cxf-codegen-plugin to exclude XSD files - maven

I use cxf-codegen-plugin to generate a series of WS clients using Maven, on construction time. These WSDL reference some XSD schema definitions using a relative path like so: ../someService/schema.xsd
Now when I trigger a construction from Eclipse this works properly since my XSD files are placed in the right path.
But when I launch a construction job from Jenkins, it fails because it seems it's using Jenkins workspace as the root of the construction.
I don't even know if you can change this behavior of Jenkins, but since I have no control over my Jenkins instance, what I would like to know is for cxf-codegen-plugin to exclude XSD processing altogether, and then generate those classes explicitly using a different execution phase with a different plugin.
I've read you can do it like this:
But this assumes I know those namespaces prior to constructing, which I don't (WSDL files are taken from external dependencies using maven dependency plugin).
I also tried:
But this does not work, the plugin just keeps parsing the XSD files and generating the related classes.
Is there any other way I'm missing to prevent the parsing of XSD files and just process the WSDL definitions?
EDIT: this is the error Jenkins is giving me:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.cxf:cxf-codegen-plugin:2.7.3:wsdl2java (generate-sources-wsclient-cxf) on project my-project: Execution generate-sources-wsclient-cxf of goal org.apache.cxf:cxf-codegen-plugin:2.7.3:wsdl2java failed: org.apache.cxf.wsdl11.WSDLRuntimeException: Fail to create wsdl definition from : file:/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/MYPROJECT/myproject-webservice/src/main/resources/wsdl/Descriptor/serviceDescriptor.wsdl
[ERROR] Caused by : WSDLException (at /definitions/types/xsd:schema): faultCode=PARSER_ERROR: Problem parsing '../xsd/schema.xsd'.: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/xsd/actividadFormativa.xsd (No such file or directory)
It is looking on the root of jenkins' workspace instead of /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/MYPROJECT/myproject-webservice/src/main/resources/wsdl/xsd/schema.xsd

I had the same problem (only with the wsdl files). After long research I figured out that the problem was a case sensitivity issue - windows (local CLI and eclipse builds) and the linux/unix hudson/jenkins build environment:
The problematic wsdl had a big letter S
But on the filesystem the file was some.wsdl
So it was not the path issue (.../workspace/...) as I also initially expected...


idea Invalid bound statement (not found)

i am using idea 2021, i have a spring boot project with maven and mybatis.
i often encounter this problem:
once I modify the mybatis sql xml file(e.g. booking.xml), then I redeploy this project(I have to redeploy such that make the modification under src/main/resource effect).
After that, error Invalid bound statement (not found): xxx throw if i access the sql which in the modification sql xml file(e.g. I modified content of updateBooking, it will say invalid bound statment(not found): selectBooking). I am pretty sure the bound statement is exist in this sql xml file and all works before modifying.
I checked the target of this idea project and found that there is no booking.xml file, it seems that this sql xml file is deleted from target after I modified it and redeploy.
In order to solve it, I need to run mvn clean package for this project then redeploy it.
it seems that this happen in idea, i didn't encounter it in eclipse before.
How can i fix this problem permanently?
I use the following configuration every time I have this problem.
mvn clean package.
restart IDEA.

PigUnit--how to get access to pig scripts under Maven project structure?

I'm trying to use PigUnit with Maven. In Maven, my pig scripts are located under the module's root directory at <module>/src/main/pig/<scriptName>.pig
All the PigUnit test tutorials either code the absolute url of the pig script (which obviously won't work when the build runs anywhere but my machine) or the relative path and it just "magically" works. But when I put in either the script name directly or src/main/pig/<scriptName>.pig to PigTest, the script can't be found when running mvn test.
Test with line (using scala + scalatest):
val pigTest = new PigTest("src/main/pig/calcProductVectors.pig", args)
Results in:
- Script does something *** FAILED *** src/main/pig/calcProductVectors.pig (No such file or directory)
at Method)
at org.apache.pig.pigunit.PigTest.readFile(
at org.apache.pig.pigunit.PigTest.readFile(
How do I get src/main/pig to be on the path when mvn test runs?
Okay, so I found some tests in our Java projects that just added the pig directory to in maven:
<!-- Pig is being included in test/resource so that we can access it with PigUnit -->
Then the JUnit tests would pass src/main/pig/<scriptName>.pig to PigTest.
This didn't work in my project, not sure if it's because of scalatest or something else. I could see the contents of the directory getting copied to <module>/target/test-classes, but they still weren't found either with their direct name (which seems like it would make more sense because they were copied without the src/main/pig part) or that whole path which was working for the Java projects.
Eventually from this answer, I found out where the tests were running from on the file system, and it was just the module name, so I adjusted the path like so and it worked:
val pigTest = new PigTest("<module>/src/main/pig/calcProductVectors.pig", args)

How do I specify a directory prefix on a set of resources in maven's pom.xml

I have a set of files I'd like to include in the .jar generated by mvn compile. Unfortunately, I would like them to be placed in a specific path inside the .jar. For example, I want shaders/main.glsl to be in the .jar file as com/purplefrog/expglsl/castle/main.glsl
How do I specify this mapping in the pom.xml ? I can not mess with the directory heirarchy of the source project without throwing a wrench into other coders' workflows.
During the process-resources phase non-compilable files can be moved (by the maven-resources-plugin). What you should do is add a resource-block to your pom. Here you need to specify the directory. You can also add a targetPath. All together it would look like
<!-- include all ore just a couple of files? -- >
Now these files are copied to the target/classes and during the package phase they'll become part of the jar.
Take a look at the Maven Resources Plugin and this question.
Sounds like that should handle what you're looking to do if modifying the project structure up front isn't an option.

How can I specify path to jtl files when I want to publish graph (from jmeter-graph-maven-plugin) in teamcity?

I use jmeter-maven-plugin (version 1.10.0) to run JMeter test - first I run it from IntelliJ, then from TeamCity (for both - command: mvn jmeter-graph:create-graph)
When I want to use the following configuration for jmeter-graph-maven-plugin:
it works from IntelliJ, but in TeamCity I get:
ERROR: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find specified JTL file: /project/XX/opt/team-city-8.0.5/buildAgent/work/xxxxx/JMeter/target/jmeter/results/*.jtl
Result file exists (and it is previous used in xml-maven-plugin - even configuration is *.jtl - xml plugin works correctly in TeamCity).
When I use specific file name (so e.g. 20150317test-result.jtl instead of *.jtl) it works also from TeamCity.
How can I use general file name? Or maybe there is an option in jmeter-maven-plugin to define some fixed jtl file name (and then use it in jmeter-graph-maven-plugin)?
I did workaround for this issue.
I changed jmeter-graph-maven-plugin configuration to:
and now I run it using mvn jmeter-graph:create-graph -DfileName=%profile% (where profile name is the same as jmx test file).

Maven Thrift Plugin

I am trying to automate the generation of source files from the .thrift files and later the packaging. As far as I know, the maven-thrift-plugin is restrictive in the sense that source and destination directories are fixed. Is there any way I can specify the source and destination directories? I could probably achieve this by using the maven-antrun-plugin but I don't want to pollute my pom unnecessarily if I don't have to.
As far as I can see from the source ( there are configuration properties that control this behaviour.
Try these properties, they should work:
These props should be added to the <configuration> section along with <thriftExecutable>, etc:
I also ended up going the maven-antrun-plugin route, here is a functional example:
pom.xml uses maven-antrun-plugin to exec the thrift target in build.xml
build.xml does the thrift compilation and packaging.
Generated sources go back into the source tree; I don't like derived files polluting my upstream source control, so the generated files are under a thrift package, and the package directory is in a .gitignore file. A bit kludgy.
A better way I learned about since writing that code is to compile multiple java source directories in a single maven project, which would be cleaner.
