 to D1,D2,D3. So, there is a server node, corporate C0, pointing to DB-01 and 3 client nodes, stores S1,S2,S3 pointing to D1,D2,D3 respectively.
All is working fine.
But now, we would like to introduce High Availability and there by FAILOVER into this topology i.e., at any time there will be 2 server nodes running, say Master and Slave, that would be accessing the same DB-01. If Master server goes down, clients should automatically connect to the Slave node and continue operation.
What all might be the configuration changes required to accomplish this? Are there any examples or documentations that i can reproduce to understand this concept?
We do this via clustering with 2 SymmetricDS services running on 2 app servers pointing to the High Availability (HA) connections. Then all you need is HA connections to failover like normal and Symmetric DS clustering does the rest.
Link for the user manual on clustering.
EDIT let me get some configs for you on here service 1:
Service 2:

HazelCast IMap.values() giving OutofMemory on Tomcat

I'm still trying to get to know hazelcast and have to make a decision on whether to use it or not.
I wrote a simple application where in I startup the cache on (single node) server startup and load the Map at the same time with about 400 entries.The Object itself has two String fields. I have a service class that looksup the cache and tries to get all the values from the map.
However, I'm getting a OutofMemoryError on Java Heap Space while trying to get values out of the hazelcast map. Eventually we plan to move to a 5 node cluster to start with.
Following is the cache spring config:
<hz:hazelcast id="instance">
<hz:group name="dev" password=""/>
<hz:property name="hazelcast.merge.first.run.delay.seconds">5</hz:property>
<hz:property name="hazelcast.merge.next.run.delay.seconds">5</hz:property>
<hz:network port="5701" port-auto-increment="false">
<hz:multicast enabled="true" />
<hz:map instance-ref="instance" id="statusMap" name="statuses" />
Following is where the error occurs:
map = instance.getMap("statuses");
Set<Status> statuses = (Set<Status>) map.values();
return statuses;
Any other method of IMap works fine. I tried getting the keySet and size and both worked fine. It is only when I try to get the values that the OutofMemory error shows up.
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
I've tried the above with a standalone java application and it works fine. I've also monitored with visual VM and don't see any spike in used Heap Memory when the error occurs which is all the more confusing. Available Heap is 1G and the used Heap was about 70MB when the error occurred.
However, when I take out cache implementation from the application, it works fine going to the Database and getting the data.
I've also tried playing around with the tomcat vm args to no success. It is the same OutofMemoryError when I access IMap.values() with or without SQLPredicate. Any help or direction in this matter will be greatly appreciated.
As the exception mentions you're running out of heap space since the values method tries to return all deserialized values at once. If they don't fit into memory you'll likely to get an OOME.
You can use paging to prevent this from happening: http://hazelcast.org/docs/latest/manual/html-single/hazelcast-documentation.html#paging-predicate-order-limit-
How big are your 400 entries?
And like Chris said, the whole data is being pulled in memory.
In the future we'll replace this by an iteration based approach where we'll only pull small chunks in memory instead of the whole thing.
I figured out the issue. The Status object was implementing "com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.Portable" for Serialization. I did not configure the corresponding serialization factory. After I configured the factory as follows, it worked fine:
<hz:portable-factory factory-id="1" class-name="ApplicationPortableFactory" />
Apologize for not giving the complete background initially as I myself noticed it later on. Thanks for replying though. I wasn't aware of the Paging Predicate and now I'm using it for sorting and paging results. Thanks again.

Lock.tryLock() in suspecting node are hanging forever after false Failure Detection

We are using jgroups-3.0.3.Final as a cluster wide locking implementation in a cluster of two nodes.
Our JGroups settings(simplified) is as follows:
<config xmlns="urn:org:jgroups"
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:org:jgroups http://www.jgroups.org/schema/JGroups-3.0.xsd">
<TCP bind_port="7800" .../>
<TCPPING .../>
<MERGE2 min_interval="10000" max_interval="30000"/>
<FD timeout="3000" max_tries="3" />
<VERIFY_SUSPECT timeout="1500" />
We perform lock/unlock as follows:
Lock lock = getLockService().getLock("mylock");
//do something
We are expecting false failure detection several times a day, probably because of too low timeout value of FD.
What is worse, we often have several locks hanging forever if they were obtained during such false FD.
scenario is this:
We have a cluster view of {A,B|1}
Wait until failure detected, but both nodes are alive (false FD).
Node A will suspect Node B and create new view, {A|2}
Suspected Node B will be still in view {A,B|1}.
Node B is trying to obtain a lock "mylock".
Node A discards grant lock messages from Node B, as it is in different view.
View merge is performed, and new view is created - {A,B|3}
Problem: a thread which try to get "mylock" hangs in lock.tryLock(); line,
each subsequent attempts to get "mylock" fail as well.
We have used tryLock(long time, TimeUnit unit) with timeout specified, and seems it solved the problem.
Question: Does it means that JGroups impl. of Lock.tryLock() without timeout have a bug and should be avoided?
Additionally to timeout increase and using tryLock() with timeout, it would be better to change PEER_LOCK to CENTRAL_LOCK. Please see details here: https://community.jboss.org/message/827520

Infinispan : Responses contains more than 1 not equal elements

I am using Infinispan as L2 cache and I have two application nodes. The L2 cache in two apps are replicated. The two apps are not identical.
One of my app fill the database using web services while other app run GUI for the database.
The both app do the extensively read and write to the database. After running the app I have seen following error. I do not know which cause this error.
I wonder why
- My cache instances are not properly replicated each change to other
L2 cache got a two reposes
L2 responses are not equal
ERROR org.infinispan.interceptors.InvocationContextInterceptor - ISPN000136: Execution error
2013-05-29 06:32:32 ERROR - Exception while processing event, reason: org.infinispan.loaders.CacheLoaderException: Responses contains more than 1 element and these elements are not equal, so can't decide which one to use:
[SuccessfulResponse{responseValue=TransientCacheValue{maxIdle=100000, lastUsed=1369809152081} TransientCacheValue {value=MarshalledValue{instance=, serialized=ByteArray{size=1911, array=0x0301fe0409000000..}, cachedHashCode=1816114786}#57991642}} ,
SuccessfulResponse{responseValue=TransientCacheValue{maxIdle=100000, lastUsed=1369809152116} TransientCacheValue {value=MarshalledValue{instance=, serialized=ByteArray{size=1911, array=0x0301fe0409000000..}, cachedHashCode=1816114786}#6cdaa731}} ]
My Infinispan configuration is
<globalJmxStatistics enabled="true" jmxDomain="org.infinispan" allowDuplicateDomains="true"/>
<property name="configurationFile" value="jgroups.xml"/>
<namedCache name="my-cache-entity">
<clustering mode="replication">
<stateRetrieval fetchInMemoryState="false" timeout="60000"/>
<sync replTimeout="20000"/>
<locking isolationLevel="READ_COMMITTED" concurrencyLevel="1000"
lockAcquisitionTimeout="15000" useLockStriping="false"/>
<eviction maxEntries="10000" strategy="LRU"/>
<expiration maxIdle="100000" wakeUpInterval="5000"/>
<lazyDeserialization enabled="true"/>
<!--<transaction useSynchronization="true"
transactionMode="TRANSACTIONAL" autoCommit="false"
<loaders passivation="false" shared="false" preload="false">
<loader class="org.infinispan.loaders.cluster.ClusterCacheLoader"
ignoreModifications="false" purgeOnStartup="false">
<property name="remoteCallTimeout" value="20000"/>
Replicated entity caches should be configured with state retrieval, as already indicated in the default Infinispan configuration file and you've already done so. ClusterCacheLoader should only used in special situations (for query caching). Why not just use the default Infinsipan configuration provided? In fact, if you don't configure a config file, it'll use the default one.

WCF, ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem and Windows Azure

I have a weird problem that I hope you can help me out with.
On our development server we are running Windows 2008R2 with IIS 7.5 on a virtual x64 instance with 8GB RAM.
Here I call a WCF method that uses ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem to process a large amount of hierarchical data. This works fine, and work rather fast (a 270 MB XML is read an processed producing 190.035 records within 379 seconds). The client is done calling the method about 250 seconds in.
Now the same "workflow" on Windows Azure is a whole other case. Although similar (Large instance in Round Robin configuration), Windows Azure stop within seconds the client disconnect. This means that only 160.055 records is written and far slower - 917 seconds. The problem here is, that I miss around 30.000 records which should now be queued on the two Azure instances, but it seems like - on client disconnect - to abandon the remaining work.
The client uses HttpWebRequest for communication and both solutions run .NET 4.0.
What is that I am missing out on here?
Thanks in advance for any help regarding this issue.
My bad guys - I simply could not in my wildest imagination foresee that Windows Azure would be so slow .. so by increasing the HttpWebRequest from 2 minutes to 30 minutes I was able to achieve the same data volume as in our development environment.
So - I will not delete the question - but let this stand as a reference for you soon to come Azure guys.
I am positive that Azure (and other cloud providers) is the future, but from Denmark to "North Europe" the latency is high - and SQL Azure has yet to prove it can perform when talking OLTP and normalized databases.
190.335 records from a 299 MB file took 379 seconds on a single instance
190.335 records from a 299 MB file took 1.400 seconds on two LARGE instances
The good news is, that WCF and ThreadPool work flawlessly and no special considerations (except a high timeout) is necessary.
Just to clarify, the 299MB file is split up in multiple REST calls to the server, in a format similiar to this one:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HttpPost absolutePath="A/B/C/D/E/OO">
<Parameters xmlns="http://somenamespace">
<F xmlns="http://somenamespace">
<G xmlns="http://somenamespace/Product">Long Text</G>
<H xmlns="http://somenamespace/Product">1</H>
<I xmlns="http://somenamespace/Product">PK</I>
<J xmlns="http://somenamespace/Product">5995</J>
<K xmlns="http://somenamespace/Product">
<L xmlns="http://somenamespace/P/Q">Discount</L>
<M xmlns="http://somenamespace/P/Q">1000</M>
<N xmlns="http://somenamespace/P/Q">6995</N>
<F xmlns="http://somenamespace">
<G xmlns="http://somenamespace/Product">Long Text</G>
<H xmlns="http://somenamespace/Product">1</H>
<I xmlns="http://somenamespace/Product">PK</I>
<J xmlns="http://somenamespace/Product">5995</J>
<K xmlns="http://somenamespace/Product">
<L xmlns="http://somenamespace/P/Q">Discount</L>
<M xmlns="http://somenamespace/P/Q">1000</M>
<N xmlns="http://somenamespace/P/Q">6995</N>
