IIPImage derivative generation and caching - caching

My client has a large number of images on its website. Each of these images has several derivatives, such as small, large, thumbnail, etc.
So far we have been generating static derivatives for each image, which in my opinion generates a lot of redundant data and makes their management harder.
I have been considering using an IIPImage server to generate derivatives on demand from one "web master" image. The advantages would be that I can just create one JPEG2000 image for all the derivatives, and I can use tiles for larger images using the same route. I can also take advantage of the IIIF framework to retrieve derivatives.
My main concern is caching the derivatives. I know IIP comes with Memcached support, but an in-memory store does not seem appropriate to cache derivatives for hundreds of thousands of images. An alternative I have thought of may be a Squid proxy. I have little experience with both caching approaches, so I could use some help here.
Is this the right direction to go, or is there a better solution, or should I stick to the current static derivative approach?

I think IIP Image would be a very good solution for your situation, mainly because the advantages you will get from the dynamic generation of images at various sizes from one master image.
Additionally, if you were to change an image, you would only have to swap the master and IIP would take care of the rest.
As for caching, I have used Varnish in front of IIP image very successfully on production sites. You could even use it in combination with the built in memcached support if you wanted to. It's quite straightforward to set up and configure.


How to make one File of different images?

I have question which i wanna discuss with u. i am a fresh gradutate and just got a job as IT programmer. my company is making a game, the images or graphics use inside the game have one folder but different files of images. They give me task that how we can convert different files of images into one file and the program still access that file. If u have any kind of idea share with me ..Thanks
I'm not really sure what the advantage of this approach is for a game that runs on the desktop, but if you've already carefully considered that and decided that having a single file is important, then it's certainly possible to do so.
Since the question, as Oded points out, shows very little research or otherwise effort on your part, I won't provide a complete solution. And even if I wanted to do so, I'm not sure I could because you don't give us any information on what programming language and UI framework you're using. Visual Studio 2010 supports a lot of different ones.
Anyway, the trick involves creating a sprite. This is a fairly common technique for web design, where it actually is helpful to reduce load times by using only a single image, and you can find plenty of explanation and examples by searching the web. For example, here.
Basically, what you do is make one large image that contains all of your smaller images, offset from each other by a certain number of pixels. Then, you load that single large image and access the individual images by specifying the offset coordinates of each image.
I do not, however, recommend doing as Jan recommends and compressing the image directory (into a ZIP file or any other format), because then you'll just have to pay the cost of uncompressing it each time you want to use one of the images. That also buys you extremely little; disk storage is cheap nowadays.

Tools for Feature Extraction from Binary Data of Images

I am working on a project where I am have image files that have been malformed (fuzzed i.e their image data have been altered). These files when rendered on various platforms lead to warning/crash/pass report from the platform.
I am trying to build a shield using unsupervised machine learning that will help me identify/classify these images as malicious or not. I have the binary data of these files, but I have no clue of what featureSet/patterns I can identify from this, because visually these images could be anything. (I need to be able to find feature set from the binary data)
I need some advise on the tools/methods I could use for automatic feature extraction from this binary data; feature sets which I can use with unsupervised learning algorithms such as Kohenen's SOM etc.
I am new to this, any help would be great!
I do not think this is feasible.
The problem is that these are old exploits, and training on them will not tell you much about future exploits. Because this is an extremely unbalanced problem: no exploit uses the same thing as another. So even if you generate multiple files of the same type, you will in the end have likely a relevant single training case for example for each exploit.
Nevertheless, what you need to do is to extract features from the file meta data. This is where the exploits are, not in the actual image. As such, parsing the files is already much the area where the problem is, and your detection tool may become vulnerable to exactly such an exploit.
As the data may be compressed, a naive binary feature thing will not work, either.
You probably don't want to look at the actual pixel data at all since the corruption most (almost certain) lay in the file header with it's different "chunks" (example for png, works differently but in the same way for other formats):
It should be straight forward to choose features, make a program that reads all the header information from the file and if the information is missing and use this information as features. Still will be much smaller then the unnecessary raw image data.
Oh, and always start out with simpler algorithms like pca together with kmeans or something, and if they fail you should bring out the big guns.

Clustering Photos in R?

I have a kind of general R question here:
Usually with digicams we tend to click a lot of immages which may be repetitive and can waste online space while sharing on Picassa or is an overhead when trying to delete some unwanted images.
Is it possible to cluster photos using R? I mean there are some clustering abilities in Matlab for image processing, but is this kind of functionality available or are there any suggestions to do this so in R?
Please provide some ideas if any on this topic.
If you look at CRAN, there are various (I count about 10) packages to read image data. And of course, there are various packages to do clustering. In theory, you could just plug the raw image data into the clustering algorithms, but in practice that wouldn't work very well. In terms of speed, it would be very slow, and in terms of accuracy, it would probably be pretty bad too. Modern techniques to cluster image data rely on specialized features extracted from images and operate on that. The best features are application dependent, but some of the best known are SIFT, SURF, and HOG. Older techniques relied on histograms of colors of the image as features, and that is quite doable with the aforementioned R packages, but it is not very accurate - it can hardly distinguish between a picture of the sea and a picture of a blue room.
So what to do? It depends on your ultimate objective, really. One way could be using one of various open source feature extractors out there, save the data to text or other R-readable formats, and then do the data processing in R as usual.
A nice open source C library to extract features that has a cli interface is vlfeat. If you use this, I recommend using dense SIFT extraction on the three color channels. Then represent each image by the concatenated SIFT vectors and apply your favorite clustering technique (that can handle vectors with dimensionalities in the thousands). That would hardly give you state of the art performance, but it's a start.
This page has various reference implementations of feature extractors, but binary only.
Beware: in my experience, R doesn't scale too well with large, high dimensional datasets (with sizes in the GB range). I love R to death, but use C++ for this stuff.

What is the general consensus on preemptively loading images on web pages?

So I've been wondering this for a while, I'm currently building a website which is very image oriented. What do people think of preloading images? How do they do it? (Javascript versus display:none css?).
As users what do you think of it? Does the speed gained while using the website justify the extra time you have to spend waiting for it to load?
From a programmer's stand point, what is better practice?
If you really have to preload (e.g. for rollover images), definitely use CSS. JavaScript can be blocked, and you can't rely on it.
Rather than pre-loading multiple images, I recommend you use CSS Sprites:
Which is a technique where you consolidate multiple images into a single image (and use background-position to select the correct portion) to reduce the number of HTTP requests made to the web server and reduce the overall page load time.

Determine the differences between two nearly identical photographs

This is a fairly broad question; what tools/libraries exist to take two photographs that are not identical, but extremely similar, and identify the specific differences between them?
An example would be to take a picture of my couch on Friday after my girlfriend is done cleaning and before a long weekend of having friends over, drinking, and playing rock band. Two days later I take a second photo of the couch; lighting is identical, the couch hasn't moved a milimeter, and I use a tripod in a fixed location.
What tools could I use to generate a diff of the images, or a third heatmap image of the differences? Are there any tools for .NET?
This depends largely on the image format and compression. But, at the end of the day, you are probably taking two rasters and comparing them pixel by pixel.
Take a look at the Perceptual Image Difference Utility.
The most obvious way to see every tiny, normally nigh-imperceptible difference, would be to XOR the pixel data. If the lighting is even slightly different, though, it might be too much. Differencing (subtracting) the pixel data might be more what you're looking for, depending on how subtle the differences are.
One place to start is with a rich image processing library such as IM. You can dabble with its operators interactively with the IMlab tool, call it directly from C or C++, or use its really decent Lua binding to drive it from Lua. It supports a wide array of operations on bitmaps, as well as an extensible library of file formats.
Even if you haven't deliberately moved anything, you might want to use an algorithm such as SIFT to get good sub-pixel quality alignment between the frames. Unless you want to treat the camera as fixed and detect motion of the couch as well.
I wrote this free .NET application using the toolkit my company makes (DotImage). It has a very simple algorithm, but the code is open source if you want to play with it -- you could adapt the algorithm to .NET Image classes if you don't want to buy a copy of DotImage.
Check out Andrew Kirillov's article on CodeProject. He wrote a C# application using the AForge.NET computer vision library to detect motion. On the AForge.NET website, there's a discussion of two frame differences for motion detection.
It's an interesting question. I can't refer you to any specific libraries, but the process you're asking about is basically a minimal case of motion compensation. This is the way that MPEG (MP4, DIVX, whatever) video manages to compress video so extremely well; you might look into MPEG for some information about the way those motion compensation algorithms are implemented.
One other thing to keep in mind; JPEG compression is a block-based compression; much of the benefit that MPEG brings from things is to actually do a block comparison. If most of your image (say the background) is the same from one image to the next, those blocks will be unchanged. It's a quick way to reduce the amount of data needed to be compared.
just use the .net imaging classes, create a new bitmap() x 2 and look at the R & G & B values of each pixel, you can also look at the A (Alpha/transparency) values if you want to when determining difference.
also a note, using the getPixel(y, x) method can be vastly slow, there is another way to get the entire image (less elegant) and for each ing through it yourself if i remember it was called the getBitmap or something similar, look in the imaging/bitmap classes & read some tutes they really are all you need & aren't that difficult to use, dont go third party unless you have to.
