In our website one broadcasting runs for 10 seconds. In 10 seconds, if it does not get response, then it again runs for next 10 seconds and it continues till it gets response.
In jmeter, when I am recording the script, that Broadcasting sampler gets recorded only once but while running the script, it does not show response as it does not get that in single run. Can anyone help me to know how to script in jmeter for that broadcasting sampler to run until it gets the response.
Thanks in advance.
You can use the While Controller, where you configure your script to run until get response.
More information, look at
I run a performance test with load 25 users with jmeter integrated with jenkins.Once the build is triggered all my thread groups are completed but the console process is running for close to 2 hours.
image here
In your image I see 500 users, not 25.
Also I see that 498 users have finished and 2 are still running.
I cannot state for sure why they are running, it's more a question to you. I can think of the following reasons:
You're not following JMeter Best Practices
JMeter lacks resources and got stuck i.e. in endless garbage collection (which is a subset of point 1)
JMeter waits for response from the server and the server fails to respond. By default JMeter's HTTP Request samplers don't have any timeout defined and it means that JMeter will wait forever, so make sure to set reasonable connect/response timeouts, the setting lives under "Advanced" tab of the HTTP Request sampler (or better use HTTP Request Defaults so you could set the timeout for all the HTTP Request samplers in one shot)
If nothing helps you can check what exactly threads are doing and where they're stuck by taking a thread dump
I have a problem with one of the performance tests. I am using jmeter 5.4.1 with docker. Everything is behind f5, proxy, firewall etc but that is not the problem. My "headache" is that after about 30 minutes my throughput drops to almost zero. I'm looking for a solution to this situation and my question is : Does jmeter have the ability to count/summarize all requests sent, even if it doesn't get a response? The destination server gets everything that jmeter has sent, but I'm not sure if jmeter doesn't save requests only when it gets responses to them. example of my tests:
Active thread over time :
Transactions per second:
I don't have any timeouts set in my script and the response time is ok. No extended response times and yet the number of transactions is so mediocre....
JMeter writes all executed Sample Results into its .jtl results file so you if you have only HTTP Request samplers in your test plan - the number of rows in the .jtl file will be the number of requests sent by JMeter (minus one header row)
You can also track the requests which were sent by JMeter by loading the aforementioned .jtl results file into a listener like Transactions per Second or Server Hits per Second (the latter guy will display calls to embedded resources as well)
Ok, I found the cause. I exhausted all the threads on the JVM and that's why everything started to throttle... thank you for your help.
I'm trying to setup a performance test for a websocket application, using JMeter.
The request is {"type":"subscribe_rq","id":1,"ts":"2018-10-16T00:00:00","data":{"sinceSeq":0}}.
Response is multipart and sequential; initial response and an update every second, as long as the connection is open. (I checked this with "WebSocket Test Client", a chrome extension).
Currently, I only get the first main response, but not the updates. Rather not sure how to get these updates. How to achieve this in JMeter? That is, how to keep the connection open for a specified period (say 5 secs) and receive the multiple responses during that period and assert it?
To keep the connection open I have a Constant Timer with 5 secs in Thread Delay. Not sure if this will work...
Going forward please remember to include essential parts of your query into the question itself, i.e. output from the "Network" tab of the browser developer tools or screenshot of this WebSocket Test Client (whatever it is) could tell the full story.
In the mean time, there is a project: JMeter WebSocket Samplers by Peter Doornbosch which has many useful sample JMeter Test Plans including the one which you can use as the basis: Single read sample.jmx which queries the data in the loop over the single WebSocket Connection.
Check out JMeter WebSocket Samplers - A Practical Guide article to get started with the WebSocket Samplers.
I have a test plan written using JMeter & in that I have used Regular expression extractor to extract some value and pass it ON to other request in the test plan. I also used the CSV file to pick the value from sheet & used in my test plan.
Now the problem is that while running the script using JMeter, I am getting the high response time. When the JMeter is running the script, I tried to check the same site response manually & in that I was getting a very less response time.
I disabled the listeners & started the script in Non GUI mode but still the response time is on high side.
I need to justify the response time received from the JMeter to the client. Could someone please let me know what am I doing wrong ?
I used the HTTP Cache Manager with Use Cache-Control/Expires header option which reduces the JMeter response time & nearly in sync with browser timing.
I have a web application that provides price feeds when user subscribes to it. Typically users stay connected to the application for more than 10 minutes, that essentially puts load on the server. So I'm using Jmeter to mimic the same scenario. After I post the price feed id then I receive the first price feed but then Junit disconnects that thread to mark it successful/complete. However I want to stay connected to get the price feeds continuously. Is there a timer or something similar I could use in Jmeter to accomplish that?
I take it you are using a JUnit Request to accomplish this? Why not just write some kind of conditional loop that keeps listening until 10 minutes are up?
See comments here Jmeter Junit Issue for JUnit Request tutorial