Cross Domain Form Submission in Laravel - laravel

It is my first time to use laravel. I just want to ask a question regarding cross domain form submission best practice.
Let say I have simple HTML form in
<form action="" method="POST">
<input name="fullname" type="text" placeholder="Enter your name" />
<input type="submit" value="submit">
And I have register "/insert/data" on my route file in other domain, let say :
Route::get('/insert/data', function()
$fullname = Input::get('fullname');
// Insert the name after this...
Is it safe to do that? I mean I'm using POST to submit form and using Route::get to fetch it?
Is there any other better option? I tried Route::post and get the MethodNotAllowed error instead.
Thank you


put query params inside a filter key laravel

hi i want to change this url from get form
to this in laravel[category_id]=1&filter[file_id]=1
how can i do that?
Actually i want change perquery=? to filter[perquery]=?
Try something like this in the blade (you can modify it if need):
<form action="" method="GET">
<input name="filter['category_id']">
<input name="filter['file_id']">
<input type="submit">

Confusion regarding action in the form

I am fairly new to Laravel and I am trying CRUD operations using Resource Controller. The problem I am facing is regarding what should be the action in create a task form. Let me give you an overview, how the application is designed. I have created separate directories for MVC as listed below:
Route: Route::resource('todo','Todo_Controller\todo_controller');
public function index()
return view('Todo_View\home');
public function create()
return view('Todo_View\create');
public function store(Request $request)
$todo= new todo_model();
return redirect('todo');
<form method="POST" action="../todo">
<tr><td><input type="text" name="title" value="" placeholder="Title"></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="text" name="body" value="" placeholder="Body"></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></td></tr>
Now the problem is that the action of the form should be todo as can be seen in the route:list but when I hit submit with that I get MethodNotAllowedHttpException and the URL shown is http://localhost/laravel-7/blog/public/todo/todo. But during the hit and trial I figured out I should use form action as ../todo. I am highly confused as to why do I have to use that action as it doesn't make any sense because in the route list, URI is clearly mentioned as todo
Another point, when I hit index page, URI is http://localhost/laravel-7/blog/public/todo and when I get redirected from home page to create page, the URI is http://localhost/laravel-7/blog/public/todo/create
You are confusing action with native php in laravel.
Replace your action="../todo" with action="{{url('todo')}}"
<form method="POST" action="{{url('todo')}}">
<tr><td><input type="text" name="title" value="" placeholder="Title"></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="text" name="body" value="" placeholder="Body"></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></td></tr>
You just need to specify the route exactly no need for saying where the file is actually located so action="/todo" would work fine

How to disable the validation of some fields in Joomla 3 registration

I'm building the website based on Joomla 3. I need to disable the validation of the fields: name, username, password1 (the second, because the first is password2) and email2 and use email1 as username (I installed the plugin Email for user authorization).
I have tried to remove these fields in file components/com_users/models/forms/registration.xml but the validation is still remaining. If I don't remove them but only change the rows required="true" to false for these fields the registration doesn't work at all and any user stored in the DB. How can I disable these fields?
It's not an easy workaround, and you will need some basic knowledge of Joomla and PHP, but I'll try to explain it to you as simple as i can.
>>> Creating view template override
First of all you will need to create your Registration view template override (to keep it Joomla update proof). To do so, create folder /templates/YOUT_TEMPLATE/html/com_users/registration and copy /components/com_users/views/registration/tmpl/default.php file there.
From now on you can modify registration output in your template folder.
>>> Modifying registration form output
By default Joomla takes all fields from form file /components/com_users/models/forms/registration.xml, where they are defined, and outputs them in a view. But if we don't want to use ALL the fields, we need to output fields manually.
My example code only output E-mail and Password fields for registration. Here's a sample code to do so: (default.php file)
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
<div class="grid_8" id="register_block">
<div class="content_block">
<div class="login<?php echo $this->pageclass_sfx?>">
<form id="member-registration" action="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_users&task=registration2.register'); ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div class="login-fields">
<label id="jform_email1-lbl" for="jform_email1">E-mail:</label>
<input type="text" name="jform[email1]" id="jform_email1" value="" size="30">
<div class="login-fields">
<label id="jform_password1-lbl" for="jform_password1">Password:</label>
<input type="password" name="jform[password1]" id="jform_password1" value="" autocomplete="off" size="30">
<button type="submit" class="button"><?php echo JText::_('JREGISTER');?></button>
<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_users" />
<input type="hidden" name="task" value="registration2.register" />
<?php echo JHtml::_('form.token');?>
Please note, that I've also replaced task value from registration.register to registration2.register, I did this to bypass some of validation rules using my own controller.
>>> Creating controller override
Locate file /components/com_users/controllers/registration.php and create a copy of it called registration2.php in same folder.
Open file registration2.php and change It's class name from UsersControllerRegistration to UsersControllerRegistration2
From now on Joomla registration form will use this class to create a new user.
Find a method called register and find this line:
$requestData = JRequest::getVar('jform', array(), 'post', 'array');
This is where Joomla get's registration form data. Add the following lines:
$requestData['name'] = $requestData['email1'];
$requestData['username'] = $requestData['email1'];
$requestData['email2'] = $requestData['email1'];
$requestData['password2'] = $requestData['password1'];
It will add missing registration info, and help you pass validation.
NOTE: This is a sample code, to show the main logic. If anyone has a better solution, I'd be more than happy to hear it.
Following same idea, a simpler solution might be just including hidden inputs with values in com_users\views\registration\tmpl\default.php above
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary validate"><?php echo JText::_('JREGISTER');?></button>
<input type="hidden" id="jform[username]" name="jform[username]" value="username" />
<input type="hidden" id="jform_name" name="jform[name]" value="name" />
It would pass the validation and you would no longer need to override controllers etc.

Load Dojo form from ajax call

I am trying to implement something like this.
I want the login page to load but if you click the signup button then an ajax will replace the login form with the signup form.
I have got this to work using this code
// The URL of the request
url: "'.$url.'",
// The success callback with result from server
load: function(newContent) {
dojo.byId("'.$contentNode.'").innerHTML = newContent;
// The error handler
error: function() {
// Do nothing -- keep old content there
the only problem is the new form just loads up as a normal form, not a dojo form. I have tried to return some script with the phaser but it doesnt do anything.
<div id="loginBox"><div class="instructionBox">Please enter your details below and click <a><strong>signup</strong>
</a> to have an activation email sent to you.</div>
<form enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" class="site-form login-form" action="/user/signup" method="post"><div>
<dt id="emailaddress-label"><label for="emailaddress" class="required">Email address</label></dt>
<input 0="Errors" id="emailaddress" name="emailaddress" value="" type="text"></dd>
<dt id="password-label"><label for="password" class="required">Password</label></dt>
<input 0="Errors" id="password" name="password" value="" type="password"></dd>
<dt id="captcha-input-label"><label for="captcha-input" class="required">Captcha Code</label></dt>
<dd id="captcha-element">
<img width="200" height="50" alt="" src="/captcha/d7849e6f0b95cad032db35e1a853c8f6.png">
<input type="hidden" name="captcha[id]" value="d7849e6f0b95cad032db35e1a853c8f6" id="captcha-id">
<input type="text" name="captcha[input]" id="captcha-input" value="">
<p class="description">Enter the characters shown into the field.</p></dd>
<dt id="submitButton-label"> </dt><dd id="submitButton-element">
<input id="submitButton" name="submitButton" value="Signup" type="submit"></dd>
<dt id="cancelButton-label"> </dt><dd id="cancelButton-element">
<button name="cancelButton" id="cancelButton" type="button">Cancel</button></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var widget = dijit.byId("signup");
if (widget) {
any advice on how i can get this to load as a dojo form. by the way i am using Zend_Dojo_Form, if i run the code directly then everything works find but through ajax it doesnt work. thanks.
I have discovered that if I load the form in my action and run the __toString() on it it works when i load the form from ajax. It must do preparation in __toString()
Firstly; You need to run the dojo parser on html, for it to accept the data-dojo-type (fka dojoType) attributes, like so:
dojo.parser.parse( dojo.byId("'.$contentNode.'") )
This will of course only instantiate dijits where the dojo type is set to something, for instance (for html5 1.7+ syntax) <form data-dojo-type="dijit.form.Form" action="index.php"> ... <button type="submit" data-dojo-type="dijit.form.Button">Send</button> ... </form>.
So you need to change the ajax contents which is set to innerHTML, so that the parser reckognizes the form of the type dijit.form.Form. That said, I urge people into using a complete set of dijit.form.* Elements as input fields.
In regards to:
$(document).ready(function() {});
This function will never get called. The document, youre adding innerHTML to, was ready perhaps a long time a go.
About Zend in this issue:
Youre most likely rendering the above output form from a Zend_ Dojo type form. If the renderer is set as programmatic, you will see above html a script containing a registry for ID=>dojoType mappings. The behavior when inserting <script> as an innerHTML attribute value, the script is not run under most circumstances (!).
You should try something similar to this pseudo for your form controller:
if request is ajax dojoHelper set layout declarative
else dojoHelper set layout programmatic

How to pre populate my custom form in magento

I've created a custom form, similar to a customer registration form, in Magento.
i want to prepopulate this form when an error messages arises.
Does anyone know how I can prepopulate a custom form in Magento?
Without seeing you code it is hard to say which method will method will work, but one of these method should work.
Using JavaScript Validation - client side validate, only post if all require info is correct
<form name="my-form" id="my-form" method="post">
<label for="username">
< ?php echo $this->__("User name") ?> <span>*</span></label><br />
<input type="text" id="username" name="username" class="input-text required-entry"/>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
//< ![CDATA[
var customForm = new VarienForm('my-form');
See a list of all the validation class name
Repopulate field
To get a list of all the post variable information that the customer fill out
To get a form field (eg. <input type='text' name='firstname' ... />)
So in you .phtml try (this will not work if you doing a redirect on error)
<input type='text' name='firstname' value="<?php echo Mage::app()->getRequest()->getPost('firstname');?>" />
If the above doesnt work then you need the save the post info into a session.
In your controller if validation fail save the information to customer session
Mage::getSingleton( 'customer/session' )->setData( 'yourFormName', Mage::app()->getRequest()->getPost() );
In your phtml template, print the data if 'yourFormName' variable session exist.
