We are executing only first thread group while running the JMX file in Non gui mode with Ultimate Thread group.Is there any command to run Ultimate Thread group in Non Gui Mode.
Do you should put zero interations in first thread group and one or more interations in ultimate. You can edit intarations in tag LoopController.loops in your jmx file.
I am writing a little tracer using the Win32 Debug Api (not dbgeng). The general flow is:
ContinueDebugEvent(event.pid, event.tid,...)
My question is: How can I switch the debugger to a different thread than the one that reported the current debugging event (event.tid)?
IE Thread A reports an event in WaitForDebugEvent, but I want to continue stepping Thread B.
ContinueDebugEvent documentation on the second parameter says:
The thread identifier of the thread to continue. The combination of process identifier and thread identifier must identify a thread that has previously reported a debugging event.
So I cant pass the id of a different thread.
I know this is possible because you can do it in Visual Studio GUI as well as windbg:
I like to stop the execution of a debug thread that I run in IntelliJ Ultimate 2019.3.
I can stop the entire JVM process, but that will require to restart the web application that takes a lot of time to spin up.
I found this request for such a feature (back from 2015), but I see no new way to do it.
Following y.bedrov comment, the solution was indeed to get to the "Throw Exception" wizard and then to enter there
new RuntimeException("error")
After updating Appcelerator Studio it won't load. Starting it produces starting screen showing "loading studio" 4ever. It is just stuck there. Any idea on what might have caused this?
Thanks.enter image description here
I had this problem too (on a Mac). You can try this:
download and install the latest Appcelerator version
logout of Appcelerator using CLI or terminal window (if you can open it of course), using "appc logout -D".
Start Appcelerator again and login again. This works for me.
‘jstack’ is an effective command line tool to capture thread dumps. jstack tool is shipped in JDK_HOMEbin folder. Here is the command that you need to issue to capture thread dump:
jstack -l <pid> <file-path>
pid: is the Process Id of the application, whose thread dump should be captured
file-path: is the file path where thread dump will be written in to.
go for-:
jstack -l 37320 > /opt/tmp/threadDump.txt
refer to this link for better understand
Launch the jvisualvm. On the left panel, you will notice all the java applications that are running on your machine. You need to select your application from the list (see the red color highlight in the below diagram). This tool also has the capability to capture thread dumps from the java processes that are running in remote host as well.
Now go to the “Threads” tab. Click on the “Thread Dump” button as shown in the below image. Now Thread dumps would be generated.
Java Mission Control (JMC) is a tool that collects and analyze data from Java applications running locally or deployed in production environments. This tool has been packaged into JDK since Oracle JDK 7 Update 40. This tool also provides an option to take thread dumps from the JVM. JMC tool is present in Library/java/javaVertualMachines/jdk1.8.0_151.jdk/content/home/bin/jmc.exe
Once you launch the tool, you will see all the Java processes that are running on your local host. Note: JMC also has the ability to connect with java processes running on a remote host. Now on the left panel click on the “Flight Recorder” option that is listed below the Java process for which you want to take thread dumps.
Here in the “Thread Dump” field, you can select the interval in which you want to capture thread dump. As per the above example, every 60 seconds thread dump will be captured. After the selection is complete start the Flight recorder.
Finally appc logout
and Login.
what are the two types of execution that can be done in jmeter?
This was asked in a interview to me. i was asked what are the ways u execute the script i.e GUI or non -GUI. I am working on jmeter but I have never come across these two words
GUI means "graphical user interface", like you run in microsoft windows.
We can run Jmeter in both GUI or Non-GUI (From command line).
I strongly suggest you do some reading about Jmeter on below website
hope this will help.
It is absolutely not recommended to use JMeter GUI (graphical user interface) for anything apart from developing or debugging test as AWT Event Thread will kill both your test and JMeter in case of more or less high load.
There is a variety of approaches on how to run a JMeter test in non-GUI mode including:
command-line mode
Apache Ant task
Apache Maven plugin
Jenkins plugin
Execution pre-defined .jmx from Java code or creating a test on-the-fly
Plugins for IDEs like Eclipse or Idea
See 5 Ways To Launch a JMeter Test without Using the JMeter GUI for more details on above.
I'm running Apache 2.2 in console mode on Windows to test an apache module I'm writing.
By default, a parent httpd.exe is started (with one thread), which starts a child httpd.exe with a number of worker threads.
Now I have to attach the debugger to the child process each time to be able to debug my module.
Is there a way to configure Apache to run from a single httpd.exe? (Like good old days if I remember correctly) I've been searching the docs, but don't find anything else than limitations of the number of requests handles per thread or process...
You might want to use httpd.exe -X which will run apache as a single process without giving back terminal/cmd prompt control.