How do I run multiple rake tasks at once? - ruby

I'm using a Rake task that runs multiple scraping scripts and exports category data for 35 different cities of a site to 35 different CSV files.
The problem I'm having is that when I run the master Rake task from the root directory of the folder, it creates a new file in the parent directory "resultsForCity.csv" instead of seeing the current CSV file within that given subfolder and adding the data to it. To get around it, I thought I should make my master Rake task (within the parent directory) run slave Rake tasks that then run the scraping scripts, but that didn't work either.
However, if I cd into one of the city folders and run the scraper or Rake task from there, it adds the data to the corresponding CSV file located within that subfolder. Am I not clearly defining dependencies or something else?
Things I've tried:
I've tried requiring each individual rakefile within my master rake task.
Tried iterating over all files and loading the rake tasks and received a stack too deep error.
Tried searching on Stackoverflow for 7 days now.
Here's my Rake task code:
require "rake"
task default: %w[getData]
task :getData do"**/*.rb*").each do |file|
ruby file
And here's my scraper code:
require "nokogiri"
require "open-uri"
require "csv"
url = "http://"
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))"resultsForAtlanta.csv", "wb") do |csv|
doc.css(".tile-title").each do |item|
csv << ["[()]+0-9", ""),"^0-9$", "")]
doc.css(".tile-subcategory").each do |tile|
csv << ["[()]+0-9", ""),"^0-9$", "")]
Any help would be more than greatly appreciated.

What if you let your scraper script take an output filename and use the directory structure to help you build the output filenames.
Assuming you have a directory tree something like
where scraper.rb is your scraping script, you should be able to write the task somewhat like this:
task :getData do"**/scraper.rb").each do |scraper_script|
dir = File.dirname(file)
city = File.basename(dir)
csv_file = File.join(dir, "resultsFor#{city}.csv")
ruby [scraper_script, csv_file].join(" ")
and then your Ruby script could just grab the filename off the command line like this:[1], "wb") do |csv|


Aruba: Command "seedly-calculator" not found in PATH-variable

So, I am trying to run the test but I am getting an error says.
Aruba::LaunchError:Command "seedly-calculator.rb" not found in PATH-variable
I have tried to change the path in rake file but it doesn't work.
My seedly-calculator.rb file is in the root directory.
require "rspec/core/rake_task"
namespace :spec do
desc "Run the functional suite against the CLI", [] => [:set_path])
task :set_path do
project_bin_dir = File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), '..', 'bin')
ENV['PATH'] = project_bin_dir + ':'+ ENV['PATH']
it shows error like:
Failure/Error: let(:command) { run "seedly-calculator.rb" }
Command "seedly-calculator.rb" not found in PATH-variable "/Users/bilaltariq/Desktop/seedly-calculator/functional_spec/bin:/Users/bilaltariq/Desktop/seedly-calculator/functional_spec/exe:/Users/bilaltariq/.rbenv/versions/2.6.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bin:/Users/bilaltariq/Desktop/seedly-calculator/functional_spec/../bin:/Users/bilaltariq/.rbenv/versions/2.6.2/bin:/usr/local/Cellar/rbenv/1.1.1/libexec:/Users/bilaltariq/.rbenv/shims:/Users/bilaltariq/.asdf/shims:/Users/bilaltariq/.asdf/bin:/usr/local/bin:/Users/bilaltariq/.bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/MacGPG2/bin".
I expect it to hit the file so i can write some test.
am i doing something wrong?
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe 'Command Validation', type: :aruba do
let(:command) { run "seedly-calculator.rb" }
it "wrong/missing arguments" do
expect(command.output).to end_with("Missing bank_name argument.\n")
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Complete bin/setup so that after it is
# run, ruby seedly-calculator.rb can be used to launch
# it.
# frozen_string_literal: true
require_relative './src/runner'
if !
input = ARGV'process_input', input)
puts "Arguments required!."
To run a ruby script using run you need to make sure your ruby script is executable and contains a shebang so your system knows to run it with ruby. Here's example from this starter example
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
file = ARGV[0]
if file.nil? || file.empty?
abort "aruba-test-cli [file]: Filename is missing"
elsif !File.exist? file
abort "aruba-test-cli [file]: File does not exist"
So in your case you'll need to add this to the first line of your seedly-calculator.rb file
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
Then run this from command line to make it executable.
chmod +x #!/usr/bin/env ruby
I made a simple example forked off the one I reffed above. See this commit
Rspec convention is that it should match the same file structure of your project. It is not a good idea to set PATH manually.
Rake tasks are normally put in a tasks folder so you should have in project root a tasks folder
Then you should have a spec folder that matches
Then you should be able to get rid of task :set_path do end block and just run the spec without that.
You should also have a Gemfile to load your gems, run bundle install then invoke your test with
bundle exec rspec spec/tasks/sometask_spec.rb

how to reload external file every time?

I have a ruby script where my "config" is in an extra file. It's called ftp_config.rb. Then I have filetrack.rb that downloads files from a ftp server - what files/directories is specified in ftp_config.rb. And finally I got rufus_download.rb that is calling a function from filetrack.rb every day so I get all new files from the server.
Everything works fine just I want to know how to make it so when I edit ftp_config.rb the changes are picked up by the script without the need to restart rufus_download.rb.
rufus_download.rb contains require_relative 'filetrack'
filetrack.rb contains require_relative 'ftp_config'
Right now if I add new files to be downloaded to ftp_config.rb I need to restart rufus
require_relative returns false if the file you have requested is already loaded to your ruby script and returns true if you haven't
If you want changes to be loaded directly you need to load files
load 'path/to/ftp_config'
every time your script executes it will load / reload the script
you can load by expanding path of the current ruby script:
load ::File.expand_path('../ftp_config.rb', __FILE__)
Assuming that files are in the same folder
hope that helps
You need a gem that monitors filechanges like "sinatra/reloader" for Sinatra and eg filewatcher or listen for desktop apps. After detecting an update you load the script, not require, that only loads a script once.
Here an example of filewatcher.
STDOUT.sync = true['c:/test/scans']).watch() do |filename, event|
puts filename
if(event == :changed)
puts "File updated: " + filename
if(event == :delete)
puts "File deleted: " + filename
if(event == :new)
puts "Added file: " + filename

Test all subclasses on file update

I am learning unit testing with PHP and am following the TDD session on tutsplus:
I have set up a ruby watchr script to run the PHPUnit unit tests every time a file is modified using Susan Buck's script:
I would like to change the ruby script so that in addition to testing a file when it is updated it will test all files that inherit from it. I name my files to indicate inheritance (and to group files) as Parent.php, Parent.Child.php, and Parent.Child.GrandChild.php, etc so the watchr script could just search by name. I just have no idea how to do that.
I would like to change:
watch("Classes/(.*).php") do |match|
run_test %{Tests/#{match[1]}_test.php}
to something like:
watch("Classes/(.*).php") do |match|
files = get all classes that inherit from {match[1]} /\b{match[1]}\.(.*)\.php/i
files.each do |file|
run_test %{Tests/{file}_test.php}
How do I do the search for file names in the directory? Or, is there an easier/better way to accomplish this?
This is what I ended up with:
watch("#{Library}/(.*/)?(.*).php") do |match|
file_moded(match[1], match[2])
def file_moded(path, file)
subclasses = Dir["#{Library}/#{path}#{file}*.php"]
p subclasses
subclasses.each do |file|
test_file = Tests + file.tap{|s| s.slice!(".php")}.tap{|s| s.slice!("#{Library}")} + TestFileEnd
run_test test_file
Where Library, Tests, and TestFileEnd are values defined at the top of the file. It was also changed so that it will detect changes in subfolders to the application library and load the appropriate test file.
I'm not entirely certain, but i think this will work:
watch("Classes/(.*).php") do |match|
subclasses = Dir["Classes/#{match[1]}*.php"]
filenames = do |file|
filenames.each do |file|
run_test "Tests/#{file}_test.php"
It's probably not the cleaneast way, but it should work.
The first line saves all the relative paths to files in the Classes directory beginning with the changed filename in subclasses.
in the map block I use a regex to only get the filename, without any folder names or the .php extensions.
Hope this helps you

Split seeds.rb into multiple sections?

I'd like to split my seeds.rb file into multiple sections for ease of maintenance; seed all the A's in a.rb, the B's in b.rb, etc. The separate files are located in the db/ directory with seeds.rb. Each file consists of a bunch of "A.create" or "B.create" calls and I want to call those files from seeds.rb.
I've tried:
include 'a'
include 'b'
load 'a.rb'
load 'b.rb'
in my seeds.rb but they don't seem to be processed when I call "rake db:seed". This is probably more of a straight ruby question than a rails question but for completeness I'm using Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3 on a Mac.
In ./db/seeds/my_module.rb:
module MyModule
puts "In my_module.rb"
# add code here
In ./db/seeds.rb:
require File.expand_path('../seeds/my_module', __FILE__) # the ../ just removes `seeds.rb` filename from the path which is given by __FILE__
p "In seeds.rb"
# add code here
I would propose to create a new db/seeds/ directory where you can place your various seeds file:
And then edit your db/seeds.rb file with:
Dir[File.join(Rails.root, 'db', 'seeds', '*.rb')].sort.each { |seed| load seed }
So, you can load your seeds even in the order you prefer - that is often something requested.
This solution was originally proposed by nathanvda in this "duplicated" question.

Is it possible to recursively require all files in a directory in Ruby?

I am working on an API that needs to load all of the .rb files in its current directory and all subdirectories. Currently, I am entering a new require statement for each file that I add but I would like to make it where I only have to place the file in one of the subdirectories and have it automatically added.
Is there a standard command to do this?
In this case its loading all the files under the lib directory:
Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/lib/**/*.rb"].each { |f| load(f) }
require "find"
Find.find(folder) do |file|
next if File.extname(file) != ".rb"
puts "loading #{file}"
This will recursively load each .rb file.
like Miguel Fonseca said, but in ruby >= 2 you can do :
Dir[File.expand_path "lib/**/*.rb"].each{|f| require_relative(f)}
I use the gem require_all all the time, and it gets the job done with the following pattern in your requires:
require 'require_all'
require_all './lib/exceptions/'
def rLoad(dir)
Dir.entries(dir).each {|f|
next if f=='.' or f=='..'
load(f) if File.fnmatch('*.rb', f)
This should recursively load all .rb files in the directory specified by dir. For example, rLoad Dir.pwd would work on the current working directory.
Be careful doing this, though. This does a depth-first search and if there are any conflicting definitions in your Ruby scripts, they may be resolved in some non-obvious manner (alphabetical by folder/file name I believe).
You should have a look at this gem. It is quite small so you can actually re-use the code instead of installing the whole gem.
