dijikstras algorithm for a node with no path - algorithm

How will the Dijkstra's algorithm work when the shortest path weight are infinity or - infinity( ie if there is no path or no shortest path)?
How will triangular inequality ( d[v] = d[u] + w[u,v]) ) be true?
I assume v is the target node, u is the parent (here there is no parent) and w is the weight of the edge(uv) which i think is zero.

If there is no parent to some node v, there is no u such that the edge (u,v) exists.
Therefore, the step d[v] = d[u] + w[u,v] will never take place, and the initial value of d[v] (which is set to infinity) will be unchanged until the algorithm halts.
In other words, the triangle inequality d[v] <= d[u] + w[u,v] is vacuous true for all the edges (u,v) in the graph.


How can I find shortest path with maximum number of yellow edges

In given directed graph G=(V,E) , and weight function: w: E -> ℝ+ , such any vertex with color yellow or black, and vertex s.
How can I find shortest path with maximum number of yellow edges?
I thought to use Dijkstra algorithm and change the value of the yellow edges (by epsilon).. But I do not see how it is going to work ..
You can use the Dijkstra shortest path algorithm, but add a new vector Y that has an element for each node that keeps track of the number of the yellow edges that it took so far until we get to that node.
Initially, set Y[i] = 0 for each node i.
Also suppose Yellow(u,v) is a function that returns 1 if (u,v) is yellow and 0 otherwise.
Normally, in the Dijkstra algorithm you have:
for each neighbor v of u still in Q:
alt ← dist[u] + Graph.Edges(u, v)
if alt < dist[v]:
dist[v] ← alt
prev[v] ← u
You can now change this to:
for each neighbor v of u still in Q:
alt ← dist[u] + Graph.Edges(u, v)
if alt < dist[v]:
dist[v] ← alt
prev[v] ← u
Y[v]← Y[u] + Yellow(u,v)
else if alt == dist[v] AND Y[u]+Yellow(u,v) > Y[v]:
prev[v] ← u
Y[v]← Y[u] + Yellow(u,v)
In the else part that we added, the algorithm decides between alternative shortest paths (with identical costs, hence we have if alt == dist[v]) and picks the one that has more yellow edges.
Note that this will still find the shortest path in the graph. If there are multiple, it picks the one with higher number of yellow edges.
Consider the set of visited nodes Visited at any point in the algorithm. Note that Visited is the set of nodes that are removed from Q.
We already know that for each v ∈ Visited, dist[v] is the shortest path from Dijkstra Algorithm's proof.
We now show that for each v ∈ Visited, Y[v] is maximum, and we do this by induction.
When |Visited| = 1, we have Visited = {s}, and Y[s] = 0.
Now suppose the claim holds for |Visited| = k for some k >= 1, we show that when we add a new node u to Visited and the size of Visited grows to k+1, the claim still holds.
Let (t_i,u) represent all edges from a node in Visited to the new node u, for which (t_i,u) is on a shortest path to u, i.e. t_i ∈ Visited and (t_i,u) is the last edge on the shortest path from s to u.
The else part of our algorithm guarantees that Y[u] is updated to the maximum value among all such shortest paths.
To see why, without loss of generality consider this image:
Suppose s-t1-u and s-t2-u are both shortest paths and the distance of u was updated first through t1 and later through t2.
At the moment that we update u through t2, the distance of u doesn't change because S-t1-u and S-t2-u are both shortest paths. However in the else part of the algorithm, Y[u] will be updated to:
Y[u] = Max (Y[t1] + Yellow(t1,u) , Y[t2] + Yellow(t2,u) )
Also from the induction hypothesis, we know that Y[t1] and Y[t2] are already maximum. Hence Y[u] is maximum among both shortest paths from s to u.
Notice that for simplicity without loss of generality the image only shows two such paths, but the argument holds for all (t_i,u) edges.

Design an algorithm for the single source shortest path problem that runs in time O(k(|V|+|E|))

Suppose we are given a directed graph G = (V, E) with potentially positive and negative edge lengths, but no negative cycles. Let s ∈ V be a given source
vertex. How to design an algorithm for the single-source shortest path problem that runs in time O(k(|V | + |E|)) if the shortest paths from s to any other vertex takes at most k edges?
Here`s O(k(|V | + |E|)) approach:
We can use Bellman-Ford algorithm with some modifications
Create array D[] to store shortest path from node s to some node u
initially D[s]=0, and all other D[i]=+oo (infinity)
Now after we iterate throught all edges k times and relax them, D[u] holds shortest path value from node s to u after <=k edges
Because any s-u shortest path is atmost k edges, we can end algorithm after k iterations over edges
for each vertex v in vertices:
D[v] := +oo
D[s] = 0
repeat k times:
for each edge (u, v) with weight w in edges:
if D[u] + w < D[v]:
D[v] = D[u] + w

Find a shortest path for a directed graph

There is a directed graph G = [V ; E] with edge weights w(u, v) for (u, v) ∈ E.
Suppose the values for {d[v], π[v]}; v ∈ V and claims
that these are the length of the shortest path and the predecessor node in
it for v ∈ V , how could I verify if this statement is true or false that does not solve the entire shortest path problem from scratch? This is an problem I met with not many ideas in my head ..
The problem is a bit unclear, but to clarify:
There's a node s in your graph, and that for each vertex v:
for v != s, pi[v] is intended to be a node adjacent to v that's on a shortest path from v to s.
d[v] is intended to store the shortest distance from v to s.
The problem is to verify, given a pi, d, that they legitimately contain back-edges and minimal distances.
An easily implemented condition that verifies this is as follows:
For each vertex v
v = s and d[v] = 0
d[pi[v]] = d[v] - 1
d[u] >= d[v] - 1 for each u adjacent to v
pi[v] is adjacent to v
This check runs in O(V + E) time.

Lowest cost edge where edge weights are between 0 and 1

I am given a graph G = (V, E). Each edge has probability of failure which is equal to its edge weight. Each edge weight is between 0 and 1. I need to find the path of the lowest probability of failure. This means a path where the total weight is 1 - ((1 - w(e1))(1 - w(e2))...).
To me, this doesn't seem like a shortest path problem because the shortest path may have the highest weights. I thought that a modified Dijkstra's algorithm would work where instead of checking if d[v] > d[u] + w(u, v) I would check if d[v] < d[u] + w(u, v) but that can't possibly be it. I am stuck. Can anyone offer advice?

Number of lightest paths from single source vertex

Assume I have a directed, weighted graph with positive or negative weights, (with no zero or negative weighted loops).
The graph is Bellman-Ford analized, meaning each vertex holds the data of the lightest path to it from the source vertex, and its predecessor in the lightest path.
What is the most efficient way to store the number of different shortest paths from the source to each vertex?
I am willing to make it in linear time - O(V+E) if possible.
You can do it pretty efficiently if you have no negative edges as well.
Let the shortest path to node v be denoted as D(v)
sort vertices by distances - O(VlogV)
Denote P(v) - number of paths leading from the source to v.
Now, you can use DP to solve this relation (from first to last):
P(source) = 1
P(v) = sum { P(u) | (u,v) is an edge and D(u) + w(u,v) = D(v) }
Complexity of the algorithm is O(VlogV + E)
Correctness proof: by induction (guidelines):
Base clause for source, there is a single path (the empty path).
let us assume P(v) is correct for every v such that D(v) < D(u).
For every shortest path that ends with u, it must go through one of the vertices such that D(v) < D(u). Given a shortest path source->...->v->u, the path is counted in P(v). In addition, it is not counted for any other P(v'), so it is counted exactly once in sum { P(u) | (u,v) is an edge and D(u) + w(u,v) = D(v) }.
In addition, for any path which is not shortest path, from induction hypothesis, it is not counted for any v such that D(v)<D(u), so the path must be generated in the last step, but the restriction (u,v) is an edge and D(u) + w(u,v) = D(v) is preventing it, so we do not count any non-shortest path.
