Java API to match multiple fields in elasticsearch - elasticsearch

Currently I query ES for a single key value pair like this:
String query_key = "abc";
String query_val = "def";
searchRequestBuilder.setQuery(QueryBuilders.matchQuery(query_key, query_val)).execute().actionGet();
Now, instead of single key-value pair, I have the following key-value pair map: Map<String,String> query_list
How do I modify the same for this?

You can use MuliMatchQuery or Boolean Query to fulfill your requirement.
BoolQueryBuilder boolQuery = new BoolQueryBuilder();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : fields.entrySet()){
boolQuery.must(QueryBuilders.matchQuery(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
Set this boolQuery in your searchRequest read the elasticsearch boolQueries and use one which fits for your requirement.
The Above example will perform the AND operation among the provided fields. the field1 and field2 must match. if you want to perform the OR operation then you should use sould query you have an option to set minimum_should_match in that you can specify the minimum fields should match.


How to get list of a field value as the result in mongodb with Spring Data

I want to get a list of a field's value from documents.
How can I write the following in spring
db.collection.find({"name" : "tom"}).map(function(u) return u.age)
If I use
I get list Objects with {_id, age} but I want List<String> ages
First things first, You don't need to map to get just the age field from the collection, you can just use projection.
Projection returns _id by default, so, you might want to specify it to be not returned if that's so.
i.e db.collection.find({}, {'age': 1, '_id': 0})
In Spring Data, you can perform a similar operation with include() and exclude().
Query query = new Query();
List<User> usersWithJustAgeInformation = mongoTemplate.find(query, User.class);
but this will also return an object of type User from which you can very easily filter the List <String> ages with stream, map and collect.
Query query = new Query();
List<String> ages = mongoTemplate.find(query, User.class).stream().map(User::getAge).collect(Collectors.toList());
Please read for more information and examples of projection and aggregation.

Create criteria object using map in mongo

I have a map Map filterParams, whose key,value pair will be a part of a Criteria. How do I create the Criteria object.
Earlier I was using Query.addCriteria. However now I want a criteria object as I need to pass it to Aggregation.match() in mongo.
filterParams.entrySet().forEach(e -> query.addCriteria(criteria.where(e.getKey()).is(e.getValue())));
Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(Aggregation.match(criteria ),"").count().as("count"),
Try this one:
Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
filterParams.entrySet().forEach(e -> criteria.and(e.getKey()).is(e.getValue()));
Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(

How to use the for loop over multiple criteria in mongodb from spring

I am trying to use the for loop over the criteria in the spring Dao to return a list of documents for each scenario matched in the list:
mongoDb contains multiple documents for the same studentId with different times.
I have a Array list with studentId's and times that I want to query on mongodb
The input looks like this
List <StudentAssociation> ={{studentId:st1234,assocstarttime=2019-08-16,assocendtime:2019-08-17},{studentId:st3456,assocstarttime=2019-07-09, assocendtime=2019-08-15}}
The query I wrote for a single student working without the for loop, but I want to send the list as the input
Working query
public List<Student> getListOfStudentRecords(String studentId, LocalDateTime assocstarttime, LocalDatetime assocendtime) {
Query query = new Query();
Criteria studentIdCriteria = Criteria
Criteria dateTimeCriteria = Criteria
return mongoTemplate.find(query, Student.class);
What I am trying is input the list, the following query
public List getListofStudentRecordsUsingList(List studentAssoc) {
Query query = new Query();
//for loop
for(StudentAssociation sa : studentAssoc) {
Criteria studentIdCriteria = Criteria
Criteria dateTimeCriteria = Criteria
query.with(new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, datetime));
return mongoTemplate.find(query, Student.class);
Expected output is for each student in the list return list of documents and then merge the result for each student into a single list and sort based on time field to create a timeline
The error I am getting withe second query is
//this is solved when I moved the Query query = new Query(); inside the for Loop
InvalidMongoDbApiUsageException: Due to limitations of the com.mongodb.BasicDocument, you can't add a second 'studentId' criteria. Query already contains '{ "lStudentId" : "st1234" }' //this is resolved when I move the query inside the for loop
Your Query object definition is outside of loop, so the same object is used for your whole loop. At second pass, query variable already contains a 'studentId' criteria, as explained in your error.
Try to set query inside loop, or clear your object at start of loop.
//for loop
for(StudentAssociation sa : studentAssoc) {
Query query = new Query();
Query in a loop is such an expensive thing, i would recommend you to use and & in for reduce the number of queries.
Mongodb provides operator like :
The $and operator evaluates one or more expressions and returns true if all of the expressions are true or if evoked with no argument expressions. Otherwise, $and returns false.
The $in operator selects the documents where the value of a field equals any value in the specified array.
Query findStudent = new Query(Criteria.where("studentId").in('List of id')
.and('datetime').gte('you should filter min time')
.lte('max time'))
.with(new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, datetime));

How to convert list of map list<map<string, object>> to list of value of map map<string,list<string>> using steam api java 8

I have a list of map. The map contains string as key & object as value. Most likely values also string. I want to group by one value so that I will get a set of value as key and another group of unique values as a list. Actually, list of map is couchbase select data.
[{"id":"1", "status":"pending"},{"id":"2", "status":"download"},{"id":"3", "status":"pending"},{"id":"4", "status":"pending"}, {"id":"5", "status":"ready"},{"id":"6", "status":"download"}] => {"pending":["1","3","4"], "download":["2","6"], "ready":["5"]}
Try this out. Notice that my values are Strings NOT Objects as yours. In your case you need to cast it explicitly to String like so,
s -> (String) s.get("status")
s -> (String) s.get("id")
Map<String, List<String>> idsByStatus =
Collectors.groupingBy(s -> s.get("status"), Collectors.mapping(s -> s.get("id"), Collectors.toList())));

The result of elasticsearch using jest api has double quotes("value") but I want to get just value for sure

I've struggled with something really weird. I want to get the result of Elasticsearch query, data(inside source). So this is a part of my code.
SearchResult result = jestClient.execute(search);
JsonObject json = result.getJsonObject();
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
for (JsonElement jsonElement : json.getAsJsonObject("hits").getAsJsonArray("hits")) {
JsonObject _source = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject().get("_source").getAsJsonObject();
String orderNumber = _source.get("orderNumber").toString();
String equipmentCode = _source.get("equipmentCode").toString();
map.put(orderNumber, equipmentCode);
The thing is the value of orderNumber is "ABCDE". What I expected is ABCDE. (To make it clear, both String contain the double quotes with the value... The funny thing is shown in the debug mode.
I've just checked the values in _source, it has the first value of String "A" still... but the first value of orderNumber is """ and the second value is "A"... I don't know how to resolve this and anyone helping me?
I'm answering for myself and ppl who will have the same problem. I should have used getAsString() instead of toString()... hope that I saved your time
