Modify dependency on disk after resolution, before task - gradle

There's a bug in a dependency I'm trying to use that makes the build fail. I'm trying to configure a work-around until the dependency's fix is released. The work-around is to remove a class from a jar inside an aar.
The task I need to do this action in is dynamically added, so to complicate things I'm modifying the task in another task.
At this point in time, I'm just trying to find the location of the aar on disk. I'm open to any and all suggestions on how to do this better/easier, as I'm terrible at Gradle. But my explicit question is how can I modify a dependency file after resolution?
// A hack for duplicate BuildConfig in multidex bug.
// remove the duplicate BuildConfig from the multidex test aar
// can't configure before packageAllArmDebugTestClassesForMultiDex task is known, so configure it
// after preBuild.
preBuild.doLast {
packageAllArmDebugTestClassesForMultiDex.doFirst {
.getDependencies().matching{d -> == "multidex-instrumentation"}
.each{f -> println("Nothing?! " + f.getArtifacts())}
The packageAllArmDebugTestClassesForMultiDex task is successfully modified to print out the dependency artifacts, but it merely prints Nothing?! [].


How to create a build.gradle file that allows me to debug into my dependency

I've got a kotlin module that takes in a core dependency. I also own that dependency. I'm unique in that I own this dependency, and everyone else in my company just uses this dependency. I'd like to make a build.gradle file that will allow me to open the user module in intellij, but allow me to debug all the way down into the dependency I own. Nobody else needs to do this, so I can't just change things so they affect everybody. But I still feel there's a way I can stick both projects into one folder and have an extra build.gradle file in that parent folder that will only work for me.
Let me try and outline how I would like things to look
Module that everyone uses = MOD_A
Module that is a dependency but only I use it = MOD_B
Parent folder:
|> private build.gradle.kts file that only I use
|> MOD_A:
|> build.gradle
|> MOD_B:
|> build.gradle
How do I achieve this?
Stretch goal: how would I create gradle tasks in MOD_B that automatically become available in MOD_A?
I did try and create my own build.gradle.kts file in the parent folder, and pointed intellij at that. This did not work :(
plugins {
dependencies {
I don't use IntelliJ, but this is how I would do it in general. (It works for NetBeans.)
On your system edit the settings.gradle file to add the "owned" module as an included build. You could also use a property to have this done dynamically, so the settings file can be the same for everyone, but your user file will define a property to enable this. See
This will automatically cause the dependency to come from your own local build and you should be able to step into the code.
e.g. settings.gradle
if (System.getProperty('USE_LOCAL_MOD_A') != null) {
includeBuild '../MOD_A'
then in ~/.gradle/ you can add

How to manually download file from Maven repository in Gradle

We have a huge monolith application which is build by multiple tools (shell scripts, Ant and Maven). The build process is quite complex:
a lot of manually steps
hidden dependencies between Ant targets
different steps must be executed depending on the used Operating System
We decided to simplify it by creating Gradle scripts which wraps all this logic (it is quite impossible to fix it, so we create a wrapper which standardize the way of executing all the logic). We have to download some files from the Maven repository, but we cannot use the dependencies syntax:
we don't need to always download all files
the versions of the downloaded artifacts are dynamic (depends on configuration located in completely different place)
we need a path to the downloaded files (e.g. we have to unpack an artifact distributed as zip)
How we can achieve it?
The easiest way to achieve it is to create a dynamic configuration with dependencies, and next resolve it. The resolve method returns paths to the dependencies on the local disk. It is important to use a unique name for every configuration. If not, executing the logic twice would fail (cannot overwrite the configuration with XYZ name).
Here is an example method which returns a path to an artifact. If the artifact is already available in the Gradle cache it won't be downloaded for the second time, but of course the path will be returned. In this example all artifacts are downloaded from Maven Central.
ext.resolveArtifact = { CharSequence identifier ->
def configurationName = "resolveArtifact-${UUID.randomUUID()}"
return rootProject.with {
dependencies.add(configurationName, identifier)
return configurations.getByName(configurationName, {
repositories {
def jaCoCoZip = resolveArtifact('org.jacoco:jacoco:0.8.6')
def jaCoCoAgent = resolveArtifact('org.jacoco:org.jacoco.agent:0.8.6')

Gradle: how does one modify a dynamically created task?

I am building an Android Library project using the Android Gradle plugin (version 0.9.2) and it appears to have a bug (reported) in that while a "provided" dependency is correctly handled (not included) in the generated aar artifact, that dependency is incorrectly included in the generated debug test apk file.
It strikes me that a reasonable workaround is to remove the dependency jar file that is added by the :preDexDebugTest task as the last step for that task. But this task is dynamically generated so getting a handle to it is eluding me at the moment, hence the question.
In your app's build.gradle file, add
afterEvaluate {
def preDexDebugTest = tasks['preDexDebugTest']
// Do something with preDexDebugTest ...
That way it should be possible to operate on the preDexDebugTest task.

Resolve a dependency dynamically inside a gradle task

I am trying to build a gradle plugin, which does the following:
As part of one its tasks, it creates a new configuration
It adds a DefaultExternalModuleDependency to this configuration - more specifically, it constructs a dependency to the application server zip file (available on Nexus). This information can be overridden by the invoking project as well.
Tries to resolve this newly added dependency and then unpacks the file to a local folder
All of this was working well when I had the details hard coded in a build file, but it looks like adding dependencies as part of a task are not treated the same way as having that information available at the parsing time.
So my question is, how do I get the project to reload the configurations / dependencies?
The code looks like the following:
void installAppserver() {
Dependency dependency = new DefaultExternalModuleDependency(group,name,version)
Configuration configuration = project.configurations.detachedConfiguration(dependency)
configuration.files.each { file ->
if (file.isFile() &&'.zip')) {
println 'Attempting to unzip: ' + file + ' into folder: ' + appServerFolder
new Copy().from(project.zipTree(file)).into(appServerFolder).execute()
The problem is that the actual artifacts are not getting resolved!
A task can't configure the build model (that's what plugins do). It's fine to create and resolve a detached configuration in a task. If this doesn't work, there is likely a problem with the task's code, or the dependency it tries to resolve. Note that dependencies can only be resolved if the correct repository(s) are defined.
Instead of new DetaultExternalModuleDependency() (which is an internal class), project.dependencies.create() should be used. Instead of new Copy().execute() (Task#execute must not be called from user code), project.copy should be used.

Gradle - can I include task's output in project dependencies

I have a task that generates java sources and a set of jars from these sources (say, project a). I would like to export these jars to dependent projects (say, project b). So here's roughly what I have right now:
task generateJars(type: JavaExec) {
//generate jars ...
outputs.files += //append generated jars here
generatedJars generateJars.outputs.files
project(path: ':a', configuration: 'generatedJars')
It works OK, except that adding generateJars.outputs.files as a dependency does not tell gradle that it has to run generateJars task when there are no jars generated yet. I have tried adding the task itself as a dependency hoping that it would work in the same way as it does when you add a jar/zip task to an artifact configuration (e.g. artifacts{ myJarTask }), but it throws an error telling me that I cannot do that. Of course I can inject the generateJars task somewhere in the build process before :b starts evaluating, but that's clumsy and brittle, so I would like to avoid it.
I feel like I should be adding the generated jars to artifacts{ ... } of the project, but I am not sure how to make them then visible to dependent projects. Is there a better way of achieving this?
Dependent projects (project b) will need to do setup IntelliJ IDEA module classpath to point to project a's generated jars. Something rather like this (pseudo-code):
module{ += project(path: ':a', configuration: 'generatedJars').files
So far I have tried simply adding a project dependecy on :a's generatedJars in :b, but Idea plugin simply adds module :a as a module-dependency and assumes that it exports its generated jars (which is probably a correct assumption), therefore not adding the generated jars to :b's classpath.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
First, do you need a separate configuration? That is, do you have clients of a that should not see the generated Jars? If not, you can add the generated Jars to the archives configuration, which will simplify things.
Second, the correct way to add the generated Jars to the configuration is (instead of the dependencies block):
artifacts {
generatedJars generateJars
This should make sure that the generateJars task gets run automatically when needed.
Third, I'd omit the += after outputs.files, although it might not make a difference. You should also add the necessary inputs.
Fourth, why do you need a JavaExec task to generate the Jars? Can you instead add the generated sources to some source set and let Gradle build them?
Fifth, IDEA doesn't have a concept corresponding to Gradle's project configuration dependencies. Either an IDEA module fully depends on another module, or not at all. You have two options: either use a module dependency and make the generated sources a source folder of the depended-on module (preferably both in the Gradle and the IDEA build), or pass the generated Jars as external dependencies to IDEA. In either case, you should probably add a task dependency from ideaModule to the appropriate generation task. If this still doesn't lead to a satisfactory IDEA setup, you could think about moving the generation of the Jars into a separate subproject.
For my use case, I had a C++ project which generated some native libraries which my java project needed to load in order to run.
In the project ':native' build.gradle:
task compile(type: Exec, group: 'build') {
dependsOn ...
outputs.files(fileTree('/some/build/directory') {
include 'mylib/'
In project java application build.gradle:
configurations {
// Add dependency on the task that produces the library
dependencies {
nativeDep files(project(':native').tasks.findByPath('compile'))
// Unfortunately, we also have to do this because gradle will only
// run the ':native:compile' task if we needed the tasks inputs for another
// task
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
dependsOn ':native:compile'
run {
doFirst {
// Use the configuration to add our library to java.library.path
def libDirs = files(configurations.nativeDep.files.collect {it.parentFile})
systemProperty "java.library.path", libDirs.asPath
