What external events trigger TCustomForm.RecreateWnd? - windows

A particular VCL application is crashing, rarely, and apparently spontaneously, and I strongly suspect it is because the main form's window handle is being recreated in response to some external trigger from the operating system.
I do know for certain that if the main form's window handle were to change then trouble would certainly follow (because background threads post messages to this handle).
But I would like to know how to reproduce this bug before I set about making code changes intended to fix it, if only so I can confirm that this is a plausible cause of the crashes, that the symptoms match those reported, and that the code changes do indeed fix it. (Also if there is no way the OS can trigger a call to TCustomForm.RecreateWnd I need to find some other explanation for the crashes. Yes, I could post CM_RECREATEWND to the main form but that just begs the question.)
(I am aware that the correct way to post messages from background threads to the VCL thread is to create a hidden message window purely for this purpose using AllocateHWnd - that is my proposed fix.)
I have seen a similar error with a descendent of TCustomListView where RecreateWnd was being triggered by changing the desktop style from Windows XP to Windows Classic. But I haven't been able yet to find such a method to trigger RecreateWnd on a TCustomForm. (I've spent a considerable amount of time reading through the VCL code and I must be missing something.)
Under what stimuli from the operating system does the VCL end up calling RecreateWnd on a TCustomForm? (I'm especially interested in Windows 7 if that makes a difference.)
If there is such a stimulus from the OS, I can prove whether it causes the observed symptoms. If there definitively isn't then I can prove window recreation isn't the cause.

Windows will destroy your form if it is owned or parented to another window that is being destroyed.
That will cause your form's handle to be destroyed.
But since your form is still around, Delphi will re-create the handle the next time.


D3D9 Present returns D3DERR_DEVICELOST even in Windowed Mode(!)

Since this appears to be a bug in the d3d9 Emulation on the Windows side, this would probably best addressed to Microsoft. If you know where I could get into contact with the DirectX Team, please tell me.
For the time being, I'm assuming that the only real chance we have is working around the bug.
We're investigating an inresponsiveness found in the Game Test Drive Unlimited 2.
Only when opening the Map and only when having an "RTX" Card (I think the most precise we got is GDDR6, because AMD also seems affected).
After long debugging, we found out, that it's not a simple fault of the game, but instead Present returning D3DERR_DEVICELOST even when having the game in Windowed Mode.
When the Game is in Fullscreen Mode, it properly does the required roundtrip over TestCooperativeLevel and Reset, but after the next frame is rendered, Present has lost the device again, causing the Hangup.
Now I'm looking for pointers on how to solve this issue. While it's probably some internal state corruption of some sorts, it's definitely triggered by an API Call only present when rendering the Map in that Game.
We will try to dig into d3d9.dll, but my suspicion is that the error code just comes from some Kernel/Driver Call, where our knowledge and tooling ends.
Ideally I'd like to fuzzy-find the drawcall by just hooking everything and omitting random apicalls, but I guess it's just not so easy and causes a lot more errors in most conditions.
Also note that an APITrace we did, showed D3D_OK for every single call including EndScene, up until Present, so it's not as simple as checking the return codes.
Trying to use Direct X 9 in Debug/Diagnostic Mode is also not really possible on Windows 10 anymore apparently, even when installing the SDK from June 2010
Thanks in Advance for any idea and maybe addresses to direct this problem to.

Out of Memory Message box

I have an MFC application developed with VS2003
It is working fine in XP vista etc.
But when i have executed it in windows 8, and we use it for some time,
then no window is displayed. Instead of that the a MessageBox with a message 'Out of Memory' is displayed. And the Message box is Having the caption of my application.
This issue is rarely occurred in windows 7 too.
I have tried watching the handles using tools like processexplorer and it is not increasing.
Also many forums says that it is because of increase in unclosed handles or resources.
Can any one suggest how can i find where the issue is. Or any one provide possible reason for this.
I cant setup the devenv in the machine causing the issue. I am confused how to diagnose by executing a test build in that.
Please provide your findings.
Thanks in advance.
You clearly have a memory leak somewhere. It's hard to be any more specific without seeing the code.
A debugger is really the best way to solve this problem. If you can reproduce the problem on your development machine, that would be the easiest case. If not, you can attach a debugger to the running process on another machine, either locally or remotely.
The MFC libraries also support some basic memory leak detection, turned on by default for Debug builds and controllable for other builds using the AfxEnableMemoryTracking function. You can use this feature to obtain information about which blocks of memory were allocated but not properly deallocated (i.e. were leaked).
Like you mentioned, Process Explorer is another good way to track down resource leaks. Are you sure that the handle counts are remaining constant rather than trending upwards over time? If the values in the columns are never changing like the question suggests, then you are surely doing something wrong. Your application has to be creating objects in order to do its job. The point is to make sure that it disposes of them when it is finished.
If you can't reproduce the problem with the running application and have only the source code available, you'll need to go through the code and make sure that every use of new has a corresponding use of delete (and that new[] matches up with delete[]). And in general in C++, you should avoid explicit dynamic memory allocation wherever possible. Instead, use the container classes that are provided either by MFC or the standard library. For example, don't allocate arrays manually, use std::vector to do it for you. These container classes ensure that the memory is automatically deallocated in the destructor when the object goes out of scope.

Why does my windows program die with its frozen (bluish gray) Forms or windows?

My delphi program (NOT for .NET) on windows 7 seems to be running for couple of days straight and then the program sort of freezes with all of its windows painted with blueish grey color as if its windows are disabled. You simply don't have control over the program anymore but has to kill its process and start it up again. You don't need to reboot the system itself.
Has anyone experience this or anything similar? If so, what did you do to resolve or try to resolve it?
Your question context is very vague. We do not have any information about your application, even its design and architecture.
Nethertheless, my (general-purpose) suggestions are the following:
If your application is not multi-threaded, do the process in background threads, then leave the main thread ready to process GDI messages;
If your application is multi-threaded, take care that all VCL access from background threads are made via a Synchronize call;
If your application is multi-threaded or use timers, take care that no method is re-entrant (in some circonstances, you may come into a race condition);
Hunt any memory leak;
Use a detailed logging of the program execution, logging all exceptions risen, to guess the context of the program hang (it may be used on the customer side also to hunt race conditions);
Download the great free tool named ProcessExplorer (now hosted by Microsoft), and check out the state of your frozen program: you will see detailed information about threads, CPU use, memory, network, libraries, handles - this is a must have for any serious debugging - track especially the GDI handles leaks (number of those should remain stable);
If you did not check it already, take a look at the global Windows system event log: there may be some information here;
Perhaps a third party component or library is responsible of the process hang: try to isolate the part of your code which may be responsible of this hang.
I've Delphi application running for months without any problem. Issue is definitively in application code, not in the Delphi architecture (its RTL and VCL are very stable).
The bluish grey color is probably the default window color, meaning the window is no longer painting itself. This is consistent with the other symptom that the program no longer responds to any input. This means it isn't processing any window messages.
The easiest way to debug is to run the program in a debugger, and when it's hung just stop it and see where it's at.
If you have a memory leak you may eventually run out of memory in your process space, and it's possible that the program doesn't properly respond to that condition. Check Task Manager to see the amount of memory it's using.
Yes I fixed several hangs and other problems in the past years.
I used ProcessExplorer before (to view the stack), but it needs Microsoft debug symbols. And with Delphi you can only create a .map file. With map2dbg I could convert the .map to a .dbg, but this does not always work (note: .dbg is deprecated, newer versions of Microsoft debugging tools do not use them anymore).
So I made my own tool :-)
It is part of "AsmProfiler Sampling" tool:
Click on the "Stack view of Process" button in the first screen.
Then select your process from the list and double click on it:
Now you can view the stack trace of each thread. If the GUI does not respond, the main thread hangs, so check the first thread. (note: sometimes you see an "emtpy" stack because a function misaligned the stack for calculation etc, use the raw strack tracing algoritm to get more the full stack again (with a lot of false positives, because every pointer on the stack which is possible a function is shown!)).
Please post the stack here if you can't solve it, so we can take a look at it.
Note: it uses the jclDebug.pas unit of the JEDI library, so it can read .map and .jdbg files (also .dbg and .pdb debug files of Windows dlls) and also internal JCLDEBUG sections (embedded .jdbg file in one .exe). So you must at least build an .exe with detailed (!) map file, see Project Options -> Compiler -> Linking.

Why call CoFreeUnusedLibraries() before OleUninitialize()?

While trying to resolve process hanging on CoUninitialize() I came upon a piece of code shared by many of our projects. When a program is going to quit it first calls CoFreeUnusedLibraries(), then immediately OleUninitialize().
While the effect of OleUninitialize() is quite clear I can't find why one would want to call CoFreeUnusedLibraries() before calling OleUnitialize(). What might be the use of this call at this specific point?
CoFreeUnusedLibraries() will trigger a call to the DllCanUnloadNow for each in-process COM DLL that exports this function. Not sure about threading issues or out-of-process COM components as it relates to this API.
Presumably, someone who wrote the code that calls DllCanUnloadNow before OleUnitialize was attempting to reduce working set and ensure cleanup.
I don't think there's much value in calling CoFreeUnusedLibraries right before application shutdown (the DLLs will get unloaded anyway).
My experience is that calling CoFreeUnusedLibraries results in crashes and hangs in 3rd party COM DLLs that never had their DllCallUnloadNow implementation tested before release. (Because not too many apps call this function).
You didn't provide a call stack or hint as to where the hang was occurring (did you break into a debugger to see what DLL is at the top of the stack?). My guess is that you can likely take this call out if you can't fix the offending DLL.
Docs indicate that
This function is provided for
compatibility with 16-bit Windows.
Have you seen this problem report? This call seems redundant to me - maybe this leaves one or more DLLs in a state where OleUninitialize does not work properly - waiting for some state change due to the earlier call. However this does allude to the need to wait a while between calls...
CoFreeUnusedLibraries does not
immediately release DLLs that have no
active object. There is a ten minute
delay for multithreaded apartments
(MTAs) and neutral apartments (NAs).
For single-threaded apartments (STAs),
there is no delay. The ten minute
delay for CoFreeUnusedLibraries is to
avoid multithread race conditions
caused by unloading a component DLL.
There are also comments elsewhere re a 6 -minute closedown timeout when using DCOM - is that applicable to you?

How to avoid the White Blank Screen?

Using VB6
At the time of executing, it showing white blank screen while it was working with database,
How to avoid the white blank screen in VB6.
How to avoid that?
I assume you mean that the GUI won't redraw itself when executing a long-running operation. (Shouldn't actually be that visible starting with Vista, but I digress).
If your long-running operation is composed of several steps or tight loops, then you can sprinkle a call to DoEvents every once in a while to cause the form to remain somewhat responsive even when doing work.
Another option would be to migrate your long-running work into a separate thread but last I looked this wasn't exactly trivial or easily possible in VB6.
You should work with data base in separate thread, and any time-consuming operation should be run in a separate thread too. In this case your user interface won't be frozen.
I posted this as an answer to another question, but the pattern applies here as well:
VB6, on its own, is single threaded. However, you can make it somewhat multithreaded via the use of ActiveX EXE that run in their own process, yet still are tethered to the original VB6-created EXE.
What I've used in the past is the Timer object in conjunction with an ActiveX EXE. This approach will give you an ability to localize all the downloading logic in one place, control it like you control a regular object and have it run in a separate EXE, thus by default making it multi-threaded.
So the way this works is like so:
You call the LongRunningOperation method on the ActiveX EXE object
In the LongRunningOperation method, you instantiate the Timer and have it kick off almost immediately.
You get out of the LongRunningOperation method, thus giving control back to the entity that called it.
Then you communicate back to the main app via Events (e.g. LongRunningOperationProgress or LongRunningOperationComplete, etc...)
I recommend the Timer object from Karl Petersen.
This is actually the same problem as your "How to exit the program immediately" question. In both cases, the problem is that your database operation is blocking the VB6 program from executing.
The answer you accepted for the other question - use ADO to carry out the operations asynchronously - will also solve this blank screen problem.
Or if you prefer, follow one of my suggestions in my answer to your other question and use a .NET background worker component through Interop like this.
Or follow my other suggestion and delegate the database work to an ActiveX exe like this. EDIT AngryHacker's nice answer to this question uses this method.
Your first instinct should be to put your resource-intensive operations in a separate thread. This is a bit difficult in VB6, although possible (but not recommended) if you invoke the native CreateThread API.
You can also migrate to VB.NET, and use Thread objects natively.
