Calculating efficient use of window casing (trim) - algorithm

I'm working on an app that's going to estimate building material for my business. The part I'm working on right now deals specifically with trim that goes around windows.
The best way to explain this is to give an example:
Window trim is purchased in lengths of 14 feet (168 inches). Let say I have 5 rectangular windows of various sizes, all of which consist of 4 pieces of trim each (the top and bottom, and right and left). I'm trying to build an algorithm that will determine the best way to cut these pieces with the least amount of waste.
I've looked into using permutations to calculate every possibly outcome and keep track of waste, but the number of permutations where beyond the trillions once I got past 5 windows (20 different pieces of trim).
Does anyone have any insight on how I might do this.

You are looking at a typical case of the cutting stock problem.
I find this lecture from the University of North Carolina (pdf) is rather clear. More oriented towards implementing, with an example throughout, and few requirements -- maybe just looking up a few acronyms. But there are also 2 hours of video lectures from the university of Madras on the topic, if you want more details and at a reasonably slow pace.
It relies on solving the knapsack problem several times, which you can grab directly from Rosetta Code if you don't want to go through a second linear optimization problem.
In short, you want to select some ways (how many pieces of each length) in which to cut stock (in your case the window trim), and how many times to use each way.
You start with a trivial set : for each length you need, make a way of cutting with just that size. You then iterate : the knapsack problem gives the least favourable way to cut stock from your current configuration, and the simplex method then "removes" this combination from your set of ways to cut stock, by pivoting.

To optimize the casements on windows and bi-fold doors for the company i worked for, i used this simple matrix - i simply took the most common openings and decided what would be the most reasonable and optimal cut lengths.
for example a 3050 window could be trimmed with waste by using one 8' cut and one 12'cut.


What kind of algorithm do I need to find all the linear sequences from a set with defined rules?

I need help finding all the possible solutions to this problem.
I have no experience with computer science or building algorithms so I thought someone here might help me figure out what can I do to solve it or maybe even help solve it🤷‍♂️
On the attached picture there are 24 rows of domino-like chips - on the bottom half they have two sides with a letter assigned to each. Top half of a chip contains a number of a row it belongs to, to help identify it.
I need to find all the possible linear sequences of chips that comply with the following rules:
• A chip from each of the 24 rows must be used, but only one.
• Chips connect in a sequence by common letter (like dominos connect by common number), e.g. 9_CF > 6_FD > 4_DC > 13_CG etc.
Or you might think of it like that Last Letter Game where every next word should start with the last letter of a preceding word.
• Each possible sequence must start with a 'C'
I tried printing it, cutting out all the pieces and tried manually finding all the combinations, but my brain exploded from overwhelm after like 10 minutes. It seems like it will take ages doing it manually where some kind of computer algorithm might do it in a few seconds🙈🙈🙈
I'm a little bit familiar with programming so I could in theory write an algorithm myself with some help and directions on the logic and structure of the code. I don't even know which programming language to use for such problem😬
Really sorry if this is not a place for such a question, I'm all out of hope on finding someone to help me.

Algorithm for calculating most efficient grouping

I have quite a strange question on my hands.
I have a list (~500 entries) of lengths of wooden beams in different sizes, such as 3400mm, 1245mm, 900mm, etc.
The maximum length of a wooden beam is 5400mm and in order to reduce the amount of wood being wasted I want to find an algorithm that tries every possible way to combine the smaller sizes to fit into 5400mm beams or as close as possible.
So let's say I have five different lengths: 3000, 1000, 300, 2000, 900 I would end up with:
3000+2000+300 = 5300 // The closest combination to 5400, meaning the amount of wood being wasted is only 100mm on this beam.
1000+900 = 1900 // The rest
I'm not sure if this qualifies for the traveling salesman problem and I have only begun to imagine what the algorithm might look like. But since there are so many smart people with combinatory skills here I just wanted to throw it out there before I bang my head bloody.
To make things even worse
Let's say we do find a solution to the problem above. The guys over at the wood shop rarely delivers 5400mm beams but it can range from 3000 to 5000 in 100mm intervals.
So I'll get a list of beam lengths from them on delivery.
Would it be possible to match the list "this is the beams I got" with the list "find out the best combination of the required beam lengths"?
I'm not sure if it's worth it in the end but any help is appreciated.
Kind regards
This is the Cutting Stock Problem in 1 dimension. It's reducible to the Knapsack problem so it is in fact NP-complete, but it's generally tractable and in cases where it isn't many good approximate solutions exist, because this is an insanely important problem in industry.
It's typically solved exactly using dynamic programming, which is kind of a mindfuck, but you can find plenty of example implementations to help you out. Approximate polynomial time solutions typically call the dynamic programming code (which has pseudo-polynomial complexity) at various points, and the surrounding code is simpler. I guess the take home message here is don't try to write it yourself, find someone else's code and port it to your language and application environment.

Matlab - distinguish overlapping low contrast objects in a RGB or Grayscale Image

I have a big problem detecting objects within an image - I know this topic was already highly discusses in many forums, but I spend the last 4 days searching for an answer and was not able.
In fact: I have a picture from a branch ( My goal is to count every single needle in this picture. So I have to face several problems:
Separate the branch with its needles from the background (which in this case is no problem).
Select the borders of the needles. This is a huge problem; I tried different ways including all edges() functions but the problem is always the same - the borders around the needles are not closed and - which leads to the last problem:
Needles are overlapping! This leads in "squares between the needles" which are, if I use imfill() or equal formula, filled in instead of the needles. And: the places where the needles are concentrated (many needles at one place) are nearly impossible to distinguish.
I tried watershed, I tried to enhance the contrast, Kmeans clustering, I tried imerose, imdilate and related functions with subsequent edge detection. I tried as well to filter and smooth the picture a bit in order to "unsharp" the needles a bit so that not every small change in color is recognized as a border (which is another problem).
I am relatively new to matlab, so I dont know what I have to look for. I tried to follow the MatLab tutorial used for Nuclei detection - but with this I just can get all the green objects (all needles at once).
I hope this questions did not came up before - if yes, I apologize deeply for the double post. If anybody has an idea what to do or what methods to use, it would be awesome and would safe this really bad beginning of the week.
Thank you very much in advance,
Distinguishing overlapping objects is very, very hard, particularly if you do not know how many objects you have to distinguish. Your brain is much better at distinguishing overlapping objects than any segmentation algorithm I'm aware of, since it is able to integrate a lot of information that is difficult to encode. Therefore: If you're not able to distinguish some of the features yourself, forget about doing it via code.
Having said that, there may be a way for you to be able to get an approximate count of the needles: If you can segment the image pixels into two classes: "needle" versus "not needle", and you know how much area in your picture is covered by a needle (it may help to include a ruler when you take the picture), you can then divide number of "needle"-pixels by the number of pixels covered by a single needle to estimate the total number of needles in the image. This will somewhat underestimate the needle count due to overlaps, and it will underestimate more the denser the needles are (due to more overlaps), but it should allow you to compare automatically between branches with lots of needles and branches with few needles, as well as to identify changes in time, should that be one of your goals.
I agree with #Jonas = you got yourself one HUGE problem.
Let me make a few suggestions.
First, along #Jonas' direction, instead of getting an accurate count, another way of getting a rough estimate is by counting the tips of the needles. Obviously, not all the tips are clearly visible. But, if you can get a clear mask of the branch it might be relatively easy to identify the tips of the needles using some of the morphological operations you mentioned yourself.
Second, is there any way you can get more information? For example, if you could have depth information it might help a little in distinguishing the needles from one another (it will not completely solve the task but it may help). You may get depth information from stereo - that is, taking two pictures of the branch while moving the camera a bit. If you have a Kinect device at your disposal (or some other range-camera) you can get a depth map directly...

How to implement AI for Puyo Puyo game?

Can someone give me some pointers on how I should implement the artificial intelligence (human vs. computer gameplay) for a Puyo Puyo game? Is this project even worth pursuing?
The point of the game is to form chains of 4 or more beans of the same color that trigger other chains. The longer your chain is, the more points you get. My description isn't that great so here's a simple video of a game in progress:
You could also design a fairly simple expert system for a low-level difficulty. Something like:
1) Place the pieces anywhere that would result in clearing blocks
2) Otherwise, place the pieces adjacent to same-color pieces.
3) Otherwise, place the pieces anywhere.
This is the basic strategy a person would employ just after becoming familiar with the game. It will be passable as a computer opponent, but it's unlikely to beat anybody who has played more than 20 minutes. You also won't learn much by implementing it.
Best strategy is not to kill every single chain as soon as possible, but assemble in a way, that when you brake something on top everything collapse and you get lot of combos. So problem is in assembling whit this combo strategy. It is also important that there is probably better to make 4 combos whit 5 peaces that 5 combos whit 4 peaces (but i am not sure, check whit scoring)
You should build big structure that allows this super combo moves. When building this structure you have also problem, that you do not know, which peace you will you get (except for next peace), so there is little probability involved.
This is very interesting problem.
You can apply:
Dynamic programming to check the current score.
Monte Carlo for probability needs.
Little heuristics (heuristics always solve problem faster)
In general I would describe this problem as optimal positioning of peaces to maximise probability of win. There is no single strategy, because building bigger "heap" brings greater risk for loosing game.
One parameter of how good your heap is can be "entropy" - number of single/buried peaces, after making combo.
The first answer that comes to mind is a lookahead search with alpha-beta pruning. Is it worth doing? Perhaps as a learning exercise.

How to rank a million images with a crowdsourced sort

I'd like to rank a collection of landscape images by making a game whereby site visitors can rate them, in order to find out which images people find the most appealing.
What would be a good method of doing that?
Hot-or-Not style? I.e. show a single image, ask the user to rank it from 1-10. As I see it, this allows me to average the scores, and I would just need to ensure that I get an even distribution of votes across all the images. Fairly simple to implement.
Pick A-or-B? I.e. show two images, ask user to pick the better one. This is appealing as there is no numerical ranking, it's just a comparison. But how would I implement it? My first thought was to do it as a quicksort, with the comparison operations being provided by humans, and once completed, simply repeat the sort ad-infinitum.
How would you do it?
If you need numbers, I'm talking about one million images, on a site with 20,000 daily visits. I'd imagine a small proportion might play the game, for the sake of argument, lets say I can generate 2,000 human sort operations a day! It's a non-profit website, and the terminally curious will find it through my profile :)
As others have said, ranking 1-10 does not work that well because people have different levels.
The problem with the Pick A-or-B method is that its not guaranteed for the system to be transitive (A can beat B, but B beats C, and C beats A). Having nontransitive comparison operators breaks sorting algorithms. With quicksort, against this example, the letters not chosen as the pivot will be incorrectly ranked against each other.
At any given time, you want an absolute ranking of all the pictures (even if some/all of them are tied). You also want your ranking not to change unless someone votes.
I would use the Pick A-or-B (or tie) method, but determine ranking similar to the Elo ratings system which is used for rankings in 2 player games (originally chess):
The Elo player-rating
system compares players’ match records
against their opponents’ match records
and determines the probability of the
player winning the matchup. This
probability factor determines how many
points a players’ rating goes up or
down based on the results of each
match. When a player defeats an
opponent with a higher rating, the
player’s rating goes up more than if
he or she defeated a player with a
lower rating (since players should
defeat opponents who have lower
The Elo System:
All new players start out with a base rating of 1600
WinProbability = 1/(10^(( Opponent’s Current Rating–Player’s Current Rating)/400) + 1)
ScoringPt = 1 point if they win the match, 0 if they lose, and 0.5 for a draw.
Player’s New Rating = Player’s Old Rating + (K-Value * (ScoringPt–Player’s Win Probability))
Replace "players" with pictures and you have a simple way of adjusting both pictures' rating based on a formula. You can then perform a ranking using those numeric scores. (K-Value here is the "Level" of the tournament. It's 8-16 for small local tournaments and 24-32 for larger invitationals/regionals. You can just use a constant like 20).
With this method, you only need to keep one number for each picture which is a lot less memory intensive than keeping the individual ranks of each picture to each other picture.
EDIT: Added a little more meat based on comments.
Most naive approaches to the problem have some serious issues. The worst is how and displays quotes - users can vote a quote up (+1) or down (-1), and the list of best quotes is sorted by the total net score. This suffers from a horrible time bias - older quotes have accumulated huge numbers of positive votes via simple longevity even if they're only marginally humorous. This algorithm might make sense if jokes got funnier as they got older but - trust me - they don't.
There are various attempts to fix this - looking at the number of positive votes per time period, weighting more recent votes, implementing a decay system for older votes, calculating the ratio of positive to negative votes, etc. Most suffer from other flaws.
The best solution - I think - is the one that the websites The Funniest The Cutest, The Fairest, and Best Thing use - a modified Condorcet voting system:
The system gives each one a number based on, out of the things that it has faced, what percentage of them it usually beats. So each one gets the percentage score NumberOfThingsIBeat / (NumberOfThingsIBeat + NumberOfThingsThatBeatMe). Also, things are barred from the top list until they've been compared to a reasonable percentage of the set.
If there's a Condorcet winner in the set, this method will find it. Since that's unlikely, given the statistical nature, it finds the one that's the "closest" to being a Condorcet winner.
For more information on implementing such systems the Wikipedia page on Ranked Pairs should be helpful.
The algorithm requires people to compare two objects (your Pick-A-or-B option), but frankly, that's a good thing. I believe it's very well accepted in decision theory that humans are vastly better at comparing two objects than they are at abstract ranking. Millions of years of evolution make us good at picking the best apple off the tree, but terrible at deciding how closely the apple we picked hews to the true Platonic Form of appleness. (This is, by the way, why the Analytic Hierarchy Process is so nifty...but that's getting a bit off topic.)
One final point to make is that SO uses an algorithm to find the best answers which is very similar to's algorithm to find the best quote. It works well here, but fails terribly there - in large part because an old, highly rated, but now outdated answer here is likely to be edited. doesn't allow editing, and it's not clear how you'd even go about editing decade-old jokes about now-dated internet memes even if you could... In any case, my point is that the right algorithm usually depends on the details of your problem. :-)
I know this question is quite old but I thought I'd contribute
I'd look at the TrueSkill system developed at Microsoft Research. It's like ELO but has a much faster convergence time (looks exponential compared to linear), so you get more out of each vote. It is, however, more complex mathematically.
I don't like the Hot-or-Not style. Different people would pick different numbers even if they all liked the image exactly the same. Also I hate rating things out of 10, I never know which number to choose.
Pick A-or-B is much simpler and funner. You get to see two images, and comparisons are made between the images on the site.
These equations from Wikipedia makes it simpler/more effective to calculate Elo ratings, the algorithm for images A and B would be simple:
Get Ne, mA, mB and ratings RA,RB from your database.
Calculate KA ,KB, QA, QB by using the number of comparisons performed (Ne) and the number of times that image was compared (m) and current ratings :
Calculate EA and EB.
Score the winner's S : the winner as 1, loser as 0, and if you have a draw as 0.5,
Calculate the new ratings for both using:
Update the new ratings RA,RB and counts mA,mB in the database.
You may want to go with a combination.
First phase:
Hot-or-not style (although I would go with a 3 option vote: Sucks, Meh/OK. Cool!)
Once you've sorted the set into the 3 buckets, then I would select two images from the same bucket and go with the "Which is nicer"
You could then use an English Soccer system of promotion and demotion to move the top few "Sucks" into the Meh/OK region, in order to refine the edge cases.
Ranking 1-10 won't work, everyone has different levels. Someone who always gives 3-7 ratings would have his rankings eclipsed by people who always give 1 or 10.
a-or-b is more workable.
Wow, I'm late in the game.
I like the ELO system very much so, but like Owen says it seems to me that you'd be slow building up any significant results.
I believe humans have much greater capacity than just comparing two images, but you want to keep interactions to the bare minimum.
So how about you show n images (n being any number you can visibly display on a screen, this may be 10, 20, 30 depending on user's preference maybe) and get them to pick which they think is best in that lot. Now back to ELO. You need to modify you ratings system, but keep the same spirit. You have in fact compared one image to n-1 others. So you do your ELO rating n-1 times, but you should divide the change of rating by n-1 to match (so that results with different values of n are coherent with one another).
You're done. You've now got the best of all worlds. A simple rating system working with many images in one click.
If you prefer using the Pick A or B strategy I would recommend this paper:
Chen, X., Bennett, P. N., Collins-Thompson, K., & Horvitz, E. (2013,
February). Pairwise ranking aggregation in a crowdsourced setting. In
Proceedings of the sixth ACM international conference on Web search
and data mining (pp. 193-202). ACM.
The paper tells about the Crowd-BT model which extends the famous Bradley-Terry pairwise comparison model into crowdsource setting. It also gives an adaptive learning algorithm to enhance the time and space efficiency of the model. You can find a Matlab implementation of the algorithm on Github (but I'm not sure if it works).
The defunct web site used an Elo style method. You can read about the method in their FAQ on the Internet Archive.
Pick A-or-B its the simplest and less prone to bias, however at each human interaction it gives you substantially less information. I think because of the bias reduction, Pick is superior and in the limit it provides you with the same information.
A very simple scoring scheme is to have a count for each picture. When someone gives a positive comparison increment the count, when someone gives a negative comparison, decrement the count.
Sorting a 1-million integer list is very quick and will take less than a second on a modern computer.
That said, the problem is rather ill-posed - It will take you 50 days to show each image only once.
I bet though you are more interested in the most highly ranked images? So, you probably want to bias your image retrieval by predicted rank - so you are more likely to show images that have already achieved a few positive comparisons. This way you will more quickly just start showing 'interesting' images.
I like the quick-sort option but I'd make a few tweeks:
Keep the "comparison" results in a DB and then average them.
Get more than one comparison per view by giving the user 4-6 images and having them sort them.
Select what images to display by running qsort and recording and trimming anything that you don't have enough data on. Then when you have enough items recorded, spit out a page.
The other fun option would be to use the crowd to teach a neural-net.
