Can _score from different queries be compared? - elasticsearch

In my application, I issue multiple queries, each of which to a different index. Then, I merge the results from these queries, and sort them using the _score attribute, in order to rank them according to their relavance. But I wonder if this makes sense at all, since the results came from different queries?
I guess my question is: can _scores from different queries be compared?

Instead of issuing multiple queries , it would be a good idea to club them together in a single query.
You can use index query to do index specefic operation.
So something like
"bool": {
"should": [
"indices": {
"indices": [
"query": {
"term": {
"tag": "wow"
"indices": {
"indices": [
"query": {
"term": {
"name": "laptop"
Once this is done , results would be sorted based on the _score.
Hope that helps.


ElasticSearch: obtaining individual scores from each query inside of a bool query

Assume I have a compound bool query with various "must" and "should" statements that each may include different leaf queries including "multi-match" and "match_phrase" queries such as below.
How can I get the score from individual queries packed into a single query?
I know one way could be to break it down into multiple queries, execute each, and then aggregate the results in code-level (not query-level). However, I suppose that is less efficient, plus, I lose sorting/pagination/.... features from ElasticSearch.
I think "Explanation API" is also not useful for me since it provides very low-level details of scoring (inefficient and hard to parse) while I just need to know the score for each specific leaf query (which I've also already named them)
If I'm wrong on any terminology (e.g. compound, leaf), please correct me. The big picture is how to obtain individual scores from each sub-query inside of a bool query.
PS: I came across Different score functions in bool query. However, it does not return the scores. If I wrap my queries in "function_score", I want the scoring to be default but obtain the individual scores in response to the query.
Please see the snippet below:
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"multi_match": {
"query": "...",
"fields": [
"_name": "must1_mm",
"boost": 3
"should": [
"multi_match": {
"query": "...",
"fields": [
"boost": 2,
"_name": "should1_mm",
"boost": 2
"match_phrase": {
"field5": {
"_name": "phrase1",
"boost": 1.5,
"query": "..."
"match_phrase": {
"field6": {
"_name": "phrase2",
"boost": 1,
"query": "..."

Compare query with and without score calculation

I would like to know if it is possible to disable score calculation for should types of queries or maybe it is possible to have an OR for filter context?
ES version: 6+
For example:
this query will search matches in either records OR voIds and will have score calculation
POST customers/_search
"size": 10000,
"version": true,
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"terms": {
"voIds": [
78031203, ...
"terms": {
"records.keyword": [
"S3G82U", ....
this query will filter documents that match in both records AND voIds and will not have score calculation. not what I need because it uses AND
POST customers/_search
"size": 10000,
"version": true,
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"terms": {
"voIds": [
"terms": {
"records.keyword": [
The goal for me to troubleshoot performance of the same queries with and without score. So I have first query that has score. how to write second query without score?
This is not possible. And I don't see much use case functionality wise. Are you seeing slowness in elasticsearch or query itself?
You can't disable scoring compltely. But you can disable query coordination. Not sure how much it helps performance wise if at all.

ElasticSearch Query DSL Combine Terms and Wildcard

I have to distinct queries which are working well enough alone:
but trying to combine them into one query is proving to be quite the challenge.
I had thought just doing simply {{"wildcard":{"city":"*Beach*"}},{"terms":{"state":["Florida","Georgia"]}}} would do it, but it does not. So then I tried a few different iterations using arrays, and bool queries etc. Can someone point me in the correct direction?
Bool query should be the right way to go.
Below is an example for your use case:
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"wildcard": { "city": "*Beach*" }
"terms": {
"state": [ "Florida", "Georgia" ]
If there is not result, it means that there is no entry matching both of the criteria.

Elasticsearch terms query on array of values

I have data on ElasticSearch index that looks like this
"title": "cubilia",
"people": [
"Ling Deponte",
"Dana Madin",
"Shameka Woodard",
"Bennie Craddock",
"Sandie Bakker"
Is there a way for me to do a search for all the people whos name starts with
"ling" (should be case insensitive) and get distinct terms properly cased "Ling Deponte" not "ling deponte"?
I am find with changing mappings on the index in any way.
Edit does what I want but is really bad query:
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"person": {
"filter": {
"people.raw":"(.* )?[lL][iI][nN][gG].*"
"aggs": {
"top-colors": {
"terms": {
"field": "people.raw",
"pattern": ["(.* )?[lL][iI][nN][gG].*"]
people.raw is not_analyzed
Yes, and you can do it without a regular expression by taking advantage of Elasticsearch's full text capabilities.
GET /test/_search
"query": {
"match_phrase": {
"people": "Ling"
Note: This could also be match or match_phrase_prefix in this case. The match_phrase* queries imply an order of the values in the text. match simply looks for any of the values. Since you only have one value, it's pretty much irrelevant.
The problem is that you cannot limit the document responses to just that name because the search API returns documents. With that said, you can use nested documents and get the desired behavior via inner_hits.
You do not want to do wildcard prefixing whenever possible because it simply does not work at scale. To put it in SQL terms, that's like doing a full table scan; you effectively lose the benefit of the inverted index because it has to walk it entirely to find the actual start.
Combining the two should work pretty well though. Here, I use the query to widdle down results to what you are interested in, then I use your inner aggregation to only include based on the value.
"size": 0,
"query": {
"match_phrase": {
"people": "Ling"
"aggs": {
"person": {
"terms": {
"field": "people.raw",
"include": {
"pattern": ["(.* )?[lL][iI][nN][gG].*"]
Hi Please find the query it may help for your request
GET skills/skill/_search
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"wildcard": {
"skillNames.raw": "jav*"
My intention is to find documents starting with the "jav"

Elastic Search Filter performing much slower than Query

As my ES index/cluster has scaled up (# ~2 billion docs now), I have noticed more significant performance loss. So I started messing around with my queries to see if I could squeeze some perf out of them.
As I did this, I noticed that when I used a Boolean Query in my Filter, my results would take about 3.5-4 seconds to come back. But if I do the same thing in my Query it is more like 10-20ms
Here are the 2 queries:
Using a filter
POST /backup/entity/_search?routing=39cd0b95-efc3-4eee-93d1-93e6f5837d6b
"query": {"bool":{"should":[],"must":[{"match_all":{}}]}},
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"serviceId": "39cd0b95-efc3-4eee-93d1-93e6f5837d6b"
"term": {
"subscriptionId": "3eb5021e-2f1d-4292-9fd5-95788ebfafa0"
"term": {
"subscriptionType": 0
"terms": {
"entityType": [
Using a query
POST /backup/entity/_search?routing=39cd0b95-efc3-4eee-93d1-93e6f5837d6b
"query": {"bool":{"should":[],"must":[
"term": {
"serviceId": "39cd0b95-efc3-4eee-93d1-93e6f5837d6b"
"term": {
"subscriptionId": "3eb5021e-2f1d-4292-9fd5-95788ebfafa0"
"term": {
"subscriptionType": 0
"terms": {
"entityType": [
Like I said, the second method where I don't use a Filter at all takes mere milliseconds, while the first query takes almost 4 seconds. This seems completely backwards from what the documentation says. They say that the Filter should actually be very quick and the Query should be the one that takes longer. So why am I seeing the exact opposite here?
Could it be something with my index mapping? If anyone has any idea why this is happening I would love to hear suggestions.
The root filter element is actually another name for post_filter element. Somehow, it was supposed to be removed (the filter) in ES 1.1 but it slipped through and exists in 2.x versions as well.
It is removed completely in ES 5 though.
So, your first query is not a "filter" query. It's a query whose results are used afterwards (if applicable) in aggregations, and then the post_filter/filter is applied on the results. So you basically have a two steps process in there:
More about its performance here:
While we have gained cacheability of the tag filter, we have potentially increased the cost of scoring significantly. Post filters are useful when you need aggregations to be unfiltered, but hits to be filtered. You should not be using post_filter (or its deprecated top-level synonym filter) if you do not have facets or aggregations.
A proper filter query is the following:
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [],
"must": [
"match_all": {}
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"serviceId": "39cd0b95-efc3-4eee-93d1-93e6f5837d6b"
"term": {
"subscriptionId": "3eb5021e-2f1d-4292-9fd5-95788ebfafa0"
"term": {
"subscriptionType": 0
"terms": {
"entityType": [
A filter is faster. Your problem is that you include the match_all query in your filter case. This matches on all 2 billion of your documents. A set operation has to then be done against the filter to cull the set. Omit the query portion in your filter test and you'll see that the results are much faster.
