How to ensure Chef nodes and EC2 instances are in sync? - amazon-ec2

So, using knife we can create an EC2 instance and get its corresponding Chef node to show up on the Chef server, all with a single command. So far so good!
But do you have a tool or workflow for validating the link between instance and node? I had manually deleted an EC2 instance and so ended up with an orphaned Chef node.. it seems to me if I had a complicated network of instances I could've missed that. Or do you entirely bypass this by having a hard rule that no-one ever messes with EC2 instances directly, or something similar?
I'm new to Chef if it's not obvious, curious to understand how using Chef scales.

Chef records when a node last checked in under node['ohai_time'] so you can use that to filter down results when using Chef for service discovery. A better option is to not use Chef for service discovery in favor of a tool built for it like ZooKeeper or Consul. Other than that, having orphaned data isn't really a huge deal so I generally ignore it. In the past I've also hooked up ASG scaling events to remove the associated node and client. I've also seen people put a script on the machine to be run on shutdown that removes its own node and client, though this can still leave orphans every now and then.


How to configure chef to re-bootstrap on instance termination?

I can't seem to find any documentation anywhere on how this is possible.
If I knife bootstrap a new AWS instance, and then a few weeks later that machine goes offline, I would like my Chef server to detect this, and bootstrap a new machine.
I understand how to make chef create a new AWS instance, and bootstrap the instance.
I do not know how to make chef detect that a previously deployed box is no longer available.
I can use the chef API to search for existing nodes. But I do not know how to check that those nodes are still accessible over network, or how to run this check regularly.
I believe I am missing something simple? Most resources I have found on this issue assume that this doesn't need to be discussed, as it is self-evident?

Closing down amazon EMR temporarily

I wanted to know if I can temporarily close down my EMR ec2 instance to avoid extra charges. I waned to know if I can get a snapshot of my cluster and closing the ec2 instances temporarily.
You cannot currently terminate/stop your master instance without losing everything on your cluster, including in HDFS, but one thing you might be able to do is shrink your core/task node instance groups when you don't need them. You must still keep at least one core instance (or more if you have a lot of data in HDFS that you want to keep), but you can resize your task instance groups down to zero if your cluster is not in use.
On the other hand, unless you really have anything on your cluster that you need to keep, you might just want to terminate your cluster when you no longer need it, then clone it to a new cluster when you require it again.
For instance, if you only ever store your output data in S3 or another service external to your EMR cluster, there is no reason you need to keep your EMR cluster running while idle and no reason to need to "snapshot" it because your cluster is essentially stateless.
If you do have any data/configuration stored on your cluster that you don't want to lose, you might want to consider moving it off the cluster so that you can shut down your cluster when not in use. (Of course, how you would do this depends upon what exactly we're talking about.)

Installing DSE on Amazon EC2 m4.* instances

I would like to install DSE on m4.* instances, but it seems that the latest ComboAMI doesn't support it. Since it requires a different configuration, as it's not an instance-store backed instance, but rather an ebs-store backed instance and also a HVM instance and not PV instance.
I've started working on a new provisioning script, that basically does what the ComboAMI provisioning script does, but also adds the RAID0 creation for the EBS volumes that I attach per node, and the xfs file system creation.
My question is divided to two parts:
First of all, I was wondering if anyone in DataStax has already done something similar that he can share, since that can be a great reference for anyone that wants to do something similar.
Second of all, has anyone had any experience building a similar AMI on a m4.* instance type? I didn't manage to get something to work with the ComboAMI project.

Monitoring instances in cloud

I usually use Munin as monitoring software, but this (as others software I presume) needs an IP to make the ICMP or whatever pings to collect data.
In Amazon EC2 instances are created on the fly, with IP's you don't know.
How can they be monitored ?
I was thinking about using amazon console commands to read the IP's of the instances up, and change the monit configuration file on the fly also , but it can be too complicated ... or not?
Any other solution / suggestion ?
Thank you
I use revealcloud to monitor my amazon instances. You can install it once and create an ami from that systen, or bootstrap the install command if that's your method. Since the install is just one command, it's easy enough to put into the rc.local (or similar). You can then see all the instances in the dashboard or topiew as soon as they boot up.
Our instances are bootstrapped using chef recipes, so it's easier for me to provide IPs/hosts as they (= all members of my cluster) get entered into /etc/hosts on start-up. Generally, it doesn't hurt to use elastic IPs for a master server and allow all connections (in /etc/munin/munin.conf by default).
I'd solve the security 'question' on the security groups level. E.g. allow only instances with a certain security group to connect to the munin-node process (on port 4949). The question which remains is.
E.g., using ec2-authorize you can achieve
ec2-authorize mygroup -o monitorgroup -u <AWS-USER-ID>
This means that all instances with group monitorgroup can access resources on instances with mygroup.
Let me know if this helps!
If your Munin master and nodes are all hosted on EC2 than it's better to use internal hosts like domU-00-00-00-00-00-00.compute-1.internal. because this way you don't have to deal with IP addresses and security groups.
You also have to set this in /etc/munin/munin-node.conf:
allow ^.*$
You can read more about it in Monitoring AWS Ubuntu Instances using Munin
But if your Munin master is not on EC2 your best bet is to attach Elastic IP to your EC2 instance.

How to sync my EC2 instance when autoscaling

When autoscaling my EC2 instances for application, what is the best way to keep every instances in sync?
For example, there are custom settings and application files like below...
Apache httpd.conf
PHP source for my application
To get my autoscaling working, all of these must be configured same in each EC2 instances, and I want to know the best practice to sync these elements.
You could use a private AMI which contains scripts that install software or checkout the code from SVN, etc.. The second possibility to use a deployment framework like chef or puppet.
The way this works with Amazon EC2 is that you can pass user-data to each instance -- generally a script of some sort to run commands, e.g. for bootstrapping. As far as I can see CreateLaunchConfiguration allows you to define that as well.
If running this yourself is too much of an obstacle, I'd recommend a service like:
scalr (also opensource)
They all offer some form of scaling.
