oracle setup in solaris - oracle

I am running a batch job which schedules a shell script in solaris.
Each of the scripts have oracle environment variables, such as oracle_home, path, library set within first few lines to run the queries in the script.
Is there any way to automatically get the oracle path picked up when the scripts run?

If I understand your question correctly... You can use oraenv to set the oracle environment.
Here is a basic example:
. oraenv << EOF >> /dev/null
echo $PATH
This script gets the Oracle related paths and environment automatically from the oratab.
Please not that oraenv is normally located in /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin.


Where can I store variables and values for current Unix user so that I can use them in SSH and scripts?

I have some variables I use quite frequently to configure and tweak my Ubuntu LAMP server stack but I'm getting tired of having to copy and paste the export command into my SSH window to register the variable and its value.
Essentially I would like to keep my variables and their values in a file inside the user profiles home directory so when I type a command into a SSH window or execute a bash script the variables can be easily used. I don't want to set any system-wide variables as some of these variables are for setting passwords etc.
What's the easiest way of doing this?
So essentially I could store the variables and values in a file and then each time I login into a SSH session I call this file up once to setup the variables?
cat <<"EOF" >> ~/my_variables
export foo='bar'
export hello="world"
$ source ~/my_variables
$ echo "$foo"
$ bar
and then to call the variable from within a script I place source ~/my_variables at the top of the script?
source ~/my_variables
echo "$hello"
Just add your export commands to a file and then run source <the-file> (or . <the-file> for non-bash shells) in your SSH session.

AWS EC2 User Data: Commands not recognized when using sudo

I'm trying to create an EC2 User-data script to run other scripts on boot up. However, the scripts that I run fail to recognize some commands and variables that I'd already declared. I'm running the commands as the "ubuntu" user but it still isn't working.
My user-data script looks something like this:
export user="ubuntu"
sudo su $user -c ". ./run_script"
Within the script, I have these lines:
echo "export SOME_PATH=$THIS_PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
However, the script can't run SOME_PATH/application, and echo $SOME_PATH this returns a blank line. I'm confused because $SOME_PATH/application works when I log into the EC2 using SSH and my debug logs using whoami returns "ubuntu."
Am I missing something here?
Your data script is executed as root and su command leaves $HOME and other ENV variables intact (note that sudo is redundant). "su -" does not help either
So, do not use ~ or $HOME but full path /home/ubuntu/.bashrc
I found out the problem. It seems that source ~/.bashrc isn't enough to restart the shell -- the environment variables worked after I referenced them in another bash script.

Unable to generate FMX in oracle apps r12.1.3

I am new to the oracle apps form development.
i am unable to generate .FMX file using below command in putty. module=/u01/install/APPS/apps/apps_st/appl/au/12.0.0/forms/US/EMP.fmb
output_file=/u01/install/APPS/apps/apps_st/appl/po/12.0.0/forms/US/EMP.fmx module_type=form
Please help me on the same.
you may call a script from the command line
$ EMP.fmb
where maybe like below one
ORACLE_HOME=/u01/install/APPS/apps/apps_st/appl/au/12.0.0/forms/US; export ORACLE_HOME
export NLS_LANG=american_america.we8iso8859p9 #for Turkish
FORMS_PATH=/data/aski_kodlar/standard; export FORMS_PATH
alias oh='cd $ORACLE_HOME'
export ORACLE_TERM=vt220
export TERM=xterm
if test "$type" = ""
echo Compiling Form $1 ....
filename=`echo $1|cut -f1 -d.`
/u01/install/APPS/apps/apps_st/appl/scripts/ userid=apps/apps#db_name Module_Type=$type compile_all=yes window_state=minimize batch=yes Module=$1
Before compile you must SET the environment variables in linux, it depends on which kind of environment you are logged in, if it is Oracle On-Demand or Custom.
For custom:
Search a file extension .env
Usually located in /u01/oracle/EBS/app, run that file to SET environment variables.
For Oracle On-Demand:
In Linux SSH, run comand below where XXXX is the database
pbrun impdba -u apXXXX
Afer that you must run your compleation script.
Put your promp in
cd $AU_TOP/forms/US
export PATH=$PATH:$AU_TOP/resource:$AU_TOP/forms/US
Run compilation script by replacing APPS_PASSWORD, XXCUST_TOP, XX_FORM_FILE.
frmcmp_batch module=$XXHMS_TOP/forms/US/XX_FORM_FILE.fmb userid=apps/APPS_PASSWORD output_file=$XXCUST_TOP/forms/US/XX_FORM_FILE.fmx compile_all=special batch=yes
It will create a LOG file with .err extension.
this would help :
frmcmp_batch module=/disk5/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/au/12.0.0/forms/US/EMP.fmb userid=apps/apps output_file=/disk5/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/ont/12.0.0/forms/US/EMP.fmx module_type=form batch=yes

How to properly access network location while executing bash script in cygwin's cron

I've created a bash script to take a backup of a folder to a remote location via cygwin cron however I'm experiencing an issue. The script at the end will execute a command like this one
/usr/bin/tar -zcvf // /cygdrive/d/Folder
Although when I use the command it produces and then executes in the context of a cygwin bash shell it works correctly, when I run it via a cron job it fails because it doesn't recognize the remote location path correctly. If I change the path to a local /cygdrive location or to ~/ it works correctly even via cron so somehow I'm thinking that the network shares are not being correctly viewed by cygwin in it's cron environment.
Any ideas how I could solve this issue?
Here's my bash script
#the path needs to be set to execute gzip command or tar command breaks
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/sbin
if [ $# -ne 3 ]
echo "USAGE: backup-clients <path> <name_prefix> <source>";
exit 1;
DATE=`date "+%Y-%m-%d.%H%M"`;
COMMAND="/usr/bin/tar -zcvf $FILEPATH $3";
eval $COMMAND;
Which I run with the command
/usr/bin/bash /cygdrive/d/mybackupscript.bash "//" "Folder" "/cygdrive/d/Folder"
I really appreciate any help you can provide.

setting GEM_HOME in Bourne shell

I'm trying to execute a bootup script (to start a Thin server) on a server using an interface called Virtualmin. I'm able to execute the commands with no problem using bash via PuTTY. I have to use Virtualmin, though, in order to have the commands execute on bootup, and I was having problems that I think were the result of Virtualmin not having my environmental variables available to it. Virtualmin uses Bourne shell, and I'm trying to set GEM_HOME and it's not working.
The error I'm getting is as follows:
/sbin/sh: GEM_HOME=/users/home/dquirk/gems: not found
Here are the commands I'm attempting to send . . . I'm thinking there's something wrong with the notation I'm using to try to set GEM_HOME:
export GEM_HOME
/users/home/dquirk/gems/bin/thin start -c /users/home/dquirk/domains/ -p 10671 -d -e production -a -P /users/home/dquirk/var/run/
Figured it out . . . this is on a shared server, and the Virtualmin interface for adding bootup action commands is in the context of a Bourne shell where the user cannot change any environment variables. I created a bash script that changed the needed variables and executed the Thin start command and then put a bash command to load that script as the bootup action command and that worked.
