Using the League of Legends API, how can I list of all recent games, including ARAM?
This method says it will return match history:!/873/3054
But when I test it with my summoner ID (32984235), I get an empty result since I only play ARAM.
I'm assuming it's possible since LoLKing does it -
For now, you can fetch your most recent 10 games of any type using the recent game endpoint:
However, that endpoint is going to be deprecated at some point in favor of the match history endpoints, which include
For now, the match endpoints will only return ranked games. Ultimately though we want to add OAuth support to Riot's public APIs. Once we do that, the idea is that you will be able to fetch all game data for the authenticated user and his friends, which is the same behavior as the in-game match history and the match history website (
I get all teams using the following API call:
How do I get the associated Group ID out of this call?
With the Teams Powershell module it is quite easy:
$GroupId = (Get-Team -DisplayName $NewTeamName).GroupId
Many thanks!
You cannot list teams using /teams, only get a specific team using /teams/{group-id}.
You can however list teams in an org. using this:
GET$filter=resourceProvisioningOptions/Any(x:x eq 'Team')
this returns the id amoung others
Certain unused old teams will not have resourceProvisioningOptions set. For details, see known issues.
If you want to get ids from the users own joined teams, you can do this:
I am attempting to build a Microsoft Teams bot using the Bot Framework Composer. What I would like to do is create an integration with ServiceNow. The goal would be that if anyone posts a record number (ex. REQ0123456, INC0123456, KB0123456) into the group or direct chat (with the bot), the bot would look up that record and provide a card or a short summary of the record to the chat.
To avoid creating a completely separate intent for each record type, I was hoping to use RegEx to gather the match into 2 capture groups; one for the tbl_code and one for the number.
Here is the entry for the user input:
> add some example phrases to trigger this intent:
- look up {conversation.sn_record.tbl_code=REQ}{conversation.sn_record.number=0123456}
- lookup {conversation.sn_record.tbl_code=REQ}{conversation.sn_record.number=0123456}
- {conversation.sn_record.tbl_code=REQ}{conversation.sn_record.number=0123456}
- lu {conversation.sn_record.tbl_code=REQ}{conversation.sn_record.number=0123456}
> entity definitions:
# regex sn_record tbl_code, number = /([a-z]{2,4})([0-9]{7})/mi
The Issue I'm Having
I don't know how to get the values back from the individual capture groups. I would like to have them separate so that I can determine which table needs to be queried. I could probably just use the entire match and the search API in ServiceNow for the whole record string, but I would still like to know how to use capture group values.
I'm currently using turn.recognized.text, but I don't think this is the best method for what I'm looking to do. This returns the entire regex match.
I'm very new to this framework, so please be gentle. :) Let me know if there is more information I can provide.
Thanks all.
Best Regards,
I was able to figure this one out using the examples in the ToDosSample bot.
The answer was to use named capture groups and then add them to a dialog property to use in the corresponding dialog.
For reference here are the changes I had to make:
New Regex
New Dialog Properties
dialog.sn_record = #sn_record
dialog.sn_tbl_code = #tbl_code
dialog.sn_numbers = #numbers
New response
- Okay, looking up ${dialog.sn_tbl_code}${dialog.sn_numbers}
When you search for a restaurant in Google places and go to the business profile (i.e.: the restaurant has a tag (in this case Mexican Restaurant). But when using the Google places api all I can see is a types list
"types" : [ "restaurant", "food", "establishment" ]
Anyone know if it's possible to get the tag "Mexican Restaurant" somehow?
I know about the supported types ( It is not super helpful.
I was also working in a project which need to get more details about a place using Google Maps and Google Places APIs, and I really spent many hours trying to find something that can help ( Google Places API, Google Maps API, google+ APIs, ... ) but nothing ... the only things that I found is theses 2 issues ( feature requests ) which I hope that Google will add to their APIs someday :
Issue N° 5260 with 13 stars.
Issue N°7878 with 4 stars.
I hope with this SO question that we get more interested persons to get the feature in a soon future version of Google Map or Google Places APIs.
For the Google Places for Work API, I didn't find any information to confirm or not that it contains such feature, but I don't think so.
Hope that can help.
I think you would probably have to revert to the text search method on the api..
So your request would end up looking something like the below, restricted down to a specific area,-73.938&radius=20&key=yourKeyHere
However this will return all other Mexican restaurants in the area, so if you just want to return the one result I would use the Place Details request instead.
Separate your place types by PIPE symbol "|"
try like this :
String types = "cafe|restaurant|museum" // Listing places only cafes, restaurants and museums.
Whenever I search for tweets using the geocode option, the returned tweets have "null" as their geo property. They are definitely coming from the right place because the location property has a name which is in the correct area, however I want to know what the coordinates of the tweet are so I can place on on a map (specifically Windows Phone).
I've tried a really hacky solution of searching for the location using the geo api, but this seems a really awkward way of doing it and often returns bad results (I want results from Oxford, UK but often the geo search return Oxford, IN for example).
Looking around, it seems Twitter's geolocation is currently broken, but I really need this to work for a presentation on Thursday demonstrating an app we built in a group, and it would really suck if our main feature didn't work.
Twitter's search API is broken. It will not return some information which is available through the regular API.
Once you have found a Tweet, you can try looking it up directly using statuses/show
For example, calling one of my tweets:
<georss:point>51.52505194 -0.132582</georss:point>
<georss:point>51.52505194 -0.132582</georss:point>
I am working on an Android App. I want to get list of all restaurant around me within a specified radius(let say 5 miles). I tried using Google places API and it works, however it limits the number results returned to 20, what if there are more than 20 restaurant in that radius around me. How do I get an exhaustive list of all the restaurants? What is the best way to do this? Is there something other than Google Places API that I can use? Thanks for your help in advance.
If you want to do it server side you can use this guy's class :
and you have to get an api key as it is explaned here :
then you can send data in JSON format to your Android