jquery mobile input label button - events

I have some problem.
This is HTML document.
<input class="input" type='checkbox' id='ev_1' name='ev_1' checked='checked'/>
<label for='ev_1'>
<button class='ui-btn custom-btn' id='issue'>On</button>
This is javascript.
I think that alert("!"); is occur when I click button.
But, not effect....
I want to show alert("!");
I need your help.

As Omar mentioned, your button should be outside the label and your input checkbox can be inside the label:
<label for='ev_1'>
<input class="input" type='checkbox' id='ev_1' name='ev_1' checked='checked' />On
<button class='ui-btn custom-btn' id='issue'>On</button>
Then you can have event handlers defined in the jQM pagecreate handler. To handle the checkbox, use a change event handler, and for the button a click handler:
$(document).on("pagecreate", "#page1", function () {
$("#issue").on("click", function (event) {
alert("Button Click");
$("#ev_1").on("change", function (event) {
alert("Checkbox Change");
Here is a working DEMO


Kendo upload - how to add a javascript event handler for file remove button click

My kendo template is as follows:
<div id="file-err-msg" > Please remove files with errors</div>
<input name="files" id="files" type="file" />
<script id="fileTemplate" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<span class='k-progress'>
<strong class='k-upload-status'>
<button type='button' class='btn-remove k-button k-button-bare k-upload-action'>
<span class='k-icon k-i-close k-delete' title='Remove'></span>
template: kendo.template($('#fileTemplate').html())
I need to hide the div with id - file-err-msg, when the remove button is clicked. the Remove action is happening when the span with css class "k-delete" is clicked. I need to add the below event handler in addition, and it is never being called.
$(".k-delete").click(function () {
alert("Remove button clicked");
since these controls are rendered dynamically, i tried to bind them to the event handler as below, but nothing works.
$("body").on("click", ".btn-remove", function () {
alert("dynamic control event handler");
Any help is appreciated!
According to Kendo Upload API documentation, you can bind a function to the remove event.
So this is where you could hide your file-err-msg div :
template: kendo.template($('#fileTemplate').html()),
remove: function(e) {

kendo ui - why do button click refresh the page?

Please find below my code:
Template of customer search form
<script type="text/x-kendoui-template" id="customer-search-view-template">
<div class="searchform" id="searchCustomer">
<form class="frmSearch">
<input name="searchTxt" data-bind="value: customerName" class="k-textbox" />
<button class="k-button" data-bind="click: searchClicked">Search</button>
<button class="k-button" data-bind="click: newClicked">New</button>
customer-search.js where loading above template and creating viewmodel object
var views = {};
templateLoader.loadExtTemplate("customer-search-view-template", "../views/customer-search-template.html");
var layout = new kendo.Layout($('#customer-search-view-template').html());
// Create an observable view model object.
var customer = kendo.observable({
customerName: "John",
searchClicked: function() {
this.set("customerName", "Search clicked");
newClicked: function() {
this.set("customerName", "New clicked");
// Bind the view model to the personFields element.
kendo.bind($('#searchCustomer'), customer);
When I click the search button, the text is set in the textbox but this also refresh the page with ?searchTxt=Search+clicked in the address bar.
May I know why this button click refresh the page and how do I stop refreshing the page on button click ???
I would try and place the attribute 'type' for each like so:
<button type="button" class="k-button" data-bind="click: searchClicked">Search</button>
<button type="button" class="k-button" data-bind="click: newClicked">New</button>
The page thinks that each are performing a form submit action, but by placing the type attribute, you can access the event you intended for search. You may not need your form tags if you are not going to post any data, but rather just a js event handler. Good luck.
The reason is that you are inside a <form>, which has no settings (URL, method, etc), so the browser's default behavior is probably to perform a GET to the current URL (which is a refresh). You could just use <div> instead of <form> if you just want to execute that method.

Validating radio button list

I have a directive that sets a CSS class on a form element based on its $valid value. I want to use it with a radio button list. There a multiple radio buttons in the set but I only need to add the directive to one of them because a) they all control the same model and b) the CSS ultimately will reveal a single image tag which I only want once per radio button list.
Here's some HTML:
<div ng-app="myApp">
<input required type="radio" ng-model="type" name="typeGroup" value="type1">Type 1
<input add-validation-class required type="radio" ng-model="type" name="typeGroup" value="type2">Type 2
angular.module('myApp', []).directive('addValidationClass', function() {
return {
require: '^ngModel',
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, $ngModel) {
if (!$ngModel) return;
var update = function () {
.addClass($ngModel.$dirty ? ($ngModel.$valid ? 'valid' : '') : '');
$scope.$watch($attrs.ngModel, function (newValue, oldValue) {
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/JqBgs/
You can see from the fiddle that the watch fires update regardless of the radio button clicked on. This is what I expected because both radio buttons control the same model. However you can also see that the left radio button isn't dirty. So the CSS class isn't applied.
Why isn't it dirty?
I put this in the HTML:
<div ng-app="myApp">
<input ng-change="myForm.validateRadio.$dirty = true" required type="radio" ng-model="type" name="typeGroup" value="type1">Type 1
<input name="validateRadio" add-validation-class required type="radio" ng-model="type" name="typeGroup" value="type2">Type 2
What a ridiculous bug in Angular.

ASP MVC3 checkbox action without submit button

I am using ASP.net for a program with a number of check boxes and a submit button which initiates an action depending on the selected check boxes.
However, one of my check boxes should behave as this submit button, i.e, upon selecting/deselecting this check box, the same action as the button must be triggered. Can someone please help me in doing this (or perhaps direct me to a tutorial)
I have a controller class and model.
Thanks you
The program look like:
#using(Html.BeginForm("controllername", FormMethod.Get)) {
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
Everything else is pretty much handled in the controller.
You can use javascript to listen to the check event of your check box and then invoke the form submit.
Assuming your markup of view is like this
<form id="yourFormId" action="user/post">
<input type="checkbox" class="optionChk" value="1" /> One
<input type="checkbox" class="optionChk" value="2" /> Two
<input type="checkbox" class="optionChk" value="3" /> Three
<script type="text/javascript">
var item=$(this);
if(item.val()=="2") //check your condition here
EDIT : As per the question edit.
Change the CheckBox Helper method usage like the below to add a css class to the checkbox so that we can use that for the jQuery selection.
#Html.CheckBox("check1",new { #class="optionChk"})
imagining you have something like this:
#using(Html.BeginForm()) {
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="chb_a" id="chb_a"> Option A
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="chb_b" id="chb_b"> Option B
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="chb_c" id="chb_c"> Option C
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="chb_d" id="chb_d"> Option D
<button type="submit" class="btn">Submit</button>
you can write a simple jQuery to complement:
$(".submit").click(function() {
// find the <form> the element belongs and submit it
and with this, all you need is to add a class named submit to any checkbox or more buttons if you want them to submit
for example:
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="chb_e" id="chb_e" class="submit"> Option E
You can bind the click events on the checkboxes.
$( '.myCheckboxes' ).click(function () {
var clickedBox = $( this );
// now do something based on the clicked box...
If you need to know which checkboxes are checked, that's just another selector.
$( '.myCheckboxes:checked' ).each(function () {
// Now you have access to each checked box.
// Maybe you want to grab their values.
Just bind the checkbox to a click event. Assuming you have a way of uniquely identifying the checkbox that submits the form.
$( '#formSubmitCheckbox' ).click(function() {
$( '#myForm' ).submit();

how to get cancel button event?

I have a JQGrid that has an 'Add' button. In my grid, when the 'Add' button is clicked, a single 'Add' form is opened. The 'Add' form has two default buttons: 'Submit' And 'Cancel'. I want to execute some code on the click event of the Cancel button. I'm not sure how to handle this does anyone have any suggestions?
If I understand you correctly, you want to execute a jquery function upon clicking the CANCEL button. This is what I would do:
<input type="button" value="Cancel" id="btnCancel" />
$('#btnCancel').on('click', function() {
$('#btnCancel').click(function() {
OR you could put a function call on the input itself:
function myFunction() {
<input type="button" value="Cancel" id="btnCancel" onclick="return myFunction();" />
