JMS Client for WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5 and with Oracle Java 8 - jms

I am using Java JMS client to connect to Websphere Application Server and I using following set of jars in classpath of client:
ibmorb.jar, ibmorbapi.jar,,,
It works fine with Oracle Java 7. But with Oracle Java 8 it gives java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/io/MalformedInputException during JNDI lookup. The ibmorb.jar is using class which is no longer shipped with Java 8. I also tried using in place of ibmorb.jar but got same exception.
What is the suggested approach to solve this problem?
I tried with ibmorb.jar from optional IBM Java Developer Kit 7 provided with and it worked. I did not find standalone installer for IBM Java 7 and I don't want to upgrade the AppServer on server side. If using jars from IBM Java 7 is the only option then how can I get the standalone IBM Java 7 installer or IBM Java 7 for

You can get IBM JDK from here -


Rational application developer(RAD) 9.6 cannot use Websphere Application Server 8.5?

I installed the Rational application developer(RAD) 9.6, and find that there is no WebSphere Application Server 8.5 in the option list when config the new server.
Define new server options
WebSphere 8.5 traditional is available with RAD 9.6. I have it here. You do have to select it during the installation process. Or you can use Installation Manager to Modify and add it:

Is IBM Webshpere MQ 6 compatible with JBoss EAP 6.2?

I was trying to deploy a component on JBoss EAP 6.2 serever.My application listens to IBM Websphere MQ 6.I would like to know if MQ 6 is compatible with JBoss 6.2
There aren't any known issues with using IBM MQ 6 with JBoss EAP 6.2. Neither Red Hat nor IBM officially test and support this configuration, however.

Client jar file version for IBM MQ7 and MQ8

Our product will support IBM MQ7 and MQ8 based on client requirement. Now, we like to know latest client jar version that we may use for our application?
We would like to use JMS 1.1 specification. I have found following link for MQ 7.5 JAR-
Is it sufficient if we use above mentioned client jar to connect MQ 7 and MQ 8 server?
Application will use JRE 1.7 and WAS liberty
If you are using WebSphere Liberty as your application server, then you will need to the MQ JCA Resource Adapter (MQ-RA) to make use of MQ JMS messaging. Liberty (unlike traditional WebSphere Application Server) does not ship a copy of the MQ-RA, but you can download and install one pretty easily and then link to it from within the Liberty server's server.xml configuration file. Here's a link to explain how to do this:
Now, Liberty can use a copy of the WebSphere MQ V7.5.0.5 (or later) Resource Adapter, which only supports the JMS 1.1 API, and the Liberty feature you will want to enable with that version is "wmqJmsClient-1.1".
However, I would suggest you consider the latest version of the IBM MQ-RA (at the time of writing this is V9.0.0.0). The MQ V8.0.0.3 and V9 RAs support both the JMS 1.1 "classic" API as well as the newer 2.0 "simplified" API. Therefore you can use the newer MQ-RA levels but your JMS 1.1 application will still work perfectly fine. If using a V8 or V9 IBM MQ-RA, then the Liberty feature to enable to is "wmqJmsClient-2.0".
The V7.5, V8 and V9 MQ Resource Adapters can connect to any MQ queue manager version; the major or maintenance versions between the JMS client and the MQ server do not need to match.
For reference, here are a couple of links I recommend reading over as well:
I hope this helps!

Version of MQ in WAS 8.5.5

I'm trying to migrate an EJB application from WAS 6 to WAS 8.5.5 and seems to not work entirely, doesn't respond correctly to the message-selector filter I'm using in ejb-jar.xml.
Can somebody tell me the version of MQ server supported in WAS 8.5.5 ?
The version of the MQ client (in the MQ Resource Adapter form) in WAS 8.5.5 is MQ 7.1. This page provides the list of the exact version of the client for each WAS level:
The MQ server supported can be any currently supported version i.e. you can use MQ Server 8/7.5./7.1/7/6 etc with a MQ 7.1 client. However, there are features that might not be available if you are using a certain combination client/server.
For your issue it is probably best to post a new question with the actual error you are seeing.
If you have a Websphere MQ full installation, MQ 8.0 is already out but please check the following information about WAS 8.5 and MQ 7.5:
There are two alternatives depending on what you want to migrate before the other : MQ or WAS.

Pmi Client is not created while using with sun java instead of IBM java

My task to monitor the IBM Websphere through pmi client.Pmi client is an agent provided by the IBM to get MBeans and is running under IBM Java. I tried it to run under Sun java. But, it fails to create the Pmiclient. Did Anyone come across this issue?
The IBM JRE has slightly customized classes. This is unfortunately not uncommon with PMI (and also JMX by the way) when working with different WebSphere Application Server versions.
There are hacks around involving copying the relevant IBM implementations and running them with the Sun/Oracle JRE but I don't think that is valid according to the licensing terms. What you really should do is to use the IBM provided JRE.
If you want a riskless shortcut you will build an applicaton (perhaps EJB or servlets) that runs on the WebSphere Application Server and exposes the results from PMI via custom interface. For instance web service.
