Prolog list combinations - prolog

I'm trying to write a prolog code which will take a list and return all pairs of each element of that list. So for example:
X = 1, Y = 2, Zs = [3] ;
X = 1, Y = 3, Zs = [2] ;
X = 2, Y = 1, Zs = [3] ;
X = 2, Y = 3, Zs = [1] ;
X = 3, Y = 1, Zs = [2] ;
X = 3, Y = 2, Zs = [3]
So far I am able to get uptil the third line and not able to get the rest of the output. My code is:
select_pair(X,Y,[X|Xs],Zs):- select(Y,Xs,Zs).
select_pair(X,Y,[H|Z1],[H|Z2]):- select_pair(X,Y,Z1,Z2).

In words, what you want to achieve is:
Take any X from the input list
Take any Y different from X from the input list
Elements other than X and Y are in Zs
This translates quite easily into a prolog predicate:
select_pair(X, Y, L, Zs) :-
select(X, L, Xs),
select(Y, Xs, Zs).
First we select X from the input L. From the remaining elements Xs we select Y. After this, the remaining elements is Zs.


Finding consecutive sublists of a list

I want to write a predicate split/2 that generates all consecutive lists found inside another list.
Example: split([1,2,3,4],X) should return
X = [4], X = [2,3],X = [1,2], X = [1,2,3] etc.
So far I only have a predicate that returns all possible sublists of a list:
sublist([H|T], [H|R]) :-
sublist([_|T], R) :-
However, with the query from the example this predicate includes unwanted answers like X = [2,4] and X = [1,3] that aren't found consecutively in [1,2,3,4].
Usually a problem is easier if you split it in subproblems. We can first construct a predicate that will construct all suffixes for a given list.
We can construct such predicate as follows:
suffix(_, []).
suffix([H|T], [H|T2]) :-
suffix(T, T2).
So for each point in the list, we can decide to stop (with the empty list), or emit the next item. For the given sample list, we thus get:
?- suffix([1,2,3,4],X).
X = [] ;
X = [1] ;
X = [1, 2] ;
X = [1, 2, 3] ;
X = [1, 2, 3, 4].
Now we only need to decide when we start the suffix. For each item in the list, we can decide to start at that point, and enumerate over all suffixes that we then append to that item:
split([H|T], [H|S]) :-
suffix(T, S).
split([_|T], S) :-
split(T, S).
For example:
?- split([1,2,3,4],X).
X = [1] ;
X = [1, 2] ;
X = [1, 2, 3] ;
X = [1, 2, 3, 4] ;
X = [2] ;
X = [2, 3] ;
X = [2, 3, 4] ;
X = [3] ;
X = [3, 4] ;
X = [4] ;
The nice thing is that we got a second predicate "for free": we can also obtain all suffixes for a list.
We might want to include the empty list as well. I leave this as an exercise.

Prolog result not multiplying

I have the following prolog program:
square([H|T], X) :-
squareCompare(T, H, X).
squareCompare([], X, X * X ).
squareCompare([H|T], V, Result) :-
(V * V) < (H * H),
squareCompare(T, V, Result);
(V * V) > (H * H),
squareCompare(T, H, Result).
When I enter:
square([7, 5, 2], Result).
I get Result = 2 * 2, what I want is Result = 4.
This program searches for the smallest square of the element in the list.
Besides the lack of arithmetic evaluation (is/2) as pointed out in the comments there's also an issue with using </2 and >/2: your predicate doesn't work for list with consecutive repetitions, e.g.:
?- square([7,7],X).
where the expected result would be 49. You can remedy that by replacing </2 by =</2 or >/2 by >=/2 in your recursive rule of squareCompare/3:
squareCompare([], X, Y) :-
Y is X*X.
squareCompare([H|T], V, Result) :-
(V * V) < (H * H),
squareCompare(T, V, Result);
(V * V) >= (H * H),
squareCompare(T, H, Result).
Now the predicate yields the desired result:
?- square([7,7],X).
X = 49.
Following another suggestion in the comments, you could opt to use CLP(FD) to make the predicate work both ways. In that case the predicate resembles a true relation so it'd be appropriate to give it a more descriptive name that reflects this fact, say list_minsquare/2. And since you are interested in the smallest square, why not pass around the squares as arguments rather than the numbers? Worst case: the root of the smallest square is the last list element, then there's no difference. Best case: the root of the smallest square is the first list element, then you only calculate it once instead of length-of-list times. Putting all this together:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
list_minsquare([H|T],X) :-
S #= H*H,
list_square_minsquare([H|T],S,Result) :-
S #< (H*H),
list_square_minsquare([H|T],S,Result) :-
H2 #= (H*H),
S #>= H2,
Now let's see some action. Your example query yields the desired result:
?- list_minsquare([7,4,2],X).
X = 4.
Consecutive repetitions also don't cause troubles:
?- list_minsquare([7,7],X).
X = 49.
Partially instantiated lists lead to all possible solutions being produced:
?- list_minsquare([7,Y,2],X).
X = 4, % <- 1st answer: X=4 if
_G670 in 50..sup ; % Y^2 is between 50 and sup
Y in -1..1, % <- 2nd answer: if Y in -1..1
Y^2#=X, % then X=Y^2
X in 0..1 ;
X = 4, % <- 3rd answer: X=4
Y in -7.. -1\/1..7, % if Y in -7..-1 or 1..7
_G1754 in 4..49. % and Y^2 in 4..49
In the above example there are three possibilities for Y none of which has a unique solution, hence you get residual goals in the answers. If you wish to get concrete solutions you can constrain the range of Y and ask for concrete numbers with label/1:
?- Y in 0..3, list_minsquare([7,Y,2],X), label([Y]).
Y = X, X = 0 ;
Y = X, X = 1 ;
Y = 2,
X = 4 ;
Y = 3,
X = 4.
The most general query works as well. However, it is listing the solutions in an unfair manner:
?- list_minsquare(L,X).
L = [_G97], % <- 1st solution
X in 0..sup ;
L = [_G266, _G269], % <- 2nd solution
X in 0..sup,
_G309 in 1..sup,
_G332 in 1..sup,
_G269^2#=_G332 ;
L = [_G494, _G497, _G500], % <- 3rd solution
X in 0..sup,
_G540 in 1..sup,
_G575 in 1..sup,
_G552 in 1..sup,
_G620 in 1..sup,
_G497^2#=_G620 ;
You only get one solution for every list length before moving on to the next length. You can get a fair ordering by prefixing a goal length/2 in the query. Then you'll get all possibilities for every list length before moving on:
?- length(L,_), list_minsquare(L,X).
L = [_G339], % <- 1st solution: list with one element
X in 0..sup ;
L = [_G1036, _G1039], % <- 2nd solution: list with two elements
_G1036^2#=X, % X is square of 1st element
X in 0..sup,
_G1079 in 1..sup,
_G1102 in 1..sup,
_G1039^2#=_G1102 ;
L = [_G935, _G938], % <- 3rd solution: list with two elements
_G954 in 0..sup,
X in 0..sup,
_G938^2#=X ; % X is square of 2nd element
Of course you can also constrain and label the numbers in the list for the above query and you'll get concrete numbers in the still infinitely many solutions (since there are infinitely many list lengths).
?- length(L,_), L ins 1..2, list_minsquare(L,X), label(L).
L = [1],
X = 1 ;
L = [2],
X = 4 ;
L = [1, 2],
X = 1 ;
L = [1, 1],
X = 1 ;
L = [2, 1],
X = 1 ;
L = [2, 2],
X = 4 ;
L = [1, 2, 2],
X = 1 ;
L = [1, 2, 1],
X = 1 ;
L = [1, 1, 2],
X = 1 ;
L = [2, 1, 2],
X = 1 ;

How can I modify the following Prolog program

I have written the following program to compute all pairs of members in a list. Here is my code:
select_pair(X, Y, [X|[Y|T]], T).
select_pair(X, Y, [Head|[X|[Y|T]]], [Head|Rest]) :- select_pair(X, Y, T, Rest).
I am supposed to call my code with this 3-member list only:
select pair(X, Y, [1,2,3], Zs).
But this doesn't generate all possible combinations. It only generates
X = 1, Y = 2, Zs = [3]
and it is supposed to generate this, but it does not:
X = 1, Y = 2, Zs = [3] ;
X = 1, Y = 3, Zs = [2] ;
X = 2, Y = 1, Zs = [3] ;
X = 2, Y = 3, Zs = [1] ;
X = 3, Y = 1, Zs = [2] ;
X = 3, Y = 2, Zs = [3]
So, how can I modify this code to generate all possible pairs of members of the list [1, 2, 3]?
I'd use procedure select/3:
select_pair(X, Y, List, Rest):-
select(X, List, MList),
select(Y, MList, Rest).
The first select would remove the first element from List into X and put the rest of the list in MList.
Then the second select would get you the second element and the Rest.

Understanding prolog [lists]

I am to write a program that does this:
?- pLeap(2,5,X,Y).
X = 2,
Y = 3 ;
X = 3,
Y = 4 ;
X = 4,
Y = 5 ;
X = 5,
Y = 5 ;
(gives all pairs X,X+1 between 2 and 5, plus the special case at the end).
This is supposedly the solution. I don't really understand how it works, could anyone guide me through it?
pLeap(L,H,X,Y) :-
X is L,
Y is X+1.
pLeap(L,H,X,Y) :-
L1 is L+1,
I'd do it simply like this:
pLeap(L,H,X,Y) :-
X >= L,
X =< H,
Y is X+1.
Why doesn't it work (ignoring the special case at the end)?
You could use library clpfd for you problem.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
pLeap(L,H,X,Y) :-
X in L..H,
Y #= min(H, X+1),
Here is the output:
?- pLeap(2,5,X,Y).
X = 2,
Y = 3 ;
X = 3,
Y = 4 ;
X = 4,
Y = 5 ;
X = 5,
Y = 5.
The >= and =< operators don't instantiate their arguments, and you can only use them once the arguments have already been instantiated.
Put another way, in the given solution, X and Y are given values with is, and the < and =< operators are only used on L and H, whose values are given by the user. (On the given solution, try pLeap(L,H,2,3) and you'll get the same problem as you're having.)
In your case, though, you try to use >= and =< on X, which has no value yet, and so the interpreter complains.

Compute a list of distinct odd numbers (if one exists), such that their sum is equal to a given number

:- use_module(library(clpfd)). % load constraint library
% [constraint] Compute a list of distinct odd numbers (if one exists), such that their sum is equal to a given number.
odd(Num) :- Num mod 2 #= 1.
sumOfList([],N,N) :- !.
sumOfList([H|T],Counter,N) :-
NewN #= H + Counter,
buildOddList(N,InputList,L) :-
%return list when sum of list is N
V in 1..N,
L = TempL;
computeOddList(N) :-
This is my code, I can't seem to get the right output, any code critics? :)
Here my take on this question, realized by a predicate nonNegInt_oddPosSummands/2 and an auxiliary predicate list_n_sum/3:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
list_n_sum([Z|Zs],N,Sum) :-
Z #>= 1,
Z #=< N,
Z mod 2 #= 1,
Sum #= Z + Sum0,
Sum0 #>= 0,
nonNegInt_oddPosSummands(N,List) :-
Now on to some queries!
First, "which lists can 19 be decomposed into?":
?- nonNegInt_oddPosSummands(19,Zs).
Zs = [19] ;
Zs = [1, 3, 15] ;
Zs = [1, 5, 13] ;
Zs = [1, 7, 11] ;
Zs = [3, 5, 11] ;
Zs = [3, 7, 9] ;
Next, a more general query that does not terminate as the solution set is infinite. "Which positive integers N can be decomposed into Zs if Zs has a length of 2?"
?- Zs=[_,_], nonNegInt_oddPosSummands(N,Zs).
N = 4, Zs = [1,3] ;
N = 6, Zs = [1,5] ;
N = 8, Zs = [1,7] ;
N = 8, Zs = [3,5] ;
N = 10, Zs = [1,9] ...
Finally, the most general query. Like the one above it does not terminate, as the solution set is infinite. However, it fairly enumerates all decompositions and corresponding positive integers.
?- nonNegInt_oddPosSummands(N,Zs).
N = 0, Zs = [] ;
N = 1, Zs = [1] ;
N = 3, Zs = [3] ;
N = 4, Zs = [1,3] ;
N = 5, Zs = [5] ;
N = 6, Zs = [1,5] ;
N = 7, Zs = [7] ;
N = 8, Zs = [1,7] ;
N = 8, Zs = [3,5] ;
N = 9, Zs = [9] ;
N = 9, Zs = [1,3,5] ;
N = 10, Zs = [1,9] ...
Can suggest you this solution:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
all_odd([]) :-!.
all_odd([H | T]) :-
H mod 2 #= 1,
solve(N,L) :-
N2 is floor(sqrt(N)),
Len in 1..N2,
length(L, Len),
L ins 1..N,
% only show sorted sets
?- solve(17,L).
L = [17] ;
L = [1, 3, 13] ;
L = [1, 5, 11] ;
L = [1, 7, 9] ;
L = [3, 5, 9] ;
I see others have posted complete solutions already. Still, your code can be made to wok with only two slight modifications:
computeOddList only tests whether such a list exists. To know which list matches the constraints, just return it. Thus:
computeOddList(N, L) :-
The list TempL may currently contain duplicates. Just place all_different(TempL) after append to fix that.
Now computeOddList will return at least one list of distinct odd numbers if it exists. Still, for e.g. computeOddList(17, L) it will not return all lists. I don't know clpFD myself, so other than suggesting you compare your code to Xonix' code I cannot really help you.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)). % load constraint library
% [constraint] Compute a list of distinct odd numbers (if one exists), such that their sum is equal to a given number.
odd(Num) :- Num mod 2 #= 1.
sumOfList([],N,N) :- !.
sumOfList([H|T],Counter,N) :-
NewN #= H + Counter,
oddList([]) :- !.
oddList([H|T]) :-
computeOddList(N,L) :-
(L = [];L=[_|_]),
V in 1..N,
L ins 1..N,
I managed to kinda solved it, however it doesn't end properly after it runs out of cases. Hmm.
